Biodiv Sci ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (11): 1202-1212. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2016336
• Original Papers: Plant Diversity • Previous Articles Next Articles
Liping Li1,*(), Anwar Mohammat2, Nurbay Abdusalih3, Nurjamal Sarbay3, Huawei Wan4
Li Liping
Liping Li, Anwar Mohammat, Nurbay Abdusalih, Nurjamal Sarbay, Huawei Wan. Plant body size patterns of mountainous trees and grassland herbs in Xinjiang region, China[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2017, 25(11): 1202-1212.
Fig. 1 Relationship of tree DBH (diameter at breast height, cm) of forests and the plant spatial distributions (latitude and longitude) both in species and regional scale. In the species scale, the plant spatial distribution value is the midpoint of a species geographic range; and in the regional scale, the plant spatial distribution value of a grid cell is the median value of the geographic midpoints of all the plants that appear in it.
Fig. 2 Relationship of herbaceous plant height (cm) of grasslands and the plant spatial distributions (latitude and longitude) both in species and regional scale. In the species scale, the plant spatial distribution value is the midpoint of a species geographic range; and in the regional scale, the plant spatial distribution value of a grid cell is the median value of the geographic midpoints of all the plants that appear in it.
Fig. 3 Relationship of DBH (diameter at breast height, cm) of trees in forests and species range size (range area, extent North-South (extent NS) and extent East-West (extent EW)). Logarithmic scale with a, b, c of species and d, e, f of regional scale.
Fig. 4 Relationship of height of herbaceous plants (cm) in grasslands and species range size (range area, extent North-South (extent NS) and extent East-West (extent EW)). Logarithmic scale with a, b, c of species scale and d, e, f of regional scale.
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