生物多样性 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (7): 23468. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023468 cstr: 32101.14.biods.2023468
所属专题: 数据论文
*E-mail: nijian@zjnu.edu.cn
Bohan Zheng1(), Xinyao Chen1, Jian Ni1,2,*()()
*E-mail: nijian@zjnu.edu.cn
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植物生长型和生活型是理解植物响应和适应环境变化的重要形态性状, 对研究植物与环境和生态系统功能的关系, 理解植物地理分布格局和生物多样性形成与维持机制具有重要意义。《中国植物志》和Flora of China中有关植物生长型和生活型的描述存在分类标准不统一, 部分信息缺失、错误或模糊不清等问题。本文基于全国和地方植物志书及野外调查的植物性状信息, 订正了中英文版维管植物的生长型和生活型性状, 建立了中国维管植物生长型和生活型数据集。该数据集包含35,329种维管植物, 内容包括植物名称、生长型和生活型性状及其数据来源, 其中植物名称包括来自《中国植物志》、Flora of China和来自《中国生物物种名录(2023版)》的两个分类系统版本, 以便读者相互对照不同分类系统的差异。依据茎木质化程度分为木本植物和草本植物两类, 木本植物有12,600种, 占35.7%; 草本植物为22,729种, 占64.3%。木本植物以中灌木生长型(2,917种, 占23.2%)和常绿生活型(7,107种, 占56.4%)为主, 草本植物以杂类草生长型(19,900种, 占87.6%)和多年生生活型(19,554种, 占86.0%)为主。木本生长型中乔木物种以樟科和壳斗科占比较大, 灌木物种以杜鹃花科、蔷薇科和豆科占比较大; 常绿生活型以杜鹃花科占比较大, 落叶生活型以蔷薇科占比较大。草本生长型中杂类草以菊科占比较大, 禾草以禾本科占比较大; 生活型中一年生、二年生和多年生分别以禾本科、紫草科和菊科占优势。本数据集涵盖了目前中国所有维管植物物种的生长型和生活型信息, 可为植物性状研究提供数据基础。
数据库(集)名称 | 中国维管植物生长型和生活型数据集 |
作者 | 郑博瀚, 陈鑫瑶, 倪健 |
通讯作者 | 倪健(nijian@zjnu.edu.cn) |
时间范围 | 1959-2023 |
地理区域 | 中国 |
文件大小 | 7.58 MB |
数据量 | 2个文件, 记录35,329条数据 |
数据格式 | *.xlsx |
数据链接 | https://www.scidb.cn/s/JZfIjm https://doi.org/10.57760/sciencedb.10903 https://www.biodiversity-science.net/fileup/1005-0094/DATA/2023468.zip |
数据库(集)组成 | 数据集共包括1个数据文件和1个数据说明文件。数据文件包含2个工作表, 分别为: 1. 中国维管植物生长型和生活型数据集(中文版); 2. 中国维管植物生长型和生活型数据集(英文版)。 |
郑博瀚, 陈鑫瑶, 倪健 (2024) 中国维管植物生长型和生活型数据集. 生物多样性, 32, 23468. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023468.
Bohan Zheng, Xinyao Chen, Jian Ni (2024) A dataset on the plant growth form and life form of vascular plants in China. Biodiversity Science, 32, 23468. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023468.
