Biodiv Sci ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 22319. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022319
• Technology and Methodologies • Previous Articles Next Articles
Zhaocheng Li1,2, Yanxuedan Zhang2,*()
Yanxuedan Zhang
Zhaocheng Li, Yanxuedan Zhang. Applying a new valuation method for endangered species based on extinction risk evaluation and population growth to wildlife related judicial practice[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2023, 31(3): 22319.
纲 Class | 目 Order | 科 Family | 物种 Species | 《评估办法》规定的基准价值计算方法 Method to calculate basic value in the Valuation Method | 基准价值(元/尾) Basic value (Yuan per tail) |
哺乳纲 Mammalia | 鲸目 Cetacea | 恒河豚科 Platanistidae | 恒河豚 Platanista gangetica | 鲸目其他种 Other species of Cetacea | 50,000 |
两栖纲 Amphibia | 有尾目 Caudata | 小鲵科 Hynobiidae | 安吉小鲵 Hynobius amjiensis 中国小鲵 Hynobius chinensis | 有尾目其他种 Other species of Caudata | 300 |
挂榜山小鲵 Hynobius guabangshanensis | |||||
猫儿山小鲵 Hynobius maoershanensis | |||||
普雄原鲵 Protohynobius puxiongensis | |||||
辽宁爪鲵 Onychodactylus zhaoermii | |||||
辐鳍亚纲 Actinopteri | 鲟形目 Acipenseriformes | 鲟科 Acipenseridae | 鳇 Huso dauricus | 鲟形目其他所有种 Other species of Acipenseriformes | 5,000 (成体 Adult) 2,000 (卵 Spawn) |
Table 1 New Class I aquatic species in National List with roughly provided basic value in 2021 National List
纲 Class | 目 Order | 科 Family | 物种 Species | 《评估办法》规定的基准价值计算方法 Method to calculate basic value in the Valuation Method | 基准价值(元/尾) Basic value (Yuan per tail) |
哺乳纲 Mammalia | 鲸目 Cetacea | 恒河豚科 Platanistidae | 恒河豚 Platanista gangetica | 鲸目其他种 Other species of Cetacea | 50,000 |
两栖纲 Amphibia | 有尾目 Caudata | 小鲵科 Hynobiidae | 安吉小鲵 Hynobius amjiensis 中国小鲵 Hynobius chinensis | 有尾目其他种 Other species of Caudata | 300 |
挂榜山小鲵 Hynobius guabangshanensis | |||||
猫儿山小鲵 Hynobius maoershanensis | |||||
普雄原鲵 Protohynobius puxiongensis | |||||
辽宁爪鲵 Onychodactylus zhaoermii | |||||
辐鳍亚纲 Actinopteri | 鲟形目 Acipenseriformes | 鲟科 Acipenseridae | 鳇 Huso dauricus | 鲟形目其他所有种 Other species of Acipenseriformes | 5,000 (成体 Adult) 2,000 (卵 Spawn) |
纲 Class | 目 Order | 科 Family | 种(类)数量 Number of species | 《评估办法》规定的基准价值计算方法 Method to calculate basic value in the Valuation Method | 基准价值(元/尾) Basic value (Yuan per tail) |
爬行纲 Reptilia | 龟鳖目 Testudines | 地龟科 Geoemydidae | 8 | 地龟科其他种 Other species of Geoemydidae | 500 |
有鳞目 Squamata | 瘰鳞蛇科 Acrochordidae | 1 | 蛇目所有种(仅瘰鳞蛇、水蛇及海蛇科) All species of Serpentes (only Acrochordidae, Homalopsidae and Hydrophiidae) | 300 | |
眼镜蛇科 Elapidae | 16 | ||||
两栖纲 Amphibia | 有尾目 Caudata | 小鲵科 Hynobiidae | 23 | 有尾目其他种 Other species of Caudata | 300 |
蝾螈科 Salamandroidae | 28 | ||||
无尾目 Anura | 叉舌蛙科 Dicroglossidae | 6 | 无尾目其他种 Other species of Anura | 100 | |
硬骨鱼纲 Osteichthyes | 鲟形目 Acipenseriformes | 鲟科 Acipenseridae | 4 | 鲟形目其他所有种 Other species of Acipenseriformes | 5,000 (成体 Adult) |
2,000 (卵 Spawn) | |||||
鲤形目 Cypriniformes | 鲤科 Cyprinidae | 32 | 鲤科其他种 Other species of Cyprinidae | 100 | |
海龙鱼目 Syngnathiformes | 海龙鱼科 Syngnathidae | 1 | 海马属其他种 Other species of Hippocampus | 30 | |
200 (克氏海马 Hippocampus kelloggi) | |||||
双壳纲 Bivalvia | 帘蛤目 Veneroida | 砗磲科 Tridacnidae | 5 | 砗磲科其他种 Other species of Tridacnidae | 200 |
珊瑚纲 Anthozoa | 软珊瑚目 Alcyonacea | 笙珊瑚科 Tubiporidae | 1 | 珊瑚类其他种 Other species of Anthozoa | 500 Yuan/kg |
