生物多样性 ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (11): 1227-1233. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2016031
刘焕章1,*(), 杨君兴2, 刘淑伟2, 高欣1, 陈宇顺1, 张春光3, 赵凯4, 李新辉5, 刘伟6
Huanzhang Liu1,*(), Junxing Yang2, Shuwei Liu2, Xin Gao1, Yushun Chen1, Chunguang Zhang3, Kai Zhao4, Xinhui Li5, Wei Liu6
Liu Huanzhang
近年来, 生物多样性监测网络的建设得到广泛重视, 全球、地区或国家生物多样性观测网不断组建。生物多样性观测的理论框架得到发展, 提出了生物多样性核心监测指标(Essential Biodiversity Variables, EBV)。鱼类多样性监测的理论框架包含于生物多样性核心监测指标之内, 在遗传、物种、生态系统等多层次进行。基于鱼类监测提出的生物完整性指数(index of biotic integrity, IBI)强调不同物种的生态功能, 可以综合反映群落结构和功能的变化, 得到广泛应用。鱼类多样性的监测方法是传统网具和现代水声学等方法的结合。监测结果的分析可以进行简单的指数比较, 也可以进行长期的趋势分析, 寻找关键节点, 探讨宏观生态格局的变化。中国内陆水体鱼类多样性监测网隶属于中国生物多样性监测与研究网络, 拟选取长江、黄河、黑龙江、珠江、澜沧江、怒江、塔里木河及青海湖8大流域, 对25个重要区域和24个重点物种(类群)进行监测, 从重要区域鱼类群落结构、重点物种(类群)种群动态和个体生物学特征、遗传多样性、早期资源等不同层次, 全面监测我国内陆水体鱼类生物多样性状况。
刘焕章, 杨君兴, 刘淑伟, 高欣, 陈宇顺, 张春光, 赵凯, 李新辉, 刘伟 (2016) 鱼类多样性监测的理论方法及中国内陆 水体鱼类多样性监测. 生物多样性, 24, 1227-1233. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2016031.
Huanzhang Liu, Junxing Yang, Shuwei Liu, Xin Gao, Yushun Chen, Chunguang Zhang, Kai Zhao, Xinhui Li, Wei Liu (2016) Theory and methods on fish diversity monitoring with an introduction to the inland water fish diversity observation in China. Biodiversity Science, 24, 1227-1233. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2016031.
EBV 类别 EBV class | EBV举例 EBV examples | 度量与尺度 Measurement and scalability | 时间敏感性 Temporal sensitivity |
遗传组成 Genetic composition | 基因型多样性 Allelic diversity | 选定的物种(濒危或家养物种)在代表性分布区的基因型 Genotypes of selected species (e.g. endangered, domesticated) at representative locations | 世代时间 Generation time |
物种种群 Species populations | 丰度或分布 Abundances and distributions | 进行计数或出现与否调查, 主要针对大范围网络尺度上容易监测的 物种、生态系统服务重要的物种等 Counts or presence surveys for groups of species easy to monitor or important for ecosystem services (ES), over an extensive network of sites | 1年-10年以上 1 to >10 years |
物种特征 Species traits | 形态学 Phenology | 遥感监测植物叶子颜色变化的时间, 需要现场核实。在鱼类可以采用生长、繁殖等特征 Timing of leaf coloration by remote sensing (RS), with in situ validation. Growth and reproduction traits in fish. | 1年 1 year |
群落组成 Community composition | 分类单元多样性 Taxonomic diversity | 多个分类单元的调查以及选定区域的宏基因组研究 Consistent multitaxa surveys and metagenomics at select locations | 5年-10年以上 5 to >10 years |
生态系统结构 Ecosystem structure | 生境结构 Habitat structure | 全球或区域尺度的生物量或覆盖度遥感 RS of cover (or biomass) by height (or depth) globally or regionally | 1-5年 1 to 5 years |
生态系统功能 Ecosystem function | 营养物质保留 Nutrient retention | 选定区域的营养物输出/输入比例测量 Nutrient output/input ratios measured at select locations | 1年 1 year |
表1 生物多样性的核心变量说明(引自Pereira et al, 2013)
Table 1 Examples of candidate Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBV) (adopted from Pereira et al, 2013)
EBV 类别 EBV class | EBV举例 EBV examples | 度量与尺度 Measurement and scalability | 时间敏感性 Temporal sensitivity |
遗传组成 Genetic composition | 基因型多样性 Allelic diversity | 选定的物种(濒危或家养物种)在代表性分布区的基因型 Genotypes of selected species (e.g. endangered, domesticated) at representative locations | 世代时间 Generation time |
