Biodiv Sci ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (11): 1431-1443. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020225
• Reviews • Previous Articles
Quanxing Liu
Zhenpeng Ge, Quanxing Liu. More than the sum of its parts: Self-organized patterns and emergent properties of ecosystems[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2020, 28(11): 1431-1443.
Fig. 1 The regular patterns of mussel and “cell”, and the scale-dependent feedback and density-dependent feedback. (a) Mussel bed in the intertidal zone of Wadden Sea, the Netherlands, the image come from the corresponding author of this paper; (b) The recurrence of a cell based on liquid light technology, the image is modified from Copyright Oil art: Steve Pavlovsky/Liquid Light Lab.; (c) Schematic representation of scale-dependent feedback; (d) Schematic representation of density-dependent movement, (c) and (d) are modified from Liu et al (2016).
Fig. 2 Phase diagram and numerical simulations of the equations (7) and (8). In the upper figure, the red solid line is the boundary between homogeneous zone and binodal zone, and the solid blue line is the boundary between binodal zone and spinodal decomposition zone. ‘1’ to ‘5’ in the upper figure correspond to the below five figures which are the numerical simulation results, ‘1’ and ‘5’ are located in homogeneous zone where the system doesn’t have pattern; ‘2’ and ‘4’ are located in binodal zone where the system has spot pattern, ‘3’ is located in the spinodal decomposition zone where the system has labyrinth pattern. The numerical simulation adopts periodic boundary condition, and the corresponding matlab code can be downloaded at PNAS.
Fig. 4 The predominant research ideas of self-organization ecology in the future (The English version see appendix 1). After years of development, Turing's principle was found to be unable to fully explain the multi-scale patterns of various ecosystems, as well as the phase separation principle. Therefore, a new theoretical framework needs to be developed in the future to understand the multi-scale patterns of ecosystems. Transient pattern will be paid more attention in the future due to its unique ecological functioning. The response of organisms to environmental change leads to changes in biological behavior, and how this response emerges to the ecosystem level is critical to understanding the self-organization of ecosystems across scales.
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