Biodiv Sci ›› 2010, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (5): 489-496. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2010.489
• Original Papers • Previous Articles Next Articles
Binjie Ge1, Yongchuan Yang2,3,*(), Hongqing Li1,*()
Yongchuan Yang,Hongqing Li
Binjie Ge, Yongchuan Yang, Hongqing Li. Spatial and temporal patterns of natural forest soil seed banks on Tiantong Mountain[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2010, 18(5): 489-496.
Fig. 1 The schematic diagram of the micro-landforms in a hilly area. CS, Crest slope; US, Upper sideslope. LS, Lower sideslope; FS, Foot slope; FT, Flood terrace; UHA, Upper hillside area; LHA, Lower hillside area. △ and ▲ indicate convex and concave break of slope, respectively.
物种 Species | 种子数量 No. of seeds | 物种 Species | 种子数量 No. of seeds |
常绿阔叶乔木 Evergreen broad-leaved tree | 枳椇 Hovenia dulcis | 10 | |
米槠 Castanopsis carlesii | 16 | 山合欢 Albizia kalkora | 7 |
苦槠 C. sclerophylla | 6 | 油桐 Vernicia fordii | 4 |
长叶石栎 Lithocarpus harlandii | 10 | 楝树 Melia azedarach | 2 |
云山青冈 Cyclobalanopsis nubium | 9 | 八角枫 Alangium chinense | 1 |
短梗冬青 Ilex buergeri | 248 | 落叶阔叶小乔木 Deciduous broad-leaved sub-tree | |
木荷 Schima superba | 82 | 山鸡椒 Litsea cubeba | 27 |
杨梅 Myrica rubra | 28 | 白背叶 Mallotus apeltus | 24 |
刺叶桂樱 Prunus spinulosa | 4 | 长叶冻绿 Rhamnus crenata | 8 |
舟山新木姜子 Neolitsea sericea | 1 | 大青 Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum | 1 |
常绿阔叶小乔木 Evergreen broad-leaved sub-tree | 落叶阔叶灌木 Deciduous broad-leaved shrub | ||
黑山山矾 Symplocos heishanensis | 258 | 山胡椒 Lindera glauca | 17 |
四川山矾 S. setchuensis | 112 | 红脉钓樟 L. rubronervia | 1 |
光叶山矾 S. lancifolia | 47 | 山莓 Rubus corchorifolius | 114 |
山矾 S. sumuntia | 17 | 盐肤木 Rhus chinensis | 5 |
细枝柃 Eurya loquaiana | 1,070 | 山油麻 Trema cannabina var. dielsiana | 3 |
细齿叶柃 E. nitida | 42 | 胡枝子 Lespedeza bicolor | 1 |
杨桐 Adinandra millettii | 26 | 常绿藤本 Evergreen liana | |
杨梅叶蚊母树 Distylium myricoides | 160 | 木防己 Cocculus trilobus | 120 |
披针叶茴香 Illicium lanceolatum | 16 | 广东蛇葡萄 Ampelopsis cantoniensis | 95 |
交让木 Daphniphyllum macropodum | 8 | 过山枫 Celastrus aculeatus | 23 |
赤楠 Syzygium buxifolium | 9 | 羊角藤 Morinda umbellata | 9 |
常绿阔叶灌木 Evergreen broad-leaved shrub | 白花野木瓜 Stauntonia leucantha | 1 | |
格药柃 Eurya muricata | 119 | 落叶藤本 Deciduous liana | |
毛枝连蕊茶 Camellia fraterna | 19 | 刺葡萄 Vitis davidii | 2 |
老鼠矢 Symplocos stellaris | 70 | 多年生草本 Perennial herb | |
胡颓子 Elaeagnus pungens | 1 | 淡竹叶 Lophatherum gracile | 26 |
寒莓 Rubus buergeri | 26 | 三脉紫菀 Aster ageratoides | 14 |
落叶阔叶乔木 Deciduous broad-leaved tree | 何首乌 Polygonum multiflorum | 12 | |
橄榄槭 Acer olivaceum | 146 | 显子草 Phaenosperma globosum | 5 |
天童锐角槭 A. acutum var. tientungense | 62 | 大吴风草 Farfugium japonicum | 2 |
西川朴 Celtis vandervoetiana | 66 | 戟叶堇菜 Viola betonicifolia | 2 |
糙叶树 Aphananthe aspera | 19 | 酢浆草 Oxalis corniculata | 1 |
青钱柳 Cyclocarya paliurus | 6 | 龙芽草 Agrimonia pilosa | 1 |
化香 Platycarya strobilacea | 2 | 一年生草本 Annual herb | |
雷公鹅耳枥 Carpinus viminea | 1,154 | 求米草 Oplismenus undulatifolius | 23 |