物种种群 Species populations | 丰度或分布 Abundances and distributions | 进行计数或出现与否调查, 主要针对大范围网络尺度上容易监测的 物种、生态系统服务重要的物种等 Counts or presence surveys for groups of species easy to monitor or important for ecosystem services (ES), over an extensive network of sites | 1年-10年以上 1 to >10 years |
物种特征 Species traits | 形态学 Phenology | 遥感监测植物叶子颜色变化的时间, 需要现场核实。在鱼类可以采用生长、繁殖等特征 Timing of leaf coloration by remote sensing (RS), with in situ validation. Growth and reproduction traits in fish. | 1年 1 year |
群落组成 Community composition | 分类单元多样性 Taxonomic diversity | 多个分类单元的调查以及选定区域的宏基因组研究 Consistent multitaxa surveys and metagenomics at select locations | 5年-10年以上 5 to >10 years |
生态系统结构 Ecosystem structure | 生境结构 Habitat structure | 全球或区域尺度的生物量或覆盖度遥感 RS of cover (or biomass) by height (or depth) globally or regionally | 1-5年 1 to 5 years |
生态系统功能 Ecosystem function | 营养物质保留 Nutrient retention | 选定区域的营养物输出/输入比例测量 Nutrient output/input ratios measured at select locations | 1年 1 year |
评价指标 Metrics | 评分级别 Rating of metrics | ||
5 | 3 | 1 | |
A. 物种组成与丰富度 Species richness and composition | 根据调查河流的大小或区域特征设定评价指标1-5的期望值, 大型河流鱼类物种期望值高; 中国的河流鲤科鱼类物种多。 Expectations for metrics 1-5 vary with stream size and region. Large rivers are with more species, and more cyprinids in Chinese waters | ||
1. 鱼类物种总数(土著物种) Total number of fish species (native fish species) | |||
2. 鲈类物种单元与数量(底栖物种) Number and identity of darter species (benthic species) | |||
3. 太阳鱼科物种单元与数量(中层鱼类) Number and identity of sunfish species (water-column species) | |||
4. 亚口鱼科物种单元与数量(长寿命鱼类) Number and identity of sucker species (long-lived species) | |||
5. 非耐受型鱼类物种单元与数量 Number and identity of intolerant species | |||
6. 蓝绿鳞鳃太阳鱼个体组成百分比(耐受型鱼类) Percentage of individuals as green sunfish (tolerant species) | <5 | 5-20 | >20 |
B. 营养类型组成 Trophic composition | |||
7. 杂食性鱼类个体组成百分比 Percentage of individuals as omnivores | <20 | 20-45 | >45 |
8. 昆虫食性鲤科鱼类个体组成百分比 Percentage of individuals as insectivorous cyprinids (insectivores) | >45 | 45-20 | <20 |
9. 凶猛肉食性鱼类个体组成百分比(顶级捕食者) Percentage of individuals as piscivores (top carnivores) | >5 | 5-1 | <1 |
C. 鱼类丰度与状况 Fish abundance and condition | |||
10. 采集到的样本个体数 Number of individuals in sample | 指标10随河流大小等因子变化 Expectations for metric 10 vary with stream size and other factors | ||
11. 杂交个体百分比 Percentage of individuals as hybrids | 0 | >0-1 | >1 |
12. 带病、肿瘤、鳍条损伤、或骨骼畸形的个体百分比 Percentage of individuals with disease, tumors, fin damage, and skeletal anomalies | 0-2 | >2-5 | >5 |
表2 基于生物完整性指数(IBI)评价鱼类群落生物完整性的指标及评分级别(修改自Karr, 1981, 1991)
Table 2 Metrics used to assess biological integrity of fish communities based on the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) (from Karr, 1981, 1991 with modifications)
评价指标 Metrics | 评分级别 Rating of metrics | ||
5 | 3 | 1 | |
A. 物种组成与丰富度 Species richness and composition | 根据调查河流的大小或区域特征设定评价指标1-5的期望值, 大型河流鱼类物种期望值高; 中国的河流鲤科鱼类物种多。 Expectations for metrics 1-5 vary with stream size and region. Large rivers are with more species, and more cyprinids in Chinese waters | ||
1. 鱼类物种总数(土著物种) Total number of fish species (native fish species) | |||
