生物多样性 ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 378-388. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2015241
所属专题: 中国西南干旱河谷的植物多样性
刘晔1, 李鹏2, 许玥2, 石松林3, 应凌霄2, 张婉君2, 彭培好4, 沈泽昊2,*()
Ye Liu1, Peng Li2, Yue Xu2, Songlin Shi3, Lingxiao Ying2, Wanjun Zhang2, Peihao Peng4, Zehao Shen2,*()
Shen Zehao
中国西南干旱河谷植被是我国西南横断山区特有的植被类型, 目前关于西南干旱河谷植被还没有整体性的群落类型划分研究。根据对甘肃、四川、云南三省九条主要河流的干旱河谷段野外调查和文献来源的1,339个植物群落样方数据, 采用自适应仿射传播聚类方法, 对我国西南干旱河谷的植物群落进行数量分类, 并采用典范对应分析方法进行排序分析。结果表明: (1)调查样方的植物群落分为7个植被型(稀树草原、肉质灌丛、常绿阔叶灌丛、暖性落叶阔叶灌丛、常绿硬叶林、落叶阔叶林和暖性针叶林), 24个群系, 31个群丛类型。暖性落叶阔叶灌丛是本植被区的代表性植被类型; 分布最广的群系为鞍叶羊蹄甲灌丛(Form. Bauhinia brachycarpa, 样方比例50.9%)、黄茅灌草丛(Form. Heteropogon contortus, 样方比例11.9%)、孔颖草灌草丛(Form. Bothriochloa pertusa, 样方比例5.6%)、黄荆灌丛(Form. Vitex negundo, 样方比例4.2%)、知风草灌草丛(Form. Eragrostis ferruginea, 样方比例3.8%)、车桑子灌丛(Form. Dodonaea viscosa, 样方比例3.4%)、云南松疏林(Form. Pinus yunnanensis, 样方比例3.3%)。(2)冬季低温和降水的季节性是限制干旱河谷植物群落分布的主要气候因子。稀树草原、肉质灌丛是典型的干热河谷植被类型; 暖性落叶阔叶灌丛、常绿硬叶林、常绿阔叶灌丛是干暖河谷植被的优势类型; 暖性针叶林、落叶阔叶林则主要在干温河谷环境占优势。
刘晔, 李鹏, 许玥, 石松林, 应凌霄, 张婉君, 彭培好, 沈泽昊 (2016) 中国西南干旱河谷植物群落的数量分类和排序分析. 生物多样性, 24, 378-388. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2015241.
Ye Liu, Peng Li, Yue Xu, Songlin Shi, Lingxiao Ying, Wanjun Zhang, Peihao Peng, Zehao Shen (2016) Quantitative classification and ordination for plant communities in dry valleys of Southwest China. Biodiversity Science, 24, 378-388. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2015241.
植被型纲 Vegetation type class | 植被型亚纲 Vegetation type subclass | 植被型 Vegetation type | 群系 Formation | 群丛 Association |
I 草本植被 Herbaceous | I-1 旱生草本植被 Xeropoium | 一 稀树草原 Savanna | 1 从毛羊胡子草灌草丛 Form. Eriophorum comosum | 1-1 叶下珠+牛角瓜-从毛羊胡子草群丛 Ass. Phyllanthus urinaria+Calotropis gigantea-Eriophorum comosum |
2 短梗苞茅灌草丛 Form. Hyparrhenia diplandra | 2-1 黄花菜+矛叶荩草-短梗苞茅群丛 Ass. Hemerocallis citrina+Arthraxon lanceolatus-Hyparr- henia diplandra | |||
3 黄茅灌草丛 Form. Heteropogon contortus | 3-1 密花树+清香木-戟叶酸模群丛 Ass. Myrsine seguinii+Pistacia weinmanniifolia-Rumex hastatus | |||
3-2 胡枝子+狭叶海漆-类芦群丛 Ass. Lespedeza bicolor+Excoecaria acerifolia var. cuspidata- Neyraudia reynaudiana | ||||
3-3 洋紫荆+枣-黄茅群丛 Ass. Bauhinia variegata +Ziziphus jujuba-Heteropogon contortus | ||||
3-4 芸香草+竹叶草-黄茅群丛 Ass. Cymbopogon distans+Oplismenus compositus var. compositus-Heteropogon contortus | ||||
