Biodiv Sci ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (3): 343-352. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.10288
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Zengxiang Qi1,2, Weihua Xu2,*(), Xingyao Xiong1, Zhiyun Ouyang2, Hua Zheng2, Dexin Gan1
Weihua Xu
Zengxiang Qi, Weihua Xu, Xingyao Xiong, Zhiyun Ouyang, Hua Zheng, Dexin Gan. Assessment of potential habitat for Ursus thibetanus in the Qinling Moun- tains[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2011, 19(3): 343-352.
准则层1 Rule layer 1 | 权重 Weight | 准则层2 Rule layer 2 | 权重 Weight | 准则层3 Rule layer 3 | 对总目标的权重 Weights for the target | 相对阻力 Relative resistance |
物理环境因子 Physical environment factors | 0.2120 | 坡度阻力因子 Resistance factor of slope (Rs) (°) | 0.4241 | >50 | 0.0899 | 400 |
40-50 | 300 | |||||
30-40 | 200 | |||||
21-30 | 100 | |||||
<21 | 50 | |||||
坡向阻力因子 Resistance factor of aspect (Ra) | 0.2214 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 0.0469 | 50 | ||
半阳半阴坡 Semi-sunny slope | 100 | |||||
阴坡 Cloudy slope | 200 | |||||
海拔阻力因子 Resistance factor of elevation (Re) (m) | 0.1640 | >2,200 | 0.0348 | 400 | ||
1,600-2,200 | 300 | |||||
1,150-1,600 | 200 | |||||
600-1,150 | 100 | |||||
<600 | 50 | |||||
到水体距离阻力因子 Resistance factor of distance to water (Rw) (m) | 0.1905 | >800 | 0.0404 | 400 | ||
600-800 | 300 | |||||
400-600 | 200 | |||||
200-400 | 100 | |||||
<200 | 50 | |||||
生物环境因子 Biological environment factors | 0.3162 | 土地利用类型阻力因子 Resistance factor of land use (Rl) | 0.3162 | 阔叶林 Broad-leaf forest | 0.3162 | 0 |
混交林 Mixed forest | 20 | |||||
针叶林 Coniferous forest | 50 | |||||
灌丛 Brushwood | 100 | |||||
草甸 Meadow | 150 | |||||
荒草地 Grassland | 200 | |||||
耕地 Cultivated land | 300 | |||||
水体 Water | 400 | |||||
居民地 Residential areas | 500 | |||||
人为干扰因子 Human disturbance factors | 0.4718 | 到主要公路距离阻力因子 Resistance factor of distance to main roads (Rr) (m) | 0.1483 | >1,000 | 0.0700 | 50 |
1,000-600 | 100 | |||||
600-300 | 200 | |||||
100-300 | 300 | |||||
<100 | 400 | |||||
居民点密度阻力因子 Resistance factor of residential density (Rj) | 0.5627 | >2.5 | 0.2655 | 500 | ||
1.0-2.5 | 400 | |||||
0.4-1.0 | 200 | |||||
0.08-0.4 | 100 | |||||
<0.08 | 50 | |||||
到耕地距离阻力因子 Resistance factor of distance to cultivated land (Rc) (m) | 0.2889 | >1,200 | 0.1363 | 50 | ||
1,200-800 | 100 | |||||
800-500 | 200 | |||||
500-100 | 300 | |||||
<100 | 400 |
Appendix I Resistance factors, values and weights of habitat for Ursus thibetanus
准则层1 Rule layer 1 | 权重 Weight | 准则层2 Rule layer 2 | 权重 Weight | 准则层3 Rule layer 3 | 对总目标的权重 Weights for the target | 相对阻力 Relative resistance |
物理环境因子 Physical environment factors | 0.2120 | 坡度阻力因子 Resistance factor of slope (Rs) (°) | 0.4241 | >50 | 0.0899 | 400 |
40-50 | 300 | |||||
30-40 | 200 | |||||
21-30 | 100 | |||||
<21 | 50 | |||||
坡向阻力因子 Resistance factor of aspect (Ra) | 0.2214 | 阳坡 Sunny slope | 0.0469 | 50 | ||
半阳半阴坡 Semi-sunny slope | 100 | |||||
阴坡 Cloudy slope | 200 | |||||
海拔阻力因子 Resistance factor of elevation (Re) (m) | 0.1640 | >2,200 | 0.0348 | 400 | ||
1,600-2,200 | 300 | |||||
1,150-1,600 | 200 | |||||
600-1,150 | 100 | |||||
<600 | 50 | |||||
到水体距离阻力因子 Resistance factor of distance to water (Rw) (m) | 0.1905 | >800 | 0.0404 | 400 | ||
600-800 | 300 | |||||
400-600 | 200 | |||||
200-400 | 100 | |||||
<200 | 50 | |||||
生物环境因子 Biological environment factors | 0.3162 | 土地利用类型阻力因子 Resistance factor of land use (Rl) | 0.3162 | 阔叶林 Broad-leaf forest | 0.3162 | 0 |
混交林 Mixed forest | 20 | |||||
针叶林 Coniferous forest | 50 | |||||
灌丛 Brushwood | 100 | |||||
草甸 Meadow | 150 | |||||
荒草地 Grassland | 200 | |||||
耕地 Cultivated land | 300 | |||||
水体 Water | 400 | |||||
居民地 Residential areas | 500 | |||||
人为干扰因子 Human disturbance factors | 0.4718 | 到主要公路距离阻力因子 Resistance factor of distance to main roads (Rr) (m) | 0.1483 | >1,000 | 0.0700 | 50 |
1,000-600 | 100 | |||||
600-300 | 200 | |||||
100-300 | 300 | |||||
<100 | 400 | |||||
居民点密度阻力因子 Resistance factor of residential density (Rj) | 0.5627 | >2.5 | 0.2655 | 500 | ||
1.0-2.5 | 400 | |||||
0.4-1.0 | 200 | |||||
0.08-0.4 | 100 | |||||
<0.08 | 50 | |||||
到耕地距离阻力因子 Resistance factor of distance to cultivated land (Rc) (m) | 0.2889 | >1,200 | 0.1363 | 50 | ||
1,200-800 | 100 | |||||
800-500 | 200 | |||||
500-100 | 300 | |||||
<100 | 400 |
生境类型 Habitat type | 斑块面积 Patch area (ha) | 斑块数目 Number of patches | 斑块密度 Patch density (个/100 ha) | 最大斑块指数Largest patch index | 平均斑块面积 Mean patch area (ha) |
适宜生境 Suitable | 1,108,441 | 9,481 | 0.857 | 40.355 | 116.637 |
不适宜生境 Unsuitable | 4,653,365 | 8,751 | 0.188 | 97.201 | 531.433 |
Table 1 Landscape pattern index of habitat types for Ursus thibetanus
生境类型 Habitat type | 斑块面积 Patch area (ha) | 斑块数目 Number of patches | 斑块密度 Patch density (个/100 ha) | 最大斑块指数Largest patch index | 平均斑块面积 Mean patch area (ha) |
适宜生境 Suitable | 1,108,441 | 9,481 | 0.857 | 40.355 | 116.637 |
不适宜生境 Unsuitable | 4,653,365 | 8,751 | 0.188 | 97.201 | 531.433 |
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