生物多样性 ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (7): 971-979. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020320
* 高天翔 E-mail: gaotianxiang0611@163.com
Zhengsen Yu1, Na Song1, Hiroyuki Motomura2, Tianxiang Gao3,*()
* Tianxiang Gao E-mail: gaotianxiang0611@163.com
本研究检视了采自中国沿海的银口天竺鲷属标本314尾, 形态学鉴定为8种: 斑鳍银口天竺鲷(Jaydia carinata (
俞正森, 宋娜, 本村浩之, 高天翔 (2021) 中国银口天竺鲷属鱼类的分类厘定. 生物多样性, 29, 971-979. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020320.
Zhengsen Yu, Na Song, Hiroyuki Motomura, Tianxiang Gao (2021) Taxonomic revision of the cardinalfish genus Jaydia in China. Biodiversity Science, 29, 971-979. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020320.
图1 形态测量示意图。A-B: 吻长; B-C: 眼径; A-D: 吻到腹鳍起点; A-E: 吻到第一背鳍起点; A-F: 头长; A-G: 吻到第二背鳍起点; A-H: 吻到臀鳍起点; A-I: 体长; I-J: 尾柄长, K: 体高, L: 尾柄高。
Fig. 1 Methods of measurements. A-B, Snout length; B-C, Eye diameter; A-D, Snout to origin of pelvic fin; A-E, Snout to origin of first dorsal fin; A-F, Head length; A-G, Snout to second dorsal fin; A-H, Snout to origin of anal fin; A-I, Standard length; I-J, Caudal peduncle length; K, Body depth; L, Caudal peduncle depth.
种类 Species | 凭证标本 Voucher specimens | 采集地点 Locality | GenBank序列号 GenBank accession no. |
Jaydia sp. | OUC_FEL AP150553 | 中国海南西北海域 Northwest Hainan, China | MH638643 |
OUC_FEL AP150620 | 中国广东珠海 Zhuhai, Guangdong, China | MH638648 | |
OUC_FEL AP150622-150625 | 中国广东珠海 Zhuhai, Guangdong, China | MH638644-MH638647 | |
OUC_FEL AP150858 | 中国浙江舟山 Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China | KX388253 | |
史密斯氏银口天竺鲷 Jaydia smithi | AUBM Lot 05-06 | 地中海 Mediterranean Sea | KR861532-KR861533 |
ApSm22A-C, G-X | 以色列 Israel | KM538174-KM538194 | |
黑边银口天竺鲷 Jaydia truncata | FAKU: 73386 | 日本高知 Kochi, Japan | AB890050 |
印度洋银口天竺鲷 Jaydia striatodes | ZMNH AF0000118 | 中国广西北海 Beihai, Guangxi, China | KU507413 |
横带银口天竺鲷 Jaydia striata | KAUM-I. 47748 | 泰国罗勇 Rayong, Thailand | KU865174 |
斑鳍银口天竺鲷 Jaydia carinata | FAKU: 73706 | 日本高知 Kochi, Japan | AB890049 |
奎氏银口天竺鲷 Jaydia queketti | TAU P.15450 | 以色列 Israel | KF564297 |
细条银口天竺鲷 Jaydia lineata | FAKU: 77532 | 日本广岛 Hiroshima, Japan | AB890051 |
新几内亚银口天竺鲷 Jaydia novaeguineae | SAIAB 96303 | 肯尼亚 Kenya | KX281185 |
黑似天竺鲷 Apogonichthyoides niger | FAKU: 70753 | 日本爱媛 Ehime-ken, Japan | AB890026 |
犬牙拟天竺鲷 Pseudamia gelatinosa | KU: 31854 | 斐济瓦努阿莱武岛 Vanua Levu, Fiji | AB890005 |
表1 本研究使用序列信息
Table 1 Information of sequences used in this study
种类 Species | 凭证标本 Voucher specimens | 采集地点 Locality | GenBank序列号 GenBank accession no. |
Jaydia sp. | OUC_FEL AP150553 | 中国海南西北海域 Northwest Hainan, China | MH638643 |
OUC_FEL AP150620 | 中国广东珠海 Zhuhai, Guangdong, China | MH638648 | |
OUC_FEL AP150622-150625 | 中国广东珠海 Zhuhai, Guangdong, China | MH638644-MH638647 | |
OUC_FEL AP150858 | 中国浙江舟山 Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China | KX388253 | |
史密斯氏银口天竺鲷 Jaydia smithi | AUBM Lot 05-06 | 地中海 Mediterranean Sea | KR861532-KR861533 |
ApSm22A-C, G-X | 以色列 Israel | KM538174-KM538194 | |
黑边银口天竺鲷 Jaydia truncata | FAKU: 73386 | 日本高知 Kochi, Japan | AB890050 |
印度洋银口天竺鲷 Jaydia striatodes | ZMNH AF0000118 | 中国广西北海 Beihai, Guangxi, China | KU507413 |
横带银口天竺鲷 Jaydia striata | KAUM-I. 47748 | 泰国罗勇 Rayong, Thailand | KU865174 |
斑鳍银口天竺鲷 Jaydia carinata | FAKU: 73706 | 日本高知 Kochi, Japan | AB890049 |
奎氏银口天竺鲷 Jaydia queketti | TAU P.15450 | 以色列 Israel | KF564297 |
