Biodiv Sci ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (3): 377-385. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.09221
Special Issue: 土壤生物与土壤健康
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Jing Yang, Xueli He*(), Lili Zhao
Xueli He
Jing Yang, Xueli He, Lili Zhao. Species diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere of Salix psammophila in Inner Mongolia desert[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2011, 19(3): 377-385.
黑城子 Heichengzi | 正蓝旗 Zhenglanqi | 元上都 Yuanshangdu | |||||||||
分离频度 F(%) | 相对多度 RA(%) | 重要值 IV(%) | 分离频度 F(%) | 相对多度 RA(%) | 重要值 IV(%) | 分离频度 F(%) | 相对多度 RA(%) | 重要值 IV(%) | |||
无梗囊霉属 Acaulospora | 100a | 71.86a | 85.93a | 100a | 71.23a | 85.61a | 100a | 19.25b | 59.76b | ||
球囊霉属 Glomus | 100a | 23.93b | 61.97b | 100a | 23.79b | 61.90b | 100a | 80.48a | 90.24a | ||
盾巨孢囊霉属 Scutellospora | 15b | 4.20c | 9.60c | 15b | 4.50c | 11.42c | - | - | - | ||
巨孢囊霉属 Gigaspora | - | - | - | 1.67c | 0.47c | 1.07d | - | - | - |
Table 1 Frequency (F), relative abundance (RA) and importance value (IV) of AM fungal genera in different sampling sites of Salix psammophila
黑城子 Heichengzi | 正蓝旗 Zhenglanqi | 元上都 Yuanshangdu | |||||||||
分离频度 F(%) | 相对多度 RA(%) | 重要值 IV(%) | 分离频度 F(%) | 相对多度 RA(%) | 重要值 IV(%) | 分离频度 F(%) | 相对多度 RA(%) | 重要值 IV(%) | |||
无梗囊霉属 Acaulospora | 100a | 71.86a | 85.93a | 100a | 71.23a | 85.61a | 100a | 19.25b | 59.76b | ||
球囊霉属 Glomus | 100a | 23.93b | 61.97b | 100a | 23.79b | 61.90b | 100a | 80.48a | 90.24a | ||
盾巨孢囊霉属 Scutellospora | 15b | 4.20c | 9.60c | 15b | 4.50c | 11.42c | - | - | - | ||
巨孢囊霉属 Gigaspora | - | - | - | 1.67c | 0.47c | 1.07d | - | - | - |
黑城子 Heichengzi | 正蓝旗 Zhenglanqi | 元上都 Yuanshangdu | ||||||||||||
F(%) | RA(%) | IV(%) | Dom | F(%) | RA(%) | IV(%) | Dom | F(%) | RA(%) | IV(%) | Dom | |||
双网无梗囊霉 Acaulospora bireticulata | 73.33bc | 7.38bc | 40.36b | B | 71.67bc | 7.72b | 39.69bc | B | 78.33b | 10.22b | 44.28b | B | ||
细齿无梗囊霉 A. denticulata | 5.00j | 0.26h | 2.63f | D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
凹坑无梗囊霉 A. excavata | 45.00de | 3.18e | 24.09d | C | 28.33ghi | 3.14e | 15.73cd | C | - | - | - | - | ||
孔窝无梗囊霉 A. foveata | 26.67f | 2.84ef | 14.75e | C | 25.00ghi | 3.28e | 14.14d | C | 8.33e | 2.82c | 5.58d | D | ||
詹氏无梗囊霉 A. gerdemannii | - | - | - | - | 13.33i | 1.63f | 7.48e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
光壁无梗囊霉 A. laevis | 53.33d | 3.14e | 28.37cd | C | 53.33cde | 4.41d | 28.87c | C | 26.67d | 3.13c | 14.90cd | C | ||
细凹无梗囊霉 A. scrobiculata | 35.00e | 2.76ef | 18.88de | C | 23.33ghi | 1.89f | 12.61d | C | - | - | - | - | ||
刺无梗囊霉 A. spinosa | 6.67jk | 2.55ef | 4.61f | D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
