生物多样性 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 21265. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021265
所属专题: 土壤生物与土壤健康
高梅香1,2, 刘启龙3, 朱家祺1, 赵博宇4, 杜嘉4, 吴东辉4,*()
* E-mail: wudonghui@iga.ac.cn基金资助:
Meixiang Gao1,2, Qilong Liu3, Jiaqi Zhu1, Boyu Zhao4, Jia Du4, Donghui Wu4,*()
Donghui Wu
我国农田土壤动物面临严峻的多样性丧失问题, 建设监测样地并开展长期监测是解决该问题的重要途径, 但至今国内外仍缺乏农田土壤动物长期监测样地科学调查监测的实施方法。依据BCI 50 ha大型固定样地建设规范, 参照我国已建成的森林和农田土壤动物大型固定样地监测经验, 本文提出了农田土壤动物长期监测样地科学调查监测的实施方法。首先, 需要明确科学问题, 确定科学调查监测应遵守的基本原则。其次, 需要规范长期调查监测涉及的专业术语, 依据研究目的和实际情况选择地点和样地, 参照建设规范和农田特征建立农田土壤动物大型固定样地。第三, 以研究农田土壤动物多样性为核心, 揭示土壤动物在农田生态系统健康和功能中的作用, 有选择性地开展4类27项科学指标的长期监测工作, 要求按照统一的、规范化的工作流程开展野外调查和室内实验。最后, 要科学规范地完成标本的鉴定描述和保存保管, 研发体现农田土壤动物特征的数据库和管理信息系统。希望本文的研究结果能推动我国乃至世界范围的规范化样地建设和标准化网络监测, 为我国农田土壤动物评估与保护提供长期可靠的数据支撑。
高梅香, 刘启龙, 朱家祺, 赵博宇, 杜嘉, 吴东辉 (2022) 中国农田土壤动物长期监测样地科学调查监测的实施方法. 生物多样性, 30, 21265. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021265.
Meixiang Gao, Qilong Liu, Jiaqi Zhu, Boyu Zhao, Jia Du, Donghui Wu (2022) Implementation protocol of scientific investigation and monitoring for permanent plots of agricultural soil animal in China. Biodiversity Science, 30, 21265. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021265.
图1 农田土壤动物长期监测样地建设和监测的基本概念。(a)、(b)、(c)、(d)和(e)分别为地点、样地、样方、样品和标本。图片(e)中的数字代表每只动物的序号。
Fig. 1 Basic conceptions of constructing and monitoring in agricultural soil animal permanent plot. (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) represent site, plot, square, sample and specimen, respectively. The numbers labeled in picture (e) represent animal’s orders.
区域 Area | 空间坐标 Space coordinates | 样地名称 Plot name | 地点 Location | 土壤类型 Soil type | 耕作模式 Farming mode |
东北平原 Northeast Plain | 44°52° N, 125°72° E | 德惠黑土农田土壤动物大型固定样地 Large Permanent Plot of Soil Animal in Black Soil Farmland in Dehui | 吉林省德惠市 Dehui City, Jilin Province | 黑土 Black soil | 旱地, 玉米 Dry land, corn |
华北平原 North China Plain | 34°30° N, 115°35° E | 商丘潮土农田土壤动物大型固定样地 Large Permanent Plot of Soil Animal in Fluvo-aquic Soil Farmland in Shangqiu | 河南省商丘市 Shangqiu City, Henan Province | 潮土 Fluvo-aquic soil | 旱地, 小麦-玉米轮作 Dry land, wheat-corn rotation |
长江中下游平原 The plains of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River | 29°76° N, 121°56° E | 宁波黄壤农田土壤动物大型固定样地 Large Permanent Plot of Soil Animal in Yellow Soil Farmland in Ningbo | 浙江省宁波市 Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province | 黄壤 Yellow soil | 小麦-水稻轮作 Wheat-rice rotation |
珠江三角洲 Pearl River Delta | 23°18° N, 114°48° E | 惠州红壤农田土壤动物大型固定样地 Large Permanent Plot of Soil Animal in Red Soil Farmland in Huizhou | 广东省惠州市 Huizhou City, Guangdong Province | 红壤 Red soil | 小麦-水稻轮作 Wheat-rice rotation |
表1 中国东部农区农田土壤动物大型固定样地的基本信息
Table 1 Basic information in permanent plots of agricultural soil animal in agricultural regions in eastern China
区域 Area | 空间坐标 Space coordinates | 样地名称 Plot name | 地点 Location | 土壤类型 Soil type | 耕作模式 Farming mode |
东北平原 Northeast Plain | 44°52° N, 125°72° E | 德惠黑土农田土壤动物大型固定样地 Large Permanent Plot of Soil Animal in Black Soil Farmland in Dehui | 吉林省德惠市 Dehui City, Jilin Province | 黑土 Black soil | 旱地, 玉米 Dry land, corn |
