Biodiv Sci ›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (5): 490-498. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2009.09101
• Editorial • Previous Articles Next Articles
Xinxin Sun, Huirong Liu, Fuying Feng(), Jianyu Meng, Heng Li, Malina
Fuying Feng
Xinxin Sun, Huirong Liu, Fuying Feng, Jianyu Meng, Heng Li, Malina. Diversity and phylogenetic analysis of planktonic bacteria in eutrophic zone of Lake Wuliangsuhai[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2009, 17(5): 490-498.
铵态氮 NH4+-N (mg/L) | 硝态氮 NO3--N (mg/L) | 总氮 Total N (mg/L) | 总磷 Total P (mg/L) | 硫化物 S (mg/L) | Na+ Na+ (mg/L) | 化学需氧量 CODMn (mg/L) | 溶解有机碳 DOC (mg/L) | 叶绿素a Chl a (mg/L) | 温度T Temperature (℃) | pH | 细菌数量 Bacterial number (cells/mL) |
1.79 | 0.158 | 4.87 | 0.247 | 0.364 | 463 | 69.21 | 85.95 | 13.8 | 24.2 | 8.72 | 6.58×107 |
Table 1 Water parameters and total bacterial numbers in Wuliangsuhai Lake
铵态氮 NH4+-N (mg/L) | 硝态氮 NO3--N (mg/L) | 总氮 Total N (mg/L) | 总磷 Total P (mg/L) | 硫化物 S (mg/L) | Na+ Na+ (mg/L) | 化学需氧量 CODMn (mg/L) | 溶解有机碳 DOC (mg/L) | 叶绿素a Chl a (mg/L) | 温度T Temperature (℃) | pH | 细菌数量 Bacterial number (cells/mL) |
1.79 | 0.158 | 4.87 | 0.247 | 0.364 | 463 | 69.21 | 85.95 | 13.8 | 24.2 | 8.72 | 6.58×107 |
OTU代表 Representatives of OTU | 克隆数 Clone number | RDP属 RDP genus | |
属 Genus | 置信度 Confidence(%) | ||
H0110 | 5 | Rhodobacter | 100 |
H0015 | 4 | NC | 12 |
H0080 | 5 | Hydrogenophaga | 100 |
H0022 | 1 | Hydrogenophaga | 100 |
H0061 | 1 | Curvibacter | 88 |
H0108 | 5 | NC | 77 |
H0035 | 9 | NC | 29 |
H0051 | 9 | Curvibacter | 98 |
H0074 | 6 | Methylophilus | 90 |
H0068 | 3 | Aeromonas | 100 |
H0030 | 1 | Shigella | 99 |
H0041 | 10 | NC | 23 |
H0002 | 3 | NC | 51 |
H0017 | 2 | Fluviicola | 100 |
H0093 | 1 | Flavobacterium | 100 |
H0097 | 1 | NC | 67 |
H0052 | 4 | Terrimonas | 96 |
H0091 | 2 | NC | 33 |
H0050 | 4 | NC | 76 |
H0064 | 2 | NC | 31 |
H0054 | 2 | Xi | 100 |
H0057 | 4 | Exiguobacterium | 100 |
H0011 | 3 | NC | 58 |
Table 2 Digestion patterns and proportion of 16S rDNA by HaeIII and classification
OTU代表 Representatives of OTU | 克隆数 Clone number | RDP属 RDP genus | |
属 Genus | 置信度 Confidence(%) | ||
H0110 | 5 | Rhodobacter | 100 |
H0015 | 4 | NC | 12 |
H0080 | 5 | Hydrogenophaga | 100 |
H0022 | 1 | Hydrogenophaga | 100 |
H0061 | 1 | Curvibacter | 88 |
H0108 | 5 | NC | 77 |
H0035 | 9 | NC | 29 |
H0051 | 9 | Curvibacter | 98 |
H0074 | 6 | Methylophilus | 90 |
H0068 | 3 | Aeromonas | 100 |
H0030 | 1 | Shigella | 99 |
H0041 | 10 | NC | 23 |
H0002 | 3 | NC | 51 |
H0017 | 2 | Fluviicola | 100 |
H0093 | 1 | Flavobacterium | 100 |
H0097 | 1 | NC | 67 |
H0052 | 4 | Terrimonas | 96 |
H0091 | 2 | NC | 33 |
H0050 | 4 | NC | 76 |
H0064 | 2 | NC | 31 |
H0054 | 2 | Xi | 100 |
H0057 | 4 | Exiguobacterium | 100 |
H0011 | 3 | NC | 58 |
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree of bacterial 16S rDNA gene sequences in Wuliangsuhai Lake water. Data in parentheses are the GenBank accession numbers. Numbers at the nodes indicate the levels of bootstrap support based on neighbor-joining analysis of 1,000 resampled datasets. Sulfolobus acidocaldarius DSM 639 serves as outgroup.
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