Biodiv Sci ›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 378-384. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2009.09077
Special Issue: 保护生物学: 现状和挑战
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Liying Song1,2,*(), Changlian Peng1, Shaolin Peng2,*()
Liying Song,Shaolin Peng
Liying Song, Changlian Peng, Shaolin Peng. Comparison of leaf construction costs between three invasive species and three native species in South China[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2009, 17(4): 378-384.
Fig. 1 Leaf construction cost per unit mass (CCmass) (A) and per unit area (CCarea) (B) in three invasive species and the native species in South China. 1, Mikania micrantha; 2, Paederia scandens; 3, Wedelia trilobata; 4, W. chinensis; 5, Ipomoea cairica; 6, I.pescaprae. Different lowercase letters show significant difference at P= 0.05.
来源 Origin | 物种 Species | 比叶面积 SLA (m2/kg) | 碳浓度 Carbon content (%) | 氮浓度 Nitrogen content (%) | 灰分含量 Ash (%) | 去灰分热值 Hc(kJ/g) |
入侵种 Invasive | 薇甘菊 Mikania micrantha | 65.98±0.64b | 33.23±0.51e | 4.49±0.15a | 22.29±0.15b | 18.97±0.04b |
三裂叶蟛蜞菊 Wedelia trilobata | 32.44±5.79c | 33.69±0.53e | 3.27±0.10b | 26.22±0.37a | 19.64±0.09b | |
五爪金龙 Ipomoea cairica | 83.47±1.57a | 36.03±0.48d | 4.73±0.31a | 16.90±0.76c | 18.94±0.20b | |
本地种 Native | 鸡矢藤 Paederia scandens | 40.22±0.81c | 41.73±0.39a | 4.13±0.39a | 13.66±0.09d | 20.22±0.09ab |
蟛蜞菊 Wedelia chinensis | 34.59±0.80c | 37.78±0.07c | 4.53±0.03a | 21.35±1.71b | 21.02±0.94a | |
厚藤 Ipomoea pescaprae | 33.62±0.38c | 39.80±0.46b | 4.88±0.16a | 18.21±1.57c | 20.14±0.26ab |
Table 1 Specific leaf area (SLA), carbon content, nitrogen content, ash content (Ash) and ash-free heat of combustion (Hc) of three invasive species and three native species in South China
来源 Origin | 物种 Species | 比叶面积 SLA (m2/kg) | 碳浓度 Carbon content (%) | 氮浓度 Nitrogen content (%) | 灰分含量 Ash (%) | 去灰分热值 Hc(kJ/g) |
入侵种 Invasive | 薇甘菊 Mikania micrantha | 65.98±0.64b | 33.23±0.51e | 4.49±0.15a | 22.29±0.15b | 18.97±0.04b |
三裂叶蟛蜞菊 Wedelia trilobata | 32.44±5.79c | 33.69±0.53e | 3.27±0.10b | 26.22±0.37a | 19.64±0.09b | |
五爪金龙 Ipomoea cairica | 83.47±1.57a | 36.03±0.48d | 4.73±0.31a | 16.90±0.76c | 18.94±0.20b | |
本地种 Native | 鸡矢藤 Paederia scandens | 40.22±0.81c | 41.73±0.39a | 4.13±0.39a | 13.66±0.09d | 20.22±0.09ab |
蟛蜞菊 Wedelia chinensis | 34.59±0.80c | 37.78±0.07c | 4.53±0.03a | 21.35±1.71b | 21.02±0.94a | |
厚藤 Ipomoea pescaprae | 33.62±0.38c | 39.80±0.46b | 4.88±0.16a | 18.21±1.57c | 20.14±0.26ab |
变量 Variable | 入侵种 Invasive species | 本地种 Native species | F值 F-value |
叶片单位质量建成成本 CCmass(g glucose/g) | 1.17±0.02 | 1.32±0.01 | 47.604** |
叶片单位面积建成成本 CCarea(g glucose/m2) | 22.34±3.16 | 36.93±1.25 | 16.776** |
比叶面积 SLA (m2/kg) | 60.52±7.49 | 35.89±1.25 | 9.330** |
碳浓度 Carbon content (%) | 34.32±0.50 | 40.02±0.61 | 52.529** |
氮浓度 Nitrogen content (%) | 4.16±0.25 | 4.51±0.18 | 1.250NS |
灰分含量 Ash (%) | 21.80±1.37 | 17.29±1.31 | 5.593* |
去灰分热值 Hc (kJ/g) | 19.18±0.13 | 20.39±0.24 | 20.432** |
Table 2 Average leaf construction cost per unit mass (CCmass) and per unit area (CCarea), specific leaf area (SLA), carbon content, nitrogen content, ash content (Ash) and ash-free heat of combustion (Hc) of three invasive species and three native species in South China
变量 Variable | 入侵种 Invasive species | 本地种 Native species | F值 F-value |
叶片单位质量建成成本 CCmass(g glucose/g) | 1.17±0.02 | 1.32±0.01 | 47.604** |
叶片单位面积建成成本 CCarea(g glucose/m2) | 22.34±3.16 | 36.93±1.25 | 16.776** |
比叶面积 SLA (m2/kg) | 60.52±7.49 | 35.89±1.25 | 9.330** |
碳浓度 Carbon content (%) | 34.32±0.50 | 40.02±0.61 | 52.529** |
氮浓度 Nitrogen content (%) | 4.16±0.25 | 4.51±0.18 | 1.250NS |
灰分含量 Ash (%) | 21.80±1.37 | 17.29±1.31 | 5.593* |
去灰分热值 Hc (kJ/g) | 19.18±0.13 | 20.39±0.24 | 20.432** |
Fig. 2 The correlations between leaf construction cost per unit mass (Leaf CCmass) and carbon content (A), nitrogen content (B), ash content (Ash) (C), ash-free heat of combustion (Hc) (D), respectively. Solid lines represent significant correlations, and dashed lines insignificant correlations.
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