Biodiv Sci ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 80-87. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2016156
• Original Papers: Protected Area • Previous Articles Next Articles
Jingya Zhang, Yujun Zhang*
Zhang Yujun
Jingya Zhang, Yujun Zhang. On public participation in the construction of national parks[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2017, 25(1): 80-87.
澳大利亚保护地* Australia’s Protected area* | 公众参与程度 Degree of public participation | ||
操控 Manipulation | (政府)决断 Resolution | 通知 Inform | 低 Low 高 High |
治疗 Therapy | (政府)诉讼 Litigation | 咨询 Consult | |
告知 Informing | 调解、仲裁 Mediation | 合作 Collaborate | |
征询意见 Consultation | 与(政府)联合规划 Joint planning | 伙伴 Partner | |
安抚 Placation | 咨询 Consultation | 移交 Hand Over | |
合作关系 Partnership | 信息互通 Information | ||
契约授权 Delegated power | 教育 Education | ||
公众控制 Citizen control |
Table 1 Different classes of public participation
澳大利亚保护地* Australia’s Protected area* | 公众参与程度 Degree of public participation | ||
操控 Manipulation | (政府)决断 Resolution | 通知 Inform | 低 Low 高 High |
治疗 Therapy | (政府)诉讼 Litigation | 咨询 Consult | |
告知 Informing | 调解、仲裁 Mediation | 合作 Collaborate | |
征询意见 Consultation | 与(政府)联合规划 Joint planning | 伙伴 Partner | |
安抚 Placation | 咨询 Consultation | 移交 Hand Over | |
合作关系 Partnership | 信息互通 Information | ||
契约授权 Delegated power | 教育 Education | ||
公众控制 Citizen control |
类型 Type | 内容 Content | 主要参与主体 Main participants | 形式 Form | 备注 Remark | 公众参与程度 Degree of public participation |
信息反馈 Information feedback | 政府将管理政策等信息通知公众 Govern- ment informs public | 公民、社会组织、企业、社区 Citizens, social organizations, enterprises and communities | 公众集会、新闻发布会、教育培训、公开出版物、网络等 Public meetings, press releases, education, publication and internet | 建立反馈制度, 包括问询、投诉、网页点击率等数量 Feedback system include the numbers of inquiry, complaint and internet hits | 低 Low 高 High |
咨询 Consult | 政府在决策制定时咨询公众 Government consults public for decision-making | 社区、社会组织 Communities, social organizations | 问卷访谈、利益相关者委员会、咨询会、工作组 Questionare surveys, stakeholder meetings, consultation and workshops | 确保利益相关者的多元化 Diversity of stakeholder | |
协议 Agreement | 政府在建设管理过程中雇佣、聘请公众 Government employs public | 企业、社区、社会组织、公民 Enterprises, communities, social organizations and citizens | 特许经营、协议保护、工作人员、专家聘请、第三方监督、志愿者 Franchise, conservation steward, staff, supervision and volunteer | 需构建协议期满后的评估制度 Evaluation scheme | |
合作 Partner | 政府与公众共同分享权责 Government and public (stakeholders) share responsibility | 社区、企业 Communities, enterprises | 委员会、工作组、社区共管、公私合营等 Committee, work shop, community co-manage- ment and PPP | 需依据共同目标和利益确定合作范围、明晰各方权责界限及产出 Outcomes and bound of rights and liabilities based on common aim and interests |
Table 2 The approach of public participation in China’s national park
类型 Type | 内容 Content | 主要参与主体 Main participants | 形式 Form | 备注 Remark | 公众参与程度 Degree of public participation |
信息反馈 Information feedback | 政府将管理政策等信息通知公众 Govern- ment informs public | 公民、社会组织、企业、社区 Citizens, social organizations, enterprises and communities | 公众集会、新闻发布会、教育培训、公开出版物、网络等 Public meetings, press releases, education, publication and internet | 建立反馈制度, 包括问询、投诉、网页点击率等数量 Feedback system include the numbers of inquiry, complaint and internet hits | 低 Low 高 High |
咨询 Consult | 政府在决策制定时咨询公众 Government consults public for decision-making | 社区、社会组织 Communities, social organizations | 问卷访谈、利益相关者委员会、咨询会、工作组 Questionare surveys, stakeholder meetings, consultation and workshops | 确保利益相关者的多元化 Diversity of stakeholder | |
协议 Agreement | 政府在建设管理过程中雇佣、聘请公众 Government employs public | 企业、社区、社会组织、公民 Enterprises, communities, social organizations and citizens | 特许经营、协议保护、工作人员、专家聘请、第三方监督、志愿者 Franchise, conservation steward, staff, supervision and volunteer | 需构建协议期满后的评估制度 Evaluation scheme | |
合作 Partner | 政府与公众共同分享权责 Government and public (stakeholders) share responsibility | 社区、企业 Communities, enterprises | 委员会、工作组、社区共管、公私合营等 Committee, work shop, community co-manage- ment and PPP | 需依据共同目标和利益确定合作范围、明晰各方权责界限及产出 Outcomes and bound of rights and liabilities based on common aim and interests |
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