生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (8): 23070. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023070
*E-mail: houyilei427@163.com
*E-mail: houyilei427@163.com
城市生物多样性保护是全球生物多样性保护体系的重要组成部分, 也是城市可持续发展的重要内容。通过对比中国和欧洲城市生物多样性保护实践, 有助于完善中国城市生物多样性保护措施。首先, 从城市发展和生态系统协同治理的视角出发, 基于城市生物多样性保护的核心载体和功能, 聚焦生境保护、空间规制和协同治理等实现路径, 提出城市生物多样性保护的理论框架。然后, 系统梳理、总结和对比中国与欧洲的城市生物多样性保护实践, 发现中国城市生物多样性保护工作理念鲜明、治理效果明显, 但仍然存在改进空间。在城市发展规划方面, 欧洲城市生物多样性规划体系全面系统、针对性强, 而中国城市生物多样性保护与城市发展规划融合不足, 建议加强二者的有效衔接; 在城市绿地建设方面, 欧洲城市日益重视生态系统的连通性和完整性, 而中国城市仍以公园等传统绿地建设为主, 应提升微观尺度绿地空间利用和生态系统营造; 在生态保护补偿方面, 欧洲城市在多元化、市场化补偿方面探索较多, 而中国的城市生物多样性保护补偿机制尚不成熟, 建议逐步探索绿色基金等多元化补偿方式; 在公众参与方面, 欧洲城市强调自下而上的生物多样性保护公众参与机制, 而中国仍以政府为治理主体, 公众参与意识和参与能力有待提高。
邓晶, 李艺, 侯一蕾 (2023) 城市生物多样性保护: 基于中欧对比视角下的经验借鉴. 生物多样性, 31, 23070. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023070.
Jing Deng, Yi Li, Yilei Hou (2023) Urban biodiversity conservation: Experience from the comparative perspective of China and Europe. Biodiversity Science, 31, 23070. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023070.
图1 《生物多样性公约》缔约方会议关于城市生物多样性保护的议题
Fig. 1 Issues for the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on urban biodiversity conservation
绿地类型 Type of green space | 城市/国家 City/Country | 特点 Features |
微型森林 Micro forest | 乌得勒支/荷兰 Utrecht/The Netherlands | 微型森林通常包括20-40个不同的树木和灌木物种, 每1 m2平均种植3棵树苗。Micro forests typically include 20-40 different tree and shrub species, with an average of 3 saplings planted per square meter. |
立面花园 Facade garden | 阿姆斯特丹/荷兰 Amsterdam/The Netherlands | 阿姆斯特丹在建筑立面上种植西番莲、常春藤、爬山虎等半阴攀缘植物, 立面最大宽度不超过60 cm。In Amsterdam, semi-shade climbing plants such as passion fruit, ivy and climbers are planted on the facade of the building, and the maximum width of the facade is no more than 60 cm. |
墓地栖息地 Cemetery habitat | 柏林/德国 Berlin/Germany | 柏林有超过1,100 ha的墓地, 是蝙蝠、鸟类、地衣、苔藓等物种的栖息地; 柏林计划改造发展209 ha墓地, 保护生物多样性。There are more than 1,100 ha of cemeteries in Berlin, which are the habitats of bats, birds, lichens, mosses and other species; Berlin plans to transform and develop 209 ha of cemeteries to protect biodiversity. |
生物多样性草地 Biodiversity grasslands | 里斯本/葡萄牙 Lisbon/Portugal | 里斯本生物多样性草地种植大量禾本科植物以确保更高存活率。目前里斯本已成功改造两个面积分别为2.6 ha、8 ha的生物多样性草地。The Lisbon biodiversity grassland are planted with a large number of gramineous plants to ensure a higher survival rate. Two biodiversity meadows of 2.6 ha and 8 ha have been successfully renovated in Lisbon. |
表1 欧洲城市绿地类型
Table 1 European urban green space types
绿地类型 Type of green space | 城市/国家 City/Country | 特点 Features |
微型森林 Micro forest | 乌得勒支/荷兰 Utrecht/The Netherlands | 微型森林通常包括20-40个不同的树木和灌木物种, 每1 m2平均种植3棵树苗。Micro forests typically include 20-40 different tree and shrub species, with an average of 3 saplings planted per square meter. |
立面花园 Facade garden | 阿姆斯特丹/荷兰 Amsterdam/The Netherlands | 阿姆斯特丹在建筑立面上种植西番莲、常春藤、爬山虎等半阴攀缘植物, 立面最大宽度不超过60 cm。In Amsterdam, semi-shade climbing plants such as passion fruit, ivy and climbers are planted on the facade of the building, and the maximum width of the facade is no more than 60 cm. |
墓地栖息地 Cemetery habitat | 柏林/德国 Berlin/Germany | 柏林有超过1,100 ha的墓地, 是蝙蝠、鸟类、地衣、苔藓等物种的栖息地; 柏林计划改造发展209 ha墓地, 保护生物多样性。There are more than 1,100 ha of cemeteries in Berlin, which are the habitats of bats, birds, lichens, mosses and other species; Berlin plans to transform and develop 209 ha of cemeteries to protect biodiversity. |
