生物多样性 ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (8): 1087-1096. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021012
夏昕1, 任静1, 李立2, 王海燕1, 宋玉成3, 杨道德1,*(), 蒋志刚4,5,*()
Xin Xia1, Jing Ren1, Li Li2, Haiyan Wang1, Yucheng Song3, Daode Yang1,*(), Zhigang Jiang4,5,*()
Daode Yang,Zhigang Jiang
深入了解生境特征和生境选择的季节性差异是开展野生动物生境有效管理的前提。2016年3月, 原国家林业局和湖南省人民政府启动了麋鹿(Elaphurus davidianus)再野化项目, 来自江苏大丰的16头麋鹿(其中11头安装了GPS卫星跟踪颈圈)在湖南东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区君山后湖放归野外。冬季气候寒冷、食物匮乏, 濒危物种个体野放后能否在冬季找到适宜生境是再野化项目能否成功的关键。2016年10月至2017年1月, 借助GPS卫星和地面跟踪信息, 我们采用样方法对再野化麋鹿种群秋、冬季生境选择进行了研究, 测定了生境类型、食物丰富度、草本盖度、乔木盖度、距水源距离、距道路距离、距居民点距离、距隐蔽物距离、隐蔽级等9种生境因子。结果显示: (1)再野化麋鹿种群在秋、冬季对生境类型的选择差异极显著。冬季麋鹿偏好选择水塘、随机利用草本沼泽、避免利用灌草丛; 而秋季对生境类型无明显偏好。(2)再野化麋鹿秋冬季对食物丰富度、草本盖度、乔木盖度、距道路距离、距居民点距离、距隐蔽物距离和隐蔽级的选择差异极显著; 仅在距水源距离上的差异不显著。(3)秋季再野化麋鹿倾向于选择隐蔽级低、食物丰富度高、草本盖度高、距隐蔽物距离近的生境。其生境利用样方与对照样方在隐蔽级上的差异极显著; 在食物丰富度、草本盖度、距隐蔽物距离上的差异显著; 在距水源距离、乔木盖度、距道路距离、距居民点距离上的差异不显著。(4)冬季再野化麋鹿倾向于选择距水源近、食物丰富度高、草本盖度高的生境。其生境利用样方与对照样方在食物丰富度、草本盖度、距水源距离上的差异极显著; 在距道路距离、距居民点距离、距隐蔽物距离、隐蔽级上的差异不显著。研究结果揭示了洞庭湖区再野化麋鹿种群秋冬季生境选择偏好, 为再野化麋鹿种群保护及其生境修复提供了基础数据。
夏昕, 任静, 李立, 王海燕, 宋玉成, 杨道德, 蒋志刚 (2021) 洞庭湖区麋鹿再野化初期秋冬季生境选择. 生物多样性, 29, 1087-1096. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021012.
Xin Xia, Jing Ren, Li Li, Haiyan Wang, Yucheng Song, Daode Yang, Zhigang Jiang (2021) Autumn-winter habitat selection by the re-wild Milu (Elaphurus davidianus) at the early stage after release in Dongting Lake Wetland, China. Biodiversity Science, 29, 1087-1096. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021012.
生境变量 Habitat variables | 描述 Description |
草本盖度 Herbage coverage | 5个小样方中草本植物覆盖度的平均值 Mean of herbaceous cover in five small sampling quadrats |
乔木盖度 Arbor coverage | 5个小样方中乔木植物覆盖度的平均值 Mean of tree canopy cover in five small sampling quadrats |
食物丰富度 Food abundance | 网格目测记录5个小样方中麋鹿可食植物覆盖度的平均值 The grid visually records the mean of Milu edible plant cover in five small sampling quadrats |
生境类型 Habitat type | 林地、灌草丛、草地、农田、水塘、沼泽 Woodland, shrub-grassland, grassland, farmland, ponds, herbage swamp |
距水源距离 Distance to water | 激光测距仪测量样方中心点与最近水源边界之间的距离 The distance between the centre of the quadrat to the nearest water source measured with laser rangefinder |
距道路距离 Distance to road | 激光测距仪测量样方中心点与最近主干道之间的距离 The distance between the centre of the quadrat to the nearest main road measured with laser rangefinder |
距居民点距离 Distance to human settlement | 激光测距仪测量样方中心点与最近居民点之间的距离 The distance between the centre of the quadrat to the nearest settlement measured with laser rangefinder |
距隐蔽物距离 Distance to shelter | 激光测距仪测量样方中心点与最近隐蔽物(芦苇、乔木、土堤)之间的距离 The distance between the centre of the quadrat to the nearest shelter (reed, tree, or dike) measured with laser rangefinder |