竹节柳珊瑚科 Isididae | 3 | ||||
角珊瑚目所有种 Antipatharia spp. | 1 | ||||
石珊瑚目所有种 Scleractinia spp. | 1 | ||||
苍珊瑚科所有种 Helioporidae spp. | 1 |
Table 2 New Class II aquatic species with roughly provided basic value in 2021 National List
纲 Class | 目 Order | 科 Family | 种(类)数量 Number of species | 《评估办法》规定的基准价值计算方法 Method to calculate basic value in the Valuation Method | 基准价值(元/尾) Basic value (Yuan per tail) |
爬行纲 Reptilia | 龟鳖目 Testudines | 地龟科 Geoemydidae | 8 | 地龟科其他种 Other species of Geoemydidae | 500 |
有鳞目 Squamata | 瘰鳞蛇科 Acrochordidae | 1 | 蛇目所有种(仅瘰鳞蛇、水蛇及海蛇科) All species of Serpentes (only Acrochordidae, Homalopsidae and Hydrophiidae) | 300 | |
眼镜蛇科 Elapidae | 16 | ||||
两栖纲 Amphibia | 有尾目 Caudata | 小鲵科 Hynobiidae | 23 | 有尾目其他种 Other species of Caudata | 300 |
蝾螈科 Salamandroidae | 28 | ||||
无尾目 Anura | 叉舌蛙科 Dicroglossidae | 6 | 无尾目其他种 Other species of Anura | 100 | |
硬骨鱼纲 Osteichthyes | 鲟形目 Acipenseriformes | 鲟科 Acipenseridae | 4 | 鲟形目其他所有种 Other species of Acipenseriformes | 5,000 (成体 Adult) |
2,000 (卵 Spawn) | |||||
鲤形目 Cypriniformes | 鲤科 Cyprinidae | 32 | 鲤科其他种 Other species of Cyprinidae | 100 | |
海龙鱼目 Syngnathiformes | 海龙鱼科 Syngnathidae | 1 | 海马属其他种 Other species of Hippocampus | 30 | |
200 (克氏海马 Hippocampus kelloggi) | |||||
双壳纲 Bivalvia | 帘蛤目 Veneroida | 砗磲科 Tridacnidae | 5 | 砗磲科其他种 Other species of Tridacnidae | 200 |
珊瑚纲 Anthozoa | 软珊瑚目 Alcyonacea | 笙珊瑚科 Tubiporidae | 1 | 珊瑚类其他种 Other species of Anthozoa | 500 Yuan/kg |
竹节柳珊瑚科 Isididae | 3 | ||||
角珊瑚目所有种 Antipatharia spp. | 1 | ||||
石珊瑚目所有种 Scleractinia spp. | 1 | ||||
苍珊瑚科所有种 Helioporidae spp. | 1 |
物种分类 Classification | 国家I级或II级重点保护动物 Class I or II of species for protection in National List | 物种数 No. of species | 新增未核定价值 的物种在名录中 同科物种中占比 Percentage of new species with no basic value in the same family under the National List (%) | 新增未核定 价值的科在 名录中同目 中占比 Percentage of new families in the same order under the National List (%) | 评估困 难程度 Difficulties for valuation | |||||||||
脊索动物门 Chordata | 爬行纲 Reptilia | 龟鳖目 Testudines | 平胸龟科 Platysternidae | II | 1 | 100 | 12.50 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||
圆口纲 Cyclostomata | 七鳃鳗目 Petromyzontiformes | 七鳃鳗科 Petromyzonidae | II | 3 | 100 | 100 | 四级 Level 4 | |||||||
软骨鱼纲 Chondrichthyes | 鲼目 Myliobatiformes | 魟科 Dasyatidae | II | 1 | 100 | 33.30 | 二级 Level 2 | |||||||
硬骨鱼纲 Osteichthyes | 鲱形目 Clupeiformes | 鲱科 Clupeidae | I | 1 | 100 | 100 | 三级 Level 3 | |||||||
鲇形目 Siluriformes | ![]() Pangasiidae | I | 1 | 100 | 100 | 三级 Level 3 | ||||||||
鲿科 Bagridae | II | 1 | 100 | 三级 Level 3 | ||||||||||
鲇科 Siluridae | II | 1 | 100 | 三级 Level 3 | ||||||||||
钝头鮠科 Amblycipitidae | II | 1 | 100 | 三级 Level 3 | ||||||||||
鮡科 Sisoridae | II | 6 | 100 | 三级 Level 3 | ||||||||||
鲤形目 Cypriniformes | 双孔鱼科 Gyrinocheilidae | II | 1 | 100 | 71.43 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||||
裸吻鱼科 Psilorhynchidae | II | 1 | 100 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||||||
鳅科 Cobitidae | II | 3 | 100 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||||||
条鳅科 Nemacheilidae | II | 4 | 100 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||||||
爬鳅科 Balitoridae | II | 1 | 100 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||||||
鲑形目 Salmoniformes | 鲑科 Salmonidae | II | 8 | 80 | 0 | 一级 Level 1 | ||||||||
