Biodiv Sci ›› 2009, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 340-352. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2009.09115
Special Issue: 保护生物学: 现状和挑战; 生物入侵
• Special Issue • Previous Articles Next Articles
Yulong Feng1,*(), Zhiyong Liao1,2, Ru Zhang1,2, Yulong Zheng1,2, Yangping Li1, Yanbao Lei1
Yulong Feng
Yulong Feng, Zhiyong Liao, Ru Zhang, Yulong Zheng, Yangping Li, Yanbao Lei. Adaptive evolution in response to environmental gradients and enemy release in invasive alien plant species[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2009, 17(4): 340-352.
特性 Characteristics | EICA假说 EICA Hypothesis | 修正的EICA假说 The Refinement of EICA Hypothesis | 氮分配的进化假说 The Hypothesis of the Evolution of Nitrogen Allocation |
是否区分专性天敌和广谱天敌的作用 Whether differentiate the roles of specialist and generalist enemies | 不区分 Not differentiate | 区分 Differentiate | 区分 Differentiate |
逃逸的天敌类型 Types of enemies escaped by invasive plants | 专性天敌和广谱天敌Specialists and generalists | 专性天敌 Specialists | 专性天敌和广谱天敌(不总是) Specialists and generalists (not always) |
专性天敌抗性(量的防御物质含量)的变化 Changes in resistance to specialists (contents of chemicals related to quantitative defense) | 降低 Decrease | 降低 Decrease | 降低 Decrease |
广谱天敌抗性(质的防御物质含量)的变化 Changes in resistance to generalists (contents of chemicals related to qualitative defense) | 降低 Decrease | 升高 Increase | 降低(当天敌不危害入侵种时)或升高(当天敌危害入侵种时) Decrease (when enemies do not attack invaders) or increase (when enemies attack invaders) |
竞争能力的变化 Changes in competitive ability | 升高 Increase | 升高 Increase | 升高 Increase |
再分配的资源 Resources reallocated | 生物量(碳和能量) Biomass (carbon and energy) | 生物量(碳和能量) Biomass (carbon and energy) | 氮 Nitrogen |
分配的部位 Where allocated | “生长”和“防御” “Growth” and “Defenses” | “生长”和“防御” “Growth” and “Defenses” | 叶绿体、细胞壁中的蛋白质、含氮化学防御物质 Chloroplast, proteins in cell walls, and nitrogen-based defensive chemicals |
是否阐明竞争能力提高的机制 Whether elucidate the mechanisms underlying increased competitive ability | 未阐明 Not elucidate | 未阐明 Not elucidate | 阐明了,即通过提高资源捕获能力和利用效率 Elucidate, i.e. via increasing resource capture ability and use efficiency |
Table 1 Comparisons among EICA Hypothesis, the Refinement of EICA Hypothesis, and the Hypothesis of the Evolution of Nitrogen Allocation
特性 Characteristics | EICA假说 EICA Hypothesis | 修正的EICA假说 The Refinement of EICA Hypothesis | 氮分配的进化假说 The Hypothesis of the Evolution of Nitrogen Allocation |
是否区分专性天敌和广谱天敌的作用 Whether differentiate the roles of specialist and generalist enemies | 不区分 Not differentiate | 区分 Differentiate | 区分 Differentiate |
逃逸的天敌类型 Types of enemies escaped by invasive plants | 专性天敌和广谱天敌Specialists and generalists | 专性天敌 Specialists | 专性天敌和广谱天敌(不总是) Specialists and generalists (not always) |
专性天敌抗性(量的防御物质含量)的变化 Changes in resistance to specialists (contents of chemicals related to quantitative defense) | 降低 Decrease | 降低 Decrease | 降低 Decrease |
广谱天敌抗性(质的防御物质含量)的变化 Changes in resistance to generalists (contents of chemicals related to qualitative defense) | 降低 Decrease | 升高 Increase | 降低(当天敌不危害入侵种时)或升高(当天敌危害入侵种时) Decrease (when enemies do not attack invaders) or increase (when enemies attack invaders) |
竞争能力的变化 Changes in competitive ability | 升高 Increase | 升高 Increase | 升高 Increase |
再分配的资源 Resources reallocated | 生物量(碳和能量) Biomass (carbon and energy) | 生物量(碳和能量) Biomass (carbon and energy) | 氮 Nitrogen |
分配的部位 Where allocated | “生长”和“防御” “Growth” and “Defenses” | “生长”和“防御” “Growth” and “Defenses” | 叶绿体、细胞壁中的蛋白质、含氮化学防御物质 Chloroplast, proteins in cell walls, and nitrogen-based defensive chemicals |
是否阐明竞争能力提高的机制 Whether elucidate the mechanisms underlying increased competitive ability | 未阐明 Not elucidate | 未阐明 Not elucidate | 阐明了,即通过提高资源捕获能力和利用效率 Elucidate, i.e. via increasing resource capture ability and use efficiency |
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