2. 鲈类物种单元与数量(底栖物种) Number and identity of darter species (benthic species) | |||
3. 太阳鱼科物种单元与数量(中层鱼类) Number and identity of sunfish species (water-column species) | |||
4. 亚口鱼科物种单元与数量(长寿命鱼类) Number and identity of sucker species (long-lived species) | |||
5. 非耐受型鱼类物种单元与数量 Number and identity of intolerant species | |||
6. 蓝绿鳞鳃太阳鱼个体组成百分比(耐受型鱼类) Percentage of individuals as green sunfish (tolerant species) | <5 | 5-20 | >20 |
B. 营养类型组成 Trophic composition | |||
7. 杂食性鱼类个体组成百分比 Percentage of individuals as omnivores | <20 | 20-45 | >45 |
8. 昆虫食性鲤科鱼类个体组成百分比 Percentage of individuals as insectivorous cyprinids (insectivores) | >45 | 45-20 | <20 |
9. 凶猛肉食性鱼类个体组成百分比(顶级捕食者) Percentage of individuals as piscivores (top carnivores) | >5 | 5-1 | <1 |
C. 鱼类丰度与状况 Fish abundance and condition | |||
10. 采集到的样本个体数 Number of individuals in sample | 指标10随河流大小等因子变化 Expectations for metric 10 vary with stream size and other factors | ||
11. 杂交个体百分比 Percentage of individuals as hybrids | 0 | >0-1 | >1 |
12. 带病、肿瘤、鳍条损伤、或骨骼畸形的个体百分比 Percentage of individuals with disease, tumors, fin damage, and skeletal anomalies | 0-2 | >2-5 | >5 |
调查方法 Survey methods | 适用水环境 Applied water body |
目测调查 Visual surveys | 小型水体或清澈的溪流 Small pools and clear streams |
渔获物调查 Catch returns | 流水或静水水体 Running and still waters |
定置网等诱捕型网具 Traps | 流水或静水水体 Running and still waters |
撒网等网具 Lift, throw and push netting | 流水或静水水体 Running and still waters |
电鱼 Electrofishing | 流水或静水水体 Running and still waters |
刺网 Gill netting | 缓流或静水水体 Slow-flowing or still waters |
围网 Seine netting | 缓流或静水水体 Slow-flowing or still waters |
拖网 Trawl netting | 缓流或静水水体 Slow-flowing or still waters |
水声学计数 Hydroacoustic sonar counters | 缓流或静水水体 Slow-flowing or still waters |
电子计数 Electronic counters | 流水水体 Running waters |
表3 鱼类调查方法及其适用水体(修改自Giles et al, 2005)
Table 3 Methods for fish surveying and applied water body (From Giles et al, 2005 with modifications)
调查方法 Survey methods | 适用水环境 Applied water body |
目测调查 Visual surveys | 小型水体或清澈的溪流 Small pools and clear streams |
渔获物调查 Catch returns | 流水或静水水体 Running and still waters |
定置网等诱捕型网具 Traps | 流水或静水水体 Running and still waters |
撒网等网具 Lift, throw and push netting | 流水或静水水体 Running and still waters |
电鱼 Electrofishing | 流水或静水水体 Running and still waters |
刺网 Gill netting | 缓流或静水水体 Slow-flowing or still waters |
围网 Seine netting | 缓流或静水水体 Slow-flowing or still waters |
拖网 Trawl netting | 缓流或静水水体 Slow-flowing or still waters |
水声学计数 Hydroacoustic sonar counters | 缓流或静水水体 Slow-flowing or still waters |
电子计数 Electronic counters | 流水水体 Running waters |
图1 基于不列颠鸟类调查数据库分析的红腹灰雀丰度指数变化趋势图示(实线为丰度指数变化曲线, 虚线为95%置信区间, 黑点表示上升的变化点, 圆圈表示下降的变化点, 引自Fewster et al, 2000)
Fig. 1 Index curves from CBC data for the Bullfinch. The solid lines give the index curves from a GAM and the dashed lines represent upper and lower 95% bootstrapped confidence limits. A solid circle denotes a point at which the second derivative is significantly negative (a downturn in the index curve), and an open circle denotes a point at which the second derivative is significantly positive (an upturn in the index curve) (Fewster et al,, 2000).
