Biodiv Sci ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (8): 864-873. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2017069
Special Issue: 传粉生物学
• Reviews • Previous Articles Next Articles
Gong Yanbing
Yaru Zhu, Yanbing Gong. Methods of wind pollination[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2017, 25(8): 864-873.
风媒传粉 Wind pollination | 动物传粉 Animal pollination | |
非生物因素 Abiotic factors | ||
分布 Distribution | 温带 Temperate | 热带或温带 Tropical or temperate |
最佳风速 Optimum wind speed | 低至中等 Low to moderate | 零至低 Zero to low |
降雨 Precipitation | 不频繁 Infrequent | 不频繁至频繁 Infrequent to common |
湿度 Humidity | 低 Low | 中至高 Medium to high |
生物因素 Biotic factors | ||
周围植被 Surrounding vegetation | 开阔 Open | 开阔至郁闭 Open to closed |
同种密度 Conspecific density | 中至高 Moderate to high | 低至高 Low to high |
开花一致性 Flowering consistency | 同步 Synchronous | 不同步 Less synchronous |
开花数量 Flower number | 多 Many | 少 A few |
花位置 Flower position | 离叶较远 Held away from vegetation | 无规律 Variable |
花类型 Flower type | 单性 Unisexual | 两性 Hermaphrodite |
花被 Perianth | 缺失或减小 Absent or reduced | 显眼 Showy |
花颜色 Floral colour | 绿或白 Greenish or whitish | 艳丽 Constrasting |
花气味 Floral scent | 无或退化 Absent or reduced | 常有 Often present |
蜜腺 Nectaries | 缺失或减小 Absent or reduced | 具备 Present |
柱头 Stigmas | 羽状 Feathery | 简单 Simple |
单花胚珠数 Ovules per flower | 一或少 One or few | 多 Many |
花粉量 Pollen grains number | 多 Many | 少 Few |
花粉大小 Pollen size | 变化较小, 一般10-50 μm Less variable, often 10-50 μm | 变化较大, 一般 >60 μm Highly variable, often >60 μm |
花粉黏性 Pollen viscosity | 干 Dry | 黏 Viscid |
花粉表面纹饰 Pollen ornamentation | 光滑, 花粉鞘缺失或退化 Smooth with reduced/absent pollenkitt | 复杂并具花粉鞘 Often elaborate with pollenkitt |
Table 1 Key factors associated with wind vs. animal pollination
风媒传粉 Wind pollination | 动物传粉 Animal pollination | |
非生物因素 Abiotic factors | ||
分布 Distribution | 温带 Temperate | 热带或温带 Tropical or temperate |
最佳风速 Optimum wind speed | 低至中等 Low to moderate | 零至低 Zero to low |
降雨 Precipitation | 不频繁 Infrequent | 不频繁至频繁 Infrequent to common |
湿度 Humidity | 低 Low | 中至高 Medium to high |
生物因素 Biotic factors | ||
周围植被 Surrounding vegetation | 开阔 Open | 开阔至郁闭 Open to closed |
同种密度 Conspecific density | 中至高 Moderate to high | 低至高 Low to high |
开花一致性 Flowering consistency | 同步 Synchronous | 不同步 Less synchronous |
开花数量 Flower number | 多 Many | 少 A few |
花位置 Flower position | 离叶较远 Held away from vegetation | 无规律 Variable |
花类型 Flower type | 单性 Unisexual | 两性 Hermaphrodite |
花被 Perianth | 缺失或减小 Absent or reduced | 显眼 Showy |
花颜色 Floral colour | 绿或白 Greenish or whitish | 艳丽 Constrasting |
花气味 Floral scent | 无或退化 Absent or reduced | 常有 Often present |
蜜腺 Nectaries | 缺失或减小 Absent or reduced | 具备 Present |
柱头 Stigmas | 羽状 Feathery | 简单 Simple |
单花胚珠数 Ovules per flower | 一或少 One or few | 多 Many |
花粉量 Pollen grains number | 多 Many | 少 Few |
花粉大小 Pollen size | 变化较小, 一般10-50 μm Less variable, often 10-50 μm | 变化较大, 一般 >60 μm Highly variable, often >60 μm |
花粉黏性 Pollen viscosity | 干 Dry | 黏 Viscid |
花粉表面纹饰 Pollen ornamentation | 光滑, 花粉鞘缺失或退化 Smooth with reduced/absent pollenkitt | 复杂并具花粉鞘 Often elaborate with pollenkitt |
Fig. 1 Technical routes to test wind pollination by pollinator exclusion and pollination treatments. + indicates seed set > 0, - indicates seed set = 0.
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