生物多样性 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (9): 21510.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021510

• 中国猫科动物研究与保护专题 • 上一篇    下一篇

太行山华北豹袭击家畜的时空特点与管理建议: 以山西省和顺县为例

王一晴1, 马子驭1, 王刚2, 刘炎林1, 宋大昭1, 刘蓓蓓1, 李露1, 范新国3, 黄巧雯1,*(), 李晟4,5,*()   

  1. 1.中国猫科动物保护联盟, 北京 101121
    2.和顺县生态保护协会, 山西和顺 032700
    3.马坊乡人民政府, 山西和顺 032704
    4.北京大学生命科学学院, 北京 100871
    5.北京大学生态研究中心, 北京 100871
  • 收稿日期:2021-12-10 接受日期:2022-03-24 出版日期:2022-09-20 发布日期:2022-04-06
  • 通讯作者: 黄巧雯,李晟
  • 作者简介:* E-mail: office@felidchina.org;

Spatiotemporal patterns of cattle depredation by the North Chinese leopard in Taihang Mountains and its management strategy: A case study in Heshun, Shanxi Province

Yiqing Wang1, Ziyu Ma1, Gang Wang2, Yanlin Liu1, Dazhao Song1, Beibei Liu1, Lu Li1, Xinguo Fan3, Qiaowen Huang1,*(), Sheng Li4,5,*()   

  1. 1. Chinese Felid Conservation Alliance, Beijing 101121
    2. Heshun Ecological Conservation Society, Heshun, Shanxi 032700
    3. Government of Mafang Town, Heshun, Shanxi 032704
    4. School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871
    5. Institute of Ecology, Peking University, Beijing 100871
  • Received:2021-12-10 Accepted:2022-03-24 Online:2022-09-20 Published:2022-04-06
  • Contact: Qiaowen Huang,Sheng Li


人兽冲突是全球野生动物保护面临的共同挑战。袭击家畜是大型食肉动物引发人兽冲突的主要原因之一, 如果管理不当还会导致针对大型食肉动物的报复性猎杀等严重威胁。冲突的缓解需要深入了解冲突发生的规律与原因, 评估当地社区与居民的态度与看法, 以采取因地制宜的管理措施。太行山是华北豹(Panthera pardus japonensis)的核心分布区, 华北豹袭击家牛的问题是该区域野生华北豹保护中面临的一大挑战。本研究以山西省和顺县为研究区域, 在多方联合发起的“和顺县华北豹袭击家牛肇事补偿项目”实施过程中, 系统收集了2015-2019年期间华北豹袭击家畜事件的记录, 结合同期的红外相机监测数据, 探究了袭击事件的时空分布格局, 并从生境和猎物的角度分析了背后的原因。本文还评估了豹肇事造成的经济损失, 以及受损农户对华北豹的态度和对补偿的满意度。2015-2019年, 项目区域内共记录到华北豹袭击家牛事件195起, 向116户受损农户提供补偿资金共27.05万元。分析结果显示, 华北豹袭击家牛事件在夏季最多, 时间上与家牛上山散放的季节重叠; 袭击风险随狍(Capreolus pygargus)相对多度的上升而下降, 随家牛相对多度和距村庄距离的增加而上升, 但保护区内外和华北豹相对多度对袭击风险的影响不显著。对107名受损农户的访谈结果显示, 华北豹袭击家牛事件虽然对当地畜牧业所造成的整体损失较小, 但对受损农户而言其家庭收入损失严重, 因此导致受损农户对华北豹持负面态度, 且认为现有的补偿金额偏低。基于本研究的结果, 我们提出如下管理建议以期缓解未来该地区华北豹带来的人兽冲突: (1)加强放牧管理、改进管理方式, 特别是限制牛群离开村庄的距离, 以及在家牛散放期间将牛群每晚赶回牛圈以降低家畜被袭击的风险; (2)开展禁牧试点, 严格划分允许放牧与禁止放牧的区域; (3)继续开展华北豹袭击家牛的定损与补偿工作, 降低当地农户的经济损失, 同时开展社区走访、自然教育, 提升当地居民对华北豹的容忍度; (4)加强野生动物种群的监测与保护, 促进人与野生动物的和谐共存。