细条银口天竺鲷 Jaydia lineata | FAKU: 77532 | 日本广岛 Hiroshima, Japan | AB890051 |
新几内亚银口天竺鲷 Jaydia novaeguineae | SAIAB 96303 | 肯尼亚 Kenya | KX281185 |
黑似天竺鲷 Apogonichthyoides niger | FAKU: 70753 | 日本爱媛 Ehime-ken, Japan | AB890026 |
犬牙拟天竺鲷 Pseudamia gelatinosa | KU: 31854 | 斐济瓦努阿莱武岛 Vanua Levu, Fiji | AB890005 |
图2 A, B: 斑鳍银口天竺鲷, A: OUC_FEL AP160051, 117.9 mm, 广东珠海, B: OUC_FEL AP140025, 88.8 mm, 广东珠海; C: 细条银口天竺鲷, OUC_FEL AP150819, 57.8 mm, 山东乳山; D: 新几内亚银口天竺鲷, 61.3 mm, 海南三亚, 该标本经福尔马林溶液保存过, 原有的外部颜色特征已消失; E-F: 黑鳃银口天竺鲷, E: OUC_FEL AP150783, 87.8 mm, 广西北海, F: OUC_FEL AP150782, 68.3 mm, 广西北海; G: Jaydia sp., OUC_FEL AP150625, 98.6 mm, 广东珠海; H: 横带银口天竺鲷, KAUM-I. 47748, 53.2 mm, 泰国罗勇(照片由本村浩之提供); I: 印度洋银口天竺鲷, ZMNH AF0000119, 57.3 mm, 北部湾; J: 黑边银口天竺鲷, OUC_FEL AP150768, 89.9 mm, 广西北海。
Fig. 2 A, Jaydia carinata, OUC_FEL AP160051, 117.9 mm, from Zhuhai, Guangdong; China, B, J. carinata, OUC_FEL AP140025, 88.8 mm, from Zhuhai, Guangdong; C, J. lineata, OUC_FEL AP150819, 57.8 mm, from Rushan, Shandong; D, J. novaeguineae, 61.3 mm, from Sanya, Hainan Island, the specimen lost its color as it was ever preversed in formalin solution; E, J. poeciloptera, OUC_FEL AP150783, 87.8 mm, from Beihai, Guangxi; F, J. poeciloptera, OUC_FEL AP150783, 68.3 mm; from Beihai, Guangxi; G, Jaydia sp., OUC_FEL AP150625, 98.6 mm, from Zhuhai, Guangdong; H: J. striata, KAUM-I. 47748, 53.2 mm, from Ryoung, Thailand (Provided by Hiroyuki Motomura); I, J. striatodes, ZMNH AF0000119, 57.3 mm, the Beibu Gulf; J, J. truncata, OUC_FEL AP150768, 89.9 mm, Beihai, Guangxi.
命名种 Species | 当前状态 Current status |
J. albomarginata ( | 无效, 为新几内亚银口天竺鲷(J. novaeguineae)次定同种异名 A junior synonym of J. novaeguineae |
J. arafurae (Günther 1880) | 无效, 中国之记录为黑鳃银口天竺鲷(J. poeciloptera)误鉴 Misidentification of J. poeciloptera |
J. carinata (Cuvier in | 有效 Valid |
J. ellioti (Day 1875) | 无效, 为黑边银口天竺鲷 (J. truncata)次定同种异名 A junior synonym of J. truncata |
J. lineata (Temminck & Schlege 1842) | 有效 Valid |
J. novaeguineae (Valenciennes 1832) | 有效 Valid |
J. poeciloptera (Cuvier in | 有效 Valid |
J. smithi Kotthaus 1970 | 推测为Jaydia sp. May be Jaydia sp. |
J. striata ( | 有效 Valid |
J. striatodes ( | 有效, 曾误鉴为横带银口天竺鲷 Valid, but misidentified as J. striata |
J. tchefouensis ( | 分类地位存疑, 可能为细条银口天竺鲷(J. lineata)同种异名 Questionable, may be a junior synonym of J. lineata |
J. truncata ( | 有效 Valid |
表2 中国银口天竺鲷鱼类原记录命名种及其当前状态
Table 2 Nominal species of genus Jaydia recorded from China with their current status
命名种 Species | 当前状态 Current status |
J. albomarginata ( | 无效, 为新几内亚银口天竺鲷(J. novaeguineae)次定同种异名 A junior synonym of J. novaeguineae |
J. arafurae (Günther 1880) | 无效, 中国之记录为黑鳃银口天竺鲷(J. poeciloptera)误鉴 Misidentification of J. poeciloptera |
J. carinata (Cuvier in | 有效 Valid |
J. ellioti (Day 1875) | 无效, 为黑边银口天竺鲷 (J. truncata)次定同种异名 A junior synonym of J. truncata |
J. lineata (Temminck & Schlege 1842) | 有效 Valid |
J. novaeguineae (Valenciennes 1832) | 有效 Valid |
J. poeciloptera (Cuvier in | 有效 Valid |
J. smithi Kotthaus 1970 | 推测为Jaydia sp. May be Jaydia sp. |
J. striata ( | 有效 Valid |
J. striatodes ( | 有效, 曾误鉴为横带银口天竺鲷 Valid, but misidentified as J. striata |
J. tchefouensis ( | 分类地位存疑, 可能为细条银口天竺鲷(J. lineata)同种异名 Questionable, may be a junior synonym of J. lineata |
J. truncata ( | 有效 Valid |
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