生物多样性 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (5): 543-550. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.08227
周波1,2, 江海东2, 张秀新1,*(), 薛璟祺1, 石颜通1
Bo Zhou1,2, Haidong Jiang2, Xiuxin Zhang1,*(), Jingqi Xue1, Yantong Shi1
Xiuxin Zhang
研究牡丹品种的形态多样性可为合理利用牡丹种质资源、培育牡丹新品种提供依据。作者以21个有代表性的中国牡丹品种作为对照, 对引自美国、法国和日本的68个品种的41个形态性状进行了研究。统计分析结果表明: 不同来源的牡丹品种具有丰富的形态多样性, 其变异系数介于14.30-158.99%之间, 平均为44.49%。通过主成分分析将41个性状综合为10个主成分, 其中第1、3、5、6、7、8、9等7个主成分可以合并为第一因子, 主要反映花部特性; 另外3个主成分可以合并成第二因子, 主要反映叶片的特性。主成分分析结果基本支持聚类分析结果。基于形态性状的聚类分析把所研究品种聚为两类: 第一类绝大多数为国外品种, 其特点为叶表面有色晕、花径较大、花瓣无色斑、花期晚、花朵向上; 第二类同时包含了国内和国外品种, 但可以通过进一步的聚类加以区分, 其特点为叶表面无色晕、花径较小。多数国外品种与国内品种形态差异比较明显, 说明不同来源的牡丹品种之间遗传差异较大, 建议在今后的育种工作中选择与国内品种差异较大的国外品种作为亲本。
周波, 江海东, 张秀新, 薛璟祺, 石颜通 (2011) 部分引进牡丹品种的形态多样性. 生物多样性, 19, 543-550. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.08227.
Bo Zhou, Haidong Jiang, Xiuxin Zhang, Jingqi Xue, Yantong Shi (2011) Morphological diversity of some introduced tree peony cultivars. Biodiversity Science, 19, 543-550. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.08227.
编号 No. | 形态性状 Morphological traits | 记录标准 Criterion for documenting |
1 | 株型 Plant type | 1. 直立型; 2. 半开展; 3. 开展型; 4. 匍匐型 1. Erect; 2. Semi-erect; 3. Spreading; 4. Weeping |
2 | 株高 Plant height | * |
3 | 新枝长 Length of new branch | * |
4 | 叶长 Leaf blade length | * |
5 | 叶宽 Leaf blade width | * |
6 | 复叶类型 Type of leaf | 1. 小型圆叶; 2. 小型长叶; 3. 中型圆叶; 4. 中型长叶; 5. 大型圆叶; 6. 大型长叶 1. Small circular leaf; 2. Small long leaf; 3. Middle-sized circular leaf; 4. Middle-sized long leaf; 5. Large circular leaf; 6. Large long leaf |
7 | 复叶伸展 State of leaf | 1. 平伸; 2. 斜伸; 3. 斜上伸 1. Right angle; 2. Diagonal 3. Diagonally upward |
8 | 顶小叶顶端分裂情况 Apical notches of top leaflet | 1. 全缘; 2. 浅裂; 3. 中裂; 4. 深裂; 5. 全裂 1. Small notch; 2 Lobed notch; 3. Medium notch; 4. Deep notch; 5. Complete cleavage |
9 | 侧小叶形状 Shape of lateral leaflet | 1. 宽卵形; 2. 卵形; 3. 长卵形; 4. 狭长卵形; 5. 披针形 1. Broad ovate; 2. Ovate; 3. Long ovate; 4. Long and narrow ovate; 5. Lance |
10 | 侧小叶叶缘 Margin of lateral leaflet | 1. 全缘或少缺刻; 2. 缺刻; 3. 缺刻尖 1. Entire or little incisions; 2. Incisions; 3. Acute incisions |
11 | 小叶叶尖 Shape of leaflet apex | 1.圆钝; 2. 宽尖; 3. 锐尖; 4. 渐尖 1. Roundish apex; 2. Broad apex; 3. Acute apex; 4. Gradual acute apex |
12 | 叶表面颜色 Color of upper side of leaf | 1. 黄绿; 2. 绿; 3. 灰绿; 4. 深绿 1. Yellow green; 2. Green; 3. Grey green; 4. Deep green |