生物多样性草地 Biodiversity grasslands | 里斯本/葡萄牙 Lisbon/Portugal | 里斯本生物多样性草地种植大量禾本科植物以确保更高存活率。目前里斯本已成功改造两个面积分别为2.6 ha、8 ha的生物多样性草地。The Lisbon biodiversity grassland are planted with a large number of gramineous plants to ensure a higher survival rate. Two biodiversity meadows of 2.6 ha and 8 ha have been successfully renovated in Lisbon. |
基金名称 Fund name | 主要作用 Main roles | 融资总额 Total amount of financing | 重点支持项目 Major support projects |
再野化伦敦基金 Rewild London Fund | 支持重要的自然保护区域的管理和改善 Support the management and improvement of important nature reserves | 60万英镑, 预计支持25个项目 With 600,000 pounds, it is expected to support 25 projects. | 优先考虑专注解决生态紧急情况的创新项目、可推广的创新管理监测技术等项目。Priority will be given to innovative projects that focus on solving ecological emergencies and innovative management monitoring technologies that can be popularized. |
绿色弹性空间基金 Green and resilient spaces fund | 支持伦敦各区的公园、社区等更广泛公共空间绿化 Support the greening of wider public spaces such as parks and communities in various districts of London | 400万英镑, 预计支持10个项目 With 4,000,000 pounds, it is expected to support 10 projects. | 优先考虑创造新的高质量公共绿地、改善绿色空间的连接性和可达性等具体使城市居民受益的项目。Priority will be given to projects that specifically benefit urban residents, such as creating new high-quality public green spaces and improving the connectivity and accessibility of green spaces. |
绿色回馈基金 Grow back greener fund | 支持伦敦社区主导的小规模项目Support small-scale community-led projects in London | 140万英镑, 预计支持45个项目 With 1,400,000 pounds, it is expected to support 45 projects. | 优先考虑贫困、高气候风险和难以获得绿色空间领域的社区项目。Priority will be given to community projects in the areas of poverty, high climate risk and difficult access to green space. |
表2 伦敦绿地基金
Table 2 London Greenfield Fund
基金名称 Fund name | 主要作用 Main roles | 融资总额 Total amount of financing | 重点支持项目 Major support projects |
再野化伦敦基金 Rewild London Fund | 支持重要的自然保护区域的管理和改善 Support the management and improvement of important nature reserves | 60万英镑, 预计支持25个项目 With 600,000 pounds, it is expected to support 25 projects. | 优先考虑专注解决生态紧急情况的创新项目、可推广的创新管理监测技术等项目。Priority will be given to innovative projects that focus on solving ecological emergencies and innovative management monitoring technologies that can be popularized. |
绿色弹性空间基金 Green and resilient spaces fund | 支持伦敦各区的公园、社区等更广泛公共空间绿化 Support the greening of wider public spaces such as parks and communities in various districts of London | 400万英镑, 预计支持10个项目 With 4,000,000 pounds, it is expected to support 10 projects. | 优先考虑创造新的高质量公共绿地、改善绿色空间的连接性和可达性等具体使城市居民受益的项目。Priority will be given to projects that specifically benefit urban residents, such as creating new high-quality public green spaces and improving the connectivity and accessibility of green spaces. |
绿色回馈基金 Grow back greener fund | 支持伦敦社区主导的小规模项目Support small-scale community-led projects in London | 140万英镑, 预计支持45个项目 With 1,400,000 pounds, it is expected to support 45 projects. | 优先考虑贫困、高气候风险和难以获得绿色空间领域的社区项目。Priority will be given to community projects in the areas of poverty, high climate risk and difficult access to green space. |
补贴名称 Subsidy name | 具体规定 Specific provision | 备注 Remarks |
