Biodiv Sci ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 66-75. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2012.10171
Special Issue: 生物多样性与生态系统功能
• Methodologies • Previous Articles Next Articles
Keping Ma
Guoke Chen, Keping Ma. Criteria and methods for assessing the threat status of ecosystem[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2012, 20(1): 66-75.
评估方案 Protocols for assessment | 应用领域 Fields of application | 生态系统丧失的定义 Definition of ecosystem extinction | 生态系统受威胁等级 Threat status | ||
爱沙尼亚植物群落受威胁等级评估 Assessing the threat status of plant communities in Estonia (Paal, | 确定爱沙尼亚的稀有和受威胁植物群落 Identifying rare and threatened plant communities in Estonia | 经过多次重复调查, 未发现相应的植物群落 Plant communities are not found after repeated surveys | 极危、濒危和易危 Very threatened, threatened, fairly threatened | ||
奥地利群落生境红色名录 Austrian Biotope Red List (Essl et al., | 编制奥地利生物群落名录, 评估受威胁等级 Editing a complete list of biotope types in Austria, assessing threat status of biotope | 群落生境已不存在, 原始群落生境被破坏 Biotope is not present, and the original biotope has been destructed | 区域灭绝、极危、濒危、易危、近危、无危和数据缺乏 RE, CR, EN, VU, NT, LC, DD | ||
澳大利亚环境保护和生物多样性法案 Australian Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Act (Commonwealth of Australia, 1999, 2000a, b) | 提供澳大利亚受威胁群落的标准 Providing criteria for listing threatened ecological communities in Australia | 生物群落的丧失不可逆, 即使人类采取积极的措施, 生态过程、物种组成和群落结构在短期内也不可能恢复 Community loss is not irreversible; ecological process, species composition, and community structure can not be re-established within the near future even with positive human intervention | 极危、濒危和易危 CR, EN, VU | ||
芬兰受威胁生境评估 Assessment of threatened habitat types in Finland (Raunio et al., | 确定芬兰的受威胁生境类型 Identifying the threatened habitat types in Finland | 生境消失, 或生境发生变化而不能代表其原始生境 Habitats disappeared, current habitats can not represent the original ones due to gradual change | 区域灭绝、极危、濒危、易危、近危和无危 RE, CR, EN, VU, NT, LC | ||
昆士兰州植被管理法案 Queensland Vegetation Management Act (Queensland Government, | 确定昆士兰州生态系统的保护等级 Identifying the conservation status of Queensland’s ecosystems | 未定义 No definition | 濒危和易危 EN, VU | ||
美国生态系统受威胁等级评估 Assessment of the threat status of ecosystem in the United States (Noss et al., | 对美国生态系统的丧失和退化状况进行初步评估 A preliminary assessment of loss and degradation of ecosystems in the United States | 原始生态系统被完全改变(如变为农田), 或者面积减小; 生态系统的结构、功能和组成发生变化 Natural ecosystem has been cleared (e.g. converted to farmland), decline in area; degradation in ecosystem structure, function, and composition | 极危、濒危和易危 CR, EN, VU | ||
NatureServe保护等级评估 NatureServe conservation status assessments (Master et al., | 评估物种、群落和生态系统的潜在灭绝风险, 确定保护状态 Evaluating potential extinction risk of species, community, and ecosystem; identifying conservation status | 由于优势类群或特征类群灭绝, 群落消失, 并且不能恢复 Community eliminated, without restoration potential due to extinction of dominant or characteristic taxa | 灭绝、可能灭绝、极危、濒危、易危、接近安全、安全、不能评估、未评估和不适合评估 GX, GH, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, GU, GNR, GNA | ||
陆地生态系统丧失风险评估标准 Criteria for assessing extinction risk of terrestrial ecosystems (Rodriguez et al., | IUCN评估生态系统受威胁等级的标准 Criteria adopted by IUCN to assess the threat status of ecosystem | 代表原始生态系统的地表覆盖消失 Intact land cover of the original ecosystem disappear | 极危、濒危和易危 CR, EN, VU | ||
西澳大利亚受威胁群落名录 Western Australian List of Threatened Ecological Communities (Department of Environment and Conservation, | 西澳大利亚州政府确定群落受威胁状态的方法 Methods adopted by the Government of Western Australia to identify threat status of communities | 充分调查后未发现代表性的群落 No representative communities have been found after adequate survey | 可能完全破坏、极危、濒危和易危 PD, CR, EN, VU | ||
新南威尔士受威胁物种保护法案 New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act (NSW Scientific Committee, | 按照新南威尔士受威胁物种保护方案, 确定物种、种群和群落的评估标准 Identifying criteria for species, populations and communities under the New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act | 未定义 No definition | 极危、濒危和易危 CR, EN, VU | ||
