生物多样性 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 24018. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024018 cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024018
程建伟1,2(), 徐满厚1(
), 窦永静1, 王亚东2(
), 王桠楠2(
), 刘新民3, 李永宏2,*(
* E-mail: lifyhong@126.com基金资助:
Jianwei Cheng1,2(), Manhou Xu1(
), Yongjing Dou1, Yadong Wang2(
), Yanan Wang2(
), Xinmin Liu3, Frank Yonghong Li2,*(
* E-mail: lifyhong@126.com摘要:
地面节肢动物作为陆地生态系统的重要组成部分, 在大型食草动物粪便分解中扮演着重要角色。当前动物粪便中节肢动物群落研究主要集中在粪便类型和微生境的作用, 而季节或气候状况对粪便中节肢动物群落影响的研究较少。本研究在内蒙古典型草原区, 采用野外人工堆置方法, 研究不同季节马粪中节肢动物群落的组成和多样性特征, 并分析了节肢动物各类群多度与环境因子的关系。结果表明: (1)春夏秋3个季节马粪的初始含水量不存在显著差异(P > 0.05); 夏季马粪初始有机质含量显著地低于春季和秋季(P < 0.05); 马粪初始pH在秋季显著地低于春季和夏季(P < 0.05)。(2)在马粪分解第3 d和第360 d, 秋季马粪中节肢动物群落多度和类群数显著高于春季(P < 0.05); 在粪块分解第3 d和第7 d, 秋季马粪中粪金龟子群落多度和物种数显著高于夏季(P < 0.05); 在分解第3 d和第7 d, 秋季马粪中隐翅虫群落多度和属数显著高于春季和夏季(P < 0.05)。研究表明, 分解早期粪的有机质含量和含水量对马粪中节肢动物群落组成影响较大, 而分解后期节肢动物群落组成主要受土壤温度和湿度的调控。
程建伟, 徐满厚, 窦永静, 王亚东, 王桠楠, 刘新民, 李永宏 (2024) 内蒙古典型草原马粪分解过程中节肢动物群落的季节动态变化. 生物多样性, 32, 24018. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024018.
Jianwei Cheng, Manhou Xu, Yongjing Dou, Yadong Wang, Yanan Wang, Xinmin Liu, Frank Yonghong Li (2024) Seasonal dynamics of arthropod communities during horse dung decomposition in Inner Mongolian grasslands. Biodiversity Science, 32, 24018. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024018.
图1 不同季节马粪分解实验的野外布置(A)和取样时间安排(B)
Fig. 1 Field arrangement (A) and sampling scheme (B) of the horse dung decomposition experiment in different seasons. SPD, Horse dung in spring; SUD, Horse dung in summer; AUD, Horse dung in autumn.
图3 不同季节马粪理化性质的变化。虚线表示该时间段未进行取样。采用Duncan检验进行事后比较, *代表不同季节间在P < 0.05水平上差异显著。
Fig. 3 Changes in the physical and chemical properties of horse dung in different seasons. The dashed line indicates no sampling at the time period. The significant differences between seasons at P < 0.05 are denoted using * (one-way ANOVA with Duncan’s multiple-range tests for post hoc comparisons).
图4 不同季节马粪中节肢动物群落多度(A)和类群数(B)的变化。虚线表示该时间段未进行取样。采用Duncan检验进行事后比较, *代表不同季节间在P < 0.05水平上差异显著。
Fig. 4 Changes in the abundance (A) and group number (B) of arthropod communities in horse dung in different seasons. The dashed line indicates no sampling at the time period. The significant differences between seasons at P < 0.05 are denoted using * (one-way ANOVA with Duncan’s multiple-range tests for post hoc comparisons).