物种分类 Classification | 国家I级或II级重点保护动物 Class I or II of species for protection in National List | 物种数 Species | 新增未核定价值 的物种在名录中 同科物种中占比 Percentage of new species with no basic value in the same family under the National List (%) | 新增未核定 价值的科在 名录中同目 中占比 Percentage of new families in the same order under the National List (%) | 评估困 难程度 Difficulties for valuation | |||||||||
半索动物门 Hemichordata | 肠鳃纲 Enteropneusta | 柱头虫目 Balanoglossida | 殖翼柱头虫科 Ptychoderidae | II | 4 | 80 | 50 | 一级 Level 1 | ||||||
史氏柱头虫科 Spengeliidae | II | 1 | 100 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||||||
节肢动物门 Arthropoda | 肢口纲 Merostomata | 剑尾目 Xiphosura | 鲎科 Tachypleidae | II | 2 | 100 | 100 | 五级 Level 5 | ||||||
软甲纲 Malacostraca | 十足目 Decapoda | 龙虾科 Palinuridae | II | 1 | 100 | 100 | 五级 Level 5 | |||||||
软体动物门 Mollusca | 双壳纲 Bivalvia | 蚌目 Unionoida | 珍珠蚌科 Margaritanidae | II | 1 | 100 | 100 | 四级 Level 4 | ||||||
蚌科 Unionidae | II | 4 | 100 | 四级 Level 4 | ||||||||||
截蛏科 Solecurtidae | II | 2 | 100 | 四级 Level 4 | ||||||||||
腹足纲 Gastropoda | 中腹足目 Mesogastropoda | 田螺科 Viviparidae | II | 1 | 100 | 50 | 二级 Level 2 | |||||||
法螺科 Charoniidae | II | 1 | 100 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||||||
原始腹足目 Archaeogastropoda | 蝾螺科 Turbinidae | II | 1 | 100 | 100 | 三级 Level 3 | ||||||||
刺胞动物门 Cnidaria | 水螅纲 Hydrozoa | 花裸螅目 Anthoathecata | 多孔螅科 Milleporidae | II | 7 | 100 | 100 | 四级 Level 4 | ||||||
柱星螅科 Stylasteridae | II | 8 | 100 | 四级 Level 4 |
Table 3 Percentage of new species with no basic value and the difficulties for valuation
物种分类 Classification | 国家I级或II级重点保护动物 Class I or II of species for protection in National List | 物种数 No. of species | 新增未核定价值 的物种在名录中 同科物种中占比 Percentage of new species with no basic value in the same family under the National List (%) | 新增未核定 价值的科在 名录中同目 中占比 Percentage of new families in the same order under the National List (%) | 评估困 难程度 Difficulties for valuation | |||||||||
脊索动物门 Chordata | 爬行纲 Reptilia | 龟鳖目 Testudines | 平胸龟科 Platysternidae | II | 1 | 100 | 12.50 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||
圆口纲 Cyclostomata | 七鳃鳗目 Petromyzontiformes | 七鳃鳗科 Petromyzonidae | II | 3 | 100 | 100 | 四级 Level 4 | |||||||
软骨鱼纲 Chondrichthyes | 鲼目 Myliobatiformes | 魟科 Dasyatidae | II | 1 | 100 | 33.30 | 二级 Level 2 | |||||||
硬骨鱼纲 Osteichthyes | 鲱形目 Clupeiformes | 鲱科 Clupeidae | I | 1 | 100 | 100 | 三级 Level 3 | |||||||
鲇形目 Siluriformes | ![]() Pangasiidae | I | 1 | 100 | 100 | 三级 Level 3 | ||||||||
鲿科 Bagridae | II | 1 | 100 | 三级 Level 3 | ||||||||||
鲇科 Siluridae | II | 1 | 100 | 三级 Level 3 | ||||||||||
钝头鮠科 Amblycipitidae | II | 1 | 100 | 三级 Level 3 | ||||||||||
鮡科 Sisoridae | II | 6 | 100 | 三级 Level 3 | ||||||||||
鲤形目 Cypriniformes | 双孔鱼科 Gyrinocheilidae | II | 1 | 100 | 71.43 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||||
裸吻鱼科 Psilorhynchidae | II | 1 | 100 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||||||
鳅科 Cobitidae | II | 3 | 100 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||||||
条鳅科 Nemacheilidae | II | 4 | 100 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||||||
爬鳅科 Balitoridae | II | 1 | 100 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||||||
鲑形目 Salmoniformes | 鲑科 Salmonidae | II | 8 | 80 | 0 | 一级 Level 1 | ||||||||