评估方案 Protocols for assessment | 应用领域 Fields of application | 生态系统丧失的定义 Definition of ecosystem extinction | 生态系统受威胁等级 Threat status | ||
新南威尔士植被分类、评估 New South Wales Vegetation Classification and Assessment (Benson, | 对新南威尔士本土植被进行分类, 评估植物群落受威胁等级 Classifying the native vegetation of New South Wales, assessing threat status of plant communities | 群落被完全破坏 Communities have been totally destroyed | 可能灭绝、极危、濒危、易危、近危和无危 X, CE, E, V, NT, LC | ||
新西兰陆地环境评估 Assessing the terrestrial environment of New Zealand (Walker et al., | 基于原生植被, 评估新西兰陆地环境的受威胁等级 Based on indigenous cover, assessing threat categories of environments in New Zealand | 未定义 No definition | 极危、濒危、易危、极缺乏保护、缺乏保护、未评估 Acutely Threatened, Chronically Threatened, At Risk, Critically Underprotected, Underprotected, No Threat Category |
Table 1 Summary of protocols for assessing the threat status of ecosystems. By searching the scientific and gray literatures for proto- cols about assessing the threat status of communities and ecosystems, Nicholson et al. (2009) made out a review on this topic. Our sum- mary is based on this review. We update some information on several protocols according to the development over the past two years.
评估方案 Protocols for assessment | 应用领域 Fields of application | 生态系统丧失的定义 Definition of ecosystem extinction | 生态系统受威胁等级 Threat status | ||
爱沙尼亚植物群落受威胁等级评估 Assessing the threat status of plant communities in Estonia (Paal, | 确定爱沙尼亚的稀有和受威胁植物群落 Identifying rare and threatened plant communities in Estonia | 经过多次重复调查, 未发现相应的植物群落 Plant communities are not found after repeated surveys | 极危、濒危和易危 Very threatened, threatened, fairly threatened | ||
奥地利群落生境红色名录 Austrian Biotope Red List (Essl et al., | 编制奥地利生物群落名录, 评估受威胁等级 Editing a complete list of biotope types in Austria, assessing threat status of biotope | 群落生境已不存在, 原始群落生境被破坏 Biotope is not present, and the original biotope has been destructed | 区域灭绝、极危、濒危、易危、近危、无危和数据缺乏 RE, CR, EN, VU, NT, LC, DD | ||
澳大利亚环境保护和生物多样性法案 Australian Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Act (Commonwealth of Australia, 1999, 2000a, b) | 提供澳大利亚受威胁群落的标准 Providing criteria for listing threatened ecological communities in Australia | 生物群落的丧失不可逆, 即使人类采取积极的措施, 生态过程、物种组成和群落结构在短期内也不可能恢复 Community loss is not irreversible; ecological process, species composition, and community structure can not be re-established within the near future even with positive human intervention | 极危、濒危和易危 CR, EN, VU | ||
芬兰受威胁生境评估 Assessment of threatened habitat types in Finland (Raunio et al., | 确定芬兰的受威胁生境类型 Identifying the threatened habitat types in Finland | 生境消失, 或生境发生变化而不能代表其原始生境 Habitats disappeared, current habitats can not represent the original ones due to gradual change | 区域灭绝、极危、濒危、易危、近危和无危 RE, CR, EN, VU, NT, LC | ||
昆士兰州植被管理法案 Queensland Vegetation Management Act (Queensland Government, | 确定昆士兰州生态系统的保护等级 Identifying the conservation status of Queensland’s ecosystems | 未定义 No definition | 濒危和易危 EN, VU | ||
美国生态系统受威胁等级评估 Assessment of the threat status of ecosystem in the United States (Noss et al., | 对美国生态系统的丧失和退化状况进行初步评估 A preliminary assessment of loss and degradation of ecosystems in the United States | 原始生态系统被完全改变(如变为农田), 或者面积减小; 生态系统的结构、功能和组成发生变化 Natural ecosystem has been cleared (e.g. converted to farmland), decline in area; degradation in ecosystem structure, function, and composition | 极危、濒危和易危 CR, EN, VU | ||
NatureServe保护等级评估 NatureServe conservation status assessments (Master et al., | 评估物种、群落和生态系统的潜在灭绝风险, 确定保护状态 Evaluating potential extinction risk of species, community, and ecosystem; identifying conservation status | 由于优势类群或特征类群灭绝, 群落消失, 并且不能恢复 Community eliminated, without restoration potential due to extinction of dominant or characteristic taxa | 灭绝、可能灭绝、极危、濒危、易危、接近安全、安全、不能评估、未评估和不适合评估 GX, GH, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, GU, GNR, GNA | ||
陆地生态系统丧失风险评估标准 Criteria for assessing extinction risk of terrestrial ecosystems (Rodriguez et al., | IUCN评估生态系统受威胁等级的标准 Criteria adopted by IUCN to assess the threat status of ecosystem | 代表原始生态系统的地表覆盖消失 Intact land cover of the original ecosystem disappear | 极危、濒危和易危 CR, EN, VU | ||
