Biodiv Sci ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (3): 335-342. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.08211
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Zhongping Tian1, Li Zhuang1,*(), Jiangui Li2, Moxiang Cheng1
Li Zhuang
Zhongping Tian, Li Zhuang, Jiangui Li, Moxiang Cheng. Interspecific and environmental relationships of woody plant species in wild fruit-tree forests on the north slope of Ili Valley[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2011, 19(3): 335-342.
样地 Plot | 经度 LONG (°) | 纬度 LAT (°) | 海拔 ELEV (m) | 坡度 Slope (°) | 坡向 Aspect | 土壤含水率 SM (%) | pH | 电导率COND (μs/cm) | 有机质 OM (g/kg) | 全氮 TN (g/kg) | 有效磷 AP (mg/kg) | 有效钾 AK (mg/kg) |
1 | 81.62 | 44.259 | 1,445 | 36.87 | 0.2425 | 23.67 | 7.58 | 150 | 61.51 | 2.77 | 5.01 | 298 |
2 | 81.62 | 44.259 | 1,435 | 44.43 | 0.0904 | 8.48 | 7.24 | 70 | 78.50 | 3.63 | 4.31 | 565 |
3 | 81.598 | 44.236 | 1,313 | 32 | 0.1343 | 17.58 | 7.39 | 170 | 135.38 | 6.09 | 22.58 | 1515 |
4 | 81.598 | 44.235 | 1,367 | 23.56 | 0.3372 | 7.49 | 7.53 | 120 | 36.92 | 1.68 | 2.93 | 265 |
5 | 81.598 | 44.235 | 1,376 | 23.56 | 0.9532 | 10.20 | 7.29 | 110 | 78.91 | 3.53 | 4.73 | 430 |
6 | 81.598 | 44.317 | 1,204 | 40 | 0.7500 | 5.51 | 7.48 | 100 | 17.77 | 0.86 | 2.93 | 306 |
7 | 81.598 | 44.15 | 1,205 | 35 | 0.9981 | 3.50 | 7.43 | 70 | 30.25 | 1.92 | 10.68 | 241 |
8 | 81.598 | 44.15 | 1,214 | 36.87 | 0.3875 | 3.07 | 7.62 | 90 | 9.52 | 0.47 | 2.65 | 93 |
9 | 81.598 | 44.15 | 1,142 | 40 | 0.8830 | 2.47 | 7.63 | 120 | 14.11 | 0.75 | 10.4 | 148 |
10 | 81.598 | 44.15 | 1,139 | 30 | 1.0000 | 2.17 | 7.85 | 100 | 23.52 | 1.08 | 2.1 | 175 |
Appendix I Environmental variables of 10 plots in the wild-fruit forests on the north slope of Ili Valley
样地 Plot | 经度 LONG (°) | 纬度 LAT (°) | 海拔 ELEV (m) | 坡度 Slope (°) | 坡向 Aspect | 土壤含水率 SM (%) | pH | 电导率COND (μs/cm) | 有机质 OM (g/kg) | 全氮 TN (g/kg) | 有效磷 AP (mg/kg) | 有效钾 AK (mg/kg) |
1 | 81.62 | 44.259 | 1,445 | 36.87 | 0.2425 | 23.67 | 7.58 | 150 | 61.51 | 2.77 | 5.01 | 298 |
2 | 81.62 | 44.259 | 1,435 | 44.43 | 0.0904 | 8.48 | 7.24 | 70 | 78.50 | 3.63 | 4.31 | 565 |
3 | 81.598 | 44.236 | 1,313 | 32 | 0.1343 | 17.58 | 7.39 | 170 | 135.38 | 6.09 | 22.58 | 1515 |
4 | 81.598 | 44.235 | 1,367 | 23.56 | 0.3372 | 7.49 | 7.53 | 120 | 36.92 | 1.68 | 2.93 | 265 |
5 | 81.598 | 44.235 | 1,376 | 23.56 | 0.9532 | 10.20 | 7.29 | 110 | 78.91 | 3.53 | 4.73 | 430 |
