Biodiv Sci ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 76-85. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2011131
• Methodologies • Previous Articles Next Articles
Kunchi Lai1, Youhua Cheng1, Yuehchih Chen1, Yousheng Li2, Kwangtsao Shao1,*()
Kwangtsao Shao
Kunchi Lai, Youhua Cheng, Yuehchih Chen, Yousheng Li, Kwangtsao Shao. Applying cluster analysis and Google Maps in the study of large-scale species occurrence data[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2012, 20(1): 76-85.
网格式分析法 Grid-based methods | 切割式分析法 Partitioning methods | 密度式分析法 Density-based methods | |
参数设定 Parameter settings | 容易, 只需决定每层网格边长 Easy; only need to determine length of grid for each level | 容易, 只需决定分的群数(K) Easy; only need to determine K | 困难, 需要反复调整MinPts与Eps两参数 Hard; need to adjust MinPtsandEpsrepetitively |
计算效能 Computing efficiency | 快。时间复杂度为O(n) Fast; time complexity is O(n) | 慢。时间复杂度为O(kmn) Slowest; time complexity isO(kmn) | 中。时间复杂度为O(nlgn) Slow; time complexity isO(nlgn) |
噪声或偏离值处理 Processing of noise or outliers | 无 No | 无 No | 有 Yes |
与Google Map的可视化呈现(此处是指Google Map上程序撰写的难易度) Programming for Google map visualizations | 较为困难 Hard | 较为容易 Easy | 较为容易 Easy |
依据地图分辨率而改变聚类分析结果(具有阶层变化) Display of cluster analysis results on a map using different scales | 有, 以本研究为例提供3种网格尺度 Easy; the study has three different spatial scales | 无 No | 无 No |
呈现物种分布的概括 Presentation of species distribution | 不容易看出 Difficult to spot distribution | 接近 Easy to spot and more precise | 较接近 Easy to spot and most precise |
Table 1 Comparison of three different cluster analysis methods: a case study of Cyprinidae distribution
网格式分析法 Grid-based methods | 切割式分析法 Partitioning methods | 密度式分析法 Density-based methods | |
参数设定 Parameter settings | 容易, 只需决定每层网格边长 Easy; only need to determine length of grid for each level | 容易, 只需决定分的群数(K) Easy; only need to determine K | 困难, 需要反复调整MinPts与Eps两参数 Hard; need to adjust MinPtsandEpsrepetitively |
计算效能 Computing efficiency | 快。时间复杂度为O(n) Fast; time complexity is O(n) | 慢。时间复杂度为O(kmn) Slowest; time complexity isO(kmn) | 中。时间复杂度为O(nlgn) Slow; time complexity isO(nlgn) |
噪声或偏离值处理 Processing of noise or outliers | 无 No | 无 No | 有 Yes |
与Google Map的可视化呈现(此处是指Google Map上程序撰写的难易度) Programming for Google map visualizations | 较为困难 Hard | 较为容易 Easy | 较为容易 Easy |
依据地图分辨率而改变聚类分析结果(具有阶层变化) Display of cluster analysis results on a map using different scales | 有, 以本研究为例提供3种网格尺度 Easy; the study has three different spatial scales | 无 No | 无 No |
呈现物种分布的概括 Presentation of species distribution | 不容易看出 Difficult to spot distribution | 接近 Easy to spot and more precise | 较接近 Easy to spot and most precise |
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