生物多样性 ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (5): 621-629. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019401
朱俊华1,吴宙1,2,冯炳斌1,3,邓帅帅1,甄文全1,廖永岩1,颉晓勇4,Kit Yue Kwan1,*()
Kit Yue Kwan
Junhua Zhu1,Zhou Wu1,2,Bingbin Feng1,3,Shuaishuai Deng1,Wenquan Zhen1,Yongyan Liao1,Xiaoyong Xie4,Kit Yue Kwan1,*()
Kit Yue Kwan
鲎是古老的海洋节肢动物。中华鲎(Tachypleus tridentatus)是世界现存4种鲎中体型最大的一种, 是河口生态系统的标志物种, 同时其血液被用于生产医用检验试剂――鲎试剂。中华鲎的自然地理分布范围相当狭窄, 仅局限于日本濑户内海向南延伸至印度尼西亚爪哇岛北岸以北的太平洋西岸海域, 其中在中国东岸和日本南部海域的历史产量较高。自20世纪50年代以来中华鲎种群数量出现了显著减少, 2019年中华鲎在IUCN红色名录中的濒危等级正式更新为濒危(EN), 明确了中华鲎资源呈现全球性衰退的状态, 究其原因可归纳为鲎生境破坏和过度捕捞两个方面。在开展鲎资源保护的实践工作中, 作者深刻反思当前鲎资源保护在海洋保护区划定、增殖放流及科普和野生动物保护法宣传中存在的问题并提出相应建议, 包括加快完善种群基线数据, 制定标准化种群和生境基线监测指南, 构建科学放流体系等, 以期推进全球范围内的中华鲎资源保护与科学管理。
朱俊华, 吴宙, 冯炳斌, 邓帅帅, 甄文全, 廖永岩, 颉晓勇, Kit Yue Kwan (2020) 全球中华鲎资源保护现状及对策建议. 生物多样性, 28, 621-629. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019401.
Junhua Zhu, Zhou Wu, Bingbin Feng, Shuaishuai Deng, Wenquan Zhen, Yongyan Liao, Xiaoyong Xie, Kit Yue Kwan (2020) Global conservation of Tachypleus tridentatus: Present status and recommendations. Biodiversity Science, 28, 621-629. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019401.
放流日期 Date of release | 放流选址 Site selection for release | 鲎生长阶段 Growth stage of horseshoe crab | 数量 Number | 组织单位 Organization(s) |
2019.11 | 广东湛江遂溪县 Suixi County, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong | 1龄 1st instar | 460,000 | 北部湾大学、广西大学 Beibu Gulf University and Guangxi University |
2019.08 | 福建泉州丰泽滨海公园 Fengze Seaside Park, Quanzhou City, Fujian | 1龄 1st instar | 5,000 | 福建省淡水水产研究所、华侨大学、集美大学等 Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of Fujian, Huaqiao University, Jimei University etc. |
2019.08 | 广东汕头潮南区田心湾 Tianxin Bay, Chaonan District, Shantou City, Guangdong | 成年 Adult | 315 | 广东省汕头市潮南区海洋与渔业局 Marine and Fishery Bureau of Chaonan District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province |
2019.06 | 广西防城港 Fangchenggang City, Guangxi | 1龄 1st instar | 60,000 | 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所 South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences |
2018.11 | 广西北海 Beihai City, Guangxi | 成年 Adult | 2,000 | 湛江博康海洋生物有限公司北海分公司 Zhanjiang Bokang Marine Biotechnology Co. Ltd., Beihai |
2018.10 | 广西钦州三娘湾 Sanniang Bay, Qinzhou City, Guangxi | 1龄 1st instar | 5,170,000 | 北部湾大学、广西大学 Beibu Gulf University and Guangxi University |
2018.08 | 广西防城港 Fangchenggang City, Guangxi | 1龄 1st instar | 30,000 | 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所 South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences |
2018.06 | 福建平潭敖东镇山歧澳中华鲎保护区 Shanqi’ao Chinese Horseshoe Crab Protected Area, Aodong Town, Pingtan City, Fujian | 1龄 1st instar | 215,730 | 平潭综合实验区农村发展局 Rural Development Bureau of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Area |
2018.05 | 广东湛江东海岛东南码头 Dongnan Pier, Donghai Island, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong | 1龄 1st instar | 77,000 | 湛江市海洋与渔业局 Zhanjiang Marine and Fishery Bureau |
2017.07 | 广西北海侨港镇南部水域 Southern waters of Qiaogang Town , Beihai City, Guangxi | 1龄 1st instar | 550,000 | 北海市海洋与渔业局 Beihai Marine and Fishery Bureau |
2017.07 | 福建福州市海域 Fuzhou City waters, Fujian | 1龄 1st instar | 134,600 | 福州市海洋与渔业局 Fuzhou Marine and Fishery Bureau |
2017.06 | 广东阳江东平镇南鹏岛海域 Nanpeng Island waters, Dongping Town, Yangjiang City, Guangdong | 1龄 1st instar | 1,000 | 阳江市海洋与渔业局 Yangjiang Marine and Fishery Bureau |
2017.02 | 广东湛江东海岛东南码头 Dongnan Pier, Donghai Island, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong | 1龄 1st instar | 100,000 | 湛江市海洋与渔业局 Zhanjiang Marine and Fishery Bureau |
2015.06 | 福建福州长乐区五显鼻渔港码头外海域 Coastal waters outside Wuxianbi Fish Pier, Changle District, Fuzhou City, Fujian | 1龄 1st instar | 81,000 | 福州市海洋与渔业局 Fuzhou Marine and Fishery Bureau |
2015.06 | 福建闽江口川石岛海域 Chuanshi Island waters, Minjiang Estuary, Fujian | 1龄 1st instar | 110,000 | 福建省海洋渔业厅 Administration of Ocean and Fisheries of Fujian Province |
2015.05 | 广东湛江东海岛东南码头 Southeast Pier, Donghai Island, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong | 1龄 1st instar | 200,000 | 湛江市相关政府部门 Zhanjiang local governments |