13 | 叶表面有无色晕 Leaf chromatic | 1. 有; 2. 无 1. Present; 2. Absent |
14 | 叶背有无毛 Glabrous of abaxial leaf surface | 1. 有; 2. 无 1. Present; 2. Absent |
15 | 花型 Flower type | 1. 单瓣; 2. 荷花; 3. 菊花; 4. 蔷薇; 5. 金蕊; 6. 托桂; 7. 金环; 8. 绣球; 9. 千层台阁; 10. 楼子台阁; 11.皇冠 1. Single; 2. Lotus; 3. Chrysanthemum; 4. Rose; 5. Golden-stamen; 6. Anemone; 7. Golden circle; 8. Globular; 9. Hundred proliferate; 10. Crown proliferate; 11. Crown |
16 | 花径(横径) Flower diameter | * |
17 | 花朵高度 Flower height | * |
18 | 花色 Flower color | 1. 红色; 2. 黄色; 3. 粉色; 4. 白色; 5. 橙色; 6. 复色;7. 紫色; 8. 蓝色 1. Red; 2.Yellow; 3. Pink; 4. White; 5. Orange; 6. Compound color; 7. Purple; 8. Blue |
19 | 花瓣基部色斑 Petal basal blotch | 1. 有; 2. 无 1. Present; 2. Absent |
20 | 花瓣基部色斑形状 Shape of basal petal blotch | 1. 三角形; 2. 圆形; 3. 椭圆形; 4. 菱形; 5. 狭长条形 1. Triangle; 2. Rotundity; 3. Elliptic; 4. Rhombic; 5. Linear |
21 | 花瓣基部色斑颜色 Color of basal petal blotch | 1.浅红; 2. 红; 3. 浅紫; 4.紫红; 5.棕; 6.黑 1. Light red; 2. Red; 3. Light purple; 4. Red purple; 5. Brown; 6. Black |
22 | 花瓣瓣端类型 Type of top of petal | 1. 圆整; 2. 浅齿裂; 3. 深齿裂 1. Entire; 2. Lobed; 3. Partite |
23 | 外花瓣形状 Shape of outer petals | 1. 圆形; 2. 倒卵形; 3. 倒广卵形 1. Rotundity; 2. Obovate; 3. Broad obovate |
24 | 外花瓣轮数 Whorl number of outer petals | 1. <2; 2. 3-4; 3. >4 |
25 | 花药有无残留 Anther remnant | 1. 有; 2. 无 1. Present; 2. Absent |
26 | 花丝颜色 Color of filament | 1. 白色; 2. 淡黄; 3. 粉红; 4. 紫红; 5. 黑色; 6. 其他 1. White; 2. Light yellow; 3. Pink red; 4. Red purple; 5. Black; 6. Others |
27 | 柱头颜色 Stigma color | 1. 白; 2. 淡黄; 3. 粉; 4. 红; 5. 紫 1. White; 2. Light yellow; 3. Pink; 4. Red; 5. Purple |
28 | 花盘状态 Flower disc state | 1. 全包; 2. 半包; 3. 残存 1. All enwrapped; 2. Half enwrapped; 3. Rudimental |
29 | 花盘颜色 Flower disc color | 1. 白; 2. 黄; 3. 粉; 4. 红; 5. 紫; 6. 其他 1. White; 2.Yellow; 3. Pink; 4. Red; 5. Purple; 6. Others |
编号 No. | 形态性状 Morphological traits | 记载标准 Criterion for documenting |
30 | 花期 Flower time | 1. 早; 2. 中; 3. 晚 1. Early; 2. Medium; 3. Late |
31 | 花态 Flower state | 1. 向上; 2. 侧开; 3.下垂; 4.藏花 1. Upwards; 2. Outwards; 3. Downwards; 4. Hidden |
32 | 着花量 Flowering ratio | 1. <30%; 2. 30-50%; 3. 60-90%; 4. >90% |
33 | 萼片瓣化 Petalized sepal | 1. 有; 2. 无 1. Present; 2. Absent |
34 | 雌蕊数目 Number of pistil | 1. <3; 2. 3-5; 3. 6-8; 4. >8 |
