生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (9): 23128.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023128

所属专题: 生物入侵

• 省级植物名录专题 III • 上一篇    下一篇


李勇*(), 李三青, 王欢   

  1. 天津自然博物馆, 天津 300201
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-22 接受日期:2023-07-26 出版日期:2023-09-20 发布日期:2023-08-16
  • 通讯作者: *E-mail: liyong21st@126.com
  • 基金资助:

A dataset of wild vascular plants and their distributions in Tianjin, China

Yong Li*(), Sanqing Li, Huan Wang   

  1. Tianjin Natural History Museum, Tianjin 300201
  • Received:2023-04-22 Accepted:2023-07-26 Online:2023-09-20 Published:2023-08-16
  • Contact: *E-mail: liyong21st@126.com


为了全面了解天津野生维管植物资源的现状并为开展相应的生物多样性保护实践提供基础资料, 本文在以往研究基础上, 通过文献收集、标本考证、数据分析, 并结合作者的野外调查结果, 按照维管植物最新的分类系统整理出天津野生维管植物名录, 并根据标本信息和文献核实了每个物种县市级的分布信息。结果显示, 天津共有野生维管植物135科519属996种(含种下等级), 其中石松类1科1属4种, 蕨类植物12科18属31种, 裸子植物2科2属2种, 被子植物120科498属959种。物种数量最多的前10个科为: 菊科(123种)、禾本科(87种)、豆科(67种)、莎草科(41种)、蔷薇科(40种)、苋科(36种)、唇形科(28种)、蓼科(27种)、毛茛科(22种)、十字花科(22种)。含物种数量最多的10个属为蒿属(Artemisia, 21种)、莎草属(Cyperus, 14种)、苋属(Amaranthus, 14种)、蓼属(Persicaria, 14种)、委陵菜属(Potentilla, 12种)、薹草属(Carex, 12种)、大戟属(Euphorbia, 11种)、鹅绒藤属(Cynanchum, 10种)、紫菀属(Aster, 9种)、风毛菊属(Saussurea, 9种)。石松类仅有卷柏科(4种), 蕨类植物包含物种数最多的前3个科为凤尾蕨科(7种)、鳞毛蕨科(4种)、岩蕨科(4种)。天津地区野生植物种类主要以广泛分布的常见种为主, 无特有种分布。根据文献和标本记录有国家二级保护野生植物8种。近年来入侵植物种类有不断增加的趋势。建议今后加大野外调查工作的广度和深度, 重点关注天津珍稀濒危维管植物状况和外来入侵植物扩散形势, 加强专科专属研究, 不断修订后续名录, 为天津乃至京津冀的生物多样性保育提供支持和参考。


数据库(集)名称 天津野生维管植物编目及分布数据集
作者 李勇, 李三青, 王欢
通讯作者 李勇(liyong21st@126.com)
时间范围 2004-2022
地理区域 天津
文件大小 246 kb
数据量 文件1记录条数996, 文件2记录条数519。
数据格式 *.xlsx
数据链接 https://www.scidb.cn/s/UrYjAz
数据库(集)组成 数据集由2个文件组成。文件1为天津市野生维管植物名录, 文件2为天津市野生维管植物科属统计表。文件1包含996条记录(行)和16个字段(列), 16个字段分别是序号、维管植物大类、科号、中文科名、拉丁科名、中文属名、拉丁属名、中文种名、拉丁种名、地理分布信息(县级)、依据(标本/文献/照片)、采集人/号、本土/外来、是否入侵物种、国家保护一二级和了解程度。


关键词: 天津, 维管植物, 编目, 物种多样性, 外来植物, 入侵植物


To facilitate revising and updating the checklist of vascular plants in Tianjin, we provided basic information on the status of wild vascular plant resources there, furthering the development of biodiversity conservation. We updated the checklist of wild vascular plants in Tianjin based on previous research by further examining historical collections, newly published records, data analysis, and the field investigation results of authors published over the past 20 years. The checklist was compiled in accordance with the latest classification of vascular plants. The distribution of each species was verified at the county and municipal level based on the information of voucher specimens (preserved specimens that serve as a verifiable and permanent record of wildlife). The present checklist recorded 996 species (including infraspecific taxa) in total, belonging to 519 genera in 135 families. There are 4 species of lycophytes in 1 genus and 1 family, 31 species of pteridophytes in 18 genera and 12 families, 2 species of gymnosperms in 2 genera and 2 families, and 959 species of angiosperms in 498 genera and 120 families. For lycophytes, the only family is Selaginellaceae (4 species). For pteridophytes, the top three largest families are Pteridaceae (7), Dryopteridaceae (4), and Woodsiaceae (4). For angiosperms, the top 10 largest families are Asteraceae (123), Poaceae (87), Fabaceae (67), Cyperaceae (41), Rosaceae (40), Amaranthaceae (36), Lamiaceae (28), Polygonaceae (27), Ranunculaceae (22) and Brassicaceae (22). The top ten largest genera are Artemisia (21), Cyperus (14), Amaranthus (14), Persicaria (14), Potentilla (12), Carex (12), Euphorbia (11), Cynanchum (10), Aster (9), and Saussurea (9), respectively. The wild plant species in Tianjin are predominantly common species with wide distribution. However, according to literature and specimen records, eight wild plant species are in the list of National Key Protected Wild Plant Species. The number of invasive plant species has continuously increased in recent years. Meanwhile, field surveys of rare and endangered vascular plants and invasive plants in Tianjin were insufficient; therefore, we recommend increasing the breadth and depth of follow-up field surveys. Furthermore, we call for strengthening specialized taxonomic studies on particular families and genera, which will help to further revise and update the checklist.

Database/Dataset Profile

Title A dataset of wild vascular plants and their distributions in Tianjin, China
Author(s) Yong Li, Sanqing Li, Huan Wang
Corresponding author Yong Li (liyong21st@126.com)
Time range 2004-2022
Geographical scope Tianjin
File size 246 kb
Data volume Number of records in File 1: 996 and File 2: 519.
Data format *.xlsx
Data link https://www.scidb.cn/s/UrYjAz
Database/Dataset composition The dataset consists of 2 data files. File 1: A checklist of wild vascular plants in Tianjin, and File 2: List of families and genera of wild vascular plants in Tianjin. The File 1 contains 996 records (rows), and the 16 fields (columns) as following: sequence number, main categories of vascular plants, sequence number of family, Chinese family, family, Chinese genus, genus, Chinese name, scientific name, distribution areas, reference or voucher specimen, collector and collection number, native/introduced, invasive species/non-invasive species, rank in the List of National Key Protected Wild Plants 2021, knowledge degree.

Key words: Tianjin, vascular plants, inventory, species diversity, alien plants, invasive plants