生物多样性 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 22038.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022038

所属专题: 生物入侵

• 省级植物名录专题 I • 上一篇    下一篇


张淑梅1,*(), 李微2,3,4,5,*(), 李丁男1   

  1. 1.大连自然博物馆, 辽宁大连 116023
    2.中国科学院清原森林生态系统观测研究站, 沈阳 110016
    3.辽宁清原森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站, 沈阳 110016
    4.中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所森林生态与管理重点实验室, 沈阳 110016
    5.辽宁省生态公益林经营管理重点实验室, 沈阳 110016
  • 收稿日期:2022-01-17 接受日期:2022-06-23 出版日期:2022-06-20 发布日期:2022-06-30
  • 通讯作者: 张淑梅,李微
  • 作者简介:liw@iae.ac.cn
    * E-mail: 1097677812@qq.com;

Inventory of species diversity of Liaoning higher plants

Shumei Zhang1,*(), Wei Li2,3,4,5,*(), Dingnan Li1   

  1. 1. Dalian Natural History Museum, Dalian, Liaoning 116023
    2. Qingyuan Forest, Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016
    3. Qingyuan Forest, National Observation and Research Station, Liaoning Province, Shenyang 110016
    4. Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Management, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016
    5. Liaoning Key Laboratory for Management of Non-commercial Forest, Shenyang 110016
  • Received:2022-01-17 Accepted:2022-06-23 Online:2022-06-20 Published:2022-06-30
  • Contact: Shumei Zhang,Wei Li


为给辽宁植物多样性保护提供本底数据, 更准确地评价植物濒危及保护等级, 以及更好地给农学、林学、生态学、系统学等研究提供可靠的基础性数据, 本文首次将几代人在辽宁境内发现的高等植物进行汇总、编目, 包括苔藓植物和维管束植物。苔藓植物根据正式发表的文献和中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所东北生物标本馆(IFP)馆藏采自辽宁省全域的苔藓植物标本编制。维管束植物主要根据5个方面的信息整理: 作者多年野外调查的一手资料、文献、同行交流、公众提供信息、标本等。编目内容包括辽宁省高等植物总名录、辽宁省栽培植物名录、辽宁省外来植物名录、辽宁省仅有栽培植物的科属目录、辽宁省仅有外来植物的科属目录; 编目中涉及的物种均有科属地位、中文名、拉丁名、生境、产地(县级), 总名录中附有每个物种的信息凭证, 包括标本信息、文献信息或照片依据。本编目共计收录植物254科1,176属3,241种73亚种447变种119变型。其中, 苔藓植物为辽宁地区首次披露名录信息, 计83科205属491种4亚种7变种(含藓类52科156属373种1亚种5变种, 苔类29科46属114种3亚种2变种, 角苔类2科3属4种)。维管束植物虽非首次披露名录信息, 但与以往发布的维管束植物名录相比, 本次收录的种类数最多, 计171科971属2,750种69亚种440变种119变型(含石松类植物2科3属13种, 蕨类植物17科39属83种2亚种7变种, 裸子植物5科19属47种1亚种13变种2变型, 被子植物147科910属2,607种66亚种420变种117变型)。经统计, 辽宁省所有苔藓植物均为本土野生植物。维管束植物中, 野生植物计149科741属2,077种62亚种378变种93变型(含石松类植物2科3属13种, 蕨类植物17科39属83种2亚种7变种, 裸子植物4科8属12种6变种1变型, 被子植物145科133属1,969种60亚种365变种92变型), 栽培植物计104科390属673种7亚种62变种26变型(含裸子植物5科17属35种1亚种7变种1变型, 被子植物99科373属638种6亚种55变种25变型); 本土植物计158科796属2,235种65亚种421变种116变型(含石松类植物2科3属13种, 蕨类植物17科39属83种2亚种7变种, 裸子植物5科14属29种12变种2变型, 被子植物134科740属2,110种63亚种402变种114变型), 外来植物计88科316属515种4亚种19变种3变型(含裸子植物3科10属18种1亚种1变种, 被子植物85科306属497种3亚种18变种3变型)。本编目仅是辽宁省高等植物的阶段性汇总, 尚需要根据野外工作的拓展和研究工作的深入不断完善。