华北平原 North China Plain | 34°30° N, 115°35° E | 商丘潮土农田土壤动物大型固定样地 Large Permanent Plot of Soil Animal in Fluvo-aquic Soil Farmland in Shangqiu | 河南省商丘市 Shangqiu City, Henan Province | 潮土 Fluvo-aquic soil | 旱地, 小麦-玉米轮作 Dry land, wheat-corn rotation |
长江中下游平原 The plains of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River | 29°76° N, 121°56° E | 宁波黄壤农田土壤动物大型固定样地 Large Permanent Plot of Soil Animal in Yellow Soil Farmland in Ningbo | 浙江省宁波市 Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province | 黄壤 Yellow soil | 小麦-水稻轮作 Wheat-rice rotation |
珠江三角洲 Pearl River Delta | 23°18° N, 114°48° E | 惠州红壤农田土壤动物大型固定样地 Large Permanent Plot of Soil Animal in Red Soil Farmland in Huizhou | 广东省惠州市 Huizhou City, Guangdong Province | 红壤 Red soil | 小麦-水稻轮作 Wheat-rice rotation |
类别 Type | 序号 No. | 监测对象 Monitoring object | 监测指标 Index | 获取途径 Acquiring source | 调查必要性 Necessity of investigation |
I | 1 | 土壤动物群落物种组成 Species composition of soil animal community | 土壤动物物种名录 Species list of soil animal community | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 必须 Essential |
2 | 土壤动物多度 Soil animal abundance | 生物量和密度 Biomass and density | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 必须 Essential | |
3 | 物种功能性状 Species functional trait | 体长、体宽、翅长等 Length, width, wing length, etc. (依据不同类群特征确定 Selecting according to the characteristics of target group) | 野外取样、室内分析、文献检索 Field sampling, laboratory analysis and literature retrieval | 必须 Essential | |
4 | 多样性 Diversity | α多样性、β多样性、γ多样性、物种丰富度、物种均匀度、功能多样性、遗传多样性 α diversity, β diversity, γ diversity, species richness, species evenness, functional diversity and genetic diversity | 计算分析 Calculation and analysis | 必须 Essential | |
II | 5 | 微生物多样性 Microbial diversity | 分类操作单元 Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 可选 Selectable |
6 | 啮齿动物多样性 Rodent diversity | 物种数、个体数、生物量、活动时间、物种多样性指数、功能性状指数等 Species richness, individual, biomass, activity time, species diversity index, functional trait index, etc. | 野外调查和社会调研 Field sampling and social investigation | 可选 Selectable | |
7 | 植株上的昆虫多样性 Insect diversity in plant | 物种数、个体数、物种多样性指数、功能性状指数等 Species richness, individual, species diversity index, functional trait index, etc. | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 可选 Selectable | |
8 | 鸟类多样性 Bird diversity | 物种数、个体数、生物量、活动时间、物种多样性指数、功能性状指数等 Species richness, individual, biomass, activity time, species diversity index, functional trait index, etc. | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 可选 Selectable | |
9 | 蝴蝶多样性 Butterfly diversity | 物种数、个体数、生物量、活动时间、物种多样性指数、功能性状指数等 Species richness, individual, biomass, activity time, species diversity index, functional trait index, etc. | 野外取样, 室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 可选 Selectable | |
10 | 授粉者多样性 Pollinator diversity | 物种数、个体数、生物量、活动时间、物种多样性指数、功能性状指数等 Species richness, individual, biomass, activity time, species diversity index, functional trait index, etc. | 野外取样, 室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 可选 Selectable | |
11 | 害虫多样性 Pest diversity | 物种数、个体数、生物量、活动时间、物种多样性指数、功能性状指数等 Species richness, individual, biomass, activity time, species diversity index, functional trait index, etc. | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 可选 Selectable | |