图5 分解早期(A)和后期(B)不同季节马粪中节肢动物功能群多度相对比例的变化
Fig. 5 Relative proportions of abundance of functional groups of arthropods in horse dung in different seasons during the early (A) and late stages (B) of decomposition
物种 Species | 春季 Spring | 夏季 Summer | 秋季 Autumn | |||
多度 Abundance (N) | 优势度 Dominance (%) | 多度 Abundance (N) | 优势度 Dominance (%) | 多度 Abundance (N) | 优势度 Dominance (%) | |
双顶嗡蜣螂 Onthophagus bivertex | 6 | 0.19 | 1 | 0.14 | 7 | 0.18 |
小驼嗡蜣螂 Onthophagus gibbulus | 2 | 0.06 | 42 | 5.80 | 173 | 4.33 |
黑缘嗡蜣螂 Onthophagus marginalis nigrimargo | 4 | 0.13 | 1 | 0.03 | ||
立叉嗡蜣螂 Onthophagus olsoufieffi | 4 | 0.09 | ||||
游荡蜉金龟 Aphodius erraticus | 1 | 0.03 | ||||
直蜉金龟 Aphodius rectus | 3,733 | 93.38 | ||||
马粪蜉金龟 Aphodius subterraneus | 1 | 0.03 | 1 | 0.03 | ||
泥蜉金龟 Aphodius sordescens | 2,647 | 85.41 | 672 | 93.79 | 3 | 0.08 |
符号蜉金龟 Aphodius comma | 435 | 14.04 | ||||
布尔蜉金龟 Aphodius burgaltaicus | 76 | 1.89 | ||||
甫拉蜉金龟 Aphodius praeustus | 1 | 0.14 | ||||
Aphodius insularis | 1 | 0.14 | ||||
Aphodius corallifer | 1 | 0.03 | ||||
Aphodius chinensis | 2 | 0.06 | ||||
个体数 No. of individuals | 3,099 | 717 | 3,998 | |||
物种数 Species richness | 9 | 5 | 8 |
表1 不同季节马粪中的金龟子群落组成
Table 1 Composition of dung beetle communities in the horse dung in different seasons
物种 Species | 春季 Spring | 夏季 Summer | 秋季 Autumn | |||
多度 Abundance (N) | 优势度 Dominance (%) | 多度 Abundance (N) | 优势度 Dominance (%) | 多度 Abundance (N) | 优势度 Dominance (%) | |
双顶嗡蜣螂 Onthophagus bivertex | 6 | 0.19 | 1 | 0.14 | 7 | 0.18 |
小驼嗡蜣螂 Onthophagus gibbulus | 2 | 0.06 | 42 | 5.80 | 173 | 4.33 |
黑缘嗡蜣螂 Onthophagus marginalis nigrimargo | 4 | 0.13 | 1 | 0.03 | ||
立叉嗡蜣螂 Onthophagus olsoufieffi | 4 | 0.09 | ||||
游荡蜉金龟 Aphodius erraticus | 1 | 0.03 | ||||
直蜉金龟 Aphodius rectus | 3,733 | 93.38 | ||||
马粪蜉金龟 Aphodius subterraneus | 1 | 0.03 | 1 | 0.03 | ||
泥蜉金龟 Aphodius sordescens | 2,647 | 85.41 | 672 | 93.79 | 3 | 0.08 |
符号蜉金龟 Aphodius comma | 435 | 14.04 | ||||
布尔蜉金龟 Aphodius burgaltaicus | 76 | 1.89 | ||||
甫拉蜉金龟 Aphodius praeustus | 1 | 0.14 | ||||
Aphodius insularis | 1 | 0.14 | ||||
Aphodius corallifer | 1 | 0.03 | ||||
Aphodius chinensis | 2 | 0.06 | ||||
个体数 No. of individuals | 3,099 | 717 | 3,998 | |||
物种数 Species richness | 9 | 5 | 8 |
图6 不同季节马粪中金龟子群落多度(A)和物种数(B)的变化。虚线表示该时间段未进行取样。采用Duncan检验进行事后比较, *代表不同季节间在P < 0.05水平上差异显著。
Fig. 6 Changes in the abundance (A) and species richness (B) of dung beetle communities in the horse dung in different seasons. The dashed line indicates no sampling at the time period. The significant differences between seasons at P < 0.05 are denoted using * (one-way ANOVA with Duncan’s multiple-range tests for post hoc comparisons).