瘤状无梗囊霉 A. tuberculata | 21.67f | 2.34f | 12.00e | C | 21.67ghi | 2.66ef | 12.16d | C | - | - | - | - | ||
无梗囊霉属1种 Acaulospora sp.1 | - | - | - | - | 5.00j | 0.28g | 2.63e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
聚丛球囊霉 Glomus aggregatum | 18.33fi | 1.21g | 9.77f | D | 25.00 ghi | 1.69f | 13.34d | C | 8.33e | 2.06c | 5.20d | D | ||
棒孢球囊霉 G. clavisporum | - | - | - | - | 5.00j | 0.47g | 2.74e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
缩球囊霉 G. constrictum | 80.00ab | 4.83de | 42.42b | B | 71.67bc | 4.73d | 38.20bc | B | 55.00bc | 6.25bc | 30.63bc | B | ||
卷曲球囊霉 G. convolutum | 43.33de | 2.89ef | 23.11d | C | 36.67def | 3.43e | 20.05c | C | 26.67d | 3.43c | 15.05cd | C | ||
帚状球囊霉 G. coremioides | 3.33j | 0.34h | 1.84f | D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
沙荒球囊霉 G. deserticola | 13.33i | 1.08g | 7.21f | D | 16.67hi | 1.33f | 9.00e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
长孢球囊霉 G. dolichosporum | 25.00f | 1.92fg | 13.46e | C | 8.33j | 0.80g | 4.57e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
集球囊霉 G. fasciculatum | 21.67f | 3.10e | 12.38e | C | 20.00ghi | 1.78f | 10.89d | C | - | - | - | - | ||
多产球囊霉 G. fecundisporum | 60.00c | 3.94e | 31.97c | B | 35.00efg | 3.82de | 19.41cd | C | 35.00c | 2.90c | 18.95cd | C | ||
地球囊霉 G. geosporum | 85.00ab | 7.67bc | 46.34ab | B | 83.33ab | 6.98bc | 45.16b | B | 76.67b | 10.45b | 43.56b | B | ||
聚集球囊霉 G. glomerulatum | - | - | - | - | 11.67i | 1.54f | 6.60e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
晕环球囊霉 G. halonatum | 6.67j | 0.68h | 3.67f | D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
海得拉巴球囊霉 G. hyderabadensis | 6.67j | 0.79h | 3.73f | D | 5.00j | 0.98fg | 2.99e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
宽柄球囊霉 G. magnicaule | 11.67i | 1.44g | 6.56f | D | 15.00hi | 1.60f | 8.30e | D | 5.00e | 0.31d | 2.65d | D | ||
黑球囊霉 G. melanosporum | 100.00a | 7.64bc | 53.82a | A | 93.33a | 6.09cde | 49.71b | B | 93.33a | 11.06ab | 52.20a | A | ||
摩西球囊霉 G. mosseae | 26.67f | 2.68ef | 14.67e | C | 20.00ghi | 3.11e | 11.55d | C | - | - | - | - | ||
多梗球囊霉 G. multicaule | 21.67f | 1.63fg | 11.65e | C | 33.33gh | 2.63ef | 17.98cd | C | 18.33de | 2.82c | 10.58cd | C | ||
凹坑球囊霉 G. multiforum | 46.67de | 3.23e | 24.95d | C | 33.33gh | 3.67e | 18.50cd | C | 15.00de | 2.59c | 8.80d | D | ||
具疱球囊霉 G. pustulatum | - | - | - | - | 13.33i | 1.36f | 7.35e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
网状球囊霉 G. reticulatum | 100.00a | 11.22a | 55.61a | A | 100.00a | 10.83a | 55.41a | A | 100.00a | 19.15a | 59.57a | A | ||
荫性球囊霉 G. tenebrosum | - | - | - | - | 13.33i | 1.12f | 7.23e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
地表球囊霉 G. versiforme | 58.33d | 5.17cd | 31.75c | B | 55.00cd | 4.59d | 29.79c | C | 48.33c | 7.55bc | 27.94c | C | ||
