生物多样性 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 22034. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022034
牛晓锋1,2, 王晓梅2,3, 张研2, 赵志鹏2,*(), 樊恩源2,*(
Xiaofeng Niu1,2, Xiaomei Wang2,3, Yan Zhang2, Zhipeng Zhao2,*(), Enyuan Fan2,*(
Zhipeng Zhao,Enyuan Fan
鲟形目物种是国家重点保护水生野生动物和CITES附录物种。其人工养殖种群数量众多, 种类丰富, 产品贸易量大, 但种类鉴定困难。本文在厘清当前鲟鱼商业类群的基础上, 通过分析现有种类鉴定方法, 整合了线粒体DNA遗传分析、SNP分析和微卫星DNA分析的鉴定方法, 探讨其鉴定国际贸易所涉鲟鱼的可行性。结果表明: 上述3种方法整合应用可在11种纯种鲟鱼及其正反杂交产生的杂交鲟范围内进行盲检。当前共有贸易鲟鱼36种, 其中杂交鲟14种, 杂交鲟的亲本共涉及9种鲟鱼。整合方法可准确鉴定小体鲟(Acipenser ruthenus)、达氏鳇(Huso dauricus)、施氏鲟(Acipenser schrenckii)、欧洲鳇(Huso huso)、闪光鲟(Acipenser stellatus)、高首鲟(A. transmontanus)两两杂交所产生的杂交鲟, 小体鲟为母本与纳氏鲟(Acipenser naccarii)或富氏鲟(A. fulvescens)或中华鲟(A. sinensis)产生的杂交鲟, 纯种的达氏鳇、高首鲟、富氏鲟和中华鲟, 但无法准确鉴定纯种的西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baerii)和俄罗斯鲟(A. gueldenstaedti)以及父母本涉及此两种鲟鱼的杂交鲟。由于已开发的分子标记仍有限, 上述结果是对当前CITES贸易所涉鲟鱼鉴定的最大范围, 可以满足一些鲟鱼野生种群保护、贸易产品检测、种质资源管理等情景下的鉴定需求。
牛晓锋, 王晓梅, 张研, 赵志鹏, 樊恩源 (2022) 鲟鱼分子鉴定方法的整合应用. 生物多样性, 30, 22034. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022034.
Xiaofeng Niu, Xiaomei Wang, Yan Zhang, Zhipeng Zhao, Enyuan Fan (2022) Integration and application of sturgeon identification methods. Biodiversity Science, 30, 22034. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022034.
图1 目前已有SNP引物可鉴定的鲟鱼种类范围。GUE: 俄罗斯鲟; BAE: 西伯利亚鲟; STE: 闪光鲟; NAC: 纳氏鲟; RUT: 小体鲟; SCH: 施氏鲟; HUS: 欧洲鳇; DAU: 达氏鳇; TRA: 高首鲟; FUL: 富氏鲟; SIN: 中华鲟; PER: 波斯鲟。
Fig. 1 Range of sturgeon species identified using known SNP primers. GUE, A. gueldenstaedtii; BAE, A. baerii; STE, A. stellatus; NAC, A. naccarii; RUT, A. ruthenus; SCH, A. schrenckii; HUS, Huso huso; DAU, H. dauricus; TRA, A. transmontanus; FUL, A. fulvescens; SIN, A. sinensis; PER, A. persicus.
图2 鲟鱼鉴定方法及应用情景。f、m可为同一种鲟鱼, 引物ST、T、H、SI、F、N、SD无使用先后顺序; 图中物种缩写全称见图1。
Fig. 2 Combination of methods in sturgeon identification and the application scenarios. f and m can be the same species, the primer ST, T, H, SI, F, N, and SD can be used out of order; Please refer to Fig. 1 for the full names of species abbreviation in the figure.