6 | 81.598 | 44.317 | 1,204 | 40 | 0.7500 | 5.51 | 7.48 | 100 | 17.77 | 0.86 | 2.93 | 306 |
7 | 81.598 | 44.15 | 1,205 | 35 | 0.9981 | 3.50 | 7.43 | 70 | 30.25 | 1.92 | 10.68 | 241 |
8 | 81.598 | 44.15 | 1,214 | 36.87 | 0.3875 | 3.07 | 7.62 | 90 | 9.52 | 0.47 | 2.65 | 93 |
9 | 81.598 | 44.15 | 1,142 | 40 | 0.8830 | 2.47 | 7.63 | 120 | 14.11 | 0.75 | 10.4 | 148 |
10 | 81.598 | 44.15 | 1,139 | 30 | 1.0000 | 2.17 | 7.85 | 100 | 23.52 | 1.08 | 2.1 | 175 |
样地号 Plot | 种名 Species | 种号 Species No. | 多度 Abundance | 平均高度 Average height (m) | 总盖度 Coverage (%) |
1 | 天山桦 Betula tianschanica | Sp1 | 6 | 7.44 | 40.40 |
山杨 Populus davidiana | Sp2 | 6 | 4.95 | 36.55 | |
天山花楸 Sorbus tianschanica | Sp3 | 1 | 7.00 | 1.88 | |
黄果山楂 Crataegus chlorocarpa | Sp4 | 1 | 4.00 | 9.00 | |
刚毛忍冬 Lonicera hispida | Sp8 | 1 | 1.60 | 3.61 | |
梨果栒子 Cotoneaster roborowskii | Sp9 | 1 | 2.00 | 3.60 | |
腺齿蔷薇 Rosa albertii | Sp10 | 4 | 0.98 | 4.76 | |
2 | 天山桦 Betula tianschanica | Sp1 | 21 | 8.47 | 130.55 |
黄果山楂 Crataegus chlorocarpa | Sp4 | 1 | 1.60 | 1.27 | |
梨果栒子 Cotoneaster roborowskii | Sp9 | 1 | 1.57 | 4.93 | |
3 | 金丝桃叶绣线菊 Spiraea hypericifolia | Sp11 | 15 | 0.57 | 11.93 |
刚毛忍冬 Lonicera hispida | Sp8 | 5 | 0.65 | 7.28 | |
野杏 Armeniaca vulgaris | Sp5 | 4 | 3.68 | 24.32 | |
天山桦 Betula tianschanica | Sp1 | 2 | 3.14 | 45.00 | |
腺齿蔷薇 Rosa albertii | Sp10 | 12 | 0.81 | 34.12 | |
野苹果 Malus sieversii | Sp6 | 4 | 1.64 | 4.47 | |
红果小檗 Berberis nummularia | Sp12 | 1 | 0.37 | 0.16 | |
大果栒子 Cotoneaster megalocarpus | Sp13 | 1 | 0.67 | 7.35 | |
山杨 Populus davidiana | Sp 2 | 1 | 2.16 | 3.01 | |
复盆子 Rubus idaeus | Sp14 | 56 | 0.31 | 22.86 | |
4 | 野杏 Armeniaca vulgaris | Sp5 | 16 | 3.71 | 22.16 |
伊犁忍冬 Lonicera iliensis | Sp15 | 2 | 1.67 | 2.15 | |
刚毛忍冬 L. hispida | Sp8 | 5 | 1.30 | 2.71 | |
红果小檗 Berberis nummularia | Sp12 | 30 | 0.68 | 33.11 | |
金丝桃叶绣线菊 Spiraea hypericifolia | Sp11 | 44 | 0.78 | 39.78 | |
梨果栒子 Cotoneaster roborowskii | Sp9 | 2 | 0.85 | 0.09 | |
5 | 野杏 Armeniaca vulgaris | Sp5 | 14 | 1.43 | 33.68 |
天山樱桃 Cerasus tianschanica | Sp7 | 10 | 0.95 | 13.38 | |
伊犁忍冬 Lonicera iliensis | Sp15 | 19 | 1.90 | 41.55 | |
金丝桃叶绣线菊 Spiraea hypericifolia | Sp11 | 57 | 0.71 | 11.39 | |
6 | 金丝桃叶绣线菊 S. hypericifolia | Sp11 | 14 | 0.36 | 5.12 |
天山樱桃 Cerasus tianschanica | Sp7 | 143 | 0.22 | 0.96 | |
天山绣线菊 Spiraea tianschanica | Sp16 | 1 | 0.62 | 0.55 | |
7 | 金丝桃叶绣线菊 S. hypericifolia | Sp11 | 8 | 0.68 | 7.02 |
美丽木蓼 Atraphaxis decipiens | Sp17 | 1 | 1.56 | 1.21 | |