关键词: 生物多样性, 编目, 辽宁, 藓类植物, 苔类植物, 角苔类植物, 石松类植物, 蕨类植物, 裸子植物, 被子植物


Aims: In order to provide background information for the conservation of plant diversity in Liaoning Province, to more precisely assess plant endangerment and conservation levels, and to better provide reliable basic data for agronomy, forestry, ecology, and systematics research, this paper is the first to summarize and catalog the higher plants found in Liaoning for several generations, including bryophytes and vascular plants.
Methods: The bryophytes catalog was based on the officially published literature and specimens collected from Liaoning Province which were deposited in the Herbarium of Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The vascular plants’ catalog was based on the first-hand data of field surveys, reliable literature, peer communication, plant hobbyists’ communication and specimens.
Results: A total of 3,241 species, 73 subspecies, 447 varieties and 119 forms belonging to 254 families and 1,176 genera were included in the catalog process. All bryophytes were native wild plants and were first listed in Liaoning Province including 491 species, 4 subspecies and 7 varieties belonging to 83 families and 205 genera. Among them, 373 species, 1 subspecies and 5 varieties belonging to 52 families and 156 genera of mosses, 114 species, 3 subspecies and 2 varieties belonging to 29 families and 46 genera of liverworts, and 4 species belonging to 2 families and 3 genera of hornworts. The updated catalog of the vascular plants included a total of 2,750 species, 69 subspecies, 440 varieties and 119 forms belonging to 171 families and 971 genera. Among them, 13 species belonging to 2 families and 3 genera of lycophytes, 83 species, 2 subspecies and 7 varieties belonging to 17 families and 39 genera of ferns, 47 species, 1 subspecies, 13 varieties and 2 forms belonging to 5 families and 19 genera of gymnosperms and 2,607 species, 66 subspecies, 420 varieties and 117 forms belonging to 147 families and 910 genera of angiosperms. In addition, among the vascular plants, 2,077 species, 62 subspecies, 378 varieties and 93 forms belonging to 149 families and 741 genera of wild species (13 species belonging to 2 families and 3 genera of lycophytes, 83 species, 2 subspecies and 7 varieties belonging to 17 families and 39 genera of ferns, 12 species, 6 varieties and 1 form belonging to 4 families and 8 genera of gymnosperms, and 1,969 species, 60 subspecies, 365 varieties and 92 forms belonging to 145 families and 133 genera of angiosperms). Included in this are 673 species, 7 subspecies, 62 varieties and 26 forms belonging to 104 families and 390 genera of cultivated species (35 species, 1subspecies, 7 varieties and 1 form belonging to 5 families and 17 genera of gymnosperms and 638 species, 6 subspecies, 55 varieties and 25 forms belonging to 99 families and 373 genera of angiosperms). 2,235 species, 65 subspecies, 421 varieties and 116 forms belonging to 158 families and 796 genera of native species (13 species belonging to 2 families and 3 genera of lycophytes, 83 species, 2 subspecies and 7 varieties belonging to 17 families and 39 genera of ferns, 29 species, 1 subspecies, 12 varieties and 2 forms belonging to 5 families and 14 genera of gymnosperms, and 2,110 species, 63 subspecies, 402 varieties and 114 forms belonging to134 families and 740 genera of angiosperms). Additionally, the catalog included 515 species, 4 subspecies, 19 varieties, and 3 forms belonging to 88 families and 316 genera of alien species (18 species, 1 subspecies, 1 variety belonging to 3 families and 10 genera of gymnosperms and 497 species, 3 subspecies, 18 varieties and 3 forms belonging to 85 families and 306 genera of angiosperms).
Conclusion: The inventory is only a phased summary of higher plants and needs to be continuously updated. Additionally, the authenticity of some species, such as Aster incisus, Artemisia carvifolia, Bupleurum scorzonerifolium and Selaginella tamariscina, listed in the catalog in Liaoning Province requires further verification, including field investigation and specimen study. It is important to note that some species may have already existed but had not been discovered for a long time. Therefore, field investigation and research work, especially in these weak areas, should be both continued and strengthened. Also, a full-coverage regional survey should be initiated to advance the research further.

Key words: biodiversity, inventory, Liaoning, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, lycophytes, ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms