生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (12): 23326. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023326
肖文宏1(), 李学友2(
), 权锐昌3(
), 连新明4(
), 李明5(
), 聂永刚5, 向左甫6(
), 杨维康7, 徐峰7, 王杰8, 周岐海9, 范朋飞10(
), 杨锡福1(
), 刘伟1, 孙悦华5, 张礼标11, 黄志旁12, 黄华13, 范宗骥14, 肖治术1,15,*(
E-mail: 基金资助:
Wenhong Xiao1(), Xueyou Li2(
), Ruichang Quan3(
), Xinming Lian4(
), Ming Li5(
), Yonggang Nie5, Zuofu Xiang6(
), Weikang Yang7, Feng Xu7, Jie Wang8, Qihai Zhou9, Pengfei Fan10(
), Xifu Yang1(
), Wei Liu1, Yuehua Sun5, Libiao Zhang11, Zhipang Huang12, Hua Huang13, Zongji Fan14, Zhishu Xiao1,15,*(
E-mail: 摘要:
兽类物种多样性高, 分布广泛, 与人类关系密切, 对维持生态系统稳定平衡具有不可替代的作用。我国是世界上生态系统类型和兽类多样性最丰富的国家之一, 但多数生态系统的兽类物种资源情况仍未完全掌握, 许多区域缺乏调查记录或长期监测资料。面对全球生态环境的急剧变化, 我国兽类动物资源保护面临严峻挑战。中国兽类多样性监测与研究网络(以下简称兽类网)于2011年启动建设, 结合全球生物多样性保护背景下的国家重大需求, 以陆生兽类及其栖息地为研究对象, 先后建立了55个监测样区, 逐渐形成覆盖全国的监测网络, 发表有关论著180余篇(部), 其中红外相机工作日累计超156万天, 获得图像775余万张; 同时, 推动建立了我国兽类多样性监测标准化技术体系和公共数据服务平台, 对兽类群落组成、种群动态和行为变化以及关键驱动因子开展长期监测研究, 为我国重要兽类资源保护、有害生物管控提供先进技术和科学数据支撑。本文回顾了兽类网的发展历程, 系统梳理了在监测技术方法、编目发现、行为生理、种群、种间关系、群落和保护管理方面的监测与研究进展。未来需加强技术和学科交叉, 聚焦多尺度、多维度、多营养级的综合研究应用, 为全面、深刻地理解生物多样性维持机制, 应对生物多样性丧失的全球危机做好科技支撑与服务。
肖文宏, 李学友, 权锐昌, 连新明, 李明, 聂永刚, 向左甫, 杨维康, 徐峰, 王杰, 周岐海, 范朋飞, 杨锡福, 刘伟, 孙悦华, 张礼标, 黄志旁, 黄华, 范宗骥, 肖治术 (2023) 中国兽类多样性监测与研究网络建设: 十年回顾与展望. 生物多样性, 31, 23326. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023326.
Wenhong Xiao, Xueyou Li, Ruichang Quan, Xinming Lian, Ming Li, Yonggang Nie, Zuofu Xiang, Weikang Yang, Feng Xu, Jie Wang, Qihai Zhou, Pengfei Fan, Xifu Yang, Wei Liu, Yuehua Sun, Libiao Zhang, Zhipang Huang, Hua Huang, Zongji Fan, Zhishu Xiao (2023) Construction of Sino BON Mammal Diversity Monitoring Network (Sino BON- Mammal): A 10-year review and future outlook. Biodiversity Science, 31, 23326. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023326.
图2 中国兽类多样性监测与研究网络历年发表论著情况。(a)每年论著发表数量(2013-2023年); (b)主题构成。
Fig. 2 The publication summary of Sino BON Mammal Diversity Monitoring Network (2013-2023). (a) The number of publications each year; (b) The composition of the publication topics.
[1] | Cao C, Shuai LY, Xin XP, Liu ZT, Song YL, Zeng ZG (2016) Effects of cattle grazing on small mammal communities in the Hulunber meadow steppe. PeerJ, 4, e2349. |
[2] |
Caravaggi A, Banks PB, Burton AC, Finlay CMV, Haswell PM, Hayward MW, Rowcliffe MJ, Wood MD (2017) A review of camera trapping for conservation behaviour research. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 3, 109-122.