粘质球囊霉 G. viscosum | 91.67ab | 8.43b | 50.05a | A | 93.33a | 6.86cde | 50.10a | A | 76.67b | 11.29ab | 43.98b | B | ||
易误巨孢囊霉 Gigaspora decipiens | - | - | - | - | 6.67j | 1.27f | 3.97e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
美丽盾巨孢囊霉 Scutellospora calospora | 16.67i | 1.50fg | 9.08f | D | 15.00hi | 1.15f | 8.08e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
红色盾巨孢囊霉 Scu. erythropa | 21.67f | 1.76fg | 11.71e | C | 18.33hi | 1.39f | 9.86e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
网纹盾巨孢囊霉 Scu. reticulata | 26.67f | 2.10f | 14.38e | C | 25.00ghi | 2.13ef | 13.57d | C | - | - | - | - |
Table 2 Frequency (F), relative abundance (RA) and importance value (IV) and dominance(Dom) of the AM fungal species in the different sampling sites of Salix psammophila
黑城子 Heichengzi | 正蓝旗 Zhenglanqi | 元上都 Yuanshangdu | ||||||||||||
F(%) | RA(%) | IV(%) | Dom | F(%) | RA(%) | IV(%) | Dom | F(%) | RA(%) | IV(%) | Dom | |||
双网无梗囊霉 Acaulospora bireticulata | 73.33bc | 7.38bc | 40.36b | B | 71.67bc | 7.72b | 39.69bc | B | 78.33b | 10.22b | 44.28b | B | ||
细齿无梗囊霉 A. denticulata | 5.00j | 0.26h | 2.63f | D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
凹坑无梗囊霉 A. excavata | 45.00de | 3.18e | 24.09d | C | 28.33ghi | 3.14e | 15.73cd | C | - | - | - | - | ||
孔窝无梗囊霉 A. foveata | 26.67f | 2.84ef | 14.75e | C | 25.00ghi | 3.28e | 14.14d | C | 8.33e | 2.82c | 5.58d | D | ||
詹氏无梗囊霉 A. gerdemannii | - | - | - | - | 13.33i | 1.63f | 7.48e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
光壁无梗囊霉 A. laevis | 53.33d | 3.14e | 28.37cd | C | 53.33cde | 4.41d | 28.87c | C | 26.67d | 3.13c | 14.90cd | C | ||
细凹无梗囊霉 A. scrobiculata | 35.00e | 2.76ef | 18.88de | C | 23.33ghi | 1.89f | 12.61d | C | - | - | - | - | ||
刺无梗囊霉 A. spinosa | 6.67jk | 2.55ef | 4.61f | D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
瘤状无梗囊霉 A. tuberculata | 21.67f | 2.34f | 12.00e | C | 21.67ghi | 2.66ef | 12.16d | C | - | - | - | - | ||
无梗囊霉属1种 Acaulospora sp.1 | - | - | - | - | 5.00j | 0.28g | 2.63e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
聚丛球囊霉 Glomus aggregatum | 18.33fi | 1.21g | 9.77f | D | 25.00 ghi | 1.69f | 13.34d | C | 8.33e | 2.06c | 5.20d | D | ||
棒孢球囊霉 G. clavisporum | - | - | - | - | 5.00j | 0.47g | 2.74e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
缩球囊霉 G. constrictum | 80.00ab | 4.83de | 42.42b | B | 71.67bc | 4.73d | 38.20bc | B | 55.00bc | 6.25bc | 30.63bc | B | ||
卷曲球囊霉 G. convolutum | 43.33de | 2.89ef | 23.11d | C | 36.67def | 3.43e | 20.05c | C | 26.67d | 3.43c | 15.05cd | C | ||
帚状球囊霉 G. coremioides | 3.33j | 0.34h | 1.84f | D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