隐蔽级 Hidden level | 样方中心竖一根长1 m的标杆, 从距样方中心的四个方向20 m处记录可看到的花杆部分占总长度的百分比, 取平均值 A 1 m long surveyor's pole was erected in the centre of the quadrat and the percentage of the total length of the pole visible was recorded from 20 m in all four directions from the centre of the quadrat |
表1 再野化麋鹿秋冬季生境选择相关的生态因子
Table 1 Ecological factors related to autumn-winter habitat selection by the re-wild Milu in Dongting Lake wetland
生境变量 Habitat variables | 描述 Description |
草本盖度 Herbage coverage | 5个小样方中草本植物覆盖度的平均值 Mean of herbaceous cover in five small sampling quadrats |
乔木盖度 Arbor coverage | 5个小样方中乔木植物覆盖度的平均值 Mean of tree canopy cover in five small sampling quadrats |
食物丰富度 Food abundance | 网格目测记录5个小样方中麋鹿可食植物覆盖度的平均值 The grid visually records the mean of Milu edible plant cover in five small sampling quadrats |
生境类型 Habitat type | 林地、灌草丛、草地、农田、水塘、沼泽 Woodland, shrub-grassland, grassland, farmland, ponds, herbage swamp |
距水源距离 Distance to water | 激光测距仪测量样方中心点与最近水源边界之间的距离 The distance between the centre of the quadrat to the nearest water source measured with laser rangefinder |
距道路距离 Distance to road | 激光测距仪测量样方中心点与最近主干道之间的距离 The distance between the centre of the quadrat to the nearest main road measured with laser rangefinder |
距居民点距离 Distance to human settlement | 激光测距仪测量样方中心点与最近居民点之间的距离 The distance between the centre of the quadrat to the nearest settlement measured with laser rangefinder |
距隐蔽物距离 Distance to shelter | 激光测距仪测量样方中心点与最近隐蔽物(芦苇、乔木、土堤)之间的距离 The distance between the centre of the quadrat to the nearest shelter (reed, tree, or dike) measured with laser rangefinder |
隐蔽级 Hidden level | 样方中心竖一根长1 m的标杆, 从距样方中心的四个方向20 m处记录可看到的花杆部分占总长度的百分比, 取平均值 A 1 m long surveyor's pole was erected in the centre of the quadrat and the percentage of the total length of the pole visible was recorded from 20 m in all four directions from the centre of the quadrat |
图2 洞庭湖区麋鹿再野化初期GPS卫星跟踪位点图
Fig. 2 GPS satellites tracking waypoints of Milu (Elaphurus davidianus) at its early stage of rewilding in Dongting Lake wetland
生境类型 Habitat type | 利用样方数 No. of used quadrats | 对照样方数 No. of control quadrats | 利用样方比例 Proportion of used (Pi) (n = 33) | 对照样方比例 Proportion of control (Pw) (n = 33) |
林地 Woodland | 7 | 10 | 0.212 | 0.303 |
灌草丛 Shrub-grassland | 6 | 3 | 0.182 | 0.091 |
草地 Grassland | 3 | 9 | 0.091 | 0.273 |
农田 Farmland | 14 | 9 | 0.424 | 0.273 |
水塘 Pond | 1 | 0 | 0.030 | 0.000 |
草本沼泽 Herbage swamp | 2 | 2 | 0.061 | 0.061 |
表2 秋季再野化麋鹿对生境类型的选择利用
Table 2 The habitat type preferences by the re-wild Milu in Dongting Lake wetland in autumn
生境类型 Habitat type | 利用样方数 No. of used quadrats | 对照样方数 No. of control quadrats | 利用样方比例 Proportion of used (Pi) (n = 33) | 对照样方比例 Proportion of control (Pw) (n = 33) |
林地 Woodland | 7 | 10 | 0.212 | 0.303 |
灌草丛 Shrub-grassland | 6 | 3 | 0.182 | 0.091 |
草地 Grassland | 3 | 9 | 0.091 | 0.273 |
农田 Farmland | 14 | 9 | 0.424 | 0.273 |