35 | 雌蕊状态 Petalized pistil | 1. 不瓣化; 2. 少量瓣化(柱头化) (<20%); 3. 部分瓣化(20-95%); 4. 全部瓣化(>95%); 5. 部分退化; 6. 全部退化 1. Normal; 2. Little petalized; 3. More petalized; 4. Completely petalized (>95%); 5. Degradation; 6. Vanish |
36 | 雌蕊瓣化瓣颜 Color of petalized pistil | 1. 绿色; 2. 绿白条纹相间; 3. 绿红条纹相间; 4. 近于花瓣颜色 1. Green; 2. Green white stripes; 3. Green red stripes; 4. Similar to color of petal |
37 | 雄蕊状态 Stamen state | 1. 正常; 2. 少量瓣化<20%; 3. 部分瓣化20-95%; 4. 全部瓣化>95%; 5. 部分退化; 6. 全部退化 1. Normal; 2. Little petalized; 3. More petalized; 4. Completely petalized (>95%); 5. Degradation; 6. Vanish |
38 | 雄蕊瓣化瓣 Petalized stamen | 1. 有; 2. 无 1. Present; 2. Absent |
39 | 雄蕊瓣化瓣颜色 Color of petalized stamen | 1. 与花瓣(外瓣)同色; 2. 与花瓣(外瓣)不同色 1. Same to outer petal; 2. Different to outer petal |
40 | 雄蕊瓣化瓣形状 Shape of petalized stamen | 1. 条形; 2. 带型; 3. 狭倒卵形; 4. 倒卵形; 5. 倒广卵形; 6. 其他 1. Linear; 2.Stripped; 3. Narrow obovate; 4. Obovate; 5. Broad obovate; 6. Others |
41 | 雄蕊瓣化模式 Mode of petalized stamen | 1. 向心瓣化; 2. 离心瓣化; 3.不规则 1. Centripetal petalized ; 2. Centrifugal petalized; 3. Irregular |
表1 41个牡丹品种形态性状指标及赋值标准(*表示实测数据)
Table 1 Morphological traits and assignment criterion of the 41 cultivars (* represents the measured data)
编号 No. | 形态性状 Morphological traits | 记录标准 Criterion for documenting |
1 | 株型 Plant type | 1. 直立型; 2. 半开展; 3. 开展型; 4. 匍匐型 1. Erect; 2. Semi-erect; 3. Spreading; 4. Weeping |
2 | 株高 Plant height | * |
3 | 新枝长 Length of new branch | * |
4 | 叶长 Leaf blade length | * |
5 | 叶宽 Leaf blade width | * |
6 | 复叶类型 Type of leaf | 1. 小型圆叶; 2. 小型长叶; 3. 中型圆叶; 4. 中型长叶; 5. 大型圆叶; 6. 大型长叶 1. Small circular leaf; 2. Small long leaf; 3. Middle-sized circular leaf; 4. Middle-sized long leaf; 5. Large circular leaf; 6. Large long leaf |
7 | 复叶伸展 State of leaf | 1. 平伸; 2. 斜伸; 3. 斜上伸 1. Right angle; 2. Diagonal 3. Diagonally upward |
8 | 顶小叶顶端分裂情况 Apical notches of top leaflet | 1. 全缘; 2. 浅裂; 3. 中裂; 4. 深裂; 5. 全裂 1. Small notch; 2 Lobed notch; 3. Medium notch; 4. Deep notch; 5. Complete cleavage |
9 | 侧小叶形状 Shape of lateral leaflet | 1. 宽卵形; 2. 卵形; 3. 长卵形; 4. 狭长卵形; 5. 披针形 1. Broad ovate; 2. Ovate; 3. Long ovate; 4. Long and narrow ovate; 5. Lance |
10 | 侧小叶叶缘 Margin of lateral leaflet | 1. 全缘或少缺刻; 2. 缺刻; 3. 缺刻尖 1. Entire or little incisions; 2. Incisions; 3. Acute incisions |
11 | 小叶叶尖 Shape of leaflet apex | 1.圆钝; 2. 宽尖; 3. 锐尖; 4. 渐尖 1. Roundish apex; 2. Broad apex; 3. Acute apex; 4. Gradual acute apex |
12 | 叶表面颜色 Color of upper side of leaf | 1. 黄绿; 2. 绿; 3. 灰绿; 4. 深绿 1. Yellow green; 2. Green; 3. Grey green; 4. Deep green |
13 | 叶表面有无色晕 Leaf chromatic | 1. 有; 2. 无 1. Present; 2. Absent |
14 | 叶背有无毛 Glabrous of abaxial leaf surface | 1. 有; 2. 无 1. Present; 2. Absent |
15 | 花型 Flower type | 1. 单瓣; 2. 荷花; 3. 菊花; 4. 蔷薇; 5. 金蕊; 6. 托桂; 7. 金环; 8. 绣球; 9. 千层台阁; 10. 楼子台阁; 11.皇冠 1. Single; 2. Lotus; 3. Chrysanthemum; 4. Rose; 5. Golden-stamen; 6. Anemone; 7. Golden circle; 8. Globular; 9. Hundred proliferate; 10. Crown proliferate; 11. Crown |
16 | 花径(横径) Flower diameter | * |
17 | 花朵高度 Flower height | * |
18 | 花色 Flower color | 1. 红色; 2. 黄色; 3. 粉色; 4. 白色; 5. 橙色; 6. 复色;7. 紫色; 8. 蓝色 1. Red; 2.Yellow; 3. Pink; 4. White; 5. Orange; 6. Compound color; 7. Purple; 8. Blue |
19 | 花瓣基部色斑 Petal basal blotch | 1. 有; 2. 无 1. Present; 2. Absent |
20 | 花瓣基部色斑形状 Shape of basal petal blotch | 1. 三角形; 2. 圆形; 3. 椭圆形; 4. 菱形; 5. 狭长条形 1. Triangle; 2. Rotundity; 3. Elliptic; 4. Rhombic; 5. Linear |
21 | 花瓣基部色斑颜色 Color of basal petal blotch | 1.浅红; 2. 红; 3. 浅紫; 4.紫红; 5.棕; 6.黑 1. Light red; 2. Red; 3. Light purple; 4. Red purple; 5. Brown; 6. Black |
22 | 花瓣瓣端类型 Type of top of petal | 1. 圆整; 2. 浅齿裂; 3. 深齿裂 1. Entire; 2. Lobed; 3. Partite |
23 | 外花瓣形状 Shape of outer petals | 1. 圆形; 2. 倒卵形; 3. 倒广卵形 1. Rotundity; 2. Obovate; 3. Broad obovate |
24 | 外花瓣轮数 Whorl number of outer petals | 1. <2; 2. 3-4; 3. >4 |
25 | 花药有无残留 Anther remnant | 1. 有; 2. 无 1. Present; 2. Absent |
26 | 花丝颜色 Color of filament | 1. 白色; 2. 淡黄; 3. 粉红; 4. 紫红; 5. 黑色; 6. 其他 1. White; 2. Light yellow; 3. Pink red; 4. Red purple; 5. Black; 6. Others |
27 | 柱头颜色 Stigma color | 1. 白; 2. 淡黄; 3. 粉; 4. 红; 5. 紫 1. White; 2. Light yellow; 3. Pink; 4. Red; 5. Purple |
28 | 花盘状态 Flower disc state | 1. 全包; 2. 半包; 3. 残存 1. All enwrapped; 2. Half enwrapped; 3. Rudimental |
29 | 花盘颜色 Flower disc color | 1. 白; 2. 黄; 3. 粉; 4. 红; 5. 紫; 6. 其他 1. White; 2.Yellow; 3. Pink; 4. Red; 5. Purple; 6. Others |
编号 No. | 形态性状 Morphological traits | 记载标准 Criterion for documenting |
30 | 花期 Flower time | 1. 早; 2. 中; 3. 晚 1. Early; 2. Medium; 3. Late |
31 | 花态 Flower state | 1. 向上; 2. 侧开; 3.下垂; 4.藏花 1. Upwards; 2. Outwards; 3. Downwards; 4. Hidden |
32 | 着花量 Flowering ratio | 1. <30%; 2. 30-50%; 3. 60-90%; 4. >90% |
33 | 萼片瓣化 Petalized sepal | 1. 有; 2. 无 1. Present; 2. Absent |