图2 基于100个环境因子分析的北太平洋生态稳态转换(引自Hare & Mantua, 2000)
Fig. 2 Regime shift analyses of a composite of the 100 environmental time series in North Pacific Ocean (Hare & Mantua, 2000)
水系 Water systems | 重要地区 Focused areas | 重点物种 Target species | 主要承担单位 Lead institutions |
长江 Yangtz River | 长江上游珍稀特有鱼类保护区(四川合江)、三峡库尾(重庆)、三峡大坝坝下(湖北宜昌)、中游湖泊区(江西湖口) Reserve for rare and endemic fishes of the Upper Yangtz River (Hejiang), end of the Three Gorges Reservoir (Chongqing), downstream of the Three Gorges Dam (Yichang), and floodplain of the middle Yangtz (Hukou) | 洄游性鱼类(鲟鱼类)、长江上游特有鱼类(圆口铜鱼)、长江重要经济鱼类(四大家鱼) Anadromous fish (sturgeons), endemic fishes of the Upper Yangtz River, economic species (the four major Chinese carps) | 中国科学院水生生物研究所 Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
黄河 Yellow River | 上游(巴彦淖尔)、中游(三门峡)、下游(东营) Upper reaches (Bayan Nur), middle reaches (Sanmenxia), and lower reaches (Dongying) | 马口鱼或宽鳍鱲、裂腹鱼类、鲇类 Opsariicjthys bidens or Zacco platypus, schizothroaxins, and catfishes | 中科院动物研究所 Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
黑龙江 Heilongjiang River | 上游(呼玛)、中游(萝北)、下游(抚远) Upper reaches (Huma), middle reaches (Luobei), and lower reaches (Fuyuan) | 施氏鲟或达氏鳇、鲑科鱼类 Acipenser schrenckii, Huso dauricus, salmonids | 中国水产科学研究院黑龙江水产研究所 Heilongjiang River Fisheries Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences |
珠江 Zhujiang River | 上游(合山)、中游(桂平)、下游(肇庆) Upper reaches (Heshan), middle reaches (Guiping), and lower reaches (Zhaoqing) | 广东鲂、野鲮亚科代表种、鳅类代表种 Megalobrama terminalis, labeonins, loaches | 中国水产科学研究院珠江水产研究所 Zhujiang River Fisheries Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences |
澜沧江 Lancang River | 上游(维西)、中游(大理)、下游(景洪) Upper reaches (Weixi), middle reaches (Dali), and lower reaches (Jinghong) | 裂腹鱼类、鮡类、鲃类代表种 Schizothroaxins, sisorins, barbinins | 中科院昆明动物研究所 Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
怒江 Nujiang River | 上游(贡山)、中游(六库)、下游(永德) Upper reaches (Gongshan), middle reaches (Liuku), lower reaches (Yongde) | 裂腹鱼类、鮡类、鳅类的代表种 Schizothroaxins, sisorins, loaches | 中科院昆明动物研究所 Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
塔里木河 Tarim River | 上游(阿拉尔)、中游(沙雅)、下游(尉犁) Upper reaches (Alaer), middle reaches (Shaya), and lower reaches (Yuli) | 裂腹鱼类、鳅科鱼类代表种 Schizothroaxins, loaches | 中科院西北高原生物研究所 Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
青海湖 Qinghai Lake | 湖西北岸(刚察)、湖北岸(海晏)、湖西南岸(共和) Northwest bank (Gangcha), north bank (Haiyan), and south bank (Gonghe) | 裂腹鱼类、鳅科鱼类代表种 Schizothroaxins, loaches | 中科院西北高原生物研究所 Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
表4 中国内陆水体鱼类多样性监测专项网空间布局、重要地区、重点物种及主要承担单位
Table 4 The scheme of the Sino BON–Inland Water Fish, including focused areas, targeted species (groups) and lead institutions
水系 Water systems | 重要地区 Focused areas | 重点物种 Target species | 主要承担单位 Lead institutions |
长江 Yangtz River | 长江上游珍稀特有鱼类保护区(四川合江)、三峡库尾(重庆)、三峡大坝坝下(湖北宜昌)、中游湖泊区(江西湖口) Reserve for rare and endemic fishes of the Upper Yangtz River (Hejiang), end of the Three Gorges Reservoir (Chongqing), downstream of the Three Gorges Dam (Yichang), and floodplain of the middle Yangtz (Hukou) | 洄游性鱼类(鲟鱼类)、长江上游特有鱼类(圆口铜鱼)、长江重要经济鱼类(四大家鱼) Anadromous fish (sturgeons), endemic fishes of the Upper Yangtz River, economic species (the four major Chinese carps) | 中国科学院水生生物研究所 Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