水塘 Pond | 1 | 0 | 0.030 | 0.000 |
草本沼泽 Herbage swamp | 2 | 2 | 0.061 | 0.061 |
生态因子 Ecological factors | 利用样方 Used quadrats (mean ± SE) | 对照样方 Control quadrats (mean ± SE) | t | Z | P |
食物丰富度 Food abundance (%) | 62.90 ± 3.90 | 48.98 ± 4.44 | 2.646 | - | 0.013 |
草本盖度 Herbage coverage (%) | 69.37 ± 4.08 | 54.52 ± 4.45 | 2.690 | - | 0.011 |
乔木盖度 Arbor coverage (%) | 9.27 ± 3.24 | 10.18 ± 3.14 | - | -0.497 | 0.619 |
距水源距离 Distance to water (m) | 67.39 ± 12.43 | 88.04 ± 17.90 | 1.242 | - | 0.223 |
距道路距离 Distance to road (m) | 154.45 ± 50.57 | 154.89 ± 50.50 | - | -0.417 | 0.677 |
距居民点距离 Distance to human settlement (m) | 258.42 ± 54.68 | 277.52 ± 50.20 | - | -0.577 | 0.564 |
距隐蔽物距离 Distance to shelter (m) | 20.12 ± 8.71 | 27.90 ± 8.83 | - | -2.193 | 0.028 |
隐蔽级 Hidden level (%) | 40.18 ± 5.18 | 67.55 ± 4.13 | -5.261 | - | 0.000 |
表3 秋季再野化麋鹿利用样方与对照样方定量生态因子比较
Table 3 Comparison of quantitative ecological factors between quadrats used by the re-wild Milu and control quadrats in Dongting Lake wetland in autumn
生态因子 Ecological factors | 利用样方 Used quadrats (mean ± SE) | 对照样方 Control quadrats (mean ± SE) | t | Z | P |
食物丰富度 Food abundance (%) | 62.90 ± 3.90 | 48.98 ± 4.44 | 2.646 | - | 0.013 |
草本盖度 Herbage coverage (%) | 69.37 ± 4.08 | 54.52 ± 4.45 | 2.690 | - | 0.011 |
乔木盖度 Arbor coverage (%) | 9.27 ± 3.24 | 10.18 ± 3.14 | - | -0.497 | 0.619 |
距水源距离 Distance to water (m) | 67.39 ± 12.43 | 88.04 ± 17.90 | 1.242 | - | 0.223 |
距道路距离 Distance to road (m) | 154.45 ± 50.57 | 154.89 ± 50.50 | - | -0.417 | 0.677 |
距居民点距离 Distance to human settlement (m) | 258.42 ± 54.68 | 277.52 ± 50.20 | - | -0.577 | 0.564 |
距隐蔽物距离 Distance to shelter (m) | 20.12 ± 8.71 | 27.90 ± 8.83 | - | -2.193 | 0.028 |
隐蔽级 Hidden level (%) | 40.18 ± 5.18 | 67.55 ± 4.13 | -5.261 | - | 0.000 |
生境类型 Habitat type | 利用样方数 Number of used quadrats | 对照样方数 Number of control quadrats | 利用样方比例 Proportion of used (Pi) (n = 33) | 对照样方比例 Proportion of control (Pw) (n = 33) |
灌草丛 Shrub-grassland | 0 | 4 | 0.000 | 0.121 |
水塘 Pond | 6 | 0 | 0.182 | 0.000 |
草本沼泽 Herbage swamp | 27 | 29 | 0.818 | 0.879 |
表4 冬季再野化麋鹿对生境类型的选择利用
Table 4 Habitat type preference by the re-wild Milu in Dongting Lake wetland in winter
生境类型 Habitat type | 利用样方数 Number of used quadrats | 对照样方数 Number of control quadrats | 利用样方比例 Proportion of used (Pi) (n = 33) | 对照样方比例 Proportion of control (Pw) (n = 33) |
灌草丛 Shrub-grassland | 0 | 4 | 0.000 | 0.121 |
水塘 Pond | 6 | 0 | 0.182 | 0.000 |
草本沼泽 Herbage swamp | 27 | 29 | 0.818 | 0.879 |
生态因子 Ecological factors | 利用样方 Used quadrats (mean ± SE) | 对照样方 Control quadrats (mean ± SE) | t | P |
食物丰富度 Food abundance (%) | 86.28 ± 2.20 | 74.71 ± 3.64 | 3.359 | 0.002 |
草本盖度 Herbage coverage (%) | 87.61 ± 2.09 | 79.79 ± 2.93 | 3.331 | 0.002 |
距水源距离 Distance to water (m) | 32.79 ± 4.96 | 91.96 ± 8.38 | -8.481 | 0.000 |