南酸枣 Choerospondias axiliaris | 332 | 未定名物种1 Unidentified species 1 | 180 |
枫香 Liquidambar formosana | 23 | 未定名物种2 Unidentified species 2 | 40 |
小果冬青 Ilex micrococca | 14 | 未定名物种3 Unidentified species 3 | 15 |
Table 1 Species composition of soil bank on Tiantong Mountain
物种 Species | 种子数量 No. of seeds | 物种 Species | 种子数量 No. of seeds |
常绿阔叶乔木 Evergreen broad-leaved tree | 枳椇 Hovenia dulcis | 10 | |
米槠 Castanopsis carlesii | 16 | 山合欢 Albizia kalkora | 7 |
苦槠 C. sclerophylla | 6 | 油桐 Vernicia fordii | 4 |
长叶石栎 Lithocarpus harlandii | 10 | 楝树 Melia azedarach | 2 |
云山青冈 Cyclobalanopsis nubium | 9 | 八角枫 Alangium chinense | 1 |
短梗冬青 Ilex buergeri | 248 | 落叶阔叶小乔木 Deciduous broad-leaved sub-tree | |
木荷 Schima superba | 82 | 山鸡椒 Litsea cubeba | 27 |
杨梅 Myrica rubra | 28 | 白背叶 Mallotus apeltus | 24 |
刺叶桂樱 Prunus spinulosa | 4 | 长叶冻绿 Rhamnus crenata | 8 |
舟山新木姜子 Neolitsea sericea | 1 | 大青 Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum | 1 |
常绿阔叶小乔木 Evergreen broad-leaved sub-tree | 落叶阔叶灌木 Deciduous broad-leaved shrub | ||
黑山山矾 Symplocos heishanensis | 258 | 山胡椒 Lindera glauca | 17 |
四川山矾 S. setchuensis | 112 | 红脉钓樟 L. rubronervia | 1 |
光叶山矾 S. lancifolia | 47 | 山莓 Rubus corchorifolius | 114 |
山矾 S. sumuntia | 17 | 盐肤木 Rhus chinensis | 5 |
细枝柃 Eurya loquaiana | 1,070 | 山油麻 Trema cannabina var. dielsiana | 3 |
细齿叶柃 E. nitida | 42 | 胡枝子 Lespedeza bicolor | 1 |
杨桐 Adinandra millettii | 26 | 常绿藤本 Evergreen liana | |
杨梅叶蚊母树 Distylium myricoides | 160 | 木防己 Cocculus trilobus | 120 |
披针叶茴香 Illicium lanceolatum | 16 | 广东蛇葡萄 Ampelopsis cantoniensis | 95 |
交让木 Daphniphyllum macropodum | 8 | 过山枫 Celastrus aculeatus | 23 |
赤楠 Syzygium buxifolium | 9 | 羊角藤 Morinda umbellata | 9 |
常绿阔叶灌木 Evergreen broad-leaved shrub | 白花野木瓜 Stauntonia leucantha | 1 | |
格药柃 Eurya muricata | 119 | 落叶藤本 Deciduous liana | |
毛枝连蕊茶 Camellia fraterna | 19 | 刺葡萄 Vitis davidii | 2 |
老鼠矢 Symplocos stellaris | 70 | 多年生草本 Perennial herb | |
胡颓子 Elaeagnus pungens | 1 | 淡竹叶 Lophatherum gracile | 26 |
寒莓 Rubus buergeri | 26 | 三脉紫菀 Aster ageratoides | 14 |
落叶阔叶乔木 Deciduous broad-leaved tree | 何首乌 Polygonum multiflorum | 12 | |
橄榄槭 Acer olivaceum | 146 | 显子草 Phaenosperma globosum | 5 |
天童锐角槭 A. acutum var. tientungense | 62 | 大吴风草 Farfugium japonicum | 2 |
西川朴 Celtis vandervoetiana | 66 | 戟叶堇菜 Viola betonicifolia | 2 |
糙叶树 Aphananthe aspera | 19 | 酢浆草 Oxalis corniculata | 1 |
青钱柳 Cyclocarya paliurus | 6 | 龙芽草 Agrimonia pilosa | 1 |
化香 Platycarya strobilacea | 2 | 一年生草本 Annual herb | |
雷公鹅耳枥 Carpinus viminea | 1,154 | 求米草 Oplismenus undulatifolius | 23 |
南酸枣 Choerospondias axiliaris | 332 | 未定名物种1 Unidentified species 1 | 180 |
枫香 Liquidambar formosana | 23 | 未定名物种2 Unidentified species 2 | 40 |
小果冬青 Ilex micrococca | 14 | 未定名物种3 Unidentified species 3 | 15 |
Fig. 2 Similarity of soil seed bank and above-ground vegetation among different micro-landforms in Tiantong Mountain. 3rdCS, Third crest slope; 2nd CS, Second crest slope; US, Upper sideslope; LS, Lower sideslope; FS, Foot slope; FT, Flood terrace.
