Biodiv Sci ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 46-52. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2016324
• Original Papers: Plant Diversity • Previous Articles Next Articles
Xue Dayuan
Hua Shao, Dayuan Xue. Influence of traditional Wa culture on vegetable germplasm diversity in Yunnan Province[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2017, 25(1): 46-52.
种 Species | 地方名称 Local name | 科 Family | 食用部位 Edible parts | 食用方法 Edible methods |
羽叶金合欢 Acacia pennata | 臭菜 Plume acacia | 豆科 Leguminosae | 嫩茎叶、嫩梢 Tender leaf, stem and shoots | 凉拌、与鸡蛋炒食 Salad, fry with eggs |
刺五加 Acanthopanax trifoliatus | 刺五加 Trifoliate acanthopanax | 五加科 Araliaceae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 炒食 Fry |
楤木 Aralia chinensis | 刺老包 Chinese aralia | 五加科 Araliaceae | 嫩芽、叶 Tender leaf and bud | 炒食、凉拌 Fry, salad |
落葵 Basella alba | 木耳菜 White vinespinach | 落葵科 Basellaceae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 煮食、炒食、做汤 Boil, fry, soup |
白花羊蹄甲 Bauhinia acuminata | 大白花 Snowy bauhinia | 豆科 Leguminosae | 花 Flower | 开水漂洗后煮食、炒食 Boil, fry |
密蒙花 Buddleja officinalis | 染饭花 Pale butterflybush | 马钱科 Loganiaceae | 花 Flower | 黄色食品染料 A yellow dye for food dyeing |
番木瓜 Carica papaya | 木瓜 Papaya | 番木瓜科 Caricaceae | 果实、嫩茎叶、花序 Fruit, tender leaf, stem, inflorescence | 生食凉拌 Salad |
积雪草 Centella asiatica | 马蹄金 Asiatica pennywort | 伞形科 Umbelliferae | 全草 Whole plant | 生食、炒食或做汤 Raw eating, fry, soup |
水蕨 Ceratopteris thalictroides | 水蕨 Floating fern | 水蕨科 Parkeriaceae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 炒食 Fry |
野茼蒿 Crassocephalum crepidioides | 革命菜/民国菜 Redflower ragleaf | 菊科 Compositae | 嫩茎叶、幼苗 Tender leaf, stem and seedling | 炒食、煮食、凉拌 Fry, boil, salad |
树头菜 Crateva unilocularis | 鸡爪菜 Crateva | 山柑科 Capparaceae | 嫩叶和茎梢 Tender leaf and shoots | 炒食、凉拌 Fry, salad |
柠檬草 Cymbopogon citratus | 香茅草 Lemongrass | 禾本科 Gramineae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 香料 Spice |
树番茄 Cyphomandra betacea | 树番茄 Treetomao | 茄科 Solanaceae | 果实 Fruit | 生食、凉拌、炒食 Eat raw, salad, fry |
版纳甜龙竹 Dendrocalamus hamiltonii | 甜笋 Hamilton dendrocalamus | 禾本科 Gramineae | 初生、嫩肥、短壮的芽或鞭 Tender shoots | 凉拌、炒食、煮食 Salad, fry, boil |
水香薷 Elsholtzia kachinensis | 水香菜 Kachin elsholtzia | 唇形科 Labiatae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 生食或做汤 Eat raw, soup |
枇杷 Eriobotrya japonica | 枇杷 Loguat | 蔷薇科 Rosaceae | 叶 Leaf | 切丝生用 Shred and raw eating |