4 孔颖草灌草丛 Form. Bothriochloa pertusa | 4-1 土沉香+橿子栎-孔颖草群丛 Ass. Aquilaria sinensis+Quercus baronii-Bothriochloa pertusa | |||
4-2 猪毛菜+戟叶酸模-孔颖草群丛 Ass. Salsola collina+Rumex hastatus-Bothriochloa pertusa | ||||
5 木棉灌草丛 Form. Bombax ceiba | 5-1 芦苇-木棉群丛 Ass. Phragmites australis-Bombax ceiba | |||
6 牛角瓜灌草丛 Form. Calotropis gigantea | 6-1 九叶木蓝+孔颖草-牛角瓜群丛 Ass. Indigofera linnaei+Bothriochloa pertusa-Calotropis gigantea | |||
7 双花草灌草丛 Form. Dichanthium annulatum | 7-1 牡蒿+龙珠果-双花草群丛 Ass. Artemisia japonica +Passiflora foetida-Dichanthium annulatum | |||
8 芸香草灌草丛 Form. Cymbopogon distans | 8-1 地果+长节耳草-芸香草群丛 Ass. Ficus tikoua+Hedyotis uncinella-Cymbopogon distans | |||
9 知风草灌草丛 Form. Eragrostis ferruginea | 9-1 鞍叶羊蹄甲+野丁香-野菊+知风草群丛 Ass. Bauhinia brachycarpa+Leptodermis potaninii -Chrysan- themum indicum+Eragrostis ferruginea | |||
II 灌丛 Scrub | II-1 刺灌丛及 肉质灌丛 Thom thicket and succulent thicket | 二 肉质灌丛 Succulent thicket | 10 仙人掌灌丛 Form. Opuntia dillenii | 10-1 黑麦草+白饭树-仙人掌群丛 Ass. Lolium perenne+Flueggea virosa-Opuntia dillenii |
11 霸王鞭灌丛 Form. Euphorbia royleana | 11-1 孔颖草+白饭树-霸王鞭群丛 Ass. Bothriochloa pertusa +Flueggea virosa-Euphorbia royleana | |||
II-2 阔叶灌丛 Broadleaved thicket | 三 常绿阔叶灌丛 Evergreen broadleaved thicket | 12 清香木灌丛 Form. Pistacia weinmanniifolia | 12-1 细花梗杭子梢+云南山蚂蝗-黄茅+虾子花+清香木群丛 Ass. Campylotropis capillipes+Desmodium yunnanense- Heteropogon contortus+Woodfordia fruticosa+Pistacia weinmanniifolia | |
13 车桑子灌丛 Form. Dodonaea viscosa | 13-1 木香花+光叶巴豆-黄茅+车桑子群丛 Ass. Rosa banksiae +Croton laevigatus-Heteropogon contortus+Dodonaea viscosa | |||
四 暖性落叶阔叶灌丛 Warm deciduous broadleaved thicket | 14 光叶山黄麻灌丛 Form. Trema cannabina | 14-1 细柄野荞+黄花稔-光叶山黄麻群丛 Ass. Fagopyrum gracilipes+Sida acuta-Trema cannabina | ||
15 狭叶山黄麻灌丛 Form. Trema angustifolia | 15-1 羽芒菊+狭叶山黄麻-狭叶山黄麻群丛 Ass. Tridax procumbens+Trema angustifolia-Trema angustifolia | |||
16 鞍叶羊蹄甲灌丛 Form. Bauhinia brachycarpa | 16-1 小叶荩草+北艾-鞍叶羊蹄甲群丛 Ass. Arthraxon lancifolius+Artemisia vulgaris-Bauhinia brachycarpa | |||
17 华西小石积灌丛 Form. Osteomeles schwerinae | 17-1 香茶菜+裸叶粉背蕨-华西小石积群丛 Ass. Isodon amethystoides+Aleuritopteris duclouxii- Osteomeles schwerinae | |||
植被型纲 Vegetation type class | 植被型亚纲 Vegetation type subclass | 植被型 Vegetation type | 群系 Formation | 群丛 Association |
II 灌丛 Scrub | II-2 阔叶灌丛 Broadleaved thicket | 四 暖性落叶阔叶灌丛 Warm deciduous broadleaved thicket | 18 余甘子灌丛 Form. Phyllanthus emblica | 18-1 垫状卷柏+翻白草-余甘子群丛 Ass. Selaginella pulvinata+Potentilla discolor-Phyllanthus emblica |
