Biodiv Sci ›› 2010, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (3): 283-291. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2010.283
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Mingchang Cao1,2, Gaohuan Liu2,*(), Kai Shan3, Yinxu Hou4, Mingchun Wang5, Donglai Li6, Wenming Shen7
Gaohuan Liu
Mingchang Cao, Gaohuan Liu, Kai Shan, Yinxu Hou, Mingchun Wang, Donglai Li, Wenming Shen. A multi-scale assessment of habitat suitability of red-crowned crane at the Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve, Shandong, China[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2010, 18(3): 283-291.
Fig. 2 The RN2 value of 10 environmental variables across a serial of spatial scales. STP: Percentage of seabilite tidal flat; WSP: Percentage of water sources; WSD: The distance to water sources; RDD: Road density; RMP: Percentage of reed marsh; SPP: Percentage of salt pan; FPP: Percentage of shrimp pond; BTP: Percentage of bare tidal flat; OWD: Oil well density; DBD: The distance to disturbances. 1: 10 ha; 2: 50 ha; 3: 100 ha; 4: 200 ha; 5: 350 ha; 6: 500 ha ;7: 750 ha; 8: 1,000 ha; 9: 1,250 ha; 10: 1,500 ha
Fig. 3 Fitting ability and prediction accuracy of singe-scale models and the multi-scale model. 1: 10 ha; 2: 50 ha; 3: 100 ha; 4: 200 ha; 5: 350 ha; 6: 500 ha; 7: 750 ha; 8: 1,000 ha; 9: 1,250 ha; 10: 1,500 ha; 11: 多尺度 multi-scale
适宜生境面积 Suitable habitat area (ha) | 面积百分比 % of suitable habitat area | 斑块数(块) Number of patch | 平均斑块面积 Mean patch area (ha) | |
50 ha | 29,232 | 25 | 27 | 1,083 |
多尺度 Multi-scale | 34,311 | 30 | 12 | 2,859 |
Table 1 Suitable habitat of red-crowned crane in Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve
适宜生境面积 Suitable habitat area (ha) | 面积百分比 % of suitable habitat area | 斑块数(块) Number of patch | 平均斑块面积 Mean patch area (ha) | |
50 ha | 29,232 | 25 | 27 | 1,083 |
多尺度 Multi-scale | 34,311 | 30 | 12 | 2,859 |
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