34 | 雌蕊数目 Number of pistil | 1. <3; 2. 3-5; 3. 6-8; 4. >8 |
35 | 雌蕊状态 Petalized pistil | 1. 不瓣化; 2. 少量瓣化(柱头化) (<20%); 3. 部分瓣化(20-95%); 4. 全部瓣化(>95%); 5. 部分退化; 6. 全部退化 1. Normal; 2. Little petalized; 3. More petalized; 4. Completely petalized (>95%); 5. Degradation; 6. Vanish |
36 | 雌蕊瓣化瓣颜 Color of petalized pistil | 1. 绿色; 2. 绿白条纹相间; 3. 绿红条纹相间; 4. 近于花瓣颜色 1. Green; 2. Green white stripes; 3. Green red stripes; 4. Similar to color of petal |
37 | 雄蕊状态 Stamen state | 1. 正常; 2. 少量瓣化<20%; 3. 部分瓣化20-95%; 4. 全部瓣化>95%; 5. 部分退化; 6. 全部退化 1. Normal; 2. Little petalized; 3. More petalized; 4. Completely petalized (>95%); 5. Degradation; 6. Vanish |
38 | 雄蕊瓣化瓣 Petalized stamen | 1. 有; 2. 无 1. Present; 2. Absent |
39 | 雄蕊瓣化瓣颜色 Color of petalized stamen | 1. 与花瓣(外瓣)同色; 2. 与花瓣(外瓣)不同色 1. Same to outer petal; 2. Different to outer petal |
40 | 雄蕊瓣化瓣形状 Shape of petalized stamen | 1. 条形; 2. 带型; 3. 狭倒卵形; 4. 倒卵形; 5. 倒广卵形; 6. 其他 1. Linear; 2.Stripped; 3. Narrow obovate; 4. Obovate; 5. Broad obovate; 6. Others |
41 | 雄蕊瓣化模式 Mode of petalized stamen | 1. 向心瓣化; 2. 离心瓣化; 3.不规则 1. Centripetal petalized ; 2. Centrifugal petalized; 3. Irregular |
形态性状 Morphological characters | 平均值 Mean | 最小值 Minimum | 最大值 Maximum | 标准差 Standard error | 变异系数 CV (%) | |
1 | 株型 Plant type | 1.70 | 1 | 4 | 0.70 | 41.43 |
2 | 株高 Plant height | 86.62 | 40 | 149 | 20.30 | 23.43 |
3 | 新枝长 Length of new branch | 28.44 | 12 | 45 | 7.07 | 24.84 |
4 | 叶长 Leaf blade length | 33.14 | 25 | 48 | 5.57 | 16.81 |
5 | 叶宽 Leaf blade width | 21.13 | 12 | 34 | 3.88 | 18.36 |
6 | 复叶类型 Type of leaf | 4.25 | 1 | 6 | 1.06 | 24.95 |
7 | 复叶伸展 State of leaf | 1.70 | 1 | 3 | 0.66 | 38.60 |
8 | 顶小叶顶端分裂情况 Apical notches of top leaflet | 3.66 | 1 | 5 | 0.89 | 24.36 |
9 | 侧小叶形状 Shape of lateral leaflet | 3.27 | 1 | 5 | 0.92 | 28.22 |
10 | 侧小叶叶缘 Margin of lateral leaflet | 2.82 | 1 | 4 | 0.72 | 25.61 |
11 | 小叶叶尖 Shape of leaflet apex | 3.02 | 1 | 4 | 0.71 | 23.39 |
12 | 叶表面颜色 Color of upper side of leaf | 2.27 | 1 | 4 | 1.02 | 45.09 |
13 | 叶表面有无色晕 Leaf chromatic | 1.46 | 1 | 3 | 0.52 | 35.73 |
14 | 叶背有无毛 Glabrous of abaxial leaf surface | 1.87 | 1 | 2 | 0.34 | 18.01 |
15 | 花型 Flower type | 3.71 | 1 | 11 | 2.38 | 64.04 |
16 | 花径(横径) Flower diameter | 16.69 | 10 | 23 | 2.39 | 14.30 |
17 | 花朵高度 Flower height | 7.57 | 3 | 15 | 2.22 | 29.39 |
18 | 花色 Flower color | 4.18 | 1 | 8 | 2.61 | 62.46 |