沙荒球囊霉 G. deserticola | 13.33i | 1.08g | 7.21f | D | 16.67hi | 1.33f | 9.00e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
长孢球囊霉 G. dolichosporum | 25.00f | 1.92fg | 13.46e | C | 8.33j | 0.80g | 4.57e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
集球囊霉 G. fasciculatum | 21.67f | 3.10e | 12.38e | C | 20.00ghi | 1.78f | 10.89d | C | - | - | - | - | ||
多产球囊霉 G. fecundisporum | 60.00c | 3.94e | 31.97c | B | 35.00efg | 3.82de | 19.41cd | C | 35.00c | 2.90c | 18.95cd | C | ||
地球囊霉 G. geosporum | 85.00ab | 7.67bc | 46.34ab | B | 83.33ab | 6.98bc | 45.16b | B | 76.67b | 10.45b | 43.56b | B | ||
聚集球囊霉 G. glomerulatum | - | - | - | - | 11.67i | 1.54f | 6.60e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
晕环球囊霉 G. halonatum | 6.67j | 0.68h | 3.67f | D | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
海得拉巴球囊霉 G. hyderabadensis | 6.67j | 0.79h | 3.73f | D | 5.00j | 0.98fg | 2.99e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
宽柄球囊霉 G. magnicaule | 11.67i | 1.44g | 6.56f | D | 15.00hi | 1.60f | 8.30e | D | 5.00e | 0.31d | 2.65d | D | ||
黑球囊霉 G. melanosporum | 100.00a | 7.64bc | 53.82a | A | 93.33a | 6.09cde | 49.71b | B | 93.33a | 11.06ab | 52.20a | A | ||
摩西球囊霉 G. mosseae | 26.67f | 2.68ef | 14.67e | C | 20.00ghi | 3.11e | 11.55d | C | - | - | - | - | ||
多梗球囊霉 G. multicaule | 21.67f | 1.63fg | 11.65e | C | 33.33gh | 2.63ef | 17.98cd | C | 18.33de | 2.82c | 10.58cd | C | ||
凹坑球囊霉 G. multiforum | 46.67de | 3.23e | 24.95d | C | 33.33gh | 3.67e | 18.50cd | C | 15.00de | 2.59c | 8.80d | D | ||
具疱球囊霉 G. pustulatum | - | - | - | - | 13.33i | 1.36f | 7.35e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
网状球囊霉 G. reticulatum | 100.00a | 11.22a | 55.61a | A | 100.00a | 10.83a | 55.41a | A | 100.00a | 19.15a | 59.57a | A | ||
荫性球囊霉 G. tenebrosum | - | - | - | - | 13.33i | 1.12f | 7.23e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
地表球囊霉 G. versiforme | 58.33d | 5.17cd | 31.75c | B | 55.00cd | 4.59d | 29.79c | C | 48.33c | 7.55bc | 27.94c | C | ||
粘质球囊霉 G. viscosum | 91.67ab | 8.43b | 50.05a | A | 93.33a | 6.86cde | 50.10a | A | 76.67b | 11.29ab | 43.98b | B | ||
易误巨孢囊霉 Gigaspora decipiens | - | - | - | - | 6.67j | 1.27f | 3.97e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
美丽盾巨孢囊霉 Scutellospora calospora | 16.67i | 1.50fg | 9.08f | D | 15.00hi | 1.15f | 8.08e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
红色盾巨孢囊霉 Scu. erythropa | 21.67f | 1.76fg | 11.71e | C | 18.33hi | 1.39f | 9.86e | D | - | - | - | - | ||
网纹盾巨孢囊霉 Scu. reticulata | 26.67f | 2.10f | 14.38e | C | 25.00ghi | 2.13ef | 13.57d | C | - | - | - | - |
孢子密度 Spore density (inds./100 g) | 种丰度 Species richness | Shannon diversity index | Simpson’s diversity index | 均匀度 Evenness | |
5月 May | 108.25b | 15.67b | 2.52b | 0.90a | 0.92b |
