Biodiv Sci ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (8): 24045. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024045 cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024045
• Original Papers • Previous Articles Next Articles
Xiang Gao1(), Shufang Pan2, Zhengzheng Sun2, Jixiao Li3, Tianyu Gao3, Lu Dong1(
), Ning Wang1,*(
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Xiang Gao, Shufang Pan, Zhengzheng Sun, Jixiao Li, Tianyu Gao, Lu Dong, Ning Wang. Distribution and activity rhythm of small Indian civet (Viverricula indica) in Fenghuang Hill and Qi’ao Island, Zhuhai, Guangdong[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2024, 32(8): 24045.
Fig. 1 The deployment position of infrared cameras in Fenghuang Hill and Qi’ao Island in Zhuhai, and the grid relative abundance index (IGRA) of small Indian civet in each grid (1 km × 1 km)
物种 Species | 出现网格数 No. of detected grids | 网格占有率 Grid occurrence rate | 独立有效探测数 No. of independent detections | 相对多度指数 Relative abundance index |
小灵猫 Viverricula indica | 25 | 92.6% | 329 | 4.95 |
花面狸 Paguma larvata | 11 | 40.7% | 34 | 0.51 |
豹猫 Prionailurus bengalensis | 2 | 7.4% | 4 | 0.06 |
Table 1 Monitoring results of three carnivorous wild animals in Fenghuang Hill, Zhuhai, Guangdong
物种 Species | 出现网格数 No. of detected grids | 网格占有率 Grid occurrence rate | 独立有效探测数 No. of independent detections | 相对多度指数 Relative abundance index |
小灵猫 Viverricula indica | 25 | 92.6% | 329 | 4.95 |
花面狸 Paguma larvata | 11 | 40.7% | 34 | 0.51 |
豹猫 Prionailurus bengalensis | 2 | 7.4% | 4 | 0.06 |
Fig. 3 Regression relationship between the relative abundance index of the small Indian civet and the elevation of the camera locus based on the linear model
Fig. 5 Daily activity rhythms of small Indian civet in Fenghuang Hill and Qi’ao Island, Zhuhai (Sunrise time 6:00, Sunset time 18:00 after calibration)
Fig. 6 The annual activity rhythm of small Indian civet in Fenghuang Hill and Qi’ao Island, Zhuhai. Days started from 1st January, The Fenghuang Hill region did not include data for July‒September.
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