[3] |
Chen C, Quan R-C, Cao GH, Yang HP, Burton AC, Meitner M, Brodie JF (2019) Effects of law enforcement and community outreach on mammal diversity in a biodiversity hotspot. Conservation Biology, 33, 612-622.
[4] |
Chen YX, Xiang ZF, Wang XW, Xiao W, Xiao ZS, Ren BP, He CX, Sang CH, Li HS, Li M (2015) Preliminary study of the newly discovered primate species Rhinopithecus strykeri at Pianma, Yunnan, China using infrared camera traps. International Journal of Primatology, 36, 679-690.
[5] |
Chen YX, Xiao ZS, Zhang L, Wang XW, Li M, Xiang ZF (2019) Activity rhythms of coexisting red serow and Chinese serow at Mt. Gaoligong as identified by camera traps. Animals, 9, 1071.
[6] | Chen YX, Yu Y, Li C, Xiao ZS, Zhou GW, Zhang ZJ, Wang XW, Xiang ZF, Chang J, Li M (2022) Population and conservation status of a transboundary group of black snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus strykeri) between China and Myanmar. Zoological Research, 43, 523-527. |
[7] |
Deng XQ, Liu T, Liu TS, Xu K, Yao S, Huang XQ, Xiao ZS (2022) Seasonal variation of daily activity rhythm of leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis) and their potential prey in Neixiang Baotianman National Nature Reserve of Henan Province, China. Biodiversity Science, 30, 22263. (in Chinese with English abstract)
[邓雪琴, 刘统, 刘天时, 徐恺, 姚松, 黄小群, 肖治术 (2022) 河南内乡宝天曼国家级自然保护区豹猫及其潜在猎物之间日活动节律的季节性. 生物多样性, 30, 22263.]
[8] |
Fan PF, Liu Y, Zhang ZC, Zhao C, Li C, Liu WL, Liu ZJ, Li M (2017) Phylogenetic position of the white-cheeked macaque (Macaca leucogenys), a newly described primate from southeastern Tibet. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 107, 80-89.
[9] | Fan PL, Li JX, Yang LT, Sun T, Wu SJ, Grueter CC, Huang CM, Zhou QH, Li M (2022) Vocal repertoire of the critically endangered white-headed langur (Trachypithecus leucocephalus): Call types, acoustic structures, and related social-ecological contexts. Zoological Research, 43, 875-879. |
[10] | Fan ZJ, Ouyang XJ, Bai WK, Huang ZL, Cheng DH, Li JQ, Xiao ZS (2019) Rediscovery of Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) in the Zhaoqing region, Guangdong Province. Chinese Journal of Wildlife, 40, 811-813. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[范宗骥, 欧阳学军, 白文科, 黄忠良, 程德洪, 李佳琦, 肖治术 (2019) 广东肇庆地区再现中华穿山甲. 野生动物学报, 40, 811-813.] | |
[11] | Fei HL, de Guinea M, Yang L, Garber PA, Zhang L, Chapman CA, Fan PF (2023) Wild gibbons plan their travel pattern according to food types of breakfast. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290, 20230430. |
[12] | Feng XJ, Mi XC, Xiao ZS, Cao L, Wu H, Ma KP (2019) Overview of Chinese Biodiversity Observation Network (Sino BON). Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 34, 1389-1398. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[冯晓娟, 米湘成, 肖治术, 曹垒, 吴慧, 马克平 (2019) 中国生物多样性监测与研究网络建设及进展. 中国科学院院刊, 34, 1389-1398.] | |
[13] |
Guo W, Cao GH, Quan R-C (2017a) Population dynamics and space use of wild boar in a tropical forest, Southwest China. Global Ecology and Conservation, 11, 115-124.