III | 12 | 土壤碳、氮、磷储量 Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus reserves in soil | 土壤碳、氮、磷含量 Soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 必须 Essential |
13 | 土壤养分 Soil nutrient | 全氮、全磷、全钾、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾、pH等 Total N, total P, total K, available N, available P, available K, soil pH, etc. | 野外取样、室内分析、台站共享、 无人机遥感等 Field sampling, laboratory analysis, data share by ecological station, unmanned aerial remote sensing, etc. | 必须 Essential | |
14 | 土壤微量元素和重金属元素 Trace element and heavy metal element in soil | 全锰、有效锰、全锌、有效锌、全铜、有效铜、全铁、 有效铁等 Total Mn, available Mn, total Zn, available Zn, total Cu, available Cu, total Fe, available Fe, etc. | 野外取样、室内分析、台站共享等 Field sampling, laboratory analysis, data share by ecological station, etc. | 可选 Selectable | |
15 | 土壤物理性质 Soil physical property | 土壤类型、质地、孔隙度、含水量、容重、机械组成、 土层深度等 Soil type, texture, porosity, water content, bulk density, mechanical composition, soil depth, etc. | 野外取样、室内分析、台站共享、 无人机遥感等 Field sampling, laboratory analysis, data share by ecological station, unmanned aerial remote sensing, etc. | 必须 Essential | |
16 | 土壤速效微量元素 Soil available trace element | 有效铁、有效铜、有效锰、有效锌等 Available Fe, available Cu, available Mn, available Zn, etc. | 野外取样、室内分析、台站共享等 Field sampling, laboratory analysis, data share by ecological station, etc. | 可选 Selectable | |
17 | 土壤可溶性盐 Soil soluble salt | 碳酸根、重碳酸根、硫酸根、氯根、钙离子、镁离子、 钾离子、钠离子、全盐量、电导率等 Carbonate, bicarbonate, sulfate radical, chloride, calcium ion, magnesium ion, potassium ion, sodium ion, total salt content, conductivity, etc. | 野外取样、室内分析、台站共享等 Field sampling, laboratory analysis, data share by ecological station, etc. | 可选 Selectable | |
18 | 农作物基本要素 Basic element of crop | 作物种类、名称、品种、播种面积、单产、总产、产值、根部生物量、农田的复种指数、轮作体系等 Crop type, name, variety, sown area, yield, total yield, production value, root biomass, multiple cropping index of farmland, rotation system, etc. | 野外取样、室内分析、台站共享, 无人机遥感等 Field sampling, laboratory analysis, data share by ecological station, unmanned aerial remote sensing, etc. | 必须 Essential | |
19 | 空间坐标 Space coordinates | 样地的空间坐标、样品的空间坐标 Space coordinates of the site, space coordinates of the sample | 野外测量 Field survey | 必须 Essential | |
20 | 地形因素 Topographic factor | 海拔、坡向、坡度、地表起伏度等 Elevation, aspect, slope, relief degree of land surface, etc. | 现场勘测和DEM数据计算获得 Site survey and calculation from DEM data | 必须 Essential | |
21 | 土地利用 Land use | 土地利用类型、强度、历史等 Land use type, intensity, history, etc. | 遥感、社会调查、文献检索 Remote sensing, social survey and document retrieval | 必须 Essential | |
22 | 景观因素 Landscape factor | 斑块面积、斑块密度、景观分离指数、Shannon多样性指数 Patch area, patch density, landscape separation index and Shannon’s diversity index | 遥感 Remote sensing | 可选 Selectable | |
23 | 地史进化因素 Geographical evolution factor | 地质历史和进化历史 Geological and evolutionary history | 文献检索和谱系分析 Document retrieval and phylogenetic analysis | 可选 Selectable | |