8月 August | 315.83a | 24.67a | 2.95a | 0.93a | 0.94a |
10月October | 284.00a | 24.67a | 2.93a | 0.93a | 0.93ab |
均值 Average | 236.03 | 21.67 | 2.80 | 0.92 | 0.93 |
Table 3 Spore density, species richness, Shannon diversity index, Simpson diversity index and evenness of AM fungi in different months
孢子密度 Spore density (inds./100 g) | 种丰度 Species richness | Shannon diversity index | Simpson’s diversity index | 均匀度 Evenness | |
5月 May | 108.25b | 15.67b | 2.52b | 0.90a | 0.92b |
8月 August | 315.83a | 24.67a | 2.95a | 0.93a | 0.94a |
10月October | 284.00a | 24.67a | 2.93a | 0.93a | 0.93ab |
均值 Average | 236.03 | 21.67 | 2.80 | 0.92 | 0.93 |
样地 Site | 孢子密度 Spore density (inds./100 g) | 总侵染率 Total colonization (%) | 种丰度 Species richness | 均匀度 Evenness | Shannon diversity index | Simpson diversity index | 温度 Temperature (°C) | 湿度 Moisture | pH | 速效P Available P (μg/g) | 碱解N Available N (μg/g) | 有机质 Organic matter (mg/g) |
黑城子 Heichengzi | 317.33a | 57.49a | 24.33a | 0.931a | 2.94ab | 0.935a | 13.72a | 2.00b | 7.35b | 1.28b | 8.96c | 0.51b |
正蓝旗 Zhenglanqi | 281.50b | 64.24a | 27.00a | 0.934a | 3.05a | 0.942a | 14.17a | 1.93b | 7.45a | 2.41a | 10.35b | 0.62b |
元上都 Yuanshangdu | 109.25c | 61.48a | 13.67b | 0.919a | 2.40b | 0.893b | 12.56a | 3.13a | 7.46a | 2.37a | 16.31a | 1.74a |
平均值 Average | 236.03 | 61.07 | 21.67 | 0.93 | 2.80 | 0.92 | 13.66 | 2.36 | 7.42 | 2.02 | 11.87 | 0.96 |
Table 4 AM fungal species diversity and soil factors in the different sampling sites
样地 Site | 孢子密度 Spore density (inds./100 g) | 总侵染率 Total colonization (%) | 种丰度 Species richness | 均匀度 Evenness | Shannon diversity index | Simpson diversity index | 温度 Temperature (°C) | 湿度 Moisture | pH | 速效P Available P (μg/g) | 碱解N Available N (μg/g) | 有机质 Organic matter (mg/g) |
黑城子 Heichengzi | 317.33a | 57.49a | 24.33a | 0.931a | 2.94ab | 0.935a | 13.72a | 2.00b | 7.35b | 1.28b | 8.96c | 0.51b |
正蓝旗 Zhenglanqi | 281.50b | 64.24a | 27.00a | 0.934a | 3.05a | 0.942a | 14.17a | 1.93b | 7.45a | 2.41a | 10.35b | 0.62b |
元上都 Yuanshangdu | 109.25c | 61.48a | 13.67b | 0.919a | 2.40b | 0.893b | 12.56a | 3.13a | 7.46a | 2.37a | 16.31a | 1.74a |
平均值 Average | 236.03 | 61.07 | 21.67 | 0.93 | 2.80 | 0.92 | 13.66 | 2.36 | 7.42 | 2.02 | 11.87 | 0.96 |
孢子密度 Spore density | 温度 Temperature | 湿度 Moisture | pH | 速效P Available P | 碱解N Available N | 有机质 Organic matter | |
孢子密度 Spore density | 1.000 | 0.615 | -0.399 | 0.648 | -0.771* | -0.823** | -0.687* |
总侵染率 Total colonization | -0.155 | 0.118 | 0.116 | 0.547 | 0.174 | 0.254 | 0.194 |
种丰度 Specie richness | 0.943** | 0.491 | -0.528 | 0.263 | -0.618 | -0.781* | -0.735* |
均匀度 Evenness | 0.862** | 0.657 | -0.365 | 0.617 | -0.543 | -0.797* | -0.627 |
Shannon diversity index | 0.954** | 0.506 | -0.531 | 0.267 | -0.637 | -0.824** | -0.772* |