Fig. 3 The temporal dynamics of soil seed bank reserves in Tiantong Mountain. Different letters indicate different significantly (P<0.05) in each sampling time, the letters marked with “*” indicate different significantly (P<0.01).
时间 Sampling time | 3级顶坡 3rdCS | 2级顶坡 2ndCS | 高上部边坡 H-US | 中上部边坡 M-US | 低上部边坡 L-US | 下部边坡 LS | 麓坡 FS | 泛滥性阶地 FT | 平均Average |
2008年9月 Sept., 2008 | 114±48 | 121±54 | 92±26 | 92±14 | 29±9 | 87±22 | 155±19 | 108±37 | 100±13 |
2008年12月 Dec., 2008 | 335±17 | 99±37 | 75±14 | 153±49 | 29±13 | 123±51 | 151±60 | 187±56 | 144±33 |
2009年3月 Mar., 2009 | 285±108 | 124±31 | 34±10 | 54±27 | 17±5 | 118±53 | 186±32 | 137±23 | 119±31 |
2009年6月 June, 2009 | 65±22 | 115±23 | 15±5 | 43±10 | 28±2 | 55±34 | 75±41 | 53±15 | 56±11 |
平均值 Average | 200±65 | 115±6 | 54±18 | 86±25 | 26±3 | 96±16 | 142±24 | 121±28 | 105±19 |
Table 2 Soil seed bank reserves in different micro-landforms in four sampling times (ind./m2, mean±SE)
时间 Sampling time | 3级顶坡 3rdCS | 2级顶坡 2ndCS | 高上部边坡 H-US | 中上部边坡 M-US | 低上部边坡 L-US | 下部边坡 LS | 麓坡 FS | 泛滥性阶地 FT | 平均Average |
2008年9月 Sept., 2008 | 114±48 | 121±54 | 92±26 | 92±14 | 29±9 | 87±22 | 155±19 | 108±37 | 100±13 |
2008年12月 Dec., 2008 | 335±17 | 99±37 | 75±14 | 153±49 | 29±13 | 123±51 | 151±60 | 187±56 | 144±33 |
2009年3月 Mar., 2009 | 285±108 | 124±31 | 34±10 | 54±27 | 17±5 | 118±53 | 186±32 | 137±23 | 119±31 |
2009年6月 June, 2009 | 65±22 | 115±23 | 15±5 | 43±10 | 28±2 | 55±34 | 75±41 | 53±15 | 56±11 |
平均值 Average | 200±65 | 115±6 | 54±18 | 86±25 | 26±3 | 96±16 | 142±24 | 121±28 | 105±19 |
取样时间 Sampling time | 枯枝落叶层 Litter layer | 0-2 cm土层 0-2 cm soil layer | 2-5 cm土层 2-5 cm soil layer | 5-10 cm土层 5-10 cm soil layer |
2008年9月 Sept. 2008 | 22±4 | 29±6 | 29±6 | 20±5 |
2008年12月 Dec. 2008 | 35±7 | 50±9 | 35±5 | 25±4 |
2009年3月 Mar. 2009 | 16±3 | 38±4 | 26±3 | 40±4 |
2009年6月 June 2009 | 3±1 | 15±3 | 18±3 | 21±4 |
平均值 Average | 19±7 | 33±7 | 27±4 | 26±5 |
Table 3 Soil seed bank reserves in different vertical soil layers in four sampling times (ind./m2, mean±SE)
取样时间 Sampling time | 枯枝落叶层 Litter layer | 0-2 cm土层 0-2 cm soil layer | 2-5 cm土层 2-5 cm soil layer | 5-10 cm土层 5-10 cm soil layer |
2008年9月 Sept. 2008 | 22±4 | 29±6 | 29±6 | 20±5 |
2008年12月 Dec. 2008 | 35±7 | 50±9 | 35±5 | 25±4 |
2009年3月 Mar. 2009 | 16±3 | 38±4 | 26±3 | 40±4 |
2009年6月 June 2009 | 3±1 | 15±3 | 18±3 | 21±4 |
平均值 Average | 19±7 | 33±7 | 27±4 | 26±5 |
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