芝麻菜 Eruca sativa | 芝麻菜 Roquette | 十字花科 Cruciferae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 炒食 Fry |
刺芹 Eryngium foetidum | 阿佤芫荽 Foecid eryngo | 伞形科 Umbelliferae | 全株或嫩茎叶 Whole plant or tender leaf and stem | 佐料 Seasoning |
三桠苦 Evodia lepta | 小黄散 Thin evodia | 芸香科 Rutaceae | 叶 Leaf | 烘干后做汤 Drying for soup |
矮萱草 Hemerocallis nana | 黄花菜 Little daylily | 百合科 Liliaceae | 花 Flower | 炒食、煮食 Fry, boil |
蕺菜 Houttuynia cordata | 折耳根/鱼腥草 Heartleaf houttuynia | 三白草科 Saururaceae | 根茎、嫩茎叶 Root, stem and tender shoots | 凉拌、炒食、腌渍、煮汤 Salad, fry, pickle, soup |
马兰 Kalimeris indica | 鸡儿菜 India kalimeris | 菊科 Compositae | 嫩叶、幼苗 Tender leaf and seedling | 炒食、凉拌 Fry, salad |
山鸡椒 Litsea cubeba | 木姜子 Fragrant litse | 樟科 Lauraceae | 嫩茎叶、果实 Tender leaf, stem and fruit | 佐料 Seasoning |
杧果 Mangifera indica | 杧果 Mango | 漆树科 Anacardiaceae | 果实 Fruit | 生食、腌渍 Raw eating, pickle |
火烧花 Mayodendron igneum | 炮仗花 Brightred mayodendron | 紫葳科 Bignoniaceae | 鲜花 Fresh flower | 开水焯后炒食 Fry after boiling |
树头芭蕉 Musa wilsonii | 芭蕉 Wilson banana | 芭蕉科 Musaceae | 假茎和嫩叶、花序 Tender leaf, stem and inflorescence | 炒食 Fry |
水芹 Oenanthe javanica | 水芹菜/野芹菜 Bengal water dropwort | 伞形科 Umbelliferae | 嫩茎、叶柄、花茎 Tender leaf, stem, petiole and flower | 炒食、凉拌 Fry, salad |
木蝴蝶 Oroxylum indium | 海船 India trumpetflower | 紫葳科 Bignoniaceae | 花、幼嫩的果、嫩叶 Flower, tender leaf and fruit | 嫩叶焯水舂食、嫩果炒食或腌渍 Pound leaf, fry or pickle fruit |
海菜花 Ottelia acuminata | 海白菜 Yunnan ottelia | 水鳖科 Hydrocharitaceae | 花、嫩叶 Flower and tender leaf | 炒食 Fry |
连蕊藤 Parabaena sagittata | 犁板菜 Sagittate parabaena | 防己科 Menispermaceae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 炒食或做汤 Fry, soup |
黄花胡椒 Piper flaviflorum | 野芦子 Flaviflorum pepper | 胡椒科 Piperaceae | 老茎 Old stem | 佐料 Seasoning |
车前 Plantago asiatica | 车前草 Asiatic plantain | 车前科 Plantaginaceae | 幼株、嫩叶芽 Tender leaf, bud, whole plant | 凉拌、炒食、煮食 Salad, fry, boil |
苦竹 Pleioblastus amarus | 苦笋 Amarus pleioblastus | 禾本科 Gramineae | 初生、嫩肥、短壮的芽或鞭 Tender shoots | 凉拌、炒食、腌渍 Salad, fry, pickle |
种 Species | 地方名称 Local name | 科 Family | 食用部位 Edible parts | 食用方法 Edible methods |
鸡蛋花 Plumeria rubra Acutifolia | 马鹿角 Mexican frangipani | 夹竹桃科 Apocynaceae | 花、茎 Flower and stem | 花瓣炸食、茎枝切片与猪脚煮食 Fry petals, boil stem |
香蓼 Polygonum viscosum | 香蓼 Viscidhairy knotweed | 蓼科 Polygonaceae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 佐料 Seasoning |