19 | 花瓣基部色斑 Petal basal blotch | 1.75 | 1 | 2 | 0.43 | 24.75 |
20 | 花瓣基部色斑形状 Shape of basal petal blotch | 1.13 | 0 | 5 | 1.80 | 158.99 |
21 | 花瓣基部色斑颜色 Color of basal petal blotch | 1.44 | 0 | 6 | 2.22 | 153.99 |
22 | 花瓣瓣端类型 Type of top of petal | 1.99 | 1 | 5 | 0.62 | 31.00 |
23 | 外花瓣形状 Shape of outer petals | 1.96 | 1 | 3 | 0.64 | 32.77 |
24 | 外花瓣轮数 Whorl number of outer petals | 4.03 | 2 | 6 | 1.48 | 36.65 |
25 | 花药有无残留 Anther remnant | 1.46 | 1 | 2 | 0.50 | 34.28 |
26 | 花丝颜色 Color of filament | 3.48 | 1 | 6 | 1.19 | 34.28 |
27 | 柱头颜色 Stigma color | 3.00 | 1 | 5 | 1.23 | 41.12 |
28 | 花盘状态 Flower disc state | 1.84 | 1 | 3 | 0.80 | 43.40 |
29 | 花盘颜色 Flower disc color | 4.10 | 1 | 6 | 1.57 | 38.27 |
30 | 花期 Flower time | 2.61 | 1 | 3 | 0.68 | 25.88 |
31 | 花态 Flower state | 1.28 | 1 | 4 | 0.58 | 45.17 |
32 | 着花量 Flowering ratio | 3.13 | 1 | 4 | 0.82 | 26.33 |
33 | 萼片瓣化 Petalized sepal | 1.70 | 1 | 2 | 0.46 | 27.15 |
34 | 雌蕊数目 Number of pistil | 5.37 | 2 | 10 | 2.02 | 37.66 |
35 | 雌蕊状态 Petalized pistil | 3.25 | 1 | 6 | 1.30 | 40.01 |
36 | 雌蕊瓣化瓣颜色 Color of petalized pistil | 1.69 | 0 | 4 | 1.59 | 94.06 |
37 | 雄蕊状态 Stamen state | 1.90 | 1 | 5 | 1.02 | 53.71 |
38 | 雄蕊瓣化瓣 Petalized stamen | 1.49 | 1 | 2 | 0.50 | 33.63 |
39 | 雄蕊瓣化瓣颜色 Color of petalized stamen | 0.74 | 0 | 2 | 0.76 | 103.08 |
40 | 雄蕊瓣化瓣形状 Shape of petalized stamen | 1.60 | 0 | 5 | 1.73 | 107.77 |
41 | 雄蕊瓣化模式 Mode of petalized stamen | 1.96 | 1 | 3 | 0.81 | 41.21 |
42 | 平均值 Average | - | - | - | 1.92 | 44.49 |
表2 牡丹4个形态性状的基本统计
Table 2 Statistical analysis of morphological characters of tree peony
形态性状 Morphological characters | 平均值 Mean | 最小值 Minimum | 最大值 Maximum | 标准差 Standard error | 变异系数 CV (%) | |
1 | 株型 Plant type | 1.70 | 1 | 4 | 0.70 | 41.43 |
2 | 株高 Plant height | 86.62 | 40 | 149 | 20.30 | 23.43 |
3 | 新枝长 Length of new branch | 28.44 | 12 | 45 | 7.07 | 24.84 |
4 | 叶长 Leaf blade length | 33.14 | 25 | 48 | 5.57 | 16.81 |
5 | 叶宽 Leaf blade width | 21.13 | 12 | 34 | 3.88 | 18.36 |
6 | 复叶类型 Type of leaf | 4.25 | 1 | 6 | 1.06 | 24.95 |
7 | 复叶伸展 State of leaf | 1.70 | 1 | 3 | 0.66 | 38.60 |
8 | 顶小叶顶端分裂情况 Apical notches of top leaflet | 3.66 | 1 | 5 | 0.89 | 24.36 |
9 | 侧小叶形状 Shape of lateral leaflet | 3.27 | 1 | 5 | 0.92 | 28.22 |
10 | 侧小叶叶缘 Margin of lateral leaflet | 2.82 | 1 | 4 | 0.72 | 25.61 |