种类a Species | 拉丁名 Latin name | 鉴定可行性b Identification feasibility | 备注 Comment | |||
西伯利亚鲟(BAE) | Acipenser baerii | N | 缺乏可用于种类鉴定的基因标记 Lack of markers for species identification | |||
西伯利亚鲟 × 俄罗斯鲟 (BAE × GUE) | Acipenser baerii × Acipenser gueldenstaedtii | N | 缺乏可用于种类鉴定的基因标记 Lack of markers for species identification | |||
西伯利亚鲟 × 纳氏鲟 (BAE × NAC) | Acipenser baerii × Acipenser naccarii | N | 正反杂交种均不可鉴定, 但贸易中实际为NAC♀ × BAE♂ Reciprocal hybrids cannot be identified, but in trade it is NAC♀ × BAE♂ | |||
西伯利亚鲟 × 施氏鲟 (BAE × SCH) | Acipenser baerii × Acipenser schrenckii | N | 正反杂交种均不可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids cannot be identified | |||
西伯利亚鲟 × 小体鲟 (BAE × RUT) | Acipenser baerii × Acipenser ruthenus | N | 正反杂交种均不可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids cannot be identified | |||
俄罗斯鲟(GUE) | Acipenser gueldenstaedtii | N | 缺乏可用于种类鉴定的基因标记 Lack of markers for species identification | |||
俄罗斯鲟 × 西伯利亚鲟 (GUE × BAE) | Acipenser gueldenstaedtii × Acipenser baerii | N | 缺乏可用于种类鉴定的基因标记 Lack of markers for species identification | |||
俄罗斯鲟 × 闪光鲟 (GUE × STE) | Acipenser gueldenstaedtii × Acipenser stellatus | N | 正反杂交种均不可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids cannot be identified | |||
纳氏鲟(NAC) | Acipenser naccarii | N | 无法区分NAC和NAC × BAE、NAC × GUE NAC, NAC × BAE and NAC × GUE could not be distinguished | |||
纳氏鲟 × 俄罗斯鲟 (NAC × GUE) | Acipenser naccarii × Acipenser gueldenstaedtii | N | 正反杂交种均不可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids cannot be identified | |||
小体鲟(RUT) | Acipenser ruthenus | N | 无法区分RUT和RUT × BAE RUT and RUT × BAE could not be distinguished | |||
小体鲟 × 欧洲鳇 (RUT × HUS) | Acipenser ruthenus × Huso huso | Y | 正反杂交均可鉴定, 但贸易中实际为HUS♀ × RUT♂ Both positive and negative hybrids could be identified, but in trade it is HUS♀ × RUT♂ | |||
施氏鲟(SCH) | Acipenser schrenckii | N | 无法区分SCH和SCH × BAE SCH and SCH × BAE could not be distinguished | |||
闪光鲟(STE) | Acipenser stellatus | N | 无法区分STE和STE × GUE STE and STE × GUE could not be distinguished | |||
高首鲟(TRA) | Acipenser transmontanus | Y | 尽管贸易中没有TRA × BAE、TRA × GUE, 但无法区分TRA与两种杂交鲟, 仅可在现有贸易情况下判定其为纯种TRA TRA, TRA × BAE and TRA × GUE could not be distinguished although the two hybrids did not exist in trade, so TRA only be considered pure under the current trade conditions | |||
高首鲟 × 欧洲鳇 (TRA × HUS) | Acipenser transmontanus × Huso huso | Y | 正反杂交均可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids could be identified | |||
达氏鳇(DAU) | Huso dauricus | Y | 尽管贸易中没有DAU × BAE、DAU × GUE, 但无法区分DAU与两种杂交鲟, 仅可在现有贸易情况下判定其为纯种DAU DAU, DAU × BAE and DAU × GUE could not be distinguished although the two hybrids did not exist in trade, so DAU only be considered pure under the current trade conditions | |||
达氏鳇 × 施氏鲟 (DAU × SCH) | Huso dauricus × Acipenser schrenckii | Y | 正反杂交均可鉴定, 但贸易中实际为DAU♀ × SCH♂ Reciprocal hybrids could be identified, but in trade it is DAU♀ × SCH♂ | |||
欧洲鳇(HUS) | Huso huso | N | 无法区分HUS和HUS × BAE HUS and HUS × BAE could not be distinguished | |||
欧洲鳇 × 纳氏鲟 (HUS × NAC) | Huso huso × Acipenser naccarii | Y | 正反杂交种均可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids could be identified | |||
欧洲鳇 × 西伯利亚鲟 (HUS × BAE) | Huso huso × Acipenser baerii | N | 正反杂交种均不可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids can not be identified | |||
欧洲鳇 × 施氏鲟 (HUS × SCH) | Huso huso × Acioenser schrenckii | Y | 正反杂交种均可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids could be identified | |||
欧洲鳇 × 闪光鲟 (HUS × STE) | Huso huso × Acipenser stellatus | Y | 正反杂交种均可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids could be identified | |||