19 云南山蚂蝗灌丛 Form. Desmodium yunnanense | 19-1 扭鞘香茅+类芦-云南山蚂蝗群丛 Ass. Cymbopogon tortilis+Neyraudia reynaudiana- Desmodium yunnanense | |||
20 黄荆灌丛 Form. Vitex negundo | 20-1 碱菀+川甘亚菊-黄荆群丛 Ass. Tripolium pannonicum+Ajania potaninii-Vitex negundo | |||
21 细叶黄皮灌丛 Form. Clausena anisum-olens | 21-1 细叶黄皮群丛 Ass. Clausena anisum-olens | |||
III 森林 Forest | III-1 阔叶林 Broadleaved forest | 五 常绿硬 叶林 Evergreen sclerophyllous forest | 22 铁橡栎林 Form. Quercus cocciferoides | 22-1 香附子+短炳扁担杆-铁橡栎群丛 Ass. Cyperus rotundus+Grewia brachypoda-Quercus cocciferoides |
六 落叶阔 叶林 Deciduous broadleaved forest | 23 乌桕林 Form. Triadica sebifera | 23-1 乌桕+藿香蓟-乌桕群丛 Ass. Triadica sebifera+Ageratum conyzoides-Triadica sebifera | ||
23-2 有芒鸭嘴草+乌桕-乌桕群丛 Ass. Ischaemum aristatum var. aristatum+Triadica sebifera-Triadica sebifera | ||||
III-2 针叶林 Coniferous forest | 七 暖性针 叶林 Warm needle- leaved forest | 24 云南松疏林 Form. Pinus yunnanensis | 24-1 马缨丹+刺叶栎-云南松群丛 Ass. Lantana camara+Quercus spinosa-Pinus yunnanensis | |
24-2 栓皮栎+南烛-云南松群丛 Ass. Quercus variabilis+Vaccinium bracteatum-Pinus yunnanensis | ||||
24-3 云南松+普通针毛蕨-云南松群丛 Ass. Pinus yunnanensis+Macrothelypteris torresiana-Pinus yunnanensis |
表1 中国西南干旱河谷植被分类表
Table 1 The classification system of plant communities in dry valleys of Southwest China
植被型纲 Vegetation type class | 植被型亚纲 Vegetation type subclass | 植被型 Vegetation type | 群系 Formation | 群丛 Association |
I 草本植被 Herbaceous | I-1 旱生草本植被 Xeropoium | 一 稀树草原 Savanna | 1 从毛羊胡子草灌草丛 Form. Eriophorum comosum | 1-1 叶下珠+牛角瓜-从毛羊胡子草群丛 Ass. Phyllanthus urinaria+Calotropis gigantea-Eriophorum comosum |
2 短梗苞茅灌草丛 Form. Hyparrhenia diplandra | 2-1 黄花菜+矛叶荩草-短梗苞茅群丛 Ass. Hemerocallis citrina+Arthraxon lanceolatus-Hyparr- henia diplandra | |||
3 黄茅灌草丛 Form. Heteropogon contortus | 3-1 密花树+清香木-戟叶酸模群丛 Ass. Myrsine seguinii+Pistacia weinmanniifolia-Rumex hastatus | |||
3-2 胡枝子+狭叶海漆-类芦群丛 Ass. Lespedeza bicolor+Excoecaria acerifolia var. cuspidata- Neyraudia reynaudiana | ||||
3-3 洋紫荆+枣-黄茅群丛 Ass. Bauhinia variegata +Ziziphus jujuba-Heteropogon contortus | ||||
3-4 芸香草+竹叶草-黄茅群丛 Ass. Cymbopogon distans+Oplismenus compositus var. compositus-Heteropogon contortus | ||||
4 孔颖草灌草丛 Form. Bothriochloa pertusa | 4-1 土沉香+橿子栎-孔颖草群丛 Ass. Aquilaria sinensis+Quercus baronii-Bothriochloa pertusa | |||
4-2 猪毛菜+戟叶酸模-孔颖草群丛 Ass. Salsola collina+Rumex hastatus-Bothriochloa pertusa | ||||