雨水补贴 Rainwater subsidy | (1)每增加1 L储水量补贴500欧元。For each additional liter of water storage, the subsidy is 500 Euros. (2)每增加1 m2绿地补贴10欧元。For every additional square meter of green space, the subsidy is 10 Euros. (3)每增加1 m2可渗透地面补贴5欧元。For each additional square meter of permeable ground, the subsidy is 5 Euros. | 单次补贴申请上限为5万欧元。Single subsidy application is capped at 50,000 Euros. |
绿色屋顶补贴 Green roof subsidy | (1)面积遵循每m2 10欧元的绿地补贴。Areas are subject to a green subsidy of 10 Euros per square meter. (2)储水量遵循每升500欧元的补贴。Water storage is subject to a subsidy of 500 Euros for 1 liter. | 当储水量不足1 L, 只能申请绿地补贴; 当储水量满足或超过1 L, 可申请“绿地补贴 + 储水量补贴”。When the water storage is less than 1 liter, you can only apply for greenfield subsidy; When the water storage meets or exceeds 1 liter, you can apply for greenfield subsidy and water storage subsidy. |
本土植物补贴 Native plant subsidy | (1)每株本土草本植物补贴1欧元。The subsidy for each native herb is 1 Euro. (2)每株本土灌木补贴2欧元。The subsidy for each native shrub is 2 Euros. (3)每棵原生树木补贴10欧元。The subsidy for each native tree is 10 Euros. | 当居民种植绿色植物时默认可获得每m2 10欧元的绿地补贴; 当绿地面积超过20 m2可申请“绿地补贴 + 本土植物补贴”。When residents plant green plants, they can get a green subsidy of 10 Euros per square meter; When the green area exceeds 20 square meters, they can apply for green subsidy and native plant subsidy. |
表3 鹿特丹气候补贴计划
Table 3 Rotterdam climate subsidy scheme
补贴名称 Subsidy name | 具体规定 Specific provision | 备注 Remarks |
雨水补贴 Rainwater subsidy | (1)每增加1 L储水量补贴500欧元。For each additional liter of water storage, the subsidy is 500 Euros. (2)每增加1 m2绿地补贴10欧元。For every additional square meter of green space, the subsidy is 10 Euros. (3)每增加1 m2可渗透地面补贴5欧元。For each additional square meter of permeable ground, the subsidy is 5 Euros. | 单次补贴申请上限为5万欧元。Single subsidy application is capped at 50,000 Euros. |
绿色屋顶补贴 Green roof subsidy | (1)面积遵循每m2 10欧元的绿地补贴。Areas are subject to a green subsidy of 10 Euros per square meter. (2)储水量遵循每升500欧元的补贴。Water storage is subject to a subsidy of 500 Euros for 1 liter. | 当储水量不足1 L, 只能申请绿地补贴; 当储水量满足或超过1 L, 可申请“绿地补贴 + 储水量补贴”。When the water storage is less than 1 liter, you can only apply for greenfield subsidy; When the water storage meets or exceeds 1 liter, you can apply for greenfield subsidy and water storage subsidy. |
本土植物补贴 Native plant subsidy | (1)每株本土草本植物补贴1欧元。The subsidy for each native herb is 1 Euro. (2)每株本土灌木补贴2欧元。The subsidy for each native shrub is 2 Euros. (3)每棵原生树木补贴10欧元。The subsidy for each native tree is 10 Euros. | 当居民种植绿色植物时默认可获得每m2 10欧元的绿地补贴; 当绿地面积超过20 m2可申请“绿地补贴 + 本土植物补贴”。When residents plant green plants, they can get a green subsidy of 10 Euros per square meter; When the green area exceeds 20 square meters, they can apply for green subsidy and native plant subsidy. |
工作方面 Working | 欧洲城市 European cities | 中国城市 Chinese cities |
城市规划体系 Urban planning system | 城市规划体系针对性强, 专门领域行动指南操作性强。 The urban planning system is highly targeted, and the specialized field action guide is highly operational. | 部分城市已出台生物多样性相关规划, 但与城市发展规划衔接较弱、部门协调相对不足。Some cities have introduced biodiversity-related plans, but the interface with urban development plans is weak and departmental coordination is relatively insufficient. |
