生物多样性 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (12): 22353. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022353
所属专题: 土壤生物与土壤健康
*E-mail: zhanglm@rcees.ac.cn
Baomin Yao1,2, Qing Zeng1,2, Limei Zhang1,2,*()
*E-mail: zhanglm@rcees.ac.cn
原生生物广泛分布在土壤和不同生境中, 其数量庞大、种类繁多, 在生态系统物质循环和能量流动以及维持土壤和植物健康中起着举足轻重的作用。与土壤其他生物类群相比, 原生生物分类体系和生态类型复杂, 分类鉴定困难且分子检测技术不够成熟, 目前对原生生物的认识相对不足。本文对当前原生生物的相关研究进展进行了总结和梳理, 系统阐述了原生生物的分类系统和营养功能群特征、土壤原生生物的多样性分布特征及影响因子, 重点介绍了原生生物群落在参与土壤养分循环、维持土壤和植物健康等中的功能作用, 并对未来的研究方向与应用前景进行了展望。对土壤原生生物的研究有助于我们深入认识土壤生物多样性资源, 并进行保护性地开发和利用, 维护土壤和生态系统健康。
姚保民, 曾青, 张丽梅 (2022) 土壤原生生物多样性及其生态功能研究进展. 生物多样性, 30, 22353. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022353.
Baomin Yao, Qing Zeng, Limei Zhang (2022) Research progress on the biodiversity and ecological function of soil protists. Biodiversity Science, 30, 22353. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022353.
分类 Classification | 主要类群 Main groups | 主要类群特征 Main groups characteristics |
异养型原生生物 Heterotrophy protists | ||
异养吞噬型原生生物 Heterotrophic phagotrophic protists | | 变形虫: 大多单细胞; 无永久运动器, 靠伪足运动。 Amoeba: Mostly unicellular; without permanent motile organelles, and rely on pseudopodia for movement. |
| 纤毛虫: 单细胞, 具有双核; 靠纤毛运动器运动。 Ciliophora: Unicellular, dual-nucleated; moved by cilia. | |
| 鞭毛虫: 单细胞; 鞭毛既是运动器也是感应器, 一般1-4个, 大多2个。 Flagellate: Unicellular; flagella are both motor organs and sensing organs, generally 1-4, mostly 2. | |
异养寄生型原生生物 Heterotrophic parasitic protists | | 簇虫: 寄生于各类无脊椎动物, 包括节肢动物和环节动物的消化道内。 Gregarine: Parasitic in the digestive tract of various invertebrates, including arthropods and annelids. |
| 孢子虫: 单细胞; 不移动; 孢子的顶端包含一个复杂的细胞器复合体。 Apicomplexa: Unicellular; don’t move; the apex of the spore contains a complex organelle complex. | |
异养腐生型 Heterotrophic saprophytic protists | | 卵菌: 能有限运动, 多为植物专性腐生菌, 有菌丝体, 既可进行有性生殖也可以无性生殖。 Oomycetes: Capable of limited movement, most of them are plant obligate saprophytes with mycelium, which can reproduce both sexually and asexually. |
| 黏菌: 能有限运动, 沿着多核原生质团流动, 运动摄食方式类似变形虫。 Eumycetozoa: It has limited movement, flows along multinucleated protoplasm, and feeds in a similar way to amoeba. | |
自养型原生生物 Photoautotrophy protist | ||
光合自养型原生生物 Photoautotrophy protists | | 硅藻: 单细胞; 特有的二氧化硅双层外壳, 含叶绿素a和c。 Diatom: Unicellular; characteristic silica double-layered shell, contains chlorophyll a and c. |
| 海藻: 多细胞; 含叶绿素a和c。 Trebouxiophyceae: Multicellular; containing chlorophyll a and c. | |
| 绿藻: 单细胞或多细胞; 含叶绿素a和b。 Green algae: Unicellular or multicellular; containing chlorophyll a and b. |
表1 土壤原生生物的主要类群及其特征(改自Geisen等, 2018)
Table 1 The main groups of soil protists and their characteristics (modified from Geisen et al, 2018)
分类 Classification | 主要类群 Main groups | 主要类群特征 Main groups characteristics |
异养型原生生物 Heterotrophy protists | ||
异养吞噬型原生生物 Heterotrophic phagotrophic protists | | 变形虫: 大多单细胞; 无永久运动器, 靠伪足运动。 Amoeba: Mostly unicellular; without permanent motile organelles, and rely on pseudopodia for movement. |
| 纤毛虫: 单细胞, 具有双核; 靠纤毛运动器运动。 Ciliophora: Unicellular, dual-nucleated; moved by cilia. | |
| 鞭毛虫: 单细胞; 鞭毛既是运动器也是感应器, 一般1-4个, 大多2个。 Flagellate: Unicellular; flagella are both motor organs and sensing organs, generally 1-4, mostly 2. | |
异养寄生型原生生物 Heterotrophic parasitic protists | | 簇虫: 寄生于各类无脊椎动物, 包括节肢动物和环节动物的消化道内。 Gregarine: Parasitic in the digestive tract of various invertebrates, including arthropods and annelids. |
| 孢子虫: 单细胞; 不移动; 孢子的顶端包含一个复杂的细胞器复合体。 Apicomplexa: Unicellular; don’t move; the apex of the spore contains a complex organelle complex. | |
异养腐生型 Heterotrophic saprophytic protists | | 卵菌: 能有限运动, 多为植物专性腐生菌, 有菌丝体, 既可进行有性生殖也可以无性生殖。 Oomycetes: Capable of limited movement, most of them are plant obligate saprophytes with mycelium, which can reproduce both sexually and asexually. |
| 黏菌: 能有限运动, 沿着多核原生质团流动, 运动摄食方式类似变形虫。 Eumycetozoa: It has limited movement, flows along multinucleated protoplasm, and feeds in a similar way to amoeba. | |
自养型原生生物 Photoautotrophy protist | ||
光合自养型原生生物 Photoautotrophy protists | | 硅藻: 单细胞; 特有的二氧化硅双层外壳, 含叶绿素a和c。 Diatom: Unicellular; characteristic silica double-layered shell, contains chlorophyll a and c. |
| 海藻: 多细胞; 含叶绿素a和c。 Trebouxiophyceae: Multicellular; containing chlorophyll a and c. | |
| 绿藻: 单细胞或多细胞; 含叶绿素a和b。 Green algae: Unicellular or multicellular; containing chlorophyll a and b. |
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