植物性状 Plant traits | 一级分类单位 First-level classification unit | 二级分类单位 Second-level classification unit | 分类依据及定义 Rationale and definition |
生长型 Growth form | 木本 Woody | 大乔木 Large tree | 木质茎, 有明显主干和不同程度侧枝, 株高 > 25 m Woody stems, with a distinct trunk and varying degrees of lateral branches, plant height > 25 m |
中乔木 Medium tree | 木质茎, 有明显主干和不同程度侧枝, 株高8-25 m Woody stems, with a distinct trunk and varying degrees of lateral branches, plant height 8-25 m | ||
小乔木 Small tree | 木质茎, 有明显主干和不同程度侧枝, 株高5-8 m Woody stems, with a distinct trunk and varying degrees of lateral branches, plant height 5-8 m | ||
大灌木 Large shrub | 木质茎, 无明显主干且分枝自基部开始, 株高2-5 m Woody stems, without a distinct trunk but with multi-stems from the base, plant height 2-5 m | ||
中灌木 Medium shrub | 木质茎, 无明显主干且分枝自基部开始, 株高0.5-2 m Woody stems, without a distinct trunk but with multi-stems from the base, plant height 0.5-2 m | ||
矮小灌木 Small and dwarf shrub | 木质茎, 无明显主干且分枝自基部开始, 株高 < 0.5 m Woody stems, without a distinct trunk but with multi-stems from the base, plant height < 0.5 m | ||
木质藤本 Woody liana | 木质茎, 茎呈攀援或缠绕状 Woody stems, climbing or twining stems | ||
草本 Herb | 杂类草 Forb | 草质茎(除禾草、草质藤本和半灌木外的所有草本) Herbaceous stems (all herbs excluding grass, herbaceous vine, and semi-shrub) | |
禾草 Grass | 草质茎, 茎切面圆形, 叶片长条形, 叶脉平行 Herbaceous stems, orbicular stem cross-section, linear leaf blade, parallel veins | ||
草质藤本 Herbaceous vine | 草质茎, 茎攀援或缠绕状 Herbaceous stems, climbing or twining stems | ||
半灌木 Semi-shrub | 半木质茎 Semi-woody stem | ||
生活型 Life form | 木本 Woody | 常绿 Evergreen | 植株全年保持叶片 Green leaves throughout the year |
落叶 Deciduous | 叶片在一年中的某一段时间内全部脱落 Leaves fall off completely at some time during the year | ||
半常绿 Semi-evergreen | 叶片在适生环境下为常绿, 环境不适宜时为落叶; 或叶片在一年大部分时间里为常绿, 但每年4-5月雨季到来之前出现集中换叶期 Leaves are evergreen under suitable conditions and deciduous when conditions are unsuitable; or leaves are evergreen for most of the year, but there is a concentrated period of leaf replace before the onset of the rainy season in April-May of each year | ||
草本 Herb | 一年生 Annual | 在一个生长季节内完成一次开花结果的整个生活周期 Flowering and fruiting at once, completing the entire life cycle in one growing season | |
二年生 Biennial | 在两个生长季节内完成一次开花结果的整个生活周期 Flowering and fruiting at once, completing the entire life cycle in two growing seasons | ||
多年生 Perennial | 多次开花结果, 生活周期在两年以上 Multiple flowering and fruiting with a growing period of more than two years |
表1 中国维管植物生长型和生活型的分类系统
Table 1 Classification scheme of growth form and life form of vascular plants in China
植物性状 Plant traits | 一级分类单位 First-level classification unit | 二级分类单位 Second-level classification unit | 分类依据及定义 Rationale and definition |
生长型 Growth form | 木本 Woody | 大乔木 Large tree | 木质茎, 有明显主干和不同程度侧枝, 株高 > 25 m Woody stems, with a distinct trunk and varying degrees of lateral branches, plant height > 25 m |
中乔木 Medium tree | 木质茎, 有明显主干和不同程度侧枝, 株高8-25 m Woody stems, with a distinct trunk and varying degrees of lateral branches, plant height 8-25 m | ||