距道路距离 Distance to road (m) | 1,150.30 ± 80.00 | 1,197.76 ± 85.48 | -1.510 | 0.141 |
距居民点距离 Distance to human settlement (m) | 1,758.18 ± 69.88 | 1,786.94 ± 70.74 | -1.521 | 0.138 |
距隐蔽物距离 Distance to shelter (m) | 105.71 ± 18.78 | 120.89 ± 13.18 | -1.154 | 0.257 |
隐蔽级 Hidden level (%) | 63.44 ± 1.61 | 64.95 ± 2.23 | -0.738 | 0.466 |
表5 冬季再野化麋鹿利用样方与对照样方定量生态因子比较
Table 5 Comparison of quantitative ecological factors between quadrats used by the re-wild Milu and control quadrats in Dongting Lake wetland in winter
生态因子 Ecological factors | 利用样方 Used quadrats (mean ± SE) | 对照样方 Control quadrats (mean ± SE) | t | P |
食物丰富度 Food abundance (%) | 86.28 ± 2.20 | 74.71 ± 3.64 | 3.359 | 0.002 |
草本盖度 Herbage coverage (%) | 87.61 ± 2.09 | 79.79 ± 2.93 | 3.331 | 0.002 |
距水源距离 Distance to water (m) | 32.79 ± 4.96 | 91.96 ± 8.38 | -8.481 | 0.000 |
距道路距离 Distance to road (m) | 1,150.30 ± 80.00 | 1,197.76 ± 85.48 | -1.510 | 0.141 |
距居民点距离 Distance to human settlement (m) | 1,758.18 ± 69.88 | 1,786.94 ± 70.74 | -1.521 | 0.138 |
距隐蔽物距离 Distance to shelter (m) | 105.71 ± 18.78 | 120.89 ± 13.18 | -1.154 | 0.257 |
隐蔽级 Hidden level (%) | 63.44 ± 1.61 | 64.95 ± 2.23 | -0.738 | 0.466 |
生态因子 Ecological factors | 秋季 Autumn (mean ± SE) | 冬季 Winter (mean ± SE) | Z | P |
食物丰富度 Food abundance (%) | 62.90 ± 3.90 | 86.28 ± 2.20 | -4.303 | 0.000 |
草本盖度 Herbage coverage (%) | 69.37 ± 4.08 | 87.61 ± 2.09 | -3.232 | 0.001 |
乔木盖度 Arbor coverage (%) | 9.27 ± 3.24 | 0.00 ± 0.00 | -3.392 | 0.001 |
距水源距离 Distance to water (m) | 67.39 ± 12.43 | 32.79 ± 4.96 | -1.770 | 0.077 |
距道路距离 Distance to road (m) | 154.45 ± 50.57 | 1,150.30 ± 80.00 | -6.362 | 0.000 |
距居民点距离 Distance to human settlement (m) | 258.42 ± 54.68 | 1,758.18 ± 69.88 | -6.740 | 0.000 |
距隐蔽物距离 Distance to shelter (m) | 20.12 ± 8.71 | 105.71 ± 18.78 | -5.310 | 0.000 |
隐蔽级 Hidden level (%) | 40.18 ± 5.18 | 63.44 ± 1.61 | -3.239 | 0.001 |
表6 再野化麋鹿秋、冬季生境选择的定量生态因子比较
Table 6 Comparison of quantitative ecological factors of the re-wild Milu in Dongting Lake wetland between autumn and winter
生态因子 Ecological factors | 秋季 Autumn (mean ± SE) | 冬季 Winter (mean ± SE) | Z | P |
食物丰富度 Food abundance (%) | 62.90 ± 3.90 | 86.28 ± 2.20 | -4.303 | 0.000 |
草本盖度 Herbage coverage (%) | 69.37 ± 4.08 | 87.61 ± 2.09 | -3.232 | 0.001 |
乔木盖度 Arbor coverage (%) | 9.27 ± 3.24 | 0.00 ± 0.00 | -3.392 | 0.001 |
距水源距离 Distance to water (m) | 67.39 ± 12.43 | 32.79 ± 4.96 | -1.770 | 0.077 |
距道路距离 Distance to road (m) | 154.45 ± 50.57 | 1,150.30 ± 80.00 | -6.362 | 0.000 |
距居民点距离 Distance to human settlement (m) | 258.42 ± 54.68 | 1,758.18 ± 69.88 | -6.740 | 0.000 |
距隐蔽物距离 Distance to shelter (m) | 20.12 ± 8.71 | 105.71 ± 18.78 | -5.310 | 0.000 |
隐蔽级 Hidden level (%) | 40.18 ± 5.18 | 63.44 ± 1.61 | -3.239 | 0.001 |
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