Simpson diversity index | 0.951** | 0.493 | -0.540 | 0.255 | -0.674* | -0.881** | -0.812** |
Table 5 Correlation analysis between AM fungal species diversity and soil factors
孢子密度 Spore density | 温度 Temperature | 湿度 Moisture | pH | 速效P Available P | 碱解N Available N | 有机质 Organic matter | |
孢子密度 Spore density | 1.000 | 0.615 | -0.399 | 0.648 | -0.771* | -0.823** | -0.687* |
总侵染率 Total colonization | -0.155 | 0.118 | 0.116 | 0.547 | 0.174 | 0.254 | 0.194 |
种丰度 Specie richness | 0.943** | 0.491 | -0.528 | 0.263 | -0.618 | -0.781* | -0.735* |
均匀度 Evenness | 0.862** | 0.657 | -0.365 | 0.617 | -0.543 | -0.797* | -0.627 |
Shannon diversity index | 0.954** | 0.506 | -0.531 | 0.267 | -0.637 | -0.824** | -0.772* |
Simpson diversity index | 0.951** | 0.493 | -0.540 | 0.255 | -0.674* | -0.881** | -0.812** |
理化因子 Physico-chemical factors | 第一主成分 PC1 | 第二主成分 PC2 |
温度 Temperature | -0.226 | 0.932 |
湿度 Moisture | 0.716 | 0.579 |
pH | -0.079 | 0.755 |
速效P Available P | 0.654 | -0.469 |
碱解N Available N | 0.977 | -0.030 |
有机质 Organic matter | 0.944 | 0.204 |
特征值 Eigenvalue (λ) | 2.841 | 2.037 |
贡献率 Contribution rate (%) | 47.353 | 33.942 |
Table 6 Principle component loading matrix, eigenvalue and contribution rate
理化因子 Physico-chemical factors | 第一主成分 PC1 | 第二主成分 PC2 |
温度 Temperature | -0.226 | 0.932 |
湿度 Moisture | 0.716 | 0.579 |
pH | -0.079 | 0.755 |
速效P Available P | 0.654 | -0.469 |
碱解N Available N | 0.977 | -0.030 |
有机质 Organic matter | 0.944 | 0.204 |
特征值 Eigenvalue (λ) | 2.841 | 2.037 |
贡献率 Contribution rate (%) | 47.353 | 33.942 |
因素 Factor | 模型名称 Model name | 回归方程 Regression equation | 修正R2 Amendment R2 |
孢子密度与碱解N Spore density and available N | Quadratic | y = 2.745x2-99.279x+984.68 | 0.765 |
丰度与碱解N Richness and available N | Power | y = 181.017x-0.904 | 0.682 |
均匀度与碱解N Evenness and available N | Quadratic | y = 7.023×10-5x2-0.004x+0.967 | 0.643 |
Shannon多样性指数与碱解N Shannon diversity index and available N | Power | y = 6.239x-0.335 | 0.716 |
Simpson多样性指数与碱解N Simpson diversity index and available N | Cubic | y = 4.720×10-6x3-0.008x+1.013 | 0.786 |
Table 7 The models of curve estimation regression
因素 Factor | 模型名称 Model name | 回归方程 Regression equation | 修正R2 Amendment R2 |
孢子密度与碱解N Spore density and available N | Quadratic | y = 2.745x2-99.279x+984.68 | 0.765 |
丰度与碱解N Richness and available N | Power | y = 181.017x-0.904 | 0.682 |
均匀度与碱解N Evenness and available N | Quadratic | y = 7.023×10-5x2-0.004x+0.967 | 0.643 |
Shannon多样性指数与碱解N Shannon diversity index and available N | Power | y = 6.239x-0.335 | 0.716 |
Simpson多样性指数与碱解N Simpson diversity index and available N | Cubic | y = 4.720×10-6x3-0.008x+1.013 | 0.786 |
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