[14] | Guo W, Zhang MX, Zhou LP, Quan R-C (2017b) The rediscovery of large-spotted civet Viverra megaspila in China. Small Carnivore Conservation, 55, 88-90. |
[15] |
Huang G, Sreekar R, Velho N, Corlett RT, Quan R-C, Tomlinson KW (2020) Combining camera-trap surveys and hunter interviews to determine the status of mammals in protected rainforests and rubber plantations of Menglun, Xishuangbanna, SW China. Animal Conservation, 23, 689-699.
[16] | Huang GX, Li JJ, Du YL, Zhang W, Huang ZP (2022) The first image record of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Yunnan Province. Acta Theriologica Sinica, 42, 471-474. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[黄光旭, 李军杰, 杜银磊, 张文, 黄志旁 (2022) 猞猁在云南省野外分布的首例影像记录. 兽类学报, 42, 471-474.]
[17] | Huang Y, Lin JZ, Wang GH, Zhou QH (2021) Activity pattern and time budget of wild boars (Sus scrofa) in karst habitat. Chinese Journal of Wildlife, 42, 348-354. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[黄杨, 林建忠, 汪国海, 周岐海 (2021) 喀斯特生境中野猪活动模式和时间分配. 野生动物学报, 42, 348-354.] | |
[18] | Jackson SM, Thorington RW Jr (2012) Gliding mammals: Taxonomy of living and extinct species. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 638, 1-117. |
[19] |
Ji CP, Li H-D, Xiao WH, Xu K, Ren YF, Li HY, Wang PC, Fan ML, Huang XQ, Xiao ZS (2023) Fine-scale interactions between leopard cats and their potential prey with contrasting diel activities in a livestock-dominated nature reserve. Animals, 13, 1296.
[20] |
Li C, Zhao C, Fan PF (2015) White-cheeked macaque (Macaca leucogenys): A new macaque species from Medog, southeastern Tibet. American Journal of Primatology, 77, 753-766.
[21] |
Li GG, Lwin YH, Yang B, Qin T, Phothisath P, Maung K-W, Quan R-C, Li S (2020a) Taxonomic revision and phylogenetic position of the flying squirrel genus Biswamoyopterus (Mammalia, Rodentia, Sciuridae, Pteromyini) on the northern Indo-China Peninsula. ZooKeys, 939, 65-85.
[22] |
Li GG, Sun N, Swa K, Zhang MX, Lwin YH, Quan R-C (2020b) Phylogenetic reassessment of gorals with new evidence from northern Myanmar reveals five distinct species. Mammal Review, 50, 325-330.
[23] | Li GG, Zhang MX, Swa K, Maung KW, Quan R-C (2017) Complete mitochondrial genome of the leaf muntjac (Muntiacus putaoensis) and phylogenetics of the genus Muntiacus. Zoological Research, 38, 310-316. |
[24] |
Li H-D, Holyoak M, Xiao ZS (2023) Disentangling spatiotemporal dynamics in metacommunities through a species-patch network approach. Ecology Letters, 26, 1261-1276.
[25] |
Li H-D, Tang LF, Jia CX, Holyoak M, Fründ J, Huang XQ, Xiao ZS (2020) The functional roles of species in metacommunities, as revealed by metanetwork analyses of bird-plant frugivory networks. Ecology Letters, 23, 1252-1262.
[26] |
Li LL, Wang QY, Yang HP, Tao YX, Wang LX, Yang ZB, Campos-Arceiz A, Quan R-C (2023) Mobile animals and immobile protected areas: Improving the coverage of nature reserves for Asian elephant conservation in China. Oryx, 57, 532-539.
[27] |
Li Q, Cheng F, Jackson SM, Helgen KM, Song WY, Liu SY, Sanamxay D, Li S, Li F, Xiong Y, Sun J, Wang HJ, Jiang XL (2021) Phylogenetic and morphological significance of an overlooked flying squirrel (Pteromyini, Rodentia) from the eastern Himalayas with the description of a new genus. Zoological Research, 42, 389-400.
[28] |
Li Q, Li XY, Jackson SM, Li F, Jiang M, Zhao W, Song WY, Jiang XL (2019) Discovery and description of a mysterious Asian flying squirrel (Rodentia, Sciuridae, Biswamoyopterus) from Mount Gaoligong, Southwest China. ZooKeys, 864, 147-160.