西澳大利亚受威胁群落名录 Western Australian List of Threatened Ecological Communities (Department of Environment and Conservation, | 西澳大利亚州政府确定群落受威胁状态的方法 Methods adopted by the Government of Western Australia to identify threat status of communities | 充分调查后未发现代表性的群落 No representative communities have been found after adequate survey | 可能完全破坏、极危、濒危和易危 PD, CR, EN, VU | ||
新南威尔士受威胁物种保护法案 New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act (NSW Scientific Committee, | 按照新南威尔士受威胁物种保护方案, 确定物种、种群和群落的评估标准 Identifying criteria for species, populations and communities under the New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act | 未定义 No definition | 极危、濒危和易危 CR, EN, VU | ||
评估方案 Protocols for assessment | 应用领域 Fields of application | 生态系统丧失的定义 Definition of ecosystem extinction | 生态系统受威胁等级 Threat status | ||
新南威尔士植被分类、评估 New South Wales Vegetation Classification and Assessment (Benson, | 对新南威尔士本土植被进行分类, 评估植物群落受威胁等级 Classifying the native vegetation of New South Wales, assessing threat status of plant communities | 群落被完全破坏 Communities have been totally destroyed | 可能灭绝、极危、濒危、易危、近危和无危 X, CE, E, V, NT, LC | ||
新西兰陆地环境评估 Assessing the terrestrial environment of New Zealand (Walker et al., | 基于原生植被, 评估新西兰陆地环境的受威胁等级 Based on indigenous cover, assessing threat categories of environments in New Zealand | 未定义 No definition | 极危、濒危、易危、极缺乏保护、缺乏保护、未评估 Acutely Threatened, Chronically Threatened, At Risk, Critically Underprotected, Underprotected, No Threat Category |
标准 Criterion | 次级标准及其阈值 Subcriterion and threshold | 受威胁等级 Threat status | |||||
A. 生态系统分布或生态系统功能短期衰退 Short-term decline in distribution or ecosystem function | 1. 过去50年内分布的下降幅度 Decline in distribution over the last 50 years ≥ 80% ≥ 50% ≥ 30% | 极危 Critically endangered 濒危 Endangered 易危 Vulnerable | |||||
2. 未来50年分布的下降幅度 Decline in distribution within the next 50 years ≥ 80% | 极危 Critically endangered | ||||||
≥ 50% | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
≥ 30% | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
3. 从过去到未来的50年内, 分布的下降幅度 Decline in distribution over 50-year period, both the past and the future ≥ 80% | 极危 Critically endangered | ||||||
≥ 50% | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
≥ 30% | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
4. 过去或未来50年, 生态系统功能丧失的程度及范围 Within the last or next 50 years, reduction of ecological function and distribution | |||||||
(a) 非常严重, 至少一个重要生态过程(≥ 80%) Very severe, at least one major ecological process | 极危 Critically endangered | ||||||
(b1)非常严重(≥ 50%) Very severe | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
(b2)严重, 至少一个重要生态过程(≥ 80%) Severe, at least one major ecological process | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
(c1)非常严重, 至少一个重要生态过程(≥ 30%) Very severe, at least one major ecological process | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
(c2)严重, 至少一个重要生态过程(≥ 50%) Severe, at least one major ecological process | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
(c3)比较严重, 至少一个重要生态过程(≥ 80%) Moderately severe, at least one major ecological process | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
B. 生态系统分布或生态系统功能长期衰退 Long-term decline in distribution or ecosystem function | 1. 过去500年内生态系统分布的下降幅度 Decline in distribution over the last 500 years ≥ 90% ≥ 70% | 极危 Critically endangered 濒危 Endangered | |||||
≥ 50% | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
2. 过去500年, 发生非常严重功能衰退的生态系统分布 Over the last 500 years, distribution of ecosystem with very severe reduction of ecological function ≥ 90% | 极危 Critically endangered | ||||||
≥ 70% | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
≥ 50% | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