天山樱桃 Cerasus tianschanica | Sp7 | 245 | 0.16 | 1.20 | |
8 | 天山樱桃 C. tianschanica | Sp7 | 161 | 0.14 | 0.62 |
金丝桃叶绣线菊 Spiraea hypericifolia | Sp11 | 8 | 0.66 | 4.01 | |
美丽木蓼 Atraphaxis decipiens | Sp17 | 4 | 0.32 | 0.56 | |
9 | 金丝桃叶绣线菊 Spiraea hypericifolia | Sp11 | 12 | 0.27 | 2.10 |
美丽木蓼 Atraphaxis decipiens | Sp17 | 21 | 0.19 | 2.12 | |
梨叶木蓼 A. pyrifolia | Sp18 | 1 | 0.10 | 0.01 | |
10 | 美丽木蓼 A. decipiens | Sp17 | 20 | 0.23 | 2.68 |
天山樱桃 Cerasus tianschanica | Sp7 | 5 | 0.05 | 40.00 | |
金丝桃叶绣线菊 Spiraea hypericifolia | Sp11 | 1 | 0.23 | 0.14 |
Appendix II Dominant species and their abundance, height, and coverage in 10 plots in the wild-fruit forests on the north slope of Ili Valley
样地号 Plot | 种名 Species | 种号 Species No. | 多度 Abundance | 平均高度 Average height (m) | 总盖度 Coverage (%) |
1 | 天山桦 Betula tianschanica | Sp1 | 6 | 7.44 | 40.40 |
山杨 Populus davidiana | Sp2 | 6 | 4.95 | 36.55 | |
天山花楸 Sorbus tianschanica | Sp3 | 1 | 7.00 | 1.88 | |
黄果山楂 Crataegus chlorocarpa | Sp4 | 1 | 4.00 | 9.00 | |
刚毛忍冬 Lonicera hispida | Sp8 | 1 | 1.60 | 3.61 | |
梨果栒子 Cotoneaster roborowskii | Sp9 | 1 | 2.00 | 3.60 | |
腺齿蔷薇 Rosa albertii | Sp10 | 4 | 0.98 | 4.76 | |
2 | 天山桦 Betula tianschanica | Sp1 | 21 | 8.47 | 130.55 |
黄果山楂 Crataegus chlorocarpa | Sp4 | 1 | 1.60 | 1.27 | |
梨果栒子 Cotoneaster roborowskii | Sp9 | 1 | 1.57 | 4.93 | |
3 | 金丝桃叶绣线菊 Spiraea hypericifolia | Sp11 | 15 | 0.57 | 11.93 |
刚毛忍冬 Lonicera hispida | Sp8 | 5 | 0.65 | 7.28 | |
野杏 Armeniaca vulgaris | Sp5 | 4 | 3.68 | 24.32 | |
天山桦 Betula tianschanica | Sp1 | 2 | 3.14 | 45.00 | |
腺齿蔷薇 Rosa albertii | Sp10 | 12 | 0.81 | 34.12 | |
野苹果 Malus sieversii | Sp6 | 4 | 1.64 | 4.47 | |
红果小檗 Berberis nummularia | Sp12 | 1 | 0.37 | 0.16 | |
大果栒子 Cotoneaster megalocarpus | Sp13 | 1 | 0.67 | 7.35 | |
山杨 Populus davidiana | Sp 2 | 1 | 2.16 | 3.01 | |
复盆子 Rubus idaeus | Sp14 | 56 | 0.31 | 22.86 | |
4 | 野杏 Armeniaca vulgaris | Sp5 | 16 | 3.71 | 22.16 |
伊犁忍冬 Lonicera iliensis | Sp15 | 2 | 1.67 | 2.15 | |
刚毛忍冬 L. hispida | Sp8 | 5 | 1.30 | 2.71 | |
红果小檗 Berberis nummularia | Sp12 | 30 | 0.68 | 33.11 | |
金丝桃叶绣线菊 Spiraea hypericifolia | Sp11 | 44 | 0.78 | 39.78 | |
梨果栒子 Cotoneaster roborowskii | Sp9 | 2 | 0.85 | 0.09 | |
5 | 野杏 Armeniaca vulgaris | Sp5 | 14 | 1.43 | 33.68 |
天山樱桃 Cerasus tianschanica | Sp7 | 10 | 0.95 | 13.38 | |
伊犁忍冬 Lonicera iliensis | Sp15 | 19 | 1.90 | 41.55 | |
金丝桃叶绣线菊 Spiraea hypericifolia | Sp11 | 57 | 0.71 | 11.39 | |