[29] |
Li XY, Jiang XL (2014) Implication of musk deer (Moschus spp.) depletion from hunter reports and dung transect data in Northwest Yunnan, China. Journal for Nature Conservation, 22, 474-478.
[30] | Li XY, Bleisch WV, Jiang XL (2016) Effects of ethnic settlements and land management status on species distribution patterns: A case study of endangered musk deer (Moschus spp.) in Northwest Yunnan, China. PLoS ONE, 11, e0155042. |
[31] |
Li XY, Bleisch WV, Jiang XL (2018a) Unveiling a wildlife haven: Occupancy and activity patterns of mammals at a Tibetan sacred mountain. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 64, 53.
[32] |
Li XY, Bleisch WV, Jiang XL (2018b) Using large spatial scale camera trap data and hierarchical occupancy models to evaluate species richness and occupancy of rare and elusive wildlife communities in Southwest China. Diversity and Distributions, 24, 1560-1572.
[33] |
Li XY, Bleisch WV, Liu XL, Jiang XL (2020a) Camera-trap surveys reveal high diversity of mammals and pheasants in Medog, Tibet. Oryx, 55, 177-180.
[34] |
Li XY, Bleisch WV, Liu XW, Hu WQ, Jiang XL (2020b) Human disturbance and prey occupancy as predictors of carnivore richness and biomass in a Himalayan hotspot. Animal Conservation, 24, 64-72.
[35] |
Li XY, Huang C, Jiang XL (2020c) Spatiotemporal occurrence of Mishmi takin Budorcas taxicolor in Dulongjiang region, southwestern China. Mammalia, 84, 513-519.
[36] | Li XY, Hu WQ, Bleisch WV, Li Q, Wang HJ, Lu W, Sun J, Zhang FY, Ti B, Jiang XL (2022a) Functional diversity loss and change in nocturnal behavior of mammals under anthropogenic disturbance. Conservation Biology, 36, e13839. |
[37] |
Li XY, Hu WQ, Bleisch WV, Li Q, Wang HJ, Ti B, Qin ZY, Sun J, Zhang FY, Jiang XL (2022b) Disproportionate loss of threatened terrestrial mammals along anthropogenic disturbance gradients. Science of the Total Environment, 850, 158038.
[38] | Li XY, Hu WQ, Wang HJ, Jiang XL (2023) Tiger reappearance in Medog highlights the conservation values of the region for this apex predator. Zoological Research, 44, 747-749. |
[39] | Liao TT, Jiang Y, Chen GY, Ding L, Wang J (2021) Yellow-throated marten Martes flavigula preyed on pearl-banded ratsnake Euprepiophis perlacea at Gongga Mountains, Sichuan Province. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 56, 170, 189. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[廖婷婷, 蒋勇, 陈贵英, 丁利, 王杰 (2021) 四川贡嘎山黄喉貂猎杀横斑锦蛇. 动物学杂志, 56, 170, 189.] | |
[40] | Lin JZ, Li SQ, Wang GH, Shi ZP, Liu J, Wang ZX, Zhou QH (2020) Comparison of hectare and kilometer grid sampling strategy with camera traps: A case study in Nonggang National Nature Reserve, China. Journal of Guangxi Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 38(3), 92-103. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[林建忠, 李生强, 汪国海, 施泽攀, 刘佳, 王振兴, 周岐海 (2020) 公顷网格与公里网格红外相机监测方案比较——以广西弄岗保护区为例. 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版), 38(3), 92-103.] | |
[41] | Liu BY, Wang C, Zhang TY, Liang S, Su HJ, Zhang MM, Zhou DQ, Hu CS (2020) Daily and seasonal variation of activities of Tibetan macaque (Macaca thibetana) based on infrared camera trapping. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 39, 1231-1237. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[刘邦友, 王丞, 张廷跃, 梁盛, 粟海军, 张明明, 周大庆, 胡灿实 (2020) 基于红外相机监测的藏酋猴日活动节律及其季节性变化. 生态学杂志, 39, 1231-1237.] | |
[42] | Lwin YH, Wang L, Li GG, Maung KW, Swa K, Quan R-C (2021) Diversity, distribution and conservation of large mammals in northern Myanmar. Global Ecology and Conservation, 29, e01736. |
[43] |
Lwin YH, Wang L, Li GG, Quan R-C (2023) Where do we manage? Uncovering the hidden impact of human presence on mammal conservation in northern Myanmar. Biological Conservation, 284, 110188.