物种分类 Classification | 国家I级或II级重点保护动物 Class I or II of species for protection in National List | 物种数 Species | 新增未核定价值 的物种在名录中 同科物种中占比 Percentage of new species with no basic value in the same family under the National List (%) | 新增未核定 价值的科在 名录中同目 中占比 Percentage of new families in the same order under the National List (%) | 评估困 难程度 Difficulties for valuation | |||||||||
半索动物门 Hemichordata | 肠鳃纲 Enteropneusta | 柱头虫目 Balanoglossida | 殖翼柱头虫科 Ptychoderidae | II | 4 | 80 | 50 | 一级 Level 1 | ||||||
史氏柱头虫科 Spengeliidae | II | 1 | 100 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||||||
节肢动物门 Arthropoda | 肢口纲 Merostomata | 剑尾目 Xiphosura | 鲎科 Tachypleidae | II | 2 | 100 | 100 | 五级 Level 5 | ||||||
软甲纲 Malacostraca | 十足目 Decapoda | 龙虾科 Palinuridae | II | 1 | 100 | 100 | 五级 Level 5 | |||||||
软体动物门 Mollusca | 双壳纲 Bivalvia | 蚌目 Unionoida | 珍珠蚌科 Margaritanidae | II | 1 | 100 | 100 | 四级 Level 4 | ||||||
蚌科 Unionidae | II | 4 | 100 | 四级 Level 4 | ||||||||||
截蛏科 Solecurtidae | II | 2 | 100 | 四级 Level 4 | ||||||||||
腹足纲 Gastropoda | 中腹足目 Mesogastropoda | 田螺科 Viviparidae | II | 1 | 100 | 50 | 二级 Level 2 | |||||||
法螺科 Charoniidae | II | 1 | 100 | 二级 Level 2 | ||||||||||
原始腹足目 Archaeogastropoda | 蝾螺科 Turbinidae | II | 1 | 100 | 100 | 三级 Level 3 | ||||||||
刺胞动物门 Cnidaria | 水螅纲 Hydrozoa | 花裸螅目 Anthoathecata | 多孔螅科 Milleporidae | II | 7 | 100 | 100 | 四级 Level 4 | ||||||
柱星螅科 Stylasteridae | II | 8 | 100 | 四级 Level 4 |
Fig. 2 Simplified wildlife population growth trend by applying logistic equation. The dash line at K indicates the maximum environmental capacity for the species; The dash line at K/2 indicates the population at the point of maximum population growth rate; Point A indicates the growth rate after being hunted; Point B indicates the growth rate before being hunted; Point C indicates the maximum population growth rate.
Fig. 3 Growth of species in number from damaged condition to sustainable level. Line A, B and C indicates the instantaneous growth trends at point A, B and C in Fig. 2 respectively; Line Ar indicates the population growth rate of the species returns to the original state of line A at time tr; Line Br indicates that the population growth trend of species returns to the sustainable growth trend of C at time tr; Vmax indicates the maximum growth rate of the species at time tr, which is represented by point h; VR indicates the maximal growth rate of the species at time t1, which is represented by point g; VS indicates the population growth rate of the species in the natural state at time t1, which is represented by point a; VCc indicates the population growth rate of the species after being damaged at time t1, which is represented by point b; The point h represents the population growth rate of the species returned to the original state, i.e. Vmax; The point c represents the species growth rate in the natural state at time tr; the point d represents the species growth rate of the species after being damaged at time tr; the point f in Fig. 3B indicates the growth rate of species without human intervention at the time tR; the point e indicates that the species growth rate returns to the sustainable growth rate Vmax at the time tR.
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