C. 生态系统当前分布范围小, 而且 生态系统分布范围收缩, 生态系统功能衰退, 生态系统分布点极少 Small current distribution, decline in distribution or ecological function, very few locations | 1. 生态系统的分布范围(结合下列a、b和c项具体规定中的任一条) Extent of occurrence, with the following specifications of a, b, and c ≤ 100 km2 ≤ 5,000 km2 ≤ 20,000 km2 (a) 生态系统分布范围持续收缩 | 极危 Critically endangered 濒危 Endangered 易危 Vulnerable | |||||
Continuing decline in extent of occurrence | |||||||
(b) 至少一个重要生态系统过程发生严重功能衰退 At least one major ecological process with severe reduction | |||||||
(c) 生态系统分布点 Locations of ecosystems 1 | 极危 Critically endangered | ||||||
标准 Criterion | 次级标准及其阈值 Subcriterion and threshold | 受威胁等级 Threat status | |||||
≤ 5 | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
≤ 10 | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
2. 生态系统占有面积(结合下列a、b和c项具体规定中的任一条) Area of occupancy, with the following specifications of a, b, and c ≤ 10 km2 | 极危 Critically endangered | ||||||
≤ 500 km2 | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
≤ 2,000 km2 | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
(a) 生态系统分布范围持续收缩 Continuing decline in area of occupancy | |||||||
(b) 至少一个重要生态系统过程发生严重功能衰退 At least one major ecological process with severe reduction | |||||||
(c)生态系统分布点 Locations of ecosystems 1 | 极危 Critically endangered | ||||||
≤ 5 | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
≤ 10 | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
D. 生态系统分布面积极小 Very small current distribution | 生态系统面临严重的潜在威胁 Ecosystem with serious plausible threats ≤ 5 km2 | 极危 Critically endangered | |||||
≤ 50 km2 | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
≤ 100 km2 | 易危 Vulnerable |
Table 2 Criterion system for assessing the threat status of four ecosystems in China’s Liaohe Delta. This system is based on the categories and criteria proposed by Rodríguez et al. (2011). It is classified as four groups, and each includes several subcriteria. Several subcriteria had specifications. Thresholds for measuring decline of ecosystem distribution and ecosystem functions are set to these subcriteria and specifications. The threat status of ecosystem could thereby be classified as critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable.
标准 Criterion | 次级标准及其阈值 Subcriterion and threshold | 受威胁等级 Threat status | |||||
A. 生态系统分布或生态系统功能短期衰退 Short-term decline in distribution or ecosystem function | 1. 过去50年内分布的下降幅度 Decline in distribution over the last 50 years ≥ 80% ≥ 50% ≥ 30% | 极危 Critically endangered 濒危 Endangered 易危 Vulnerable | |||||
2. 未来50年分布的下降幅度 Decline in distribution within the next 50 years ≥ 80% | 极危 Critically endangered | ||||||
≥ 50% | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
≥ 30% | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
3. 从过去到未来的50年内, 分布的下降幅度 Decline in distribution over 50-year period, both the past and the future ≥ 80% | 极危 Critically endangered | ||||||
≥ 50% | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
≥ 30% | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
4. 过去或未来50年, 生态系统功能丧失的程度及范围 Within the last or next 50 years, reduction of ecological function and distribution | |||||||
(a) 非常严重, 至少一个重要生态过程(≥ 80%) Very severe, at least one major ecological process | 极危 Critically endangered | ||||||
(b1)非常严重(≥ 50%) Very severe | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
(b2)严重, 至少一个重要生态过程(≥ 80%) Severe, at least one major ecological process | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
(c1)非常严重, 至少一个重要生态过程(≥ 30%) Very severe, at least one major ecological process | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
(c2)严重, 至少一个重要生态过程(≥ 50%) Severe, at least one major ecological process | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
(c3)比较严重, 至少一个重要生态过程(≥ 80%) Moderately severe, at least one major ecological process | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
B. 生态系统分布或生态系统功能长期衰退 Long-term decline in distribution or ecosystem function | 1. 过去500年内生态系统分布的下降幅度 Decline in distribution over the last 500 years ≥ 90% ≥ 70% | 极危 Critically endangered 濒危 Endangered | |||||
≥ 50% | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
