Biodiv Sci ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 770-779. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020388
Special Issue: 青藏高原生物多样性与生态安全
• Original Papers: Animal Diversity • Previous Articles Next Articles
Xuesong Han1,2, Zhengyi Dong1,3, Ge Zhao1, Xiang Zhao1, Xiangying Shi1,4, Zhi Lü1,5, Hongqi Li6,*()
Hongqi Li
Xuesong Han, Zhengyi Dong, Ge Zhao, Xiang Zhao, Xiangying Shi, Zhi Lü, Hongqi Li. Using surveillance cameras to analyze the activity pattern of the Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) and the efficiency of camera trap monitoring[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2021, 29(6): 770-779.
Fig. 3 Frequency and sources for different topics of events. Pie plot shows the time budget of different events: (1) white represents events only captured by surveillance cameras; (2) light grey represents events also captured by camera traps but the topic of which could not be discerned; (3) dark grey represents event also captured by camera traps and the topic of which could be discerned.
Fig. 4 Duration of different events of the Eurasian otters in Yushu, Qinghai Province. The figure only shows events shorter than 300 s, accounting 99.26% of all the recorded events.
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