马齿苋 Portulaca oleracea | 马齿苋 Purslane | 马齿苋科 Portulacaceae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 沸水焯水后凉拌、炒食 Salad, fry |
欧洲蕨 Pteridium aquilinum | 龙须菜 Bracken fern | 蕨科 Pteridiaceae | 嫩芽叶 Tender leaf and bud | 沸水焯水后凉拌、炒食 Salad, fry |
盐肤木 Rhus chinensis | 盐肤木 Chinese sumac | 漆树科 Anacardiaceae | 果实及嫩茎叶 Fruit, tender leaf and stem | 果实舂后泡水、凉拌菜的酸源 An acid source for salad |
千年不烂心 Solanum cathayanum | 苦子 Chinese nightshade | 茄科 Solanaceae | 果实 Fruit | 炒食 Fry |
野茄 Solanum coagulans | 苦茄 Wild nightshade | 茄科 Solanaceae | 果实 Fruit | 炒食 Fry |
刺天茄 Solanum indicum | 苦果 Indian nightshade | 茄科 Solanaceae | 果实 Fruit | 炒食 Fry |
龙葵 Solanum nigrum | 天茄子 Dwarf nightshade | 茄科 Solanaceae | 嫩叶 Tender leaf | 炒食 Fry |
少花龙葵 Solanum photeinocarpum | 苦凉菜 Violet nightshade | 茄科 Solanaceae | 幼苗、嫩茎叶 Tender bud, leaf and stem | 开水漂烫后凉拌、炒食、做汤 Salad, fry, soup |
水茄 Solanum torvum | 刺茄 Water nightshade | 茄科 Solanaceae | 嫩果实 Tender fruit | 炒食、油煎 Fry and oil fry |
苦苣菜 Sonchus oleraceus | 苦苦菜 Common sowthistle | 菊科 Compositae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 炒食、做汤 Fry, soup |
甘露子 Stachys sieboldii | 宝塔菜 Chinese artichoke | 唇形科 Labiatae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 炒食 Fry |
蒲公英 Taraxacum mongolicum | 蒲公英 Mongolian dandelion | 菊科 Compositae | 叶、根 Leaf and root | 凉拌、炒食、做汤 Salad, fry, soup |
苦果 Trevesia palmata | 刺通草 Himalayan trevesia | 五加科 Araliaceae | 嫩果实 Fruit | 嫩果水煮后捣烂食用 Boiled and pounded |
马鞭草 Verbena officinalis | 龙芽草 European verbena | 马鞭草科 Verbenaceae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 炒食、煮食 Fry, boil |
菰 Zizania latifolia | 茭白 Fewflower wildrice | 禾本科 Gramineae | 肉质茎 Succulent stem | 炒食或凉拌 Fry, salad |
Table 1 List of the wild vegetable resources used by Wa people
种 Species | 地方名称 Local name | 科 Family | 食用部位 Edible parts | 食用方法 Edible methods |
羽叶金合欢 Acacia pennata | 臭菜 Plume acacia | 豆科 Leguminosae | 嫩茎叶、嫩梢 Tender leaf, stem and shoots | 凉拌、与鸡蛋炒食 Salad, fry with eggs |
刺五加 Acanthopanax trifoliatus | 刺五加 Trifoliate acanthopanax | 五加科 Araliaceae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 炒食 Fry |
楤木 Aralia chinensis | 刺老包 Chinese aralia | 五加科 Araliaceae | 嫩芽、叶 Tender leaf and bud | 炒食、凉拌 Fry, salad |
落葵 Basella alba | 木耳菜 White vinespinach | 落葵科 Basellaceae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 煮食、炒食、做汤 Boil, fry, soup |