2. 过去500年, 发生非常严重功能衰退的生态系统分布 Over the last 500 years, distribution of ecosystem with very severe reduction of ecological function ≥ 90% | 极危 Critically endangered | ||||||
≥ 70% | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
≥ 50% | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
C. 生态系统当前分布范围小, 而且 生态系统分布范围收缩, 生态系统功能衰退, 生态系统分布点极少 Small current distribution, decline in distribution or ecological function, very few locations | 1. 生态系统的分布范围(结合下列a、b和c项具体规定中的任一条) Extent of occurrence, with the following specifications of a, b, and c ≤ 100 km2 ≤ 5,000 km2 ≤ 20,000 km2 (a) 生态系统分布范围持续收缩 | 极危 Critically endangered 濒危 Endangered 易危 Vulnerable | |||||
Continuing decline in extent of occurrence | |||||||
(b) 至少一个重要生态系统过程发生严重功能衰退 At least one major ecological process with severe reduction | |||||||
(c) 生态系统分布点 Locations of ecosystems 1 | 极危 Critically endangered | ||||||
标准 Criterion | 次级标准及其阈值 Subcriterion and threshold | 受威胁等级 Threat status | |||||
≤ 5 | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
≤ 10 | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
2. 生态系统占有面积(结合下列a、b和c项具体规定中的任一条) Area of occupancy, with the following specifications of a, b, and c ≤ 10 km2 | 极危 Critically endangered | ||||||
≤ 500 km2 | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
≤ 2,000 km2 | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
(a) 生态系统分布范围持续收缩 Continuing decline in area of occupancy | |||||||
(b) 至少一个重要生态系统过程发生严重功能衰退 At least one major ecological process with severe reduction | |||||||
(c)生态系统分布点 Locations of ecosystems 1 | 极危 Critically endangered | ||||||
≤ 5 | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
≤ 10 | 易危 Vulnerable | ||||||
D. 生态系统分布面积极小 Very small current distribution | 生态系统面临严重的潜在威胁 Ecosystem with serious plausible threats ≤ 5 km2 | 极危 Critically endangered | |||||
≤ 50 km2 | 濒危 Endangered | ||||||
≤ 100 km2 | 易危 Vulnerable |
生态系统 Ecosystem | 1988年生态系统占有面积 Area of occupancy in 1988 (km2) | 2006年生态系统占有面积 Area of occupancy in 2006 (km2) | 生态系统面积50年的减小幅度 Decline rate of the area of occupancy over 50-year period (%) | 生态系统受威胁等级 Threat status |
滨海芦苇湿地 Coastal reed wetland | 1,188.2 | 912.6 | 64.4 | 濒危 Endangered (A3) |
丘陵灌丛 Upland shrub | 732.4 | 670.4 | 23.5 | 易危 Vulnerable (C2a) |
草地 Grassland | 474.6 | 104.9 | >100 | 极危 Critically endangered (A3) |
翅碱蓬盐化草甸 Salt seepweed meadow | 9.1 | 28.4 | <-100 | 濒危 Endangered (D) |
Table 3 Threat status of four ecosystems assessed in our case. Areas of occupancy for these four ecosystems are based on Ji & Zhou ( 2010). The assessments are conducted under the categories and criteria developed by Rodríguez et al. (2011).
生态系统 Ecosystem | 1988年生态系统占有面积 Area of occupancy in 1988 (km2) | 2006年生态系统占有面积 Area of occupancy in 2006 (km2) | 生态系统面积50年的减小幅度 Decline rate of the area of occupancy over 50-year period (%) | 生态系统受威胁等级 Threat status |
滨海芦苇湿地 Coastal reed wetland | 1,188.2 | 912.6 | 64.4 | 濒危 Endangered (A3) |
丘陵灌丛 Upland shrub | 732.4 | 670.4 | 23.5 | 易危 Vulnerable (C2a) |
草地 Grassland | 474.6 | 104.9 | >100 | 极危 Critically endangered (A3) |
翅碱蓬盐化草甸 Salt seepweed meadow | 9.1 | 28.4 | <-100 | 濒危 Endangered (D) |
Fig. 1 Hierarchical system for the threat status of ecosystem. “Eliminated (EL)” focuses on the biological components of an ecosystem. An ecosystem might be considered “eliminated” as one of the key species is lost or, when all biological components are lost. We have no until present quantitative methods to measure the gradual loss of biological elements from ecosystems. “Eliminated (EL)” is thus not used in practice. “Critically Endangered (CR)”, “Endangered (EN)” and “Vulnerable (VU)” indicate that ecosystems are threatened. Both “Near Threatened (NT)” and “Least Concern (LC)” indicate that there is no evidence of threat on ecosystem. “Data Deficient (DD)” indicates that no sufficient data are available for us to assess the threat status of ecosystem. “Not Evaluated (NE)” indicates that the ecosystem was not assessed.
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