黄河 Yellow River | 上游(巴彦淖尔)、中游(三门峡)、下游(东营) Upper reaches (Bayan Nur), middle reaches (Sanmenxia), and lower reaches (Dongying) | 马口鱼或宽鳍鱲、裂腹鱼类、鲇类 Opsariicjthys bidens or Zacco platypus, schizothroaxins, and catfishes | 中科院动物研究所 Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
黑龙江 Heilongjiang River | 上游(呼玛)、中游(萝北)、下游(抚远) Upper reaches (Huma), middle reaches (Luobei), and lower reaches (Fuyuan) | 施氏鲟或达氏鳇、鲑科鱼类 Acipenser schrenckii, Huso dauricus, salmonids | 中国水产科学研究院黑龙江水产研究所 Heilongjiang River Fisheries Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences |
珠江 Zhujiang River | 上游(合山)、中游(桂平)、下游(肇庆) Upper reaches (Heshan), middle reaches (Guiping), and lower reaches (Zhaoqing) | 广东鲂、野鲮亚科代表种、鳅类代表种 Megalobrama terminalis, labeonins, loaches | 中国水产科学研究院珠江水产研究所 Zhujiang River Fisheries Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences |
澜沧江 Lancang River | 上游(维西)、中游(大理)、下游(景洪) Upper reaches (Weixi), middle reaches (Dali), and lower reaches (Jinghong) | 裂腹鱼类、鮡类、鲃类代表种 Schizothroaxins, sisorins, barbinins | 中科院昆明动物研究所 Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
怒江 Nujiang River | 上游(贡山)、中游(六库)、下游(永德) Upper reaches (Gongshan), middle reaches (Liuku), lower reaches (Yongde) | 裂腹鱼类、鮡类、鳅类的代表种 Schizothroaxins, sisorins, loaches | 中科院昆明动物研究所 Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
塔里木河 Tarim River | 上游(阿拉尔)、中游(沙雅)、下游(尉犁) Upper reaches (Alaer), middle reaches (Shaya), and lower reaches (Yuli) | 裂腹鱼类、鳅科鱼类代表种 Schizothroaxins, loaches | 中科院西北高原生物研究所 Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
青海湖 Qinghai Lake | 湖西北岸(刚察)、湖北岸(海晏)、湖西南岸(共和) Northwest bank (Gangcha), north bank (Haiyan), and south bank (Gonghe) | 裂腹鱼类、鳅科鱼类代表种 Schizothroaxins, loaches | 中科院西北高原生物研究所 Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
监测类别 Classes | 监测方法 Methods | 监测指标 Variables |
重要区域鱼类资源监测(群落水平):流域内鱼类种类组成、不同分类单元和功能类群组成比例、优势种成分变化、早期资源状况、鱼类生存的水环境因子。 Fish resources monitoring in focused areas (community level): species composition, taxonomic groups and ecological functional groups, dominant species, fish early resources, and environmental abiotic factors. | 鱼类资源调查、渔获物调查、鱼类早期资源调查、水下声纳探测、水下机器人视频追踪、水环境因子调查。 Fish resource survey, fishing harvest survey, fish early resource survey, hydro acoustic survey, and environmental abiotic factor survey. | 鱼类群落特征: 鱼类名录、鱼类多样性指数、不同物种的数量组成、重量组成、优势种类、不同分类单元、功能类群的成分变化等。早期资源的种类组成与资源量。鱼类生存环境: 水温、流速、水深、河面宽度、底质特征、溶氧、pH值、透明度、电导率, 水文站的水位、径流量等。 Community level characters: species list, diversity indices, proportion of different species in numbers and biomass, dominant species, proportion of different taxonomic groups and ecological functional groups. Species composition and abundance of fish early resources. Environmental abiotic factor: water temperature, flow velocity, water depth, river width, riverbed types, dissolved oxygen, pH, transparency, conductivity, water discharge, water level of the nearby hydrographic station. |
