Biodiv Sci ›› 2010, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (3): 292-299. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2010.292
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Chunfang Pan1, Chunyu Zhang1, Xiuhai Zhao1,*(), Fucai Xia1,2, Haicheng Zhou3, Yun Wang3
Xiuhai Zhao
Chunfang Pan, Chunyu Zhang, Xiuhai Zhao, Fucai Xia, Haicheng Zhou, Yun Wang. Sex ratio and spatial patterns of males and females of different ages in the dioecious understory tree, Acer barbinerve, in a broad-leaved Korean pine forest[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2010, 18(3): 292-299.
Fig. 1 DBH distribution of Acer barbinerve within a 5.2 ha (260 m × 200 m) middle-aged experimental field plot and a 1.0 ha (100 m×100 m) old-growth plot in Changbai Mountain. mid-F and mid-M indicate females and males in the middle-aged plot, respectively, and old-F and old-M indicate females and males in the old-growth plot, respectively.
Fig. 2 The spatial pattern of Acer barbinerve in a middle-aged forest plot under the complete spatial randomness (CSR) null model. O11(r) indicates the univariate O-ring statistics value. Light-colored lines indicate 95% confidence interval. Ring width =1 m.
Fig. 3 The spatial pattern of Acer barbinerve under the heterogeneous Poisson process (HP) null model, and relationship between males and females under the random labeling null model in a middle-aged plot. O11(r) and O12(r) indicate the univariate O-ring statistics value and the bivariate O-ring statistics value, respectively. Light-colored lines indicate 95% confidence interval. Ring width = 1 m.
Fig. 4 The spatial pattern of Acer barbinerve under the complete spatial randomness (CSR) null model, and relationship between males and females under the random labeling null model in an old-growth plot. O11(r) and O12(r) indicate the univariate O-ring statistics value and the bivariate O-ring statistics value. Light-colored lines indicate 95% confidence interval. Ring width = 1 m.
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