白花羊蹄甲 Bauhinia acuminata | 大白花 Snowy bauhinia | 豆科 Leguminosae | 花 Flower | 开水漂洗后煮食、炒食 Boil, fry |
密蒙花 Buddleja officinalis | 染饭花 Pale butterflybush | 马钱科 Loganiaceae | 花 Flower | 黄色食品染料 A yellow dye for food dyeing |
番木瓜 Carica papaya | 木瓜 Papaya | 番木瓜科 Caricaceae | 果实、嫩茎叶、花序 Fruit, tender leaf, stem, inflorescence | 生食凉拌 Salad |
积雪草 Centella asiatica | 马蹄金 Asiatica pennywort | 伞形科 Umbelliferae | 全草 Whole plant | 生食、炒食或做汤 Raw eating, fry, soup |
水蕨 Ceratopteris thalictroides | 水蕨 Floating fern | 水蕨科 Parkeriaceae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 炒食 Fry |
野茼蒿 Crassocephalum crepidioides | 革命菜/民国菜 Redflower ragleaf | 菊科 Compositae | 嫩茎叶、幼苗 Tender leaf, stem and seedling | 炒食、煮食、凉拌 Fry, boil, salad |
树头菜 Crateva unilocularis | 鸡爪菜 Crateva | 山柑科 Capparaceae | 嫩叶和茎梢 Tender leaf and shoots | 炒食、凉拌 Fry, salad |
柠檬草 Cymbopogon citratus | 香茅草 Lemongrass | 禾本科 Gramineae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 香料 Spice |
树番茄 Cyphomandra betacea | 树番茄 Treetomao | 茄科 Solanaceae | 果实 Fruit | 生食、凉拌、炒食 Eat raw, salad, fry |
版纳甜龙竹 Dendrocalamus hamiltonii | 甜笋 Hamilton dendrocalamus | 禾本科 Gramineae | 初生、嫩肥、短壮的芽或鞭 Tender shoots | 凉拌、炒食、煮食 Salad, fry, boil |
水香薷 Elsholtzia kachinensis | 水香菜 Kachin elsholtzia | 唇形科 Labiatae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 生食或做汤 Eat raw, soup |
枇杷 Eriobotrya japonica | 枇杷 Loguat | 蔷薇科 Rosaceae | 叶 Leaf | 切丝生用 Shred and raw eating |
芝麻菜 Eruca sativa | 芝麻菜 Roquette | 十字花科 Cruciferae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 炒食 Fry |
刺芹 Eryngium foetidum | 阿佤芫荽 Foecid eryngo | 伞形科 Umbelliferae | 全株或嫩茎叶 Whole plant or tender leaf and stem | 佐料 Seasoning |
三桠苦 Evodia lepta | 小黄散 Thin evodia | 芸香科 Rutaceae | 叶 Leaf | 烘干后做汤 Drying for soup |
矮萱草 Hemerocallis nana | 黄花菜 Little daylily | 百合科 Liliaceae | 花 Flower | 炒食、煮食 Fry, boil |
蕺菜 Houttuynia cordata | 折耳根/鱼腥草 Heartleaf houttuynia | 三白草科 Saururaceae | 根茎、嫩茎叶 Root, stem and tender shoots | 凉拌、炒食、腌渍、煮汤 Salad, fry, pickle, soup |
马兰 Kalimeris indica | 鸡儿菜 India kalimeris | 菊科 Compositae | 嫩叶、幼苗 Tender leaf and seedling | 炒食、凉拌 Fry, salad |
山鸡椒 Litsea cubeba | 木姜子 Fragrant litse | 樟科 Lauraceae | 嫩茎叶、果实 Tender leaf, stem and fruit | 佐料 Seasoning |
杧果 Mangifera indica | 杧果 Mango | 漆树科 Anacardiaceae | 果实 Fruit | 生食、腌渍 Raw eating, pickle |
火烧花 Mayodendron igneum | 炮仗花 Brightred mayodendron | 紫葳科 Bignoniaceae | 鲜花 Fresh flower | 开水焯后炒食 Fry after boiling |