富氏鲟(FUL) | Acipenser fulvescens | Y | 尽管贸易中没有FUL × BAE、FUL × GUE、FUL × RUT, 但无法区分FUL与三种杂交鲟, 仅可在现有贸易情况下判定其为纯种FUL FUL, FUL × BAE, FUL × GUE and FUL × RUT could not be distinguished although the three hybrids did not exist in trade, so FUL only be considered pure under the current trade conditions | |||
中华鲟(SIN) | Acipenser sinensis | Y | 尽管贸易中没有SIN × BAE、SIN × GUE、SIN × RUT, 但无法区分SIN与三种杂交鲟, 仅可在现有贸易情况下判定其为纯种SIN SIN, SIN × BAE, SIN × GUE and SIN × RUT could not be distinguished although the three hybrids did not exist in trade, so SIN only be considered pure under the current trade conditions | |||
尖吻鲟(OXY) | Acipenser oxyrhynchus | Y | 贸易中暂无其杂交鲟, 仅可通过现有引物扩增判断其是否与11种鲟鱼中除BAE和GUE之外的种类杂交产生杂交鲟; 仅可在现有贸易情况下判定其为纯种 These species have not produced hybrid sturgeon at present, and the existing primers can only judge whether these species produce hybrid sturgeon with other species except BAE and GUE among the 11 sturgeon species. So these species can only be considered pure under current trade conditions | |||
铲鲟(PLA) | Scaphirhynchus platorynchus | Y | ||||
匙吻鲟(SPA) | Polyodon spathula | Y | ||||
短吻鲟(BRE) | Acipenser brevirostrum | Y | ||||
波斯鲟(PER) | Acipenser persicus | Y | ||||
中吻鲟(MED) | Acipenser medirostris | Y | ||||
大西洋鲟(STU) | Acipenser sturio | Y | ||||
裸腹鲟(NUD) | Acipenser nudiventris | Y | ||||
白铲鲟(ALB) | Scaphirhynchus albus | Y | ||||
太平洋鲟(MIK) | Acipenser mikadoi | Y | ||||
阿姆河大拟铲鲟(KAU) | Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni | Y |
表1 贸易鲟鱼种类及鉴定可行性
Table 1 Species and identification feasibility of sturgeons in trade
种类a Species | 拉丁名 Latin name | 鉴定可行性b Identification feasibility | 备注 Comment | |||
西伯利亚鲟(BAE) | Acipenser baerii | N | 缺乏可用于种类鉴定的基因标记 Lack of markers for species identification | |||
西伯利亚鲟 × 俄罗斯鲟 (BAE × GUE) | Acipenser baerii × Acipenser gueldenstaedtii | N | 缺乏可用于种类鉴定的基因标记 Lack of markers for species identification | |||
西伯利亚鲟 × 纳氏鲟 (BAE × NAC) | Acipenser baerii × Acipenser naccarii | N | 正反杂交种均不可鉴定, 但贸易中实际为NAC♀ × BAE♂ Reciprocal hybrids cannot be identified, but in trade it is NAC♀ × BAE♂ | |||
西伯利亚鲟 × 施氏鲟 (BAE × SCH) | Acipenser baerii × Acipenser schrenckii | N | 正反杂交种均不可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids cannot be identified | |||
西伯利亚鲟 × 小体鲟 (BAE × RUT) | Acipenser baerii × Acipenser ruthenus | N | 正反杂交种均不可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids cannot be identified | |||
俄罗斯鲟(GUE) | Acipenser gueldenstaedtii | N | 缺乏可用于种类鉴定的基因标记 Lack of markers for species identification | |||
俄罗斯鲟 × 西伯利亚鲟 (GUE × BAE) | Acipenser gueldenstaedtii × Acipenser baerii | N | 缺乏可用于种类鉴定的基因标记 Lack of markers for species identification | |||
俄罗斯鲟 × 闪光鲟 (GUE × STE) | Acipenser gueldenstaedtii × Acipenser stellatus | N | 正反杂交种均不可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids cannot be identified | |||
纳氏鲟(NAC) | Acipenser naccarii | N | 无法区分NAC和NAC × BAE、NAC × GUE NAC, NAC × BAE and NAC × GUE could not be distinguished | |||
纳氏鲟 × 俄罗斯鲟 (NAC × GUE) | Acipenser naccarii × Acipenser gueldenstaedtii | N | 正反杂交种均不可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids cannot be identified | |||
小体鲟(RUT) | Acipenser ruthenus | N | 无法区分RUT和RUT × BAE RUT and RUT × BAE could not be distinguished | |||
小体鲟 × 欧洲鳇 (RUT × HUS) | Acipenser ruthenus × Huso huso | Y | 正反杂交均可鉴定, 但贸易中实际为HUS♀ × RUT♂ Both positive and negative hybrids could be identified, but in trade it is HUS♀ × RUT♂ | |||
施氏鲟(SCH) | Acipenser schrenckii | N | 无法区分SCH和SCH × BAE SCH and SCH × BAE could not be distinguished | |||
闪光鲟(STE) | Acipenser stellatus | N | 无法区分STE和STE × GUE STE and STE × GUE could not be distinguished | |||