2014.05 | 福建金门烈屿乡埔头 Putou, Lieyuxiang Village, Kinmen County, Fujian | 1龄 1st instar | 20,000 | 金门县政府 Kinmen County Government |
2013.05 | 广东汕头南澳县前江港务码头 Qianjiang Wharf, Nan’ao County, Shantou City, Guangdong | 不明 Unknown | 不明 Unknown | 不明 Unknown |
2010.06 | 广东阳江海陵岛大角湾畔 Dajiao Bayside, Hailing Island, Yangjiang City, Guangdong | 成年 Adult | 200 | 国家农业农村部、广东省政府 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the P. R. China and People’s Government of Guangdong Province |
表1 近十年在中国沿岸放流中华鲎的报道
Table 1 Reports on Tachypleus tridentatus restocking programs along the Chinese coast for the last 10 years
放流日期 Date of release | 放流选址 Site selection for release | 鲎生长阶段 Growth stage of horseshoe crab | 数量 Number | 组织单位 Organization(s) |
2019.11 | 广东湛江遂溪县 Suixi County, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong | 1龄 1st instar | 460,000 | 北部湾大学、广西大学 Beibu Gulf University and Guangxi University |
2019.08 | 福建泉州丰泽滨海公园 Fengze Seaside Park, Quanzhou City, Fujian | 1龄 1st instar | 5,000 | 福建省淡水水产研究所、华侨大学、集美大学等 Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of Fujian, Huaqiao University, Jimei University etc. |
2019.08 | 广东汕头潮南区田心湾 Tianxin Bay, Chaonan District, Shantou City, Guangdong | 成年 Adult | 315 | 广东省汕头市潮南区海洋与渔业局 Marine and Fishery Bureau of Chaonan District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province |
2019.06 | 广西防城港 Fangchenggang City, Guangxi | 1龄 1st instar | 60,000 | 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所 South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences |
2018.11 | 广西北海 Beihai City, Guangxi | 成年 Adult | 2,000 | 湛江博康海洋生物有限公司北海分公司 Zhanjiang Bokang Marine Biotechnology Co. Ltd., Beihai |
2018.10 | 广西钦州三娘湾 Sanniang Bay, Qinzhou City, Guangxi | 1龄 1st instar | 5,170,000 | 北部湾大学、广西大学 Beibu Gulf University and Guangxi University |
2018.08 | 广西防城港 Fangchenggang City, Guangxi | 1龄 1st instar | 30,000 | 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所 South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences |
2018.06 | 福建平潭敖东镇山歧澳中华鲎保护区 Shanqi’ao Chinese Horseshoe Crab Protected Area, Aodong Town, Pingtan City, Fujian | 1龄 1st instar | 215,730 | 平潭综合实验区农村发展局 Rural Development Bureau of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Area |
2018.05 | 广东湛江东海岛东南码头 Dongnan Pier, Donghai Island, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong | 1龄 1st instar | 77,000 | 湛江市海洋与渔业局 Zhanjiang Marine and Fishery Bureau |
2017.07 | 广西北海侨港镇南部水域 Southern waters of Qiaogang Town , Beihai City, Guangxi | 1龄 1st instar | 550,000 | 北海市海洋与渔业局 Beihai Marine and Fishery Bureau |
2017.07 | 福建福州市海域 Fuzhou City waters, Fujian | 1龄 1st instar | 134,600 | 福州市海洋与渔业局 Fuzhou Marine and Fishery Bureau |
2017.06 | 广东阳江东平镇南鹏岛海域 Nanpeng Island waters, Dongping Town, Yangjiang City, Guangdong | 1龄 1st instar | 1,000 | 阳江市海洋与渔业局 Yangjiang Marine and Fishery Bureau |
2017.02 | 广东湛江东海岛东南码头 Dongnan Pier, Donghai Island, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong | 1龄 1st instar | 100,000 | 湛江市海洋与渔业局 Zhanjiang Marine and Fishery Bureau |
2015.06 | 福建福州长乐区五显鼻渔港码头外海域 Coastal waters outside Wuxianbi Fish Pier, Changle District, Fuzhou City, Fujian | 1龄 1st instar | 81,000 | 福州市海洋与渔业局 Fuzhou Marine and Fishery Bureau |
2015.06 | 福建闽江口川石岛海域 Chuanshi Island waters, Minjiang Estuary, Fujian | 1龄 1st instar | 110,000 | 福建省海洋渔业厅 Administration of Ocean and Fisheries of Fujian Province |
2015.05 | 广东湛江东海岛东南码头 Southeast Pier, Donghai Island, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong | 1龄 1st instar | 200,000 | 湛江市相关政府部门 Zhanjiang local governments |
2014.05 | 福建金门烈屿乡埔头 Putou, Lieyuxiang Village, Kinmen County, Fujian | 1龄 1st instar | 20,000 | 金门县政府 Kinmen County Government |
2013.05 | 广东汕头南澳县前江港务码头 Qianjiang Wharf, Nan’ao County, Shantou City, Guangdong | 不明 Unknown | 不明 Unknown | 不明 Unknown |
2010.06 | 广东阳江海陵岛大角湾畔 Dajiao Bayside, Hailing Island, Yangjiang City, Guangdong | 成年 Adult | 200 | 国家农业农村部、广东省政府 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the P. R. China and People’s Government of Guangdong Province |
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