IV | 24 | 社会经济因素 Socioeconomic factor | 人口数量、生活来源、人均收入、学校数量、人口老龄化指标等 Population size, source of income, per capita income, no. of schools, population aging indicators, etc. | 社会调研、年鉴统计、资料检索 Social investigation, statistical yearbook and document retrieval | 必须 Essential |
25 | 肥料投入情况 Fertilizer inputs | 施用肥料名称、作物生育时期、施用日期、施用方式、 施用量、含氮量、含磷量、含钾量等 Name of fertilizer, crop growth period, application date, application method, application amount, nitrogen content, phosphorus content, potassium content, etc. | 野外采样和台站共享 Field sampling and data share by ecological station | 必须 Essential | |
26 | 农药、除草剂、生长剂投入情况 Inputs of pesticide, herbicide, growth promoter | 施用药剂名称、主要有效成分、施用日期、施用量, 施用方式等 Drug name, main active ingredient, application date, application amount, application method, etc. | 野外采样和台站共享 Field sampling and data share by ecological station | 必须 Essential | |
27 | 灌溉制度 Irrigation system | 灌溉时间、作物生育期、灌溉水源、灌溉方式、灌溉水量等 Irrigation time, crop growth period, irrigation water source, irrigation method, irrigation water volume, etc. | 野外采样, 台站共享 Field sampling and data share by ecological station | 必须 Essential |
表2 农田土壤动物长期监测样地中的获取指标
Table 2 Collected indices obtained from agricultural soil animal permanent plot
类别 Type | 序号 No. | 监测对象 Monitoring object | 监测指标 Index | 获取途径 Acquiring source | 调查必要性 Necessity of investigation |
I | 1 | 土壤动物群落物种组成 Species composition of soil animal community | 土壤动物物种名录 Species list of soil animal community | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 必须 Essential |
2 | 土壤动物多度 Soil animal abundance | 生物量和密度 Biomass and density | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 必须 Essential | |
3 | 物种功能性状 Species functional trait | 体长、体宽、翅长等 Length, width, wing length, etc. (依据不同类群特征确定 Selecting according to the characteristics of target group) | 野外取样、室内分析、文献检索 Field sampling, laboratory analysis and literature retrieval | 必须 Essential | |
4 | 多样性 Diversity | α多样性、β多样性、γ多样性、物种丰富度、物种均匀度、功能多样性、遗传多样性 α diversity, β diversity, γ diversity, species richness, species evenness, functional diversity and genetic diversity | 计算分析 Calculation and analysis | 必须 Essential | |
II | 5 | 微生物多样性 Microbial diversity | 分类操作单元 Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 可选 Selectable |
6 | 啮齿动物多样性 Rodent diversity | 物种数、个体数、生物量、活动时间、物种多样性指数、功能性状指数等 Species richness, individual, biomass, activity time, species diversity index, functional trait index, etc. | 野外调查和社会调研 Field sampling and social investigation | 可选 Selectable | |
7 | 植株上的昆虫多样性 Insect diversity in plant | 物种数、个体数、物种多样性指数、功能性状指数等 Species richness, individual, species diversity index, functional trait index, etc. | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 可选 Selectable | |
8 | 鸟类多样性 Bird diversity | 物种数、个体数、生物量、活动时间、物种多样性指数、功能性状指数等 Species richness, individual, biomass, activity time, species diversity index, functional trait index, etc. | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 可选 Selectable | |
9 | 蝴蝶多样性 Butterfly diversity | 物种数、个体数、生物量、活动时间、物种多样性指数、功能性状指数等 Species richness, individual, biomass, activity time, species diversity index, functional trait index, etc. | 野外取样, 室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 可选 Selectable | |