城市绿地建设 Urban green space construction | 将传统城市绿地延伸到各类潜在绿色空间, 视小微绿地为城市绿色开放空间基本要素。The traditional urban green space is extended to all kinds of potential green spaces, and small and micro-green spaces are regarded as the basic elements of urban green open space. | 多聚焦大型绿地斑块间的连接, 对微观尺度空间利用和生态系统营造关注不足。It focuses more on the connection between large green space patches, and pays insufficient attention to the micro-scale space utilization and ecosystem construction. |
生态保护补偿 Ecological protection compensation | 以多元化市场补偿体系为主体, 制定从自然保护区到社区绿地等多层级多区域的补偿机制, 补偿覆盖范围较广。 With the diversified market compensation system as the main body, a multi-level and multi-region compensation mechanism from nature reserves to community green space has been formulated, covering a wide range of compensation. | 以公共财政体系为主体, 注重要素和区域补偿, 例如重点生态修复工程, 城市生物多样性补偿覆盖范围相对有限。With the public finance system as the main body, focus on elements and regional compensation, such as major ecological restoration projects. The coverage of urban biodiversity compensation is relatively limited. |
城市公众参与 Urban public participation | 自下而上参与特色物种保护, 居民参与生物多样性保护积极性较高。Bottom-up participation in the conservation of characteristic species, and residents are more motivated to participate in biodiversity conservation. | 自上而下参与保护生物多样性, 居民参与意识和参与程度较低。Top-down participation in biodiversity conservation, and residents has low awareness and level of participation. |
表4 中国和欧洲城市生物多样性保护工作对比
Table 4 Comparison of urban biodiversity conservation between China and Europe
工作方面 Working | 欧洲城市 European cities | 中国城市 Chinese cities |
城市规划体系 Urban planning system | 城市规划体系针对性强, 专门领域行动指南操作性强。 The urban planning system is highly targeted, and the specialized field action guide is highly operational. | 部分城市已出台生物多样性相关规划, 但与城市发展规划衔接较弱、部门协调相对不足。Some cities have introduced biodiversity-related plans, but the interface with urban development plans is weak and departmental coordination is relatively insufficient. |
城市绿地建设 Urban green space construction | 将传统城市绿地延伸到各类潜在绿色空间, 视小微绿地为城市绿色开放空间基本要素。The traditional urban green space is extended to all kinds of potential green spaces, and small and micro-green spaces are regarded as the basic elements of urban green open space. | 多聚焦大型绿地斑块间的连接, 对微观尺度空间利用和生态系统营造关注不足。It focuses more on the connection between large green space patches, and pays insufficient attention to the micro-scale space utilization and ecosystem construction. |
生态保护补偿 Ecological protection compensation | 以多元化市场补偿体系为主体, 制定从自然保护区到社区绿地等多层级多区域的补偿机制, 补偿覆盖范围较广。 With the diversified market compensation system as the main body, a multi-level and multi-region compensation mechanism from nature reserves to community green space has been formulated, covering a wide range of compensation. | 以公共财政体系为主体, 注重要素和区域补偿, 例如重点生态修复工程, 城市生物多样性补偿覆盖范围相对有限。With the public finance system as the main body, focus on elements and regional compensation, such as major ecological restoration projects. The coverage of urban biodiversity compensation is relatively limited. |
城市公众参与 Urban public participation | 自下而上参与特色物种保护, 居民参与生物多样性保护积极性较高。Bottom-up participation in the conservation of characteristic species, and residents are more motivated to participate in biodiversity conservation. | 自上而下参与保护生物多样性, 居民参与意识和参与程度较低。Top-down participation in biodiversity conservation, and residents has low awareness and level of participation. |
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