亚科 Subfamily | 属 Genus | 春季 Spring | 夏季 Summer | 秋季 Autumn | |||
多度 Abundance (N) | 优势度 Dominance (%) | 多度 Abundance (N) | 优势度 Dominance (%) | 多度 Abundance (N) | 优势度 Dominance (%) | ||
前角隐翅虫亚科 Aleocharinae | Ocalea | 15 | 22.39 | 16 | 6.11 | ||
Oxypoda | 9 | 13.43 | 5 | 5.33 | 81 | 31.19 | |
Parapimela | 6 | 8.96 | 68 | 26.18 | |||
Silusa | 45 | 48.04 | 71 | 27.34 | |||
Aleachara | 6 | 8.96 | 6 | 6.40 | 1 | 0.51 | |
胸片隐翅虫亚科 Xantholininae | Saurohypnus | 5 | 5.05 | ||||
异形隐翅虫亚科 Oxytelinae | Neoxus | 3 | 4.48 | ||||
Oncoparia | 3 | 4.48 | |||||
Oxytelopsis | 9 | 13.43 | |||||
背筋隐翅虫属 Oxytelus | 13 | 19.40 | 24 | 25.59 | 21 | 7.90 | |
Sartallus | 1 | 0.39 | |||||
粪隐翅虫属 Coprophilus | 3 | 4.48 | 9 | 9.59 | |||
隐翅虫亚科 Staphylinidae | Staphylinaus | 1 | 0.39 | ||||
个体数 No. of individuals | 67 | 94 | 260 | ||||
属数 No. of genus | 9 | 6 | 8 |
表2 不同季节马粪中隐翅虫群落组成
Table 2 Composition of Staphylinidae community in horse dung in different seasons
亚科 Subfamily | 属 Genus | 春季 Spring | 夏季 Summer | 秋季 Autumn | |||
多度 Abundance (N) | 优势度 Dominance (%) | 多度 Abundance (N) | 优势度 Dominance (%) | 多度 Abundance (N) | 优势度 Dominance (%) | ||
前角隐翅虫亚科 Aleocharinae | Ocalea | 15 | 22.39 | 16 | 6.11 | ||
Oxypoda | 9 | 13.43 | 5 | 5.33 | 81 | 31.19 | |
Parapimela | 6 | 8.96 | 68 | 26.18 | |||
Silusa | 45 | 48.04 | 71 | 27.34 | |||
Aleachara | 6 | 8.96 | 6 | 6.40 | 1 | 0.51 | |
胸片隐翅虫亚科 Xantholininae | Saurohypnus | 5 | 5.05 | ||||
异形隐翅虫亚科 Oxytelinae | Neoxus | 3 | 4.48 | ||||
Oncoparia | 3 | 4.48 | |||||
Oxytelopsis | 9 | 13.43 | |||||
背筋隐翅虫属 Oxytelus | 13 | 19.40 | 24 | 25.59 | 21 | 7.90 | |
Sartallus | 1 | 0.39 | |||||
粪隐翅虫属 Coprophilus | 3 | 4.48 | 9 | 9.59 | |||
隐翅虫亚科 Staphylinidae | Staphylinaus | 1 | 0.39 | ||||
个体数 No. of individuals | 67 | 94 | 260 | ||||
属数 No. of genus | 9 | 6 | 8 |
图7 不同季节马粪中隐翅虫群落多度(A)和属数(B)变化。虚线表示该时间段未进行取样。采用Duncan检验进行事后比较, *代表不同季节间在P < 0.05水平上差异显著。
Fig. 7 Changes in the abundance (A) and genera number (B) of Staphylinidae community in the horse dung in different seasons. The dashed line indicates no sampling at the time period. The significant differences between seasons at P < 0.05 are denoted using * (one-way ANOVA with Duncan’s multiple-range tests for post hoc comparisons).