树头芭蕉 Musa wilsonii | 芭蕉 Wilson banana | 芭蕉科 Musaceae | 假茎和嫩叶、花序 Tender leaf, stem and inflorescence | 炒食 Fry |
水芹 Oenanthe javanica | 水芹菜/野芹菜 Bengal water dropwort | 伞形科 Umbelliferae | 嫩茎、叶柄、花茎 Tender leaf, stem, petiole and flower | 炒食、凉拌 Fry, salad |
木蝴蝶 Oroxylum indium | 海船 India trumpetflower | 紫葳科 Bignoniaceae | 花、幼嫩的果、嫩叶 Flower, tender leaf and fruit | 嫩叶焯水舂食、嫩果炒食或腌渍 Pound leaf, fry or pickle fruit |
海菜花 Ottelia acuminata | 海白菜 Yunnan ottelia | 水鳖科 Hydrocharitaceae | 花、嫩叶 Flower and tender leaf | 炒食 Fry |
连蕊藤 Parabaena sagittata | 犁板菜 Sagittate parabaena | 防己科 Menispermaceae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 炒食或做汤 Fry, soup |
黄花胡椒 Piper flaviflorum | 野芦子 Flaviflorum pepper | 胡椒科 Piperaceae | 老茎 Old stem | 佐料 Seasoning |
车前 Plantago asiatica | 车前草 Asiatic plantain | 车前科 Plantaginaceae | 幼株、嫩叶芽 Tender leaf, bud, whole plant | 凉拌、炒食、煮食 Salad, fry, boil |
苦竹 Pleioblastus amarus | 苦笋 Amarus pleioblastus | 禾本科 Gramineae | 初生、嫩肥、短壮的芽或鞭 Tender shoots | 凉拌、炒食、腌渍 Salad, fry, pickle |
种 Species | 地方名称 Local name | 科 Family | 食用部位 Edible parts | 食用方法 Edible methods |
鸡蛋花 Plumeria rubra Acutifolia | 马鹿角 Mexican frangipani | 夹竹桃科 Apocynaceae | 花、茎 Flower and stem | 花瓣炸食、茎枝切片与猪脚煮食 Fry petals, boil stem |
香蓼 Polygonum viscosum | 香蓼 Viscidhairy knotweed | 蓼科 Polygonaceae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 佐料 Seasoning |
马齿苋 Portulaca oleracea | 马齿苋 Purslane | 马齿苋科 Portulacaceae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 沸水焯水后凉拌、炒食 Salad, fry |
欧洲蕨 Pteridium aquilinum | 龙须菜 Bracken fern | 蕨科 Pteridiaceae | 嫩芽叶 Tender leaf and bud | 沸水焯水后凉拌、炒食 Salad, fry |
盐肤木 Rhus chinensis | 盐肤木 Chinese sumac | 漆树科 Anacardiaceae | 果实及嫩茎叶 Fruit, tender leaf and stem | 果实舂后泡水、凉拌菜的酸源 An acid source for salad |
千年不烂心 Solanum cathayanum | 苦子 Chinese nightshade | 茄科 Solanaceae | 果实 Fruit | 炒食 Fry |
野茄 Solanum coagulans | 苦茄 Wild nightshade | 茄科 Solanaceae | 果实 Fruit | 炒食 Fry |
刺天茄 Solanum indicum | 苦果 Indian nightshade | 茄科 Solanaceae | 果实 Fruit | 炒食 Fry |
龙葵 Solanum nigrum | 天茄子 Dwarf nightshade | 茄科 Solanaceae | 嫩叶 Tender leaf | 炒食 Fry |
少花龙葵 Solanum photeinocarpum | 苦凉菜 Violet nightshade | 茄科 Solanaceae | 幼苗、嫩茎叶 Tender bud, leaf and stem | 开水漂烫后凉拌、炒食、做汤 Salad, fry, soup |
水茄 Solanum torvum | 刺茄 Water nightshade | 茄科 Solanaceae | 嫩果实 Tender fruit | 炒食、油煎 Fry and oil fry |