5 木棉灌草丛 Form. Bombax ceiba | 5-1 芦苇-木棉群丛 Ass. Phragmites australis-Bombax ceiba | |||
6 牛角瓜灌草丛 Form. Calotropis gigantea | 6-1 九叶木蓝+孔颖草-牛角瓜群丛 Ass. Indigofera linnaei+Bothriochloa pertusa-Calotropis gigantea | |||
7 双花草灌草丛 Form. Dichanthium annulatum | 7-1 牡蒿+龙珠果-双花草群丛 Ass. Artemisia japonica +Passiflora foetida-Dichanthium annulatum | |||
8 芸香草灌草丛 Form. Cymbopogon distans | 8-1 地果+长节耳草-芸香草群丛 Ass. Ficus tikoua+Hedyotis uncinella-Cymbopogon distans | |||
9 知风草灌草丛 Form. Eragrostis ferruginea | 9-1 鞍叶羊蹄甲+野丁香-野菊+知风草群丛 Ass. Bauhinia brachycarpa+Leptodermis potaninii -Chrysan- themum indicum+Eragrostis ferruginea | |||
II 灌丛 Scrub | II-1 刺灌丛及 肉质灌丛 Thom thicket and succulent thicket | 二 肉质灌丛 Succulent thicket | 10 仙人掌灌丛 Form. Opuntia dillenii | 10-1 黑麦草+白饭树-仙人掌群丛 Ass. Lolium perenne+Flueggea virosa-Opuntia dillenii |
11 霸王鞭灌丛 Form. Euphorbia royleana | 11-1 孔颖草+白饭树-霸王鞭群丛 Ass. Bothriochloa pertusa +Flueggea virosa-Euphorbia royleana | |||
II-2 阔叶灌丛 Broadleaved thicket | 三 常绿阔叶灌丛 Evergreen broadleaved thicket | 12 清香木灌丛 Form. Pistacia weinmanniifolia | 12-1 细花梗杭子梢+云南山蚂蝗-黄茅+虾子花+清香木群丛 Ass. Campylotropis capillipes+Desmodium yunnanense- Heteropogon contortus+Woodfordia fruticosa+Pistacia weinmanniifolia | |
13 车桑子灌丛 Form. Dodonaea viscosa | 13-1 木香花+光叶巴豆-黄茅+车桑子群丛 Ass. Rosa banksiae +Croton laevigatus-Heteropogon contortus+Dodonaea viscosa | |||
四 暖性落叶阔叶灌丛 Warm deciduous broadleaved thicket | 14 光叶山黄麻灌丛 Form. Trema cannabina | 14-1 细柄野荞+黄花稔-光叶山黄麻群丛 Ass. Fagopyrum gracilipes+Sida acuta-Trema cannabina | ||
15 狭叶山黄麻灌丛 Form. Trema angustifolia | 15-1 羽芒菊+狭叶山黄麻-狭叶山黄麻群丛 Ass. Tridax procumbens+Trema angustifolia-Trema angustifolia | |||
16 鞍叶羊蹄甲灌丛 Form. Bauhinia brachycarpa | 16-1 小叶荩草+北艾-鞍叶羊蹄甲群丛 Ass. Arthraxon lancifolius+Artemisia vulgaris-Bauhinia brachycarpa | |||
17 华西小石积灌丛 Form. Osteomeles schwerinae | 17-1 香茶菜+裸叶粉背蕨-华西小石积群丛 Ass. Isodon amethystoides+Aleuritopteris duclouxii- Osteomeles schwerinae | |||
植被型纲 Vegetation type class | 植被型亚纲 Vegetation type subclass | 植被型 Vegetation type | 群系 Formation | 群丛 Association |
II 灌丛 Scrub | II-2 阔叶灌丛 Broadleaved thicket | 四 暖性落叶阔叶灌丛 Warm deciduous broadleaved thicket | 18 余甘子灌丛 Form. Phyllanthus emblica | 18-1 垫状卷柏+翻白草-余甘子群丛 Ass. Selaginella pulvinata+Potentilla discolor-Phyllanthus emblica |
19 云南山蚂蝗灌丛 Form. Desmodium yunnanense | 19-1 扭鞘香茅+类芦-云南山蚂蝗群丛 Ass. Cymbopogon tortilis+Neyraudia reynaudiana- Desmodium yunnanense | |||
