生物多样性 ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 244-247.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2015236

• 生物编目 • 上一篇    


刘艳*, 皮春燕, 田尚()   

  1. 重庆师范大学生命科学学院, 重庆 401331
  • 收稿日期:2015-09-10 接受日期:2015-09-22 出版日期:2016-02-20 发布日期:2016-03-03
  • 通讯作者: 刘艳
  • 基金资助:

Bryophyte biodiversity of the Dabashan National Nature Reserve in Chongqing

Yan Liu*, Chunyan Pi, Shang Tian()   

  1. College of Life Sciences, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331
  • Received:2015-09-10 Accepted:2015-09-22 Online:2016-02-20 Published:2016-03-03
  • Contact: Liu Yan


大巴山国家级自然保护区是我国35个生物多样性优先保护区域之一, 但苔藓植物的相关研究仍是空白。本文在详细的野外调查基础上, 记录该保护区苔藓植物57科141属390种, 其中苔类21科31属82种, 藓类36科110属308种, 新增重庆市苔藓植物新记录80种。物种多样性最丰富的科(种数≥ 10种)分别是青藓科、丛藓科、灰藓科、真藓科、提灯藓科和曲尾藓科, 共占总种数的41.03%。物种多样性最丰富的属(种数≥ 10种)分别是青藓属(Brachythecium)、真藓属(Bryum)、绢藓属(Entodon)、光萼苔属(Porella)和耳叶苔属(Frullania), 共占总种数的15.64%。在海拔1,000-2,480 m之间, 苔藓植物的物种多样性呈现随海拔升高先增加后减少的趋势, 其中, 在海拔1,200-1,600 m段物种最为丰富, 建议将这一地带进行优先保护。

关键词: 生物多样性热点地区, 物种多样性, 重庆, 城口县, 新记录种


The Dabashan National Nature Reserve is one of 35 biodiversity conservation priority areas of China. However, little is known about bryophyte biodiversity in this area. Based on an extensive field invest- tigation, we recorded 390 species (in 141 genera of 57 families) in the Dabashan National Nature Reserve. Of these, 82 species (in 31 genera of 21 families) were liverworts and 308 species (in 110 genera of 36 families) were mosses. Eighty species were first recorded in Chongqing. Families with more than 10 species included Brachytheciaceae, Pottiaceae, Hypnaceae, Bryaceae, Mniaceae and Dicranaceae, which accounted for 41.03% of the total species. Genera with more than 10 species included Brachythecium, Bryum, Entodon, Porella and Frullania, and accounted for 15.64% of the total species. Bryophyte diversity between altitudes of 1,000 m and 2,480 m showed a hump-shaped pattern. A peak was found at low elevations (1,200-1,600 m) with 91.79% of the total species found at these elevations. Therefore, we suggest that this elevational belt be a priority area for bryophyte conservation in the Dabashan National Nature Reserve.

Key words: biodiversity hotspots, species diversity, Chongqing, Chengkou County, new records