Biodiv Sci ›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (6): 549-559. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2009.09144
Special Issue: 群落中的物种多样性:格局与机制
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Zhiyao Tang*(), Xiujuan Qiao, Jingyun Fang
Zhiyao Tang
Zhiyao Tang, Xiujuan Qiao, Jingyun Fang. Species-area relationship in biological communities[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2009, 17(6): 549-559.
Fig. 1 Three types of species-area relationships. A, B, C, represent nested plots, quadrates combination, and isolated patches, respectively; and a, b, c, represent the corresponding species-area curves (revised from Scheiner, 2003).
Fig. 2 The frequency distribution of slopes of species-area relationship for 1,472 nested plots in southwest North America. The dashed line represents the mean slope (0.372), the solid lines (0.217, 0.538) are the threshold with 95% confidence (Fridley et al., 2005).
Fig. 3 Species-area relationship and main factors influencing the slopes at different scales. The power-law species area relationship showed three phases: large z-values at micro-scale (with plot area, AP, much smaller than the mean range size, AR); small z-values at the meso-scale (AP smaller than AR), and large z-values at the macro-scale (AP larger than AR) (revised from Allen & White, 2003).
Fig. 4 Species-area relationships of different mountains in the Qinling Mountains. The x axis shows area indicated as no. of plots (each with an area of 600 m2).
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