分解阶段 Decomposition stage | 变量 Variable | 贡献率 Contribution (%) | F | P |
早期 Early stage | 粪有机质含量 Dung organic matter content | 29.8 | 18.249 | 0.002 |
粪含水量 Dung water content | 17.6 | 9.181 | 0.006 | |
土壤温度 Soil temperature | 8.1 | 3.787 | 0.062 | |
土壤湿度 Soil moisture content | 3.6 | 1.611 | 0.212 | |
粪的pH值 Dung pH | 0.7 | 0.283 | 0.686 | |
第一排序轴显著性蒙特卡洛置换检验 Monte-Carlo permutation test for significance of the first ordinal axis | F = 22.32, P = 0.002 | |||
所有排序轴显著性蒙特卡洛置换检验 Monte-Carlo permutation test for significance of all ordinal axes | F = 4.93, P = 0.002 | |||
后期 Late stage | 粪有机质含量 Dung organic matter content | 6.5 | 2.98 | 0.066 |
粪含水量 Dung water content | 6.2 | 2.83 | 0.102 | |
土壤温度 Soil temperature | 9.5 | 4.53 | 0.014 | |
土壤湿度 Soil moisture content | 12.5 | 6.15 | 0.002 | |
粪的pH值 Dung pH | 0.9 | 0.397 | 0.592 | |
第一排序轴显著性蒙特卡洛置换检验 Monte-Carlo permutation test for significance of the first ordinal axis | F = 13.39, P = 0.026 | |||
所有排序轴显著性蒙特卡洛置换检验 Monte-Carlo permutation test for significance of all ordinal axes | F = 3.762, P = 0.004 |
表3 环境因子对节肢动物群落组成的相对贡献偏冗余分析
Table 3 Relative contribution of partial redundancy analysis of environmental factors to composition of arthropods community
分解阶段 Decomposition stage | 变量 Variable | 贡献率 Contribution (%) | F | P |
早期 Early stage | 粪有机质含量 Dung organic matter content | 29.8 | 18.249 | 0.002 |
粪含水量 Dung water content | 17.6 | 9.181 | 0.006 | |
土壤温度 Soil temperature | 8.1 | 3.787 | 0.062 | |
土壤湿度 Soil moisture content | 3.6 | 1.611 | 0.212 | |
粪的pH值 Dung pH | 0.7 | 0.283 | 0.686 | |
第一排序轴显著性蒙特卡洛置换检验 Monte-Carlo permutation test for significance of the first ordinal axis | F = 22.32, P = 0.002 | |||
所有排序轴显著性蒙特卡洛置换检验 Monte-Carlo permutation test for significance of all ordinal axes | F = 4.93, P = 0.002 | |||
后期 Late stage | 粪有机质含量 Dung organic matter content | 6.5 | 2.98 | 0.066 |
粪含水量 Dung water content | 6.2 | 2.83 | 0.102 | |
土壤温度 Soil temperature | 9.5 | 4.53 | 0.014 | |
土壤湿度 Soil moisture content | 12.5 | 6.15 | 0.002 | |
粪的pH值 Dung pH | 0.9 | 0.397 | 0.592 | |
第一排序轴显著性蒙特卡洛置换检验 Monte-Carlo permutation test for significance of the first ordinal axis | F = 13.39, P = 0.026 | |||
所有排序轴显著性蒙特卡洛置换检验 Monte-Carlo permutation test for significance of all ordinal axes | F = 3.762, P = 0.004 |
