Biodiv Sci ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 229-237. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2017275
• Original Papers: Animal Diversity • Previous Articles Next Articles
Zhang Qianwen1,2,3, Gong Yuening4, Song Xiangjin5, Wang Xincai3, Yang Changteng4, Shu Zufei5, Zou Fasheng3,*()
Zou Fasheng
Zhang Qianwen, Gong Yuening, Song Xiangjin, Wang Xincai, Yang Changteng, Shu Zufei, Zou Fasheng. Comparing the effectiveness of camera trapping to traditional methods for biodiversity surveys of forest birds[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2018, 26(3): 229-237.
Fig.1 Relationship between bird number by camera trapping or mist net and bird body weight (a), body length (b), wing length (c), tarsus length (d) at Nanling, respectively. N, Number; W, weight; B, Body length; WL, Wing length; T, Tarsus length. Dotted line, 95% confidence interval; Solid line, curve fit.
Fig. 2 Relationship between bird number by camera trapping or mist net and bird body weight (a), body length (b), wing length (c), tarsus length (d) at Chebaling, respectively. N, number; W, Weight; B, Body length; WL, Wing length; T, Tarsus length. Dotted line, 95% confidence interval; Solid line, curve fit.
体重 Weight | 体长 Body length | 翅长 Wing length | 跗蹠长 Tarsus length | |
南岭 Nanling | ||||
相机 Camera trapping | r = 0.525, sig < 0.001 | r = 0.547, sig < 0.001 | r = 0.462, sig < 0.001 | r = 0.646, sig < 0.001 |
网捕 Mist net | r = -0.504, sig < 0.001 | r = -0.443, sig < 0.001 | r = -0.538, sig < 0.001 | r = -0.424, sig < 0.001 |
车八岭 Chebaling | ||||
相机 Camera trapping | r = 0.550, sig < 0.001 | r = 0.517, sig < 0.001 | r = 0.448, sig = 0.001 | r = 0.664, sig < 0.001 |
网捕 Mist net | r = -0.349, sig = 0.008 | r = -0.292, sig = 0.029 | r = -0.340, sig = 0.01 | r = -0.388, sig = 0.003 |
Table 1 The correlations between capture number derived from camera trapping and mist netting data and bird body size
体重 Weight | 体长 Body length | 翅长 Wing length | 跗蹠长 Tarsus length | |
南岭 Nanling | ||||
相机 Camera trapping | r = 0.525, sig < 0.001 | r = 0.547, sig < 0.001 | r = 0.462, sig < 0.001 | r = 0.646, sig < 0.001 |
网捕 Mist net | r = -0.504, sig < 0.001 | r = -0.443, sig < 0.001 | r = -0.538, sig < 0.001 | r = -0.424, sig < 0.001 |
车八岭 Chebaling | ||||
相机 Camera trapping | r = 0.550, sig < 0.001 | r = 0.517, sig < 0.001 | r = 0.448, sig = 0.001 | r = 0.664, sig < 0.001 |
网捕 Mist net | r = -0.349, sig = 0.008 | r = -0.292, sig = 0.029 | r = -0.340, sig = 0.01 | r = -0.388, sig = 0.003 |
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