高首鲟(TRA) | Acipenser transmontanus | Y | 尽管贸易中没有TRA × BAE、TRA × GUE, 但无法区分TRA与两种杂交鲟, 仅可在现有贸易情况下判定其为纯种TRA TRA, TRA × BAE and TRA × GUE could not be distinguished although the two hybrids did not exist in trade, so TRA only be considered pure under the current trade conditions | |||
高首鲟 × 欧洲鳇 (TRA × HUS) | Acipenser transmontanus × Huso huso | Y | 正反杂交均可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids could be identified | |||
达氏鳇(DAU) | Huso dauricus | Y | 尽管贸易中没有DAU × BAE、DAU × GUE, 但无法区分DAU与两种杂交鲟, 仅可在现有贸易情况下判定其为纯种DAU DAU, DAU × BAE and DAU × GUE could not be distinguished although the two hybrids did not exist in trade, so DAU only be considered pure under the current trade conditions | |||
达氏鳇 × 施氏鲟 (DAU × SCH) | Huso dauricus × Acipenser schrenckii | Y | 正反杂交均可鉴定, 但贸易中实际为DAU♀ × SCH♂ Reciprocal hybrids could be identified, but in trade it is DAU♀ × SCH♂ | |||
欧洲鳇(HUS) | Huso huso | N | 无法区分HUS和HUS × BAE HUS and HUS × BAE could not be distinguished | |||
欧洲鳇 × 纳氏鲟 (HUS × NAC) | Huso huso × Acipenser naccarii | Y | 正反杂交种均可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids could be identified | |||
欧洲鳇 × 西伯利亚鲟 (HUS × BAE) | Huso huso × Acipenser baerii | N | 正反杂交种均不可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids can not be identified | |||
欧洲鳇 × 施氏鲟 (HUS × SCH) | Huso huso × Acioenser schrenckii | Y | 正反杂交种均可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids could be identified | |||
欧洲鳇 × 闪光鲟 (HUS × STE) | Huso huso × Acipenser stellatus | Y | 正反杂交种均可鉴定 Reciprocal hybrids could be identified | |||
富氏鲟(FUL) | Acipenser fulvescens | Y | 尽管贸易中没有FUL × BAE、FUL × GUE、FUL × RUT, 但无法区分FUL与三种杂交鲟, 仅可在现有贸易情况下判定其为纯种FUL FUL, FUL × BAE, FUL × GUE and FUL × RUT could not be distinguished although the three hybrids did not exist in trade, so FUL only be considered pure under the current trade conditions | |||
中华鲟(SIN) | Acipenser sinensis | Y | 尽管贸易中没有SIN × BAE、SIN × GUE、SIN × RUT, 但无法区分SIN与三种杂交鲟, 仅可在现有贸易情况下判定其为纯种SIN SIN, SIN × BAE, SIN × GUE and SIN × RUT could not be distinguished although the three hybrids did not exist in trade, so SIN only be considered pure under the current trade conditions | |||
尖吻鲟(OXY) | Acipenser oxyrhynchus | Y | 贸易中暂无其杂交鲟, 仅可通过现有引物扩增判断其是否与11种鲟鱼中除BAE和GUE之外的种类杂交产生杂交鲟; 仅可在现有贸易情况下判定其为纯种 These species have not produced hybrid sturgeon at present, and the existing primers can only judge whether these species produce hybrid sturgeon with other species except BAE and GUE among the 11 sturgeon species. So these species can only be considered pure under current trade conditions | |||
铲鲟(PLA) | Scaphirhynchus platorynchus | Y | ||||
匙吻鲟(SPA) | Polyodon spathula | Y | ||||
短吻鲟(BRE) | Acipenser brevirostrum | Y | ||||
波斯鲟(PER) | Acipenser persicus | Y | ||||
中吻鲟(MED) | Acipenser medirostris | Y | ||||
大西洋鲟(STU) | Acipenser sturio | Y | ||||
裸腹鲟(NUD) | Acipenser nudiventris | Y | ||||
白铲鲟(ALB) | Scaphirhynchus albus | Y | ||||
太平洋鲟(MIK) | Acipenser mikadoi | Y | ||||
阿姆河大拟铲鲟(KAU) | Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni | Y |
图3 11种纯种鲟鱼及其可能的杂交鲟种类鉴定结果。可能有*指CITES贸易数据库中仅标注杂交鲟双亲种类, 未标注雌雄性, 故不确定实际贸易中杂交鲟的母本是哪一个。图中物种缩写全称见图1。
Fig. 3 Identifiability of sturgeons with parents from the 11 species. Probably exist* means that only the parent species of this hybrid is recorded in the CITES trade database, but the male parent and female parent are not marked, so it is uncertain if this hybrid is existing in actual trade. Please refer to Fig. 1 for the full names of species abbreviation in the figure.
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