小乔木 Small tree | 木质茎, 有明显主干和不同程度侧枝, 株高5-8 m Woody stems, with a distinct trunk and varying degrees of lateral branches, plant height 5-8 m | ||
大灌木 Large shrub | 木质茎, 无明显主干且分枝自基部开始, 株高2-5 m Woody stems, without a distinct trunk but with multi-stems from the base, plant height 2-5 m | ||
中灌木 Medium shrub | 木质茎, 无明显主干且分枝自基部开始, 株高0.5-2 m Woody stems, without a distinct trunk but with multi-stems from the base, plant height 0.5-2 m | ||
矮小灌木 Small and dwarf shrub | 木质茎, 无明显主干且分枝自基部开始, 株高 < 0.5 m Woody stems, without a distinct trunk but with multi-stems from the base, plant height < 0.5 m | ||
木质藤本 Woody liana | 木质茎, 茎呈攀援或缠绕状 Woody stems, climbing or twining stems | ||
草本 Herb | 杂类草 Forb | 草质茎(除禾草、草质藤本和半灌木外的所有草本) Herbaceous stems (all herbs excluding grass, herbaceous vine, and semi-shrub) | |
禾草 Grass | 草质茎, 茎切面圆形, 叶片长条形, 叶脉平行 Herbaceous stems, orbicular stem cross-section, linear leaf blade, parallel veins | ||
草质藤本 Herbaceous vine | 草质茎, 茎攀援或缠绕状 Herbaceous stems, climbing or twining stems | ||
半灌木 Semi-shrub | 半木质茎 Semi-woody stem | ||
生活型 Life form | 木本 Woody | 常绿 Evergreen | 植株全年保持叶片 Green leaves throughout the year |
落叶 Deciduous | 叶片在一年中的某一段时间内全部脱落 Leaves fall off completely at some time during the year | ||
半常绿 Semi-evergreen | 叶片在适生环境下为常绿, 环境不适宜时为落叶; 或叶片在一年大部分时间里为常绿, 但每年4-5月雨季到来之前出现集中换叶期 Leaves are evergreen under suitable conditions and deciduous when conditions are unsuitable; or leaves are evergreen for most of the year, but there is a concentrated period of leaf replace before the onset of the rainy season in April-May of each year | ||
草本 Herb | 一年生 Annual | 在一个生长季节内完成一次开花结果的整个生活周期 Flowering and fruiting at once, completing the entire life cycle in one growing season | |
二年生 Biennial | 在两个生长季节内完成一次开花结果的整个生活周期 Flowering and fruiting at once, completing the entire life cycle in two growing seasons | ||
多年生 Perennial | 多次开花结果, 生活周期在两年以上 Multiple flowering and fruiting with a growing period of more than two years |
图1 中国维管植物生长型和生活型性状统计。(A)木本生长型; (B)草本生长型; (C)木本生活型; (D)草本生活型。
Fig. 1 Growth form and life form trait statistics of Chinese vascular plants. (A) Woody growth form; (B) Herbaceous growth form; (C) Woody life form; (D) Herbaceous life form.
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[1] | 韩赟, 迟晓峰, 余静雅, 丁旭洁, 陈世龙, 张发起. 青海野生维管植物名录[J]. 生物多样性, 2023, 31(9): 23280-. |
[2] | 陈又生, 宋柱秋, 卫然, 罗艳, 陈文俐, 杨福生, 高连明, 徐源, 张卓欣, 付鹏程, 向春雷, 王焕冲, 郝加琛, 孟世勇, 吴磊, 李波, 于胜祥, 张树仁, 何理, 郭信强, 王文广, 童毅华, 高乞, 费文群, 曾佑派, 白琳, 金梓超, 钟星杰, 张步云, 杜思怡. 西藏维管植物多样性编目和分布数据集[J]. 生物多样性, 2023, 31(9): 23188-. |
[3] | 陈慧妹, 李文军, 邱娟, 马占仓, 李波, 杨宗宗, 闻志彬, 孟岩, 曹秋梅, 邱东, 刘丹辉, 金光照. 新疆野生维管植物名录[J]. 生物多样性, 2023, 31(9): 23124-. |
[4] | 李勇, 李三青, 王欢. 天津野生维管植物编目及分布数据集[J]. 生物多样性, 2023, 31(9): 23128-. |
[5] | 安昌, 庄怡雪, 郑平, 林彦翔, 杨成梓, 秦源. 福建省维管植物名录[J]. 生物多样性, 2023, 31(6): 22537-. |
[6] | 韦毅刚, 温放, 辛子兵, 符龙飞. 广西野生维管植物名录[J]. 生物多样性, 2023, 31(6): 23078-. |
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