Biodiv Sci ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 376-384. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019116
Special Issue: 物种形成与系统进化
• Reviews • Previous Articles Next Articles
Jinyuan Su1,Yu Yan1,Chong Li2,Dan Li2,Fang K. Du1,*
Fang K. Du
Jinyuan Su, Yu Yan, Chong Li, Dan Li, Fang K. Du. Informing conservation strategies with genetic diversity in Wild Plant with Extremely Small Populations: A review on gymnosperms[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2020, 28(3): 376-384.
物种 Species | 研究方法 Methods | 主要结论 Main results | 文献 Reference |
杉科 Taxodiaceae | |||
水杉属 Metasequoia | |||
水杉 M. glyptostroboides | RAPD | 恢复种群依然未保留足够的遗传多样性, 建议未来迁地保护 Restored populations are lack of sufficient genetic diversity, requiring future ex situ conservation | Li et al, 2005 |
松科 Pinaceae | |||
银杉属 Cathaya | |||
银杉 C. argyrophylla | nDNA, mtDNA | 野生种群遗传多样性极低, 建议迁地保护及人工授粉 Low genetic diversity of wild populations, suggesting ex situ conservation and artificial pollination | Wang & Ge, 2006 |
冷杉属 Abies | |||
资源冷杉 A. ziyuanensis | cpDNA, mtDNA | 种群内遗传多样性低, 种群间遗传分化高, 建议就地保护成年树及幼苗 Low genetic diversity within populations and high genetic differentiation among populations, suggesting in situ protection of adult trees and seedlings | Peng et al, 2012 |
百山祖冷杉 A. beshanzuensis | |||
元宝山冷杉 A. yuanbaoshanensis | |||
梵净山冷杉 A. fanjingshanensis | |||
紫果冷杉 A. recurvata | |||
巴山冷杉 A. fargesii | |||
红豆杉科 Taxaceae | |||
穗花杉属 Amentotaxus | |||
穗花杉 A. argotaenia | cpDNA, mtDNA, nSSRs | 历史生境破碎化和近期生境退化降低了遗传多样性, 建议加强生境修复 Historical fragmentation and recent habitat degradation reduced genetic diversity, suggesting habitat restoration | Ge et al, 2015 |
台湾穗花杉 A. formosana | |||
云南穗花杉 A. yunnanensis | |||
A. poilanei | |||
红豆杉属 Taxus | |||
密叶红豆杉 T. contorta | cpDNA, nSSRs | 第四纪气候震荡导致低遗传多样性, 建议就地和迁地综合保护 Quaternary climatic oscillations resulted in low genetic diversity of species, suggesting in situ and ex situ conservation | Poudel et al, 2014 |
喜马拉雅红豆杉 T. wallichiana | |||
南方红豆杉 T. mairei | |||
东北红豆杉 T. cuspidata | cpDNA, mtDNA | 自然和移栽种群皆具高遗传多样性、无明显遗传结构和丰富基因流, 说明是 近期的致濒, 建议就地保护 High genetic diversity, lack of genetic structure, and extensive gene flow were detected in both natural and transplanted populations, indicating recently decrease of the species and suggesting in situ conservation | Su et al, 2018 |
麻黄科 Ephedraceae | |||
麻黄属 Ephedra | |||
草麻黄 E. sinica | cpDNA | 种群内遗传多样性高, 遗传分化显著, 建议保护物种遗传多样性 High genetic diversity within populations and significant genetic differentiation, suggesting gene conservation of species | Yin et al, 2016 |
中麻黄 E. intermedia | |||
苏铁科 Cycadaceae | |||
苏铁属 Cycas | |||
攀枝花苏铁 C. panzhihuaensis | AFLP | 野生和栽培种群遗传多样性高和遗传分化低, 建议加强迁地保护 High genetic diversity and low genetic differentiation within both wild and cultivated populations, requiring ex situ conservation | Yang et al, 2015 |
银杏科 Ginkgoaceae | |||
银杏属 Ginkgo | |||
银杏 G. biloba | cpDNA | 种群内遗传多样性高, 种群间基因交流频繁, 建议就地保护 High genetic diversity within populations and continual gene flow among populations, suggesting in situ conservation | Gong et al, 2008 |
罗汉松科 Podocarpaceae | |||
陆均松属 Dacrydium | |||
