生物多样性 ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 303-313. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019194
Manling Wu1,Lan Yao1,*(),Xunru Ai1,Jiang Zhu1,Qiang Zhu1,Jin Wang1,Xiao Huang1,Jianfeng Hong2
Lan Yao
水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)原生种群天然更新困难, 为探究其原因是否与繁殖特性有关, 本文以其核心种质资源(40株个体)为对象, 通过对生境、母树个体和种子性状的调查, 并结合田间播种试验, 分析其繁殖特性。以方差分析检测不同母树个体间种子性状、发芽率和幼苗生长特征的差异; 采用相关性分析和多元线性回归模型分析个体性状对其种子、发芽率及幼苗生长的影响; 通过Logistic模型拟合, 分析幼苗生长的节律参数。结果显示: (1) 40株母树个体仅有7株产种, 产种率仅为17.50%, 且不同母树个体间产种量差异显著(P < 0.05)。(2)不同母树个体间的种子千粒重、种子发芽率、幼苗存活率和基径生长量均存在显著差异(P < 0.05)。(3) 7株母树个体种子的平均发芽率为19.73%, 幼苗平均存活率为73.42%, 不同母树之间差异显著(P < 0.05)。(4)母树个体的胸径与种子千粒重、种子发芽率呈显著负相关(P < 0.05), 种子发芽率与幼苗存活率呈极显著正相关(P < 0.001), 树高与幼苗存活率呈显著正相关(P < 0.05)、与幼苗基径呈极显著正相关(P < 0.001)。(5)母树树高对幼苗存活率有显著正效应(P < 0.05), 胸径对种子发芽率有显著负效应(P < 0.05)。(6)苗高、基径的生长符合“S”型生长曲线(R 2 ≥ 0.928)。水杉原生种群产种量低, 种子发芽率低、幼苗存活率较低, 且不同母树之间差异显著可能是造成其天然更新困难的原因。
吴漫玲, 姚兰, 艾训儒, 朱江, 朱强, 王进, 黄小, 洪建峰 (2020) 水杉原生种群核心种质资源的繁殖特性. 生物多样性, 28, 303-313. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019194.
Manling Wu, Lan Yao, Xunru Ai, Jiang Zhu, Qiang Zhu, Jin Wang, Xiao Huang, Jianfeng Hong (2020) The reproductive characteristics of core germplasm in a native Metasequoia glyptostroboides population. Biodiversity Science, 28, 303-313. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019194.
原始编号 Mother tree no. | 包含等位 基因个数 Number of alleles* | 分布特点 Distribution characteristics | 树高 Tree height (m) | 胸径 Diameter at breast height (cm) | 冠幅 Crown diameter (m2) | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 30 m范围内环境因素 Environmental factors within 30 m | 2017年产种量 Yield in 2017 | 备注 Remarks |
0628 | 11 | 集群 Cluster | 26 | 85.67 | 56.72 | 1,110 | 道路、水沟 Road and ditch | 未产种 No | |
0691 | 12 | 散生 Scattered | 31 | 59.55 | 56.72 | 1,160 | 荒土 Wasteland | 未产种 No | 断梢 Shoot break |
0713 | 9 | 散生 Scattered | 25 | 54.14 | 19.63 | 1,100 | 道路、河沟 Road and river ditch | 未产种 No | |
0723 | 12 | 散生 Scattered | 37 | 78.03 | 63.59 | 1,120 | 黄连 Coptis chinensis | 15.21 g | |
0732 | 11 | 散生 Scattered | 20 | 31.53 | 12.56 | 1,120 | 道路、河沟 Road and river ditch | 未产种 No | |
0735 | 10 | 散生 Scattered | 19 | 27.07 | 9.62 | 1,120 | 道路、河沟 Road and river ditch | 未产种 No | |
0744 | 14 | 集群 Cluster | 39 | 45.86 | 78.50 | 1,170 | 黄连 Coptis chinensis | 未产种 No | |