20 黄荆灌丛 Form. Vitex negundo | 20-1 碱菀+川甘亚菊-黄荆群丛 Ass. Tripolium pannonicum+Ajania potaninii-Vitex negundo | |||
21 细叶黄皮灌丛 Form. Clausena anisum-olens | 21-1 细叶黄皮群丛 Ass. Clausena anisum-olens | |||
III 森林 Forest | III-1 阔叶林 Broadleaved forest | 五 常绿硬 叶林 Evergreen sclerophyllous forest | 22 铁橡栎林 Form. Quercus cocciferoides | 22-1 香附子+短炳扁担杆-铁橡栎群丛 Ass. Cyperus rotundus+Grewia brachypoda-Quercus cocciferoides |
六 落叶阔 叶林 Deciduous broadleaved forest | 23 乌桕林 Form. Triadica sebifera | 23-1 乌桕+藿香蓟-乌桕群丛 Ass. Triadica sebifera+Ageratum conyzoides-Triadica sebifera | ||
23-2 有芒鸭嘴草+乌桕-乌桕群丛 Ass. Ischaemum aristatum var. aristatum+Triadica sebifera-Triadica sebifera | ||||
III-2 针叶林 Coniferous forest | 七 暖性针 叶林 Warm needle- leaved forest | 24 云南松疏林 Form. Pinus yunnanensis | 24-1 马缨丹+刺叶栎-云南松群丛 Ass. Lantana camara+Quercus spinosa-Pinus yunnanensis | |
24-2 栓皮栎+南烛-云南松群丛 Ass. Quercus variabilis+Vaccinium bracteatum-Pinus yunnanensis | ||||
24-3 云南松+普通针毛蕨-云南松群丛 Ass. Pinus yunnanensis+Macrothelypteris torresiana-Pinus yunnanensis |
图2 中国西南干旱河谷的植被群系空间分布。不同颜色代表不同植被型。
Fig. 2 Spatial distribution of various vegetation formations in dry valleys of Southwest China. Different colors represent different vegetation types.
图3 7类植被型群落样方的CCA排序。1: 稀树草原; 2: 肉质灌丛; 3: 常绿阔叶灌丛; 4: 暖性落叶阔叶灌丛; 5: 常绿硬叶林; 6: 落叶阔叶林; 7: 暖性针叶林。MAT: 年均温; MTCM: 最冷月均温; TSN: 气温季节性; MAP: 年降水量; k: 干燥指数; PSN: 降水季节性。
Fig. 3 CCA analysis for the plots of 7 vegetation types. 1, Savanna; 2, Succulent thicket; 3, Evergreen broadleaved thicket; 4, Warm deciduous broadleaved thicket; 5, Evergreen sclerophyllous forest; 6, Deciduous broadleaved forest; 7, Warm needle-leaved forest. MAT, mean annual temperature; MTCM, mean temperature of the coldest month; TSN, temperature seasonality; MAP, mean annual precipitation; k, aridity index; PSN, precipitation seasonality.
图4 不同植被型分布区的环境因子均值与标准偏差。1: 稀树草原; 2: 肉质灌丛; 3: 常绿阔叶灌丛; 4: 暖性落叶阔叶灌丛; 5: 常绿硬叶林; 6: 落叶阔叶林; 7: 暖性针叶林。
Fig. 4 The mean value and standard deviation of environmental factors in the distribution area of different vegetation types. 1, Savanna; 2, Succulent thicket; 3, Evergreen broadleaved thicket; 4, Warm deciduous broadleaved thicket; 5, Evergreen sclerophyllous forest; 6, Deciduous broadleaved forest; 7, Warm needle-leaved forest.
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