6 | 金丝桃叶绣线菊 S. hypericifolia | Sp11 | 14 | 0.36 | 5.12 |
天山樱桃 Cerasus tianschanica | Sp7 | 143 | 0.22 | 0.96 | |
天山绣线菊 Spiraea tianschanica | Sp16 | 1 | 0.62 | 0.55 | |
7 | 金丝桃叶绣线菊 S. hypericifolia | Sp11 | 8 | 0.68 | 7.02 |
美丽木蓼 Atraphaxis decipiens | Sp17 | 1 | 1.56 | 1.21 | |
天山樱桃 Cerasus tianschanica | Sp7 | 245 | 0.16 | 1.20 | |
8 | 天山樱桃 C. tianschanica | Sp7 | 161 | 0.14 | 0.62 |
金丝桃叶绣线菊 Spiraea hypericifolia | Sp11 | 8 | 0.66 | 4.01 | |
美丽木蓼 Atraphaxis decipiens | Sp17 | 4 | 0.32 | 0.56 | |
9 | 金丝桃叶绣线菊 Spiraea hypericifolia | Sp11 | 12 | 0.27 | 2.10 |
美丽木蓼 Atraphaxis decipiens | Sp17 | 21 | 0.19 | 2.12 | |
梨叶木蓼 A. pyrifolia | Sp18 | 1 | 0.10 | 0.01 | |
10 | 美丽木蓼 A. decipiens | Sp17 | 20 | 0.23 | 2.68 |
天山樱桃 Cerasus tianschanica | Sp7 | 5 | 0.05 | 40.00 | |
金丝桃叶绣线菊 Spiraea hypericifolia | Sp11 | 1 | 0.23 | 0.14 |
检验方法 Tests | 正相关 Positive | 负相关 Negative | ||||||||
极显著 Extremely significant (P≤0.01) | 显著 Significant (P≤0.05) | 不显著 NS (P>0.05) | 总数Sum | 极显著 Distinctly significant (P≤0.01) | 显著 Significant (P≤0.05) | 不显著 NS (P>0.05) | 总数 Sum | |||
乔木层 Tree layer | χ2检验 χ2-test | 0 | 0 | 11 | 11 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 10 | |
Pearson相关系数 Pearson’s correlation coefficient | 2 | 1 | 5 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 13 | ||
Spearman相关系数 Spearman’s correlation coefficient | 2 | 0 | 8 | 10 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 11 | ||
灌木层 Shrub layer | χ2检验 χ2-test | 0 | 0 | 24 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 31 | 31 | |
Pearson相关系数 Pearson’s correlation coefficient | 11 | 1 | 2 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 41 | 41 | ||
Spearman秩相关系数 Spearman’s correlation coefficient | 12 | 0 | 12 | 24 | 1 | 0 | 30 | 31 |
Table 1 Results of the χ2-test, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
检验方法 Tests | 正相关 Positive | 负相关 Negative | ||||||||
极显著 Extremely significant (P≤0.01) | 显著 Significant (P≤0.05) | 不显著 NS (P>0.05) | 总数Sum | 极显著 Distinctly significant (P≤0.01) | 显著 Significant (P≤0.05) | 不显著 NS (P>0.05) | 总数 Sum | |||
乔木层 Tree layer | χ2检验 χ2-test | 0 | 0 | 11 | 11 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 10 | |
Pearson相关系数 Pearson’s correlation coefficient | 2 | 1 | 5 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 13 | ||
Spearman相关系数 Spearman’s correlation coefficient | 2 | 0 | 8 | 10 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 11 | ||