[44] | Miao XR, Ren YF, Li LX, Xue MS, Wang PC, Wang YL, Fan ML, Huang XQ, Xiao ZS (2020) First record for northern boundary of yellow-bellied weasel (Mustela kathiah) in the Southern Taihangshan Mountains of Northern China. Chinese Journal of Wildlife, 41, 1056-1059. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[苗先荣, 任迎丰, 李立新, 薛茂盛, 王朋程, 王云龙, 范明亮, 黄小群, 肖治术 (2020) 黄腹鼬(Mustela kathiah)在华北南太行山区—分布北界的首次记录. 野生动物学报, 41, 1056-1059.] | |
[45] |
Nie YG, Speakman JR, Wu Q, Zhang CL, Hu YB, Xia MH, Yan L, Hambly C, Wang L, Wei W, Zhang JG, Wei FW (2015) Exceptionally low daily energy expenditure in the bamboo-eating giant panda. Science, 349, 171-174.
[46] |
Nie YG, Wei FW, Zhou WL, Hu YB, Senior AM, Wu Q, Yan L, Raubenheimer D (2019) Giant pandas are macronutritional carnivores. Current Biology, 29, 1677-1682.
[47] | Qiao J, Gong XL, Jia W, Jia GQ, Jiang Y, Zhou HM, Li JQ, Wen AX, Wang J (2023) Distribution, group size and activity rhythm of wolves (Canis lupus) in the Gongga Mountains, Sichuan Province. Acta Theriologica Sinica, 43, 248-257. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[乔江, 龚小丽, 贾伟, 贾国清, 蒋勇, 周华明, 李佳琦, 温安祥, 王杰 (2023) 四川贡嘎山狼的分布、群体大小和活动节律. 兽类学报, 43, 248-257.] | |
[48] | Qiao J, Jia GQ, Jiang Y, Wen AX, Wang J (2022) Asiatic golden cat (Pardofelis temminckii) occurred in Gongga Mountains, Sichuan Province. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 57, 235-255. (in Chinese) |
[乔江, 贾国清, 蒋勇, 温安祥, 王杰 (2022) 四川贡嘎山发现金猫. 动物学杂志, 57, 235-255.] | |
[49] | Ruan XD, Chen YX, Wang BY, Yang X, Liao CL, Yu Y, Guo C (2023) Diversity and activity rhythm of mammals and birds in the Badagongshan National Nature Reserve, Hunan inferred through camera traps. Acta Theriologica Sinica, 43, 342-351. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[阮向东, 陈奕欣, 王博宇, 杨筱, 廖春林, 禹洋, 郭程 (2023) 湖南八大公山国家级自然保护区兽类和鸟类多样性及活动节律调查. 兽类学报, 43, 342-351.] | |
[50] | Sun N, Cao GH, Li GG, Liu ZH, Quan R-C (2020) Macaca leonina has a wider niche breadth than sympatric M. mulatta in a fragmented tropical forest in Southwest China. American Journal of Primatology, 82, e23100. |
[51] | Tang CB, Liu ZS, Huang ZH, Yao W, Lin JZ, Wang GH, Zhou QH (2022) Diurnal activity rhythm and seasonal variation of northern tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri) in Nonggang, Guangxi . Chinese Journal of Wildlife, 43, 45-50. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[唐创斌, 刘志尚, 黄振华, 姚维, 林建忠, 汪国海, 周岐海 (2022) 广西弄岗北树鼩的日活动节律及其季节性变化. 野生动物学报, 43, 45-50.] | |
[52] |
Teng YW, Yang XF, Li GL, Zhu YL, Zhang ZB (2022) Habitats show more impacts than host species in shaping gut microbiota of sympatric rodent species in a fragmented forest. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13, 811990.