关键词: 华北豹, 大型食肉动物, 人兽冲突, 空间风险模型, 野生动物肇事补偿, 放牧管理, 太行山脉


Background & Aim: Human‒wildlife conflict is a global challenge facing wildlife conservation today, and requires case-specific solutions for mitigation. To effectively manage the conflicts and prevent future incidents, thorough understandings of its patterns and causes, the locals’ attitudes toward the conflicts and factors that may affect people’s behaviors are needed. Large carnivores can be perceived as problematic as they may cause severe human-wildlife conflicts through livestock depredation and even direct human injury or death. Livestock depredation is one of the main causes of human‒carnivore conflicts. If managed inefficiently, it will lead to retaliatory killings toward the “problematic” large carnivores, thus imposing a threat to the species’ survival. Elimination of these apex predators will subsequently lead to the losses of critical functions they play in the ecosystem. Taihang Mountains is the core distribution area of the North Chinese leopard (Panthera pardus japonensis), the leopard subspecies endemic to China. Cattle depredation by leopards frequently occurs in this area and is therefore a challenge facing North Chinese leopard conservation.
Methods: Our study area is in Heshun County, Shanxi Province, locating in the middle part of the Taihang Mountains. Since 2015, Shanxi Tieqiaoshan Provincial Nature Reserve, Heshun Ecological Conservation Association, Government of Mafang Town and Chinese Felid Conservation Alliance jointly launched a compensation project for cattle depredation by leopards in Heshun. Information for each cattle depredation event was recorded during this project from 2015 to 2019. A camera-trap network was also set up in the same area (from 2016 to 2019) to examine the spatial distribution of the relative abundance of cattle, North Chinese leopard and leopard’s primary wild prey, i.e. Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa). In 2020, we interviewed 107 households who received money from compensation about their attitudes toward leopards, cattle depredation and the compensation project. With these data, we examined the spatiotemporal patterns of cattle depredation events and conducted a spatial risk model to evaluate what factors that may increase the probability of depredation incidents. We then mapped the risk of cattle depredation by leopards to the entire study area. We also investigated the relationship between herd management and the number of cattle injured/dead per household. As for the economic and social aspects, we calculated the economic impacts of cattle depredation on Heshun’s livestock husbandry industry and on individual households, and examined people’s attitudes toward leopards and their perceptions towards the risk of cattle depredation. At last, we provided specific suggestions for the mitigations of human-wildlife conflicts in Heshun.
Results: We identified 195 cattle depredation events from 2015 to 2019 and compensated 116 households with a total of 270.5 thousand Yuan RMB. We found that the frequency of depredation was higher during the summer, during which the cattle were ranged freely in the mountain. The risk of cattle depredation decreased with the increase in the relative abundance of Siberian roe deer and increased with distance to villages, significantly (P < 0.05). The relative abundance of cattle was the third most important factor in predicting the risk. The boundary of protected area and the relative abundance of leopards are the two least important factors, both of which were not present in the 15 models with ΔAIC ≤ 2. Besides, the practice of herd management may also have an impact on this risk, as herders with loose management tend to lose more cattle from depredation (P = 0.056). We found that the impact of cattle depredation on Heshun’s animal husbandry industry was minor as a whole. However, individual households who have experienced cattle depredation might bear a remarkable economic loss. This had led to individuals’ negative attitudes towards leopards, as well as complaints about insufficient compensation.
Recommendations: In order to mitigate the impacts of livestock depredation by leopards as well as reduce future incidents, we proposed the following recommendations. Firstly, strengthening cattle management by, for example, constraining the free-ranging cattle within a certain distance away from villages and enclosing cattle in captivity at night during the free-ranging season to reduce the risk of depredation by leopards. Secondly, designating non-grazing zones where livestock grazing is strictly prohibited, thus reducing the risk of livestock depredation and allowing the recovery of the leopard’s wild prey population. Thirdly, continuing the cattle depredation compensation project to mitigate the economic burden incurred. In addition, carrying out regular visits to the local communities to alleviate the emotional impacts suffered by the locals, and conducting natural education to promote positive attitudes towards leopards and other wildlife. Finally, conducting wildlife population monitoring, especially for leopard’s natural prey, and implementing conservation measures when necessary to maintain their population stability. We believe these management strategies may effectively reduce the risk of livestock depredation and help promoting the coexistence between human and wildlife in the long term.

Key words: North Chinese leopard, large carnivore, human-wildlife conflict, spatial risk model, economic compensation, grazing management, Taihang Mountains