灌木层 Shrub layer | χ2检验 χ2-test | 0 | 0 | 24 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 31 | 31 | |
Pearson相关系数 Pearson’s correlation coefficient | 11 | 1 | 2 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 41 | 41 | ||
Spearman秩相关系数 Spearman’s correlation coefficient | 12 | 0 | 12 | 24 | 1 | 0 | 30 | 31 |
Fig. 1 Network graph of Pearson’s correlation coefficient and Spearman’s correlation coefficient of association of dominant populations in the tree layer. Species codes are shown in Appendix II.
Fig. 2 Network graph of Pearson’s correlation coefficient and Spearman’s correlation coefficient of association of dominant populations in the shrub layer. Species codes are shown in Appendix II.
Fig. 3 Two dimensional DCCA ordination diagram of woody plants in the wild fruit-tree forests on the north slope of Ili Valley. Species No. are shown in Appendix II.
生态种组 Ecological species groups | 物种 Species | 主要生境因子 Habitat factor | ||
阳光 Sunlight | 水分 Water | 营养 Nutrition | ||
第一组 First groups | 天山桦、山杨、天山花楸、黄果山楂、杏、刚毛忍冬、梨果栒子、腺齿蔷薇、红果小檗、大果栒子、复盆子、伊犁忍冬 Betula tianschanica, Populus davidiana, Sorbus tianschanica, Crataegus chlorocarpa, Armeniaca vulgaris, Lonicera hispida, Cotoneaster roborowskii, Rosa albertii, Berberis nummularia, Cotoneaster megalocarpus, Rubus idaeus, Lonicera iliensis | 不足 Insufficient | 充足 Abundant | 充足 Abundant |
第二组 Second groups | 新疆野苹果、天山樱桃、金丝桃叶绣线菊、天山绣线菊、美丽木蓼、梨叶木蓼 Malus sieversii, Cerasus tianschanica, Spiraea hypericifolia, S. tianschanica, Atraphaxis decipiens, A. pyrifolia | 充足 Abundant | 不足 Insufficient | 不足 Insufficient |
Table 2 Ecological species groups of 18 dominant species in the wild fruit-tree forests on the north slope of Ili Valley
生态种组 Ecological species groups | 物种 Species | 主要生境因子 Habitat factor | ||
阳光 Sunlight | 水分 Water | 营养 Nutrition | ||
第一组 First groups | 天山桦、山杨、天山花楸、黄果山楂、杏、刚毛忍冬、梨果栒子、腺齿蔷薇、红果小檗、大果栒子、复盆子、伊犁忍冬 Betula tianschanica, Populus davidiana, Sorbus tianschanica, Crataegus chlorocarpa, Armeniaca vulgaris, Lonicera hispida, Cotoneaster roborowskii, Rosa albertii, Berberis nummularia, Cotoneaster megalocarpus, Rubus idaeus, Lonicera iliensis | 不足 Insufficient | 充足 Abundant | 充足 Abundant |
第二组 Second groups | 新疆野苹果、天山樱桃、金丝桃叶绣线菊、天山绣线菊、美丽木蓼、梨叶木蓼 Malus sieversii, Cerasus tianschanica, Spiraea hypericifolia, S. tianschanica, Atraphaxis decipiens, A. pyrifolia | 充足 Abundant | 不足 Insufficient | 不足 Insufficient |
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