10 | 授粉者多样性 Pollinator diversity | 物种数、个体数、生物量、活动时间、物种多样性指数、功能性状指数等 Species richness, individual, biomass, activity time, species diversity index, functional trait index, etc. | 野外取样, 室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 可选 Selectable | |
11 | 害虫多样性 Pest diversity | 物种数、个体数、生物量、活动时间、物种多样性指数、功能性状指数等 Species richness, individual, biomass, activity time, species diversity index, functional trait index, etc. | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 可选 Selectable | |
III | 12 | 土壤碳、氮、磷储量 Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus reserves in soil | 土壤碳、氮、磷含量 Soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content | 野外取样和室内分析 Field sampling and laboratory analysis | 必须 Essential |
13 | 土壤养分 Soil nutrient | 全氮、全磷、全钾、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾、pH等 Total N, total P, total K, available N, available P, available K, soil pH, etc. | 野外取样、室内分析、台站共享、 无人机遥感等 Field sampling, laboratory analysis, data share by ecological station, unmanned aerial remote sensing, etc. | 必须 Essential | |
14 | 土壤微量元素和重金属元素 Trace element and heavy metal element in soil | 全锰、有效锰、全锌、有效锌、全铜、有效铜、全铁、 有效铁等 Total Mn, available Mn, total Zn, available Zn, total Cu, available Cu, total Fe, available Fe, etc. | 野外取样、室内分析、台站共享等 Field sampling, laboratory analysis, data share by ecological station, etc. | 可选 Selectable | |
15 | 土壤物理性质 Soil physical property | 土壤类型、质地、孔隙度、含水量、容重、机械组成、 土层深度等 Soil type, texture, porosity, water content, bulk density, mechanical composition, soil depth, etc. | 野外取样、室内分析、台站共享、 无人机遥感等 Field sampling, laboratory analysis, data share by ecological station, unmanned aerial remote sensing, etc. | 必须 Essential | |
16 | 土壤速效微量元素 Soil available trace element | 有效铁、有效铜、有效锰、有效锌等 Available Fe, available Cu, available Mn, available Zn, etc. | 野外取样、室内分析、台站共享等 Field sampling, laboratory analysis, data share by ecological station, etc. | 可选 Selectable | |
17 | 土壤可溶性盐 Soil soluble salt | 碳酸根、重碳酸根、硫酸根、氯根、钙离子、镁离子、 钾离子、钠离子、全盐量、电导率等 Carbonate, bicarbonate, sulfate radical, chloride, calcium ion, magnesium ion, potassium ion, sodium ion, total salt content, conductivity, etc. | 野外取样、室内分析、台站共享等 Field sampling, laboratory analysis, data share by ecological station, etc. | 可选 Selectable | |
18 | 农作物基本要素 Basic element of crop | 作物种类、名称、品种、播种面积、单产、总产、产值、根部生物量、农田的复种指数、轮作体系等 Crop type, name, variety, sown area, yield, total yield, production value, root biomass, multiple cropping index of farmland, rotation system, etc. | 野外取样、室内分析、台站共享, 无人机遥感等 Field sampling, laboratory analysis, data share by ecological station, unmanned aerial remote sensing, etc. | 必须 Essential | |
19 | 空间坐标 Space coordinates | 样地的空间坐标、样品的空间坐标 Space coordinates of the site, space coordinates of the sample | 野外测量 Field survey | 必须 Essential | |
20 | 地形因素 Topographic factor | 海拔、坡向、坡度、地表起伏度等 Elevation, aspect, slope, relief degree of land surface, etc. | 现场勘测和DEM数据计算获得 Site survey and calculation from DEM data | 必须 Essential | |
21 | 土地利用 Land use | 土地利用类型、强度、历史等 Land use type, intensity, history, etc. | 遥感、社会调查、文献检索 Remote sensing, social survey and document retrieval | 必须 Essential | |
