生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 22370. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022370
• 中国野生脊椎动物鸣声监测与生物声学研究专题 • 上一篇 下一篇
吴科毅1, 阮文达1, 周棣锋1, 陈庆春1,*(), 张承云1, 潘新园2, 余上3, 刘阳4, 肖荣波5
*陈庆春, E-mail: qcchen@gzhu.edu.cn
Keyi Wu1, Wenda Ruan1, Difeng Zhou1, Qingchen Chen1,*(), Chengyun Zhang1, Xinyuan Pan2, Shang Yu3, Yang Liu4, Rongbo Xiao5
*Qingchen Chen, E-mail: qcchen@gzhu.edu.cn
被动声学监测通过分析鸟鸣声信息来实现物种识别, 为鸟类多样性监测提供了一种切实可行的技术方案。由于鸟种的鸣声复杂多变, 如何通过声纹快速准确辨别物种, 分析鸟类丰度, 降低对人工操作的需求等技术难题, 成为基于声纹的鸟类多样性监测所面临的挑战。本文提出了基于音节聚类的鸟类鸣声监测框架: 首先通过音高、频率平坦度等音频特征在声纹数据中提取音节, 然后通过无监督表征学习与狄利克雷过程(Dirichlet process)混合模型对音节进行深度无监督聚类训练, 完成音节聚类和自动音节种类推断。分析结果表明, 本文提出的基于音节聚类的鸟类鸣声监测框架在处理开源数据集白腰文鸟(Lonchura striata)的曲目时可获得接近90%的聚类准确率。在此基础上, 本研究对2022年4‒5月在广州市白云山公园固定监测点所录制的10种鸟类鸣声进行了无监督的音节聚类分析, 验证了本文所提出的基于音节聚类的鸟类鸣声监测框架的有效性: 本技术不仅可以支持快速鸟类物种识别, 还可以统计和分析不同物种鸟鸣在时间、频度、数量上的变化。这些结果表明, 基于音节聚类的鸟类鸣声监测框架可以显著降低对人工标注训练数据的要求, 克服传统鸟鸣物种识别框架在处理重叠鸟鸣时难以处理多物种识别的缺点, 为基于被动声学监测的鸟类多样性监测提供了一个快速物种识别、音节序列分析和精细化种群丰度分析的综合解决方案。
吴科毅, 阮文达, 周棣锋, 陈庆春, 张承云, 潘新园, 余上, 刘阳, 肖荣波 (2023) 基于音节聚类分析的被动声学监测技术及其在鸟类监测中的应用. 生物多样性, 31, 22370. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022370.
Keyi Wu, Wenda Ruan, Difeng Zhou, Qingchen Chen, Chengyun Zhang, Xinyuan Pan, Shang Yu, Yang Liu, Rongbo Xiao (2023) Syllable clustering analysis-based passive acoustic monitoring technology and its application in bird monitoring. Biodiversity Science, 31, 22370. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022370.
图1 深度无监督音节聚类整体结构。拾音器终端采集声音, 经音节提取算法定位和提取每个鸟鸣音节, 经过表征学习与狄利克雷过程混合模型交替学习得到音节分类器。
Fig. 1 The whole structure of deep unsupervised syllable clustering. The sound is collected by the pickup terminal, each bird song is located and extracted by the syllable extraction algorithm, and the syllable classifier is obtained by alternate learning of representation learning and Dirichlet process mixed model (DPMM).
1: 输入input: 包含N个样本的原始音频X1:N, 每帧信号样本数T, 相邻语音帧偏移参数H, 音高检测阈值θpitch |
2: |
3: |
4: for |
5: |
6: |
7: |
8: |
9: |
10: |
11: |
12:end for |
13: |
14: |
15: Mask |
16: return |
表1 本文提出的基于多语音特征的音节检测与提取算法——多特征音节提取
Table 1 The multi-feature based syllable detection and extraction algorithm proposed in this paper
1: 输入input: 包含N个样本的原始音频X1:N, 每帧信号样本数T, 相邻语音帧偏移参数H, 音高检测阈值θpitch |
2: |
3: |
4: for |
5: |
6: |
7: |
8: |
9: |
10: |
11: |
12:end for |
13: |
14: |
15: Mask |
16: return |
图2 检测并自动标注的白腰文鸟(Lonchura striata) (上)与白云山多种鸟类(下)音节。 谱图中白色框包围部分即为音节。
Fig. 2 The syllables of Lonchura striata (top) and Baiyun Mountain birds (bottom) detected and automatically labeled. The part highlighted with white box in the spectrogram are syllables.
图3 基于变分编码器的鸟鸣音节聚类示意图。 编码器将音节向低维隐空间投影, 解码器利用均值和方差向量重构音节。
Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of bird song syllable clustering based on variational encoder. The encoder projects the syllables into a low-dimensional latent space, and the decoder reconstructs the syllables using the mean and variance vectors.
图4 白腰文鸟曲目库(鸟032312)的无监督聚类后的音节检测与标注结果。 白色框标定为音节范围, 音节上方的数字标签为无监督聚类分配的伪标签, 下方为专家标注的音节标签。
Fig. 4 Syllable detection and annotation results after unsupervised clustering of Lonchura striata repertoire (Bird 032312). The white boxes are marked as syllable ranges, the number tag above the syllable is a pseudo tag assigned by unsupervised clustering, and the number below the syllable corresponds to the syllable tag marked by the expert.
图5 白腰文鸟曲目库中鸟032312的10个聚类音节可视化结果; 利用t-SNE降维方法, 将64维特征降为3维和2维。
Fig. 5 The syllable clustering results of Lonchura striata repertoire Bird 032312 are visualized; the 64-dimensional features are reduced to 3 and 2 dimensions using the t-SNE dimensionality reduction method.
图6 传统聚类算法与基于深度学习方法在白腰文鸟曲目库的聚类性能对比, 横坐标是每只鸟的编号, (左)纵坐标是聚类准确率, (右)纵坐标代表音节种类数。 红色线为音节种类数量, 根据每只鸟的音节种类数递增排序了每只鸟的聚类编号。
Fig. 6 Comparison of the clustering performance of traditional clustering algorithms and the proposed deep learning-based methods in the Lonchura striata song library. The abscissa is the number of each bird, the ordinate (left) is the clustering accuracy, and the ordinate (right) represents the number of syllables. The red line is the number of syllable types, and the cluster number of each bird is sorted in ascending order according to the number of syllable species of each bird.
图7 白云山公园某监测点鸟类音节数量(左)和种类(右)统计。 每隔6天统计从2022年04月01日至05月09日监测到的鸟鸣音节数量和种类。早晨统计时间段为5:00?9:00, 傍晚统计时间段为16:00?21:00。
Fig. 7 Statistics on the number of syllables of birds at a monitoring site in Baiyunshan Park: (left) the number of syllables and (right) the number of syllables. The number and types of bird syllables are count every 6 days from April 1, 2022 to May 9, 2022. The statistical time period is from 5:00 to 9:00 in the morning, and from 16:00 to 21:00 in the evening.
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