11 | 小叶叶尖 Shape of leaflet apex | 3.02 | 1 | 4 | 0.71 | 23.39 |
12 | 叶表面颜色 Color of upper side of leaf | 2.27 | 1 | 4 | 1.02 | 45.09 |
13 | 叶表面有无色晕 Leaf chromatic | 1.46 | 1 | 3 | 0.52 | 35.73 |
14 | 叶背有无毛 Glabrous of abaxial leaf surface | 1.87 | 1 | 2 | 0.34 | 18.01 |
15 | 花型 Flower type | 3.71 | 1 | 11 | 2.38 | 64.04 |
16 | 花径(横径) Flower diameter | 16.69 | 10 | 23 | 2.39 | 14.30 |
17 | 花朵高度 Flower height | 7.57 | 3 | 15 | 2.22 | 29.39 |
18 | 花色 Flower color | 4.18 | 1 | 8 | 2.61 | 62.46 |
19 | 花瓣基部色斑 Petal basal blotch | 1.75 | 1 | 2 | 0.43 | 24.75 |
20 | 花瓣基部色斑形状 Shape of basal petal blotch | 1.13 | 0 | 5 | 1.80 | 158.99 |
21 | 花瓣基部色斑颜色 Color of basal petal blotch | 1.44 | 0 | 6 | 2.22 | 153.99 |
22 | 花瓣瓣端类型 Type of top of petal | 1.99 | 1 | 5 | 0.62 | 31.00 |
23 | 外花瓣形状 Shape of outer petals | 1.96 | 1 | 3 | 0.64 | 32.77 |
24 | 外花瓣轮数 Whorl number of outer petals | 4.03 | 2 | 6 | 1.48 | 36.65 |
25 | 花药有无残留 Anther remnant | 1.46 | 1 | 2 | 0.50 | 34.28 |
26 | 花丝颜色 Color of filament | 3.48 | 1 | 6 | 1.19 | 34.28 |
27 | 柱头颜色 Stigma color | 3.00 | 1 | 5 | 1.23 | 41.12 |
28 | 花盘状态 Flower disc state | 1.84 | 1 | 3 | 0.80 | 43.40 |
29 | 花盘颜色 Flower disc color | 4.10 | 1 | 6 | 1.57 | 38.27 |
30 | 花期 Flower time | 2.61 | 1 | 3 | 0.68 | 25.88 |
31 | 花态 Flower state | 1.28 | 1 | 4 | 0.58 | 45.17 |
32 | 着花量 Flowering ratio | 3.13 | 1 | 4 | 0.82 | 26.33 |
33 | 萼片瓣化 Petalized sepal | 1.70 | 1 | 2 | 0.46 | 27.15 |
34 | 雌蕊数目 Number of pistil | 5.37 | 2 | 10 | 2.02 | 37.66 |
35 | 雌蕊状态 Petalized pistil | 3.25 | 1 | 6 | 1.30 | 40.01 |
36 | 雌蕊瓣化瓣颜色 Color of petalized pistil | 1.69 | 0 | 4 | 1.59 | 94.06 |
37 | 雄蕊状态 Stamen state | 1.90 | 1 | 5 | 1.02 | 53.71 |
38 | 雄蕊瓣化瓣 Petalized stamen | 1.49 | 1 | 2 | 0.50 | 33.63 |
39 | 雄蕊瓣化瓣颜色 Color of petalized stamen | 0.74 | 0 | 2 | 0.76 | 103.08 |
40 | 雄蕊瓣化瓣形状 Shape of petalized stamen | 1.60 | 0 | 5 | 1.73 | 107.77 |
41 | 雄蕊瓣化模式 Mode of petalized stamen | 1.96 | 1 | 3 | 0.81 | 41.21 |
42 | 平均值 Average | - | - | - | 1.92 | 44.49 |
主成分 Principal components | ||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
特征值 Eigenvalue | 3.99 | 3.55 | 3.39 | 2.63 | 2.21 | 2.19 | 1.99 | 1.95 | 1.76 | 1.75 |
贡献率 Contribution rate (%) | 9.29 | 8.26 | 7.87 | 6.13 | 5.14 | 5.10 | 4.63 | 4.54 | 4.09 | 4.07 |
累计贡献率 Cumulative contribution rate (%) | 9.29 | 17.54 | 25.42 | 31.54 | 36.68 | 41.79 | 46.42 | 50.95 | 55.04 | 59.11 |