22 | 景观因素 Landscape factor | 斑块面积、斑块密度、景观分离指数、Shannon多样性指数 Patch area, patch density, landscape separation index and Shannon’s diversity index | 遥感 Remote sensing | 可选 Selectable | |
23 | 地史进化因素 Geographical evolution factor | 地质历史和进化历史 Geological and evolutionary history | 文献检索和谱系分析 Document retrieval and phylogenetic analysis | 可选 Selectable | |
IV | 24 | 社会经济因素 Socioeconomic factor | 人口数量、生活来源、人均收入、学校数量、人口老龄化指标等 Population size, source of income, per capita income, no. of schools, population aging indicators, etc. | 社会调研、年鉴统计、资料检索 Social investigation, statistical yearbook and document retrieval | 必须 Essential |
25 | 肥料投入情况 Fertilizer inputs | 施用肥料名称、作物生育时期、施用日期、施用方式、 施用量、含氮量、含磷量、含钾量等 Name of fertilizer, crop growth period, application date, application method, application amount, nitrogen content, phosphorus content, potassium content, etc. | 野外采样和台站共享 Field sampling and data share by ecological station | 必须 Essential | |
26 | 农药、除草剂、生长剂投入情况 Inputs of pesticide, herbicide, growth promoter | 施用药剂名称、主要有效成分、施用日期、施用量, 施用方式等 Drug name, main active ingredient, application date, application amount, application method, etc. | 野外采样和台站共享 Field sampling and data share by ecological station | 必须 Essential | |
27 | 灌溉制度 Irrigation system | 灌溉时间、作物生育期、灌溉水源、灌溉方式、灌溉水量等 Irrigation time, crop growth period, irrigation water source, irrigation method, irrigation water volume, etc. | 野外采样, 台站共享 Field sampling and data share by ecological station | 必须 Essential |
图2 农田土壤动物大型固定样地采样方案。(a)农田土壤动物长期监测样地调查时的通用方案(白点代表以10 m为间隔的采样点, 红点代表以20 m为间隔的采样点); (b)在商丘市农田土壤动物大型固定样地调查蚯蚓的采样方案(红框和红点分别为蚯蚓采样区域和采样点); (c)在商丘市农田土壤动物大型固定样地调查中型土壤动物(螨和跳虫)、小型土壤动物(线虫)和微生物的采样方案(红点、蓝点和黑点为采样点)
Fig. 2 Sampling plan in large permanent plot of agricultural soil animal. (a) shows the normal sampling plan in permanent plot of agricultural soil animal (the white dots represent sampling points spaced at 10 m intervals; the red dots represent sampling points spaced at 20 m intervals); (b) shows the sampling plan for earthworms in permanent plot of agricultural soil animal in Shangqiu City (red squares and red dots represent sampling areas and sampling points for earthworm); (c) shows the sampling plan for soil mesofauna (mite and springtail), soil microfauna (nematode) and microorganisms in permanent plot of agricultural animal in Shangqiu (red, blue and black dots represent sampling points).
图3 农田土壤动物长期监测样地内物种特征照片(以矮亚狼蛛和灰胸突鳃金龟为例)。(a)雄蛛背面观; (b)雌蛛背面观; (c)雄蛛触肢器生殖球腹面观; (d)雄蛛触肢器生殖球外侧面观; (e)雄蛛触肢器腹面观; (f)雄蛛触肢器外侧面观; (g)外雌器腹面观; (h)外雌器背面观。(A)头; (B)触角; (C)中胸腹突; (D)后足; (E)雄外生殖器背面观; (F)雄外生殖器侧面观。
Fig. 3 Species characteristic photos in permanent plot of agricultural soil animal (take Lysania pygmaea and Melolontha incana for example). (a) Male in dorsal view; (b) Female in dorsal view; (c) Male palp bulb in ventral view; (d) Male palp bulb in tetrolateral view; (e) Male palp in ventral view; (f) Male palp in retrolateral view; (g) Epigynum in ventral view; (h) Epigynum in retrolateral view. (A) Head in dorsal view; (B) Antennae; (C) Mesosternum process; (D) Hind leg; (E) Male genitalia in dorsal view; (F) Male genitalia in lateral view.
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