陆均松 D. pectinatum | ISSR | 岛屿种群遗传多样性高, 遗传分化低和基因流丰富, 建议就地保护 High genetic diversity, low genetic differentiation and high gene flow on island populations, suggesting in situ conservation | Su et al, 2010 |
Table 1 Summary of research on genetic diversity of Wild Plant with Extremely Small Populations (WPESP)
物种 Species | 研究方法 Methods | 主要结论 Main results | 文献 Reference |
杉科 Taxodiaceae | |||
水杉属 Metasequoia | |||
水杉 M. glyptostroboides | RAPD | 恢复种群依然未保留足够的遗传多样性, 建议未来迁地保护 Restored populations are lack of sufficient genetic diversity, requiring future ex situ conservation | Li et al, 2005 |
松科 Pinaceae | |||
银杉属 Cathaya | |||
银杉 C. argyrophylla | nDNA, mtDNA | 野生种群遗传多样性极低, 建议迁地保护及人工授粉 Low genetic diversity of wild populations, suggesting ex situ conservation and artificial pollination | Wang & Ge, 2006 |
冷杉属 Abies | |||
资源冷杉 A. ziyuanensis | cpDNA, mtDNA | 种群内遗传多样性低, 种群间遗传分化高, 建议就地保护成年树及幼苗 Low genetic diversity within populations and high genetic differentiation among populations, suggesting in situ protection of adult trees and seedlings | Peng et al, 2012 |
百山祖冷杉 A. beshanzuensis | |||
元宝山冷杉 A. yuanbaoshanensis | |||
梵净山冷杉 A. fanjingshanensis | |||
紫果冷杉 A. recurvata | |||
巴山冷杉 A. fargesii | |||
红豆杉科 Taxaceae | |||
穗花杉属 Amentotaxus | |||
穗花杉 A. argotaenia | cpDNA, mtDNA, nSSRs | 历史生境破碎化和近期生境退化降低了遗传多样性, 建议加强生境修复 Historical fragmentation and recent habitat degradation reduced genetic diversity, suggesting habitat restoration | Ge et al, 2015 |
台湾穗花杉 A. formosana | |||
云南穗花杉 A. yunnanensis | |||
A. poilanei | |||
红豆杉属 Taxus | |||
密叶红豆杉 T. contorta | cpDNA, nSSRs | 第四纪气候震荡导致低遗传多样性, 建议就地和迁地综合保护 Quaternary climatic oscillations resulted in low genetic diversity of species, suggesting in situ and ex situ conservation | Poudel et al, 2014 |
喜马拉雅红豆杉 T. wallichiana | |||
南方红豆杉 T. mairei | |||
东北红豆杉 T. cuspidata | cpDNA, mtDNA | 自然和移栽种群皆具高遗传多样性、无明显遗传结构和丰富基因流, 说明是 近期的致濒, 建议就地保护 High genetic diversity, lack of genetic structure, and extensive gene flow were detected in both natural and transplanted populations, indicating recently decrease of the species and suggesting in situ conservation | Su et al, 2018 |
麻黄科 Ephedraceae | |||
麻黄属 Ephedra | |||
草麻黄 E. sinica | cpDNA | 种群内遗传多样性高, 遗传分化显著, 建议保护物种遗传多样性 High genetic diversity within populations and significant genetic differentiation, suggesting gene conservation of species | Yin et al, 2016 |
中麻黄 E. intermedia | |||
苏铁科 Cycadaceae | |||
苏铁属 Cycas | |||
攀枝花苏铁 C. panzhihuaensis | AFLP | 野生和栽培种群遗传多样性高和遗传分化低, 建议加强迁地保护 High genetic diversity and low genetic differentiation within both wild and cultivated populations, requiring ex situ conservation | Yang et al, 2015 |
银杏科 Ginkgoaceae | |||
银杏属 Ginkgo | |||
银杏 G. biloba | cpDNA | 种群内遗传多样性高, 种群间基因交流频繁, 建议就地保护 High genetic diversity within populations and continual gene flow among populations, suggesting in situ conservation | Gong et al, 2008 |
罗汉松科 Podocarpaceae | |||
陆均松属 Dacrydium | |||
陆均松 D. pectinatum | ISSR | 岛屿种群遗传多样性高, 遗传分化低和基因流丰富, 建议就地保护 High genetic diversity, low genetic differentiation and high gene flow on island populations, suggesting in situ conservation | Su et al, 2010 |
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