重点物种鱼类生物学特征监测(物种水平):重点鱼类物种(类群)的种群动态、个体生物学特征。 Target species biological monitoring: population dynamic and biological traits. | 渔获物调查、鱼探仪、水下机器人视频追踪、声学信标。 Fishing harvest survey, sonar detection system, video monitoring with remotely operated vehicle (ROV), hydro acoustic survey. | 鱼类种群特征: 种群数量、年龄结构、性比组成、体长和体重频数分布等。鱼类个体生物学特征: 鱼类的年龄与生长、鱼类的食物组成、性腺发育、繁殖力等个体生物学特征。鱼类行为特征: 鱼类洄游时间、线路; 鱼类繁殖、摄食等行为表现。 Population level characters: population size, age structure, sexual ratio, frequency distribution of body length and body weight. Fish biological traits: age and growth, diet composition, gonad development, fecundity. Fish behavior: migration time and route, breeding and feeding behavior. |
重点物种遗传多样性监测:种群遗传多样性现状 Genetic diversity monitoring of target species | 线粒体DNA基因和微卫星分子标记 mtDNA and short sequence repeats (SSR) diversity analysis | 线粒体DNA基因的单倍型数目、单倍型多样性、核苷酸多样性; 微卫星标记反映的等位基因频率、杂合度与近交状态、有效种群大小等。 MtDNA haplotype numbers and diversity, nucleotide diversity, SSR genotype frequency, heterozygosity and inbreeding coefficient, effective population size. |
表5 中国内陆水体鱼类多样性监测专项网的监测内容、方法和主要指标
Table 5 Monitoring variables and methods of the Sino BON–Inland Water Fish
监测类别 Classes | 监测方法 Methods | 监测指标 Variables |
重要区域鱼类资源监测(群落水平):流域内鱼类种类组成、不同分类单元和功能类群组成比例、优势种成分变化、早期资源状况、鱼类生存的水环境因子。 Fish resources monitoring in focused areas (community level): species composition, taxonomic groups and ecological functional groups, dominant species, fish early resources, and environmental abiotic factors. | 鱼类资源调查、渔获物调查、鱼类早期资源调查、水下声纳探测、水下机器人视频追踪、水环境因子调查。 Fish resource survey, fishing harvest survey, fish early resource survey, hydro acoustic survey, and environmental abiotic factor survey. | 鱼类群落特征: 鱼类名录、鱼类多样性指数、不同物种的数量组成、重量组成、优势种类、不同分类单元、功能类群的成分变化等。早期资源的种类组成与资源量。鱼类生存环境: 水温、流速、水深、河面宽度、底质特征、溶氧、pH值、透明度、电导率, 水文站的水位、径流量等。 Community level characters: species list, diversity indices, proportion of different species in numbers and biomass, dominant species, proportion of different taxonomic groups and ecological functional groups. Species composition and abundance of fish early resources. Environmental abiotic factor: water temperature, flow velocity, water depth, river width, riverbed types, dissolved oxygen, pH, transparency, conductivity, water discharge, water level of the nearby hydrographic station. |
重点物种鱼类生物学特征监测(物种水平):重点鱼类物种(类群)的种群动态、个体生物学特征。 Target species biological monitoring: population dynamic and biological traits. | 渔获物调查、鱼探仪、水下机器人视频追踪、声学信标。 Fishing harvest survey, sonar detection system, video monitoring with remotely operated vehicle (ROV), hydro acoustic survey. | 鱼类种群特征: 种群数量、年龄结构、性比组成、体长和体重频数分布等。鱼类个体生物学特征: 鱼类的年龄与生长、鱼类的食物组成、性腺发育、繁殖力等个体生物学特征。鱼类行为特征: 鱼类洄游时间、线路; 鱼类繁殖、摄食等行为表现。 Population level characters: population size, age structure, sexual ratio, frequency distribution of body length and body weight. Fish biological traits: age and growth, diet composition, gonad development, fecundity. Fish behavior: migration time and route, breeding and feeding behavior. |
重点物种遗传多样性监测:种群遗传多样性现状 Genetic diversity monitoring of target species | 线粒体DNA基因和微卫星分子标记 mtDNA and short sequence repeats (SSR) diversity analysis | 线粒体DNA基因的单倍型数目、单倍型多样性、核苷酸多样性; 微卫星标记反映的等位基因频率、杂合度与近交状态、有效种群大小等。 MtDNA haplotype numbers and diversity, nucleotide diversity, SSR genotype frequency, heterozygosity and inbreeding coefficient, effective population size. |
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