生物多样性 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 21258. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021258
宋佳1, 职铭阳1, 陈强2, 李玥莹1, 吴隆坤3, 农保选4, 李丹婷4, 逄洪波1,*(), 郑晓明5,*(
Jia Song1, Mingyang Zhi1, Qiang Chen2, Yueying Li1, Longkun Wu3, Baoxuan Nong4, Danting Li4, Hongbo Pang1,*(), Xiaoming Zheng5,*(
Hongbo Pang,Xiaoming Zheng
为探究CTB4a基因的自然变异是否与栽培稻苗期耐低温相关, 本研究以133份栽培稻(Oryza sativa L.)及35份普通野生稻(O. rufipogon Griff.)为实验材料, 对CTB4a编码区的核苷酸多样性及其单倍型与地理分布的关系进行分析。结果表明CTB4a基因编码区有14个核苷酸变异, 组成33个单倍型。Network分析发现, 这些单倍型的286 bp处的SNP变异(+2,035,097 bp, G > C; +96 aa, Ala→Pro)将其分成Group A和Group B两组。Group A (CTB4ajap)共有56份样品, 其中有43份(76.79%)是种植于中高纬度地区的粳稻; Group B (CTB4aind)有77份样品, 有63份(83.12%)是种植于热带和亚热带国家的籼稻。Group A中样品苗期黄叶率的平均值比Group B样品低30%, 且两者耐寒性具有显著差异(P = 1.25e-09)。位于286 bp处的变异只在Group A中出现, 在Group B中均不存在, 说明随着水稻种植区域向北迁移的育种过程中, 栽培稻中出现了CTB4ajap并被固定下来。该研究为理解水稻对低温适应的分子遗传机制和培育耐寒品种提供了理论基础。
宋佳, 职铭阳, 陈强, 李玥莹, 吴隆坤, 农保选, 李丹婷, 逄洪波, 郑晓明 (2022) 水稻耐寒基因CTB4a的核苷酸多样性及区域适应性. 生物多样性, 30, 21258. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021258.
Jia Song, Mingyang Zhi, Qiang Chen, Yueying Li, Longkun Wu, Baoxuan Nong, Danting Li, Hongbo Pang, Xiaoming Zheng (2022) Nucleotide diversity and adaptation of CTB4a gene related to cold tolerance in rice. Biodiversity Science, 30, 21258. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021258.
图1 CTB4a基因编码区核苷酸多样性。A: 133份栽培稻CTB4a基因编码区核苷酸多样性; B: CTB4a基因编码的氨基酸序列及其结构域, 灰色部分显示的是LRR-RLK结构域; C: 35份野生稻编码区的核苷酸多样性。图A和C中灰色部分展示的是氨基酸的变异位点(SNP和InDel)及Group A和Group B两组中籼稻群体平均黄叶率数值; 图A和C首列分别表示CTB4a基因33个单倍型和33个野生稻的名称。cvs: 品种; LYR: 黄叶率; I: 籼稻; J: 粳稻。
Fig. 1 Nucleotide diversity in the CTB4a coding region. A, Nucleotide diversity in the coding region of CTB4a gene in 133 cultivated rice samples; B, Amino acid sequence and domains encoded by CTB4a gene, the gray part shows the LRR-RLK domain; C, Nucleotide diversity in the Coding Region of 35 wild rice. Amino acid variation sites in gray. In A and C, Amino acid variation sites (SNP and InDel) and average yellow leaf rate (LYR) values of indica rice population in two groups were shown in gray. And the first column of A and C shows the names of 33 haplotypes of CTB4a gene and 33 wild rice, respectively. cvs, Cultivars; LYR, Yellow leaf rate; I, O. sativa ssp. indica; J, O. sativa ssp. japonica.
元件名称 Name | 元件功能 Function | 元件存在类型 Existence type | 元件数量 Number |
LTR | 低温诱导 Low-temperature induction | 耐寒/不耐寒 Cold tolerance/intolerance | 1 |
ABRE | 脱落酸诱导 Abscisic acid induction | 3 | |
AE-box | 光诱导 Light induction | 10 | |
G-box | |||
Box 4 | |||
Box II | |||
GATA-motif | |||
TCCC-motif | |||
TCT-motif | |||
ACA-motif | 耐寒 Cold tolerance | 1 | |
MBS | 干旱诱导 Drought induction | 不耐寒 Cold intolerance | 1 |
表1 CTB4a基因启动子顺式作用元件分析
Table 1 Cis-acting elements analysis of CTB4a gene promoter
元件名称 Name | 元件功能 Function | 元件存在类型 Existence type | 元件数量 Number |
LTR | 低温诱导 Low-temperature induction | 耐寒/不耐寒 Cold tolerance/intolerance | 1 |
ABRE | 脱落酸诱导 Abscisic acid induction | 3 | |
AE-box | 光诱导 Light induction | 10 | |
G-box | |||
Box 4 | |||
Box II | |||
GATA-motif | |||
TCCC-motif | |||
TCT-motif | |||
ACA-motif | 耐寒 Cold tolerance | 1 | |
MBS | 干旱诱导 Drought induction | 不耐寒 Cold intolerance | 1 |
图2 CTB4a基因编码区单倍型的Network图(A)和栽培稻地理分布图(B)。图A中红色表示粳稻, 黄色表示籼稻。图B中粉色表示Group A, 蓝色表示Group B; 三角形代表粳稻, 圆形代表籼稻; 方框圈出为H9单倍型, 圆形圈出为H3单倍型。
Fig. 2 Network of haplotypes of CTB4a coding region (A) and geographic distribution map in cultivated rice (B). A, The network of all haplotypes for CTB4a, O. sativa ssp. japonica in red and O. sativa ssp. indica in yellow; B, Geographic distribution map of cultivated rice in group A and group B. Group A in pink and Group B in blue; O. sativa ssp. japonica with triangle and O. sativa ssp. indica with circle; H9 haplotype in square; H3 haplotype in circle.
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