[53] | Thorington RW Jr, Koprowski JL, Steele MA, Whatton JF (2012) Squirrels of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. |
[54] |
Thu AM, Thang TH, Campos-Arceiz A, Quan R-C (2023) Disentangling vertebrate spatio-temporal responses to anthropogenic disturbances: Evidence from a protected area in central Myanmar. Oryx, 57, 512-521.
[55] |
Wang D, Hu YB, Ma TX, Nie YG, Xie Y, Wei FW (2016) Noninvasive genetics provides insights into the population size and genetic diversity of an Amur tiger population in China. Integrative Zoology, 11, 16-24.
[56] | Wang D, Jiang L, Lian XM, Liu W, Zhao CH, Wu YL, Zhou ZB, A DA (2021) New distribution record of snow leopard (Panthera uncia) in Haidong City, Qinghai Province. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 56, 478-480. (in Chinese) |
[王东, 江澜, 连新明, 刘伟, 赵昌宏, 吴有林, 周占邦, 阿得安 (2021) 雪豹在青海省海东市的新分布记录. 动物学杂志, 56, 478-480.] | |
[57] |
Wang D, Sai QGW, Wang ZH, Zhao HX, Lian XM (2022) Spatiotemporal overlap among sympatric Pallas’s cat (Otocolobus manul), Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata) and red fox (V. vulpes) in the source region of the Yangtze River. Biodiversity Science, 30, 21365. (in Chinese with English abstract)
[王东, 赛青高娃, 王子涵, 赵宏秀, 连新明 (2022) 长江源区同域分布兔狲、藏狐和赤狐的时空重叠度. 生物多样性, 30, 21365.]
[58] | Wang GH, Shi ZP, Li SQ, Lu CH, Zhou QH (2019) Preliminary observation on the activity rhythm and time budget of the Asiatic brush-tailed porcupine (Atherurus macrourus) based on camera-trapping data. Acta Theriologica Sinica, 39, 62-68. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[汪国海, 施泽攀, 李生强, 鲁长虎, 周岐海 (2019) 基于红外相机技术对帚尾豪猪活动节律和时间分配初步观察. 兽类学报, 39, 62-68.] | |
[59] | Wang GH, Shi ZP, Li SQ, Zhou QH (2015) Activity pattern of Muntiacus muntjak revealed with infrared camera. Journal of Guangxi Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 33(3), 117-122. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[汪国海, 施泽攀, 李生强, 周岐海 (2015) 基于红外相机技术的赤麂活动模式分析. 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版), 33(3), 117-122.] | |
[60] |
Wang L, Yang B, Bai Y, Lu XQ, Corlett RT, Tan YH, Chen X-Y, Zhu JG, Liu Y, Quan R-C (2021) Conservation planning on China’s borders with Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam. Conservation Biology, 35, 1797-1808.
[61] |
Wang SQ, Wang JB, Zhang LM, Xiao ZS, Wang F, Sun N, Li DQ, Chen B, Chen JH, Li Y, Wang XB, Wang MM (2019) A national key R&D program: Technologies and guidelines for monitoring ecological quality of terrestrial ecosystems in China. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 10, 105-111.
[62] | Wang XC, Zhang JL, Pan HJ, Chen YX, Mao SX, Qi JW, Shen Y, Zhang MY, Xiang ZF, Li M (2023) Unique characteristics of gut microbiota in black snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus strykeri) reveal an enzymatic mechanism of adaptation to dietary vegetation. Zoological Research, 44, 357-360. |
[63] |
Wu H, Xu XH, Feng XJ, Mi XC, Su YJ, Xiao ZS, Zhu CD, Cao L, Gao X, Song CY, Guo LD, Wu DH, Jiang JP, Shen H, Ma KP (2022) Progress and prospect of China biodiversity monitoring from a global perspective. Biodiversity Science, 30, 22434. (in Chinese with English abstract)
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