表3 供试牡丹品种形态性状的主成分分析
Table 3 Principal components analysis for the morphological characters of tree peony cultivars
主成分 Principal components | ||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
特征值 Eigenvalue | 3.99 | 3.55 | 3.39 | 2.63 | 2.21 | 2.19 | 1.99 | 1.95 | 1.76 | 1.75 |
贡献率 Contribution rate (%) | 9.29 | 8.26 | 7.87 | 6.13 | 5.14 | 5.10 | 4.63 | 4.54 | 4.09 | 4.07 |
累计贡献率 Cumulative contribution rate (%) | 9.29 | 17.54 | 25.42 | 31.54 | 36.68 | 41.79 | 46.42 | 50.95 | 55.04 | 59.11 |
因子 Component | 性状 Characters |
1 | 雄蕊状态、雄蕊瓣化瓣形状、雄蕊瓣化瓣颜色 Stamen state, petalized anther shape and petalized anther color |
2 | 小叶叶尖、新枝长、顶小叶顶端情况 Leaflet apex shape, length of new branch and top leaflet |
3 | 花瓣基部色斑形状、花瓣基部色斑颜色 Shape of basal petal blotch and color of basal petal blotch |
4 | 复叶类型、叶长、叶宽 Type of leaf, leaf blade length and leaf blade width |
5 | 花径、花高、株高 Flower diameter, flower height and plant height |
6 | 花型、花态 Flower type and state |
7 | 雌蕊状态、雌蕊瓣化瓣颜色 Pistil state and color of petalized pistil |
8 | 花丝颜色、花色、柱头颜色 Color of filament, flower and stigma |
9 | 花盘颜色、雌蕊数目 Color of flower disc and number of pistil |
10 | 侧小叶形状、叶背有无毛 Shape of lateral leaflet and glabrous of abaxial leaf surface |
表4 各主成分的代表性状
Table 4 Major components and their representative characters
因子 Component | 性状 Characters |
1 | 雄蕊状态、雄蕊瓣化瓣形状、雄蕊瓣化瓣颜色 Stamen state, petalized anther shape and petalized anther color |
2 | 小叶叶尖、新枝长、顶小叶顶端情况 Leaflet apex shape, length of new branch and top leaflet |
3 | 花瓣基部色斑形状、花瓣基部色斑颜色 Shape of basal petal blotch and color of basal petal blotch |
4 | 复叶类型、叶长、叶宽 Type of leaf, leaf blade length and leaf blade width |
5 | 花径、花高、株高 Flower diameter, flower height and plant height |
6 | 花型、花态 Flower type and state |
7 | 雌蕊状态、雌蕊瓣化瓣颜色 Pistil state and color of petalized pistil |
8 | 花丝颜色、花色、柱头颜色 Color of filament, flower and stigma |
9 | 花盘颜色、雌蕊数目 Color of flower disc and number of pistil |
10 | 侧小叶形状、叶背有无毛 Shape of lateral leaflet and glabrous of abaxial leaf surface |
图1 供试牡丹品种形态学性状聚类图。C代表国内品种, F代表法国品种, A代表美国品种, 其他为日本品种, 详见附录I。
Fig. 1 Dendrogram of the tree peony cultivars obtained by cluster analysis of morphological characters. C, F, A represent cultivars from China, French and USA, respectively. The others are from Japan. For details see Appendix I.
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