苦苣菜 Sonchus oleraceus | 苦苦菜 Common sowthistle | 菊科 Compositae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 炒食、做汤 Fry, soup |
甘露子 Stachys sieboldii | 宝塔菜 Chinese artichoke | 唇形科 Labiatae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 炒食 Fry |
蒲公英 Taraxacum mongolicum | 蒲公英 Mongolian dandelion | 菊科 Compositae | 叶、根 Leaf and root | 凉拌、炒食、做汤 Salad, fry, soup |
苦果 Trevesia palmata | 刺通草 Himalayan trevesia | 五加科 Araliaceae | 嫩果实 Fruit | 嫩果水煮后捣烂食用 Boiled and pounded |
马鞭草 Verbena officinalis | 龙芽草 European verbena | 马鞭草科 Verbenaceae | 嫩茎叶 Tender leaf and stem | 炒食、煮食 Fry, boil |
菰 Zizania latifolia | 茭白 Fewflower wildrice | 禾本科 Gramineae | 肉质茎 Succulent stem | 炒食或凉拌 Fry, salad |
种名 Species | 地方品种名 Local cultivar names | 种名 Species | 地方品种名 Local cultivar names |
藠头 Allium chinense | 藠头 Rokkyo | 黄瓜 Cucumis sativus | 地黄瓜、爬架黄瓜、老鼠黄瓜 Ground cucumber, shelf cucumber, mouse-like cucumber |
苤菜 Allium hookeri | 苤菜 Hooker onion | 南瓜 Cucurbita moschata | 本地小南瓜、金瓜、老缅南瓜 Local small pumpkin, gold pumpkin, Laos-Burma pumpkin |
蒜 Allium sativum | 白皮蒜、永广大蒜、紫皮蒜 White garlic, Yongguang garlic, violet garlic | 薯蓣 Dioscorea batatas | 山药、细山药、紫山药 Chinese yam, thin Chinese yam, purple Chinese yam |
细香葱 Allium schoenoprasum | 小香葱 Small chive | 八角 Illicium verum | 八角 Anise |
韭 Allivm tuberosum | 细叶韭菜 Spire leek | 丝瓜 Luffa cylindrical | 本地丝瓜 Local towel gourd |
苋 Amaranthus tricolor | 薏米菜 Yimi edible amaranth | 番茄 Lycopersicon esculentum | 细番茄、小番茄 Thin tomato, small tomato |
花蘑芋 Amorphophallus konjac | 魔芋 Konjak | 薄荷 Mentha haplocalyx | 薄荷 Mint |
冬瓜 Benincasa hispida | 老缅冬瓜 Laos-Burma wax gourd | 苦瓜 Momordica charantia | 勐阿苦瓜 Menge bitter gourd |
节瓜 Benincasa hispida var. chiehqua | 小冬瓜 Small wax gourd | 荆芥 Nepeta cataria | 金戒子 Tenuifolia |
芥菜 Brassica juncea | 大青菜、佤族青菜、紫青菜 Chinese cabbage, Wa cabbage, violet cabbage | 紫苏 Perilla frutescens | 白苏子、黑苏子 White perilla, black perilla |
蕉芋 Canna edulis | 蕉芋 Banana-like taro | 豌豆 Pisum sativum | 豌豆 Pea |
朝天椒 Capsicum annuum var. conoides | 朝天辣、小寨辣 Upturned pepper, Xiaozhai pepper | 佛手瓜 Sechium edule | 佛手瓜 Chocho |
簇生椒 Capsicum annuum var. fasciculatum | 他朗辣子 Talang pepper | 茄子 Solanum melongena | 本地白茄、本地紫茄 Local white eggplant, local voilet eggplant |
小米辣 Capsicum frutescens | 白皮小米辣、小米辣、老鼠屎辣、涮涮辣 White pepper, Xiaomi pepper, mouse dung-like pepper, Shuanshuan pepper | 香椿 Toona sinensis | 香椿 Chinese toon |
