Biodiv Sci ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 453-461. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2015246
Special Issue: 中国西南干旱河谷的植物多样性
• Original Papers • Previous Articles Next Articles
Lingxiao Ying1, Ye Liu2, Shaotian Chen3, Zehao Shen1,*()
Shen Zehao
Lingxiao Ying, Ye Liu, Shaotian Chen, Zehao Shen. Simulation of the potential range of Pistacia weinmannifolia in Southwest China with climate change based on the maximum-entropy (Maxent) model[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2016, 24(4): 453-461.
环境变量 Environmental variables | 代号 Code |
年均温 Mean annual temperature | Bio1 |
昼夜温差月均值 Mean diurnal range (Mean of monthly (max temperature - min temperature)) | Bio2 |
等温性 Isothermality (Bio2/Bio7 × 100) | Bio3 |
温度季节性变化标准差 Standard deviation of temperature seasonality | Bio4 |
最暖月最高温 Max. temperature of warmest month | Bio5 |
最冷月最低温 Min. temperature of coldest month | Bio6 |
温度年较差 Temperature annual range (Bio5 - Bio6) | Bio7 |
最湿季均温 Mean temperature of wettest quarter | Bio8 |
最干季均温 Mean temperature of driest quarter | Bio9 |
最暖季均温 Mean temperature of warmest quarter | Bio10 |
最冷季均温 Mean temperature of coldest quarter | Bio11 |
年降水量 Annual precipitation | Bio12 |
最湿月降水量 Precipitation of wettest month | Bio13 |
最干月降水量 Precipitation of driest month | Bio14 |
降水量季节性变异系数 Coefficient of variation of precipitation seasonality | Bio15 |
最湿季降水量 Precipitation of wettest quarter | Bio16 |
最干季降水量 Precipitation of driest quarter | Bio17 |
最暖季降水量 Precipitation of warmest quarter | Bio18 |
最冷季降水量 Precipitation of coldest quarter | Bio19 |
海拔 Elevation | - |
坡度 Slope | - |
坡向 Aspect | - |
Table 1 22 environmental variables used for modeling potential suitable distribution of Pistacia weinmannifolia
环境变量 Environmental variables | 代号 Code |
年均温 Mean annual temperature | Bio1 |
昼夜温差月均值 Mean diurnal range (Mean of monthly (max temperature - min temperature)) | Bio2 |
等温性 Isothermality (Bio2/Bio7 × 100) | Bio3 |
温度季节性变化标准差 Standard deviation of temperature seasonality | Bio4 |
最暖月最高温 Max. temperature of warmest month | Bio5 |
最冷月最低温 Min. temperature of coldest month | Bio6 |
温度年较差 Temperature annual range (Bio5 - Bio6) | Bio7 |
最湿季均温 Mean temperature of wettest quarter | Bio8 |
最干季均温 Mean temperature of driest quarter | Bio9 |
最暖季均温 Mean temperature of warmest quarter | Bio10 |
最冷季均温 Mean temperature of coldest quarter | Bio11 |
年降水量 Annual precipitation | Bio12 |
最湿月降水量 Precipitation of wettest month | Bio13 |
最干月降水量 Precipitation of driest month | Bio14 |
降水量季节性变异系数 Coefficient of variation of precipitation seasonality | Bio15 |
最湿季降水量 Precipitation of wettest quarter | Bio16 |
最干季降水量 Precipitation of driest quarter | Bio17 |
最暖季降水量 Precipitation of warmest quarter | Bio18 |
最冷季降水量 Precipitation of coldest quarter | Bio19 |
海拔 Elevation | - |
坡度 Slope | - |
坡向 Aspect | - |
环境变量 Environmental variables | 贡献率 Contribution (%) | 相关性 Correlation* |
温度季节变化标准差 SD of temperature seasonality | 24.2 | - |
等温性 Isothermality | 15.3 | + |
最湿月降水量 Precipitation of wettest month | 11.2 | - |
温度年较差 Temperature annual range | 9.8 | - |
最湿季均温 Mean temperature of wettest quarter | 7.6 | - |
年均温 Mean annual temperature | 6.7 | + |
年降水量 Annual precipitation | 4.5 | - |
最冷季均温 Mean temperature of coldest quarter | 4.2 | + |
Table 2 Dominant environmental variables for potential suitable distribution of Pistacia weinmannifolia
环境变量 Environmental variables | 贡献率 Contribution (%) | 相关性 Correlation* |
温度季节变化标准差 SD of temperature seasonality | 24.2 | - |
等温性 Isothermality | 15.3 | + |
最湿月降水量 Precipitation of wettest month | 11.2 | - |
温度年较差 Temperature annual range | 9.8 | - |
最湿季均温 Mean temperature of wettest quarter | 7.6 | - |
年均温 Mean annual temperature | 6.7 | + |
年降水量 Annual precipitation | 4.5 | - |
最冷季均温 Mean temperature of coldest quarter | 4.2 | + |
Fig. 3 Patterns of potential distribution for Pistacia weinmannifolia in Southwest China under climate change in different periods, and only the east region of the study area (east of 95° E) was showed to highlight the suitable distributions for Pistacia weinmannifolia. There is no distribution in the west of 95° E. (a) Last Inter-Glacial (LIG); (b) Last Glacial Maximum (LGM); (c) Current period; (d) Future with RCP2.6; (e) Future with RCP4.5; (f) Future with RCP8.5.
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