Biodiv Sci ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (8): 24138. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024138 cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024138
• Original Papers • Previous Articles Next Articles
Sicheng Han1(), Daowei Lu1(
), Yuchen Han1, Ruohan Li1,2, Jing Yang1, Ge Sun3(
), Lu Yang1, Junwei Qian4, Xiang Fang4, Shu-Jin Luo1,*(
Supported by:
Sicheng Han, Daowei Lu, Yuchen Han, Ruohan Li, Jing Yang, Ge Sun, Lu Yang, Junwei Qian, Xiang Fang, Shu-Jin Luo. Distribution of leopard cats in the nearest mountains to urban Beijing and its affecting environmental factors[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2024, 32(8): 24138.
分类 Classification | 环境变量 Environmental variable | 代码 Code | 空间分辨率 Spatial resolution | 来源 Source | 方差膨胀因子 VIF |
生境结构 Habitat structure | 坡度 Slope | Slo | 30 m × 30 m | Digital Elevation Model | 2.91 |
增强植被指数 Enhanced vegetation index (EVI) | Evi | 250 m × 250 m | NASA MODIS | 1.78 | |
到水域的距离 Distance to waterways | Dwt | 30 m × 30 m | Open Street Map | 1.47 | |
草地占比 Percentage of grassland area | Pgl | 100 m × 100 m | GLC_FCS30-1985_2020 | 1.88 | |
阔叶林占比 Percentage of broadleaved forest area | Pbf | 100 m × 100 m | GLC_FCS30-1985_2020 | 3.11 | |
针叶林占比 Percentage of needle-leaved forest area | Pnf | 100 m × 100 m | GLC_FCS30-1985_2020 | 1.57 | |
人类干扰 Human interference | 到人类设施的距离 Distance to artificial facilities | Daf | 30 m × 30 m | Open Street Map/GLC_FCS30- 1985_2020 | 1.89 |
徒步强度 Hiking intensity | Hit | 100 m × 100 m | 深圳市两步路信息技术有限公司 Shenzhen Liangbulu Information Technology Co., Ltd | 1.04 |
Table 1 The environmental variables used for species distribution model construction
分类 Classification | 环境变量 Environmental variable | 代码 Code | 空间分辨率 Spatial resolution | 来源 Source | 方差膨胀因子 VIF |
生境结构 Habitat structure | 坡度 Slope | Slo | 30 m × 30 m | Digital Elevation Model | 2.91 |
增强植被指数 Enhanced vegetation index (EVI) | Evi | 250 m × 250 m | NASA MODIS | 1.78 | |
到水域的距离 Distance to waterways | Dwt | 30 m × 30 m | Open Street Map | 1.47 | |
草地占比 Percentage of grassland area | Pgl | 100 m × 100 m | GLC_FCS30-1985_2020 | 1.88 | |
阔叶林占比 Percentage of broadleaved forest area | Pbf | 100 m × 100 m | GLC_FCS30-1985_2020 | 3.11 | |
针叶林占比 Percentage of needle-leaved forest area | Pnf | 100 m × 100 m | GLC_FCS30-1985_2020 | 1.57 | |
人类干扰 Human interference | 到人类设施的距离 Distance to artificial facilities | Daf | 30 m × 30 m | Open Street Map/GLC_FCS30- 1985_2020 | 1.89 |
徒步强度 Hiking intensity | Hit | 100 m × 100 m | 深圳市两步路信息技术有限公司 Shenzhen Liangbulu Information Technology Co., Ltd | 1.04 |
Fig. 2 Values of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) and the true skill statistics (TSS) for 10 species distribution models (SDMs). ANN, Artificial neural networks; CTA, Classification tree analysis; FDA, Flexible discriminant analysis; GAM, Generalized additive models; GBM, Generalized boosted models; GLM, Generalized linear models; MARS, Multivariate adaptive regression splines; MaxEnt, Maximum entropy; RF, Random forests; SRE, Surface range envelope.
Fig. 3 Contribution of eight environmental variables to the distribution of leopard cats. Evi, Enhanced vegetation index; Pgl, Percentage area of grassland; Pnf, Percentage area of needle-leaved forest; Pbf, Percentage area of broadleaved forest; Slo, Slope; Dwt, Distance to waterways; Daf, Distance to artificial facilities; Hit, Hiking intensity.
Fig. 4 Response curves of environmental variables for leopard cats in the shallow mountainous area west of urban Beijing. EVI, Enhanced vegetation index.
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