芋 Colocasia esculenta | 班帅芋头、那卡大麻芋、紫芋 Banshuai taro, Naka big taro, violet taro | 豇豆 Vigna unguiculata | 本地豆角 Local cowpea |
大野芋 Colocasia gigantea | 滴水芋 Dishui taro | 花椒 Zanthoxylum bungeanum | 花椒 Pepper |
芫荽 Coriandrum sativum | 细叶芫荽 Spire Chinese parsley | 姜 Zingiber officinale | 黄姜 Yellow ginger |
Table 2 List of the germplasm resources of traditionally cultivated vegetables used by Wa people
种名 Species | 地方品种名 Local cultivar names | 种名 Species | 地方品种名 Local cultivar names |
藠头 Allium chinense | 藠头 Rokkyo | 黄瓜 Cucumis sativus | 地黄瓜、爬架黄瓜、老鼠黄瓜 Ground cucumber, shelf cucumber, mouse-like cucumber |
苤菜 Allium hookeri | 苤菜 Hooker onion | 南瓜 Cucurbita moschata | 本地小南瓜、金瓜、老缅南瓜 Local small pumpkin, gold pumpkin, Laos-Burma pumpkin |
蒜 Allium sativum | 白皮蒜、永广大蒜、紫皮蒜 White garlic, Yongguang garlic, violet garlic | 薯蓣 Dioscorea batatas | 山药、细山药、紫山药 Chinese yam, thin Chinese yam, purple Chinese yam |
细香葱 Allium schoenoprasum | 小香葱 Small chive | 八角 Illicium verum | 八角 Anise |
韭 Allivm tuberosum | 细叶韭菜 Spire leek | 丝瓜 Luffa cylindrical | 本地丝瓜 Local towel gourd |
苋 Amaranthus tricolor | 薏米菜 Yimi edible amaranth | 番茄 Lycopersicon esculentum | 细番茄、小番茄 Thin tomato, small tomato |
花蘑芋 Amorphophallus konjac | 魔芋 Konjak | 薄荷 Mentha haplocalyx | 薄荷 Mint |
冬瓜 Benincasa hispida | 老缅冬瓜 Laos-Burma wax gourd | 苦瓜 Momordica charantia | 勐阿苦瓜 Menge bitter gourd |
节瓜 Benincasa hispida var. chiehqua | 小冬瓜 Small wax gourd | 荆芥 Nepeta cataria | 金戒子 Tenuifolia |
芥菜 Brassica juncea | 大青菜、佤族青菜、紫青菜 Chinese cabbage, Wa cabbage, violet cabbage | 紫苏 Perilla frutescens | 白苏子、黑苏子 White perilla, black perilla |
蕉芋 Canna edulis | 蕉芋 Banana-like taro | 豌豆 Pisum sativum | 豌豆 Pea |
朝天椒 Capsicum annuum var. conoides | 朝天辣、小寨辣 Upturned pepper, Xiaozhai pepper | 佛手瓜 Sechium edule | 佛手瓜 Chocho |
簇生椒 Capsicum annuum var. fasciculatum | 他朗辣子 Talang pepper | 茄子 Solanum melongena | 本地白茄、本地紫茄 Local white eggplant, local voilet eggplant |
小米辣 Capsicum frutescens | 白皮小米辣、小米辣、老鼠屎辣、涮涮辣 White pepper, Xiaomi pepper, mouse dung-like pepper, Shuanshuan pepper | 香椿 Toona sinensis | 香椿 Chinese toon |
芋 Colocasia esculenta | 班帅芋头、那卡大麻芋、紫芋 Banshuai taro, Naka big taro, violet taro | 豇豆 Vigna unguiculata | 本地豆角 Local cowpea |
大野芋 Colocasia gigantea | 滴水芋 Dishui taro | 花椒 Zanthoxylum bungeanum | 花椒 Pepper |
芫荽 Coriandrum sativum | 细叶芫荽 Spire Chinese parsley | 姜 Zingiber officinale | 黄姜 Yellow ginger |
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