图8 马粪分解早期(A)和后期(B)节肢动物群落分布与环境因子关系的RDA二维排序图。DOC: 粪有机质含量; DW: 粪含水量; ST: 土壤温度; SW: 土壤湿度; DPH: 粪的pH值; 1: 线蚓科; 2: 地蜈蚣科; 3: 盾螨科; 4: 派盾螨科; 5: 厉螨科; 6: 尾足螨科; 7: 革螨亚目; 8: 隐爪螨科; 9: 隐颚螨科; 10: 吸螨科; 11: 绒螨科; 12: 赤螨科; 13: 辐螨亚目; 14: 奥甲螨科; 15: 尖棱甲螨科; 16: 跳甲螨科; 17: 蟹蛛科; 18: 平腹蛛科; 19: 狼蛛科; 20: 光盔蛛科; 21: 长角跳科; 22: 园跳科; 23: 球角跳科; 24: 等节跳科; 25: 管蓟马科; 26: 缨翅目; 27: 蚁科; 28: 姬小蜂科; 29: 肿腿蜂科; 30: 膜翅目; 31: 小蜂总科; 32: 书虱科; 33: 金龟子科; 34: 蜉金龟科; 35: 鳃金龟科; 36: 拟步甲科; 37: 拟天牛科; 38: 隐翅虫科; 39: 蚁形甲科; 40: 缨甲科; 41: 阎甲科; 42: 牙甲科; 43: 薪甲科; 44: 步甲科; 45: 谷盗科; 46: 长蝽科; 47: 丽蝇科; 48: 环裂亚目; 49: 蚧总科; 50: 夜蛾科幼虫; 51: 步甲科幼虫; 52: 隐翅虫科幼虫; 53: 鳃金龟科幼虫; 54: 丽金龟科幼虫; 55: 蜉金龟科幼虫; 56: 拟步甲科幼虫; 57: 叶甲科幼虫; 58: 叩甲科幼虫; 59: 家蝇科幼虫; 60: 丽蝇科幼虫; 61: 食蚜蝇科幼虫; 62: 瘿蚊科幼虫; 63: 剑虻科幼虫; 64: 双翅目幼虫。
Fig. 8 RDA two-dimensional diagram of the relationship between arthropods and environmental factors at early (A) and late (B) decomposition of horse dung. DOC, Dung organic matter content; DW, Dung water content; ST, Soil temperature; SW, Soil moisture content; DPH, Dung pH; 1, Enchytraeidae; 2, Geophilidae; 3, Scutacaridae; 4, Parholaspidae; 5, Laelapidae; 6, Uropodoidea; 7, Gamasida; 8, Nanorchestidae; 9, Cryptognathidae; 10, Bdellidae; 11, Trombidiidae; 12, Erythraeidae; 13, Actinedida; 14, Oppidae; 15, Ceratozetidae; 16, Zetorchestidae; 17, Thomisidae; 18, Gnaphosidae; 19, Lycosidae; 20, Liocranidae; 21, Entomobryidae; 22, Sminthuridae; 23, Hypogastruridae; 24, Isotomidae; 25, Phlaeothripidae; 26, Thysanoptera; 27, Formicidae; 28, Eulophidae; 29, Bethylidae; 30, Hymenoptera; 31, Chalcidoidea; 32, Liposcelidae; 33, Scarabaeidae; 34, Aphodiidae; 35, Melolonthidae; 36, Tenebrionidae; 37, Oedemeridae; 38, Staphylinidae; 39, Anthicidae; 40, Ptiliidae; 41, Histeridae; 42, Hydrophilidae; 43, Lathridiidae; 44, Carabidae; 45, Ostomatidae; 46, Lygaeidae; 47, Calliphoridae; 48, Cyclorrhapha; 49, Coccoidea; 50, Noctuidae larvae; 51, Carabidae larvae; 52, Staphylinidae larvae; 53, Melolonthidae larvae; 54, Rutelidae larvae; 55, Aphodiidae larvae; 56, Tenebrionidae larvae; 57, Chrysomelidae larvae; 58, Elateridae larvae; 59, Muscidae larvae; 60, Calliphoridae larvae; 61, Syrphidae larvae; 62, Cecidomyiidae larvae; 63, Therevidae larvae; 64, Diptera larvae.
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