0745 | 11 | 集群 Cluster | 32 | 55.10 | 94.99 | 1,160 | 山坡、河沟 Hillside and river ditch | 未产种 No | |
0791 | 10 | 散生 Scattered | 24 | 63.69 | 113.04 | 1,190 | 水沟、油竹林 Ditch and Bambusa surrecta forest | 未产种 No | |
0815 | 10 | 集群 Cluster | 43 | 92.36 | 63.59 | 1,100 | 道路 Road | 未产种 No | |
0859 | 13 | 散生 Scattered | 28 | 61.78 | 28.26 | 1,140 | 苗圃地、房屋 Nursery and house | 未产种 No | |
0861 | 12 | 散生 Scattered | 26 | 46.50 | 23.75 | 1,140 | 竹林 Bamboo forest | 未产种 No | |
0950 | 13 | 集群 Cluster | 38 | 78.03 | 44.16 | 1,170 | 山林路边、荒地 Mountain roadside and wasteland | 未产种 No | |
0956 | 10 | 散生 Scattered | 32 | 54.14 | 38.47 | 1,190 | 水沟 Ditch | 未产种 No | |
0975 | 10 | 散生 Scattered | 24 | 64.01 | 33.17 | 1,140 | 苗圃地 Nursery | 未产种 No | 断梢 Shoot break |
0981 | 15 | 集群 Cluster | 37 | 81.85 | 56.72 | 1,130 | 黄连、水沟 Coptis chinensis and ditch | 未产种 No | |
0996 | 11 | 散生 Scattered | 37 | 69.11 | 50.24 | 1,140 | 水沟 Ditch | 未产种 No | 断梢 Shoot break |
1005 | 13 | 散生 Scattered | 30 | 62.74 | 38.47 | 1,130 | 金银花、土坎 Lonicera japonica and ridge | 未产种 No | |
1009 | 11 | 散生 Scattered | - | - | - | - | - | - | 已死亡 Dead |
1011 | 10 | 散生 Scattered | 39 | 76.11 | 56.72 | 1,170 | 水沟、道路 Ditch and road | 0.36 g | |
2415 | 10 | 散生 Scattered | 42 | 78.66 | 113.04 | 1,090 | 房屋、竹林 House and bamboo forest | 未产种 No | |
2416 | 12 | 散生 Scattered | 33 | 78.34 | 63.59 | 1,090 | 道路、牛圈 Road and bought | 未产种 No | |
2421 | 12 | 散生 Scattered | 29 | 84.39 | 188.60 | 1,120 | 道路、柳杉 Road and Cryptomeria fortunei | 未产种 No | |
4534 | 8 | 集群 Cluster | 30 | 76.43 | 44.16 | 1,103 | 307.45 g | ||
4541 | 12 | 集群 Cluster | 30 | 105.73 | 50.24 | 1,153 | 221.12 g | ||
4546 | 13 | 散生 Scattered | 30 | 123.25 | 153.86 | 1,036 | 道路、河流、农田、蚁害 Road, river, farmland and ant harm | 未产种 No | 10 m处分岔为两株, 根部外露 Two branches at 10 m, with exposed roots |
4562 | 14 | 集群 Cluster | 31 | 74.84 | 38.47 | 1,363 | 河流 River | 未产种 No | |
4566 | 14 | 集群 Cluster | 32 | 71.97 | 30.66 | 1,323 | 河流 River | 未产种 No | |
5235 | 14 | 集群 Cluster | 32 | 56.37 | 33.17 | 998 | 水沟 Ditch | 未产种 No | |
5581 | 12 | 集群 Cluster | 31 | 35.67 | 33.17 | 1,018 | 水沟、农田 Ditch and farmland | 未产种 No | |
5590 | 13 | 集群 Cluster | 32 | 62.10 | 56.72 | 1,006 | 房屋、道路、农田 House, road, farmland | 未产种 No | |
5614 | 15 | 集群 Cluster | 30 | 41.72 | 23.75 | 1,039 | 未产种 No | ||
5618 | 16 | 集群 Cluster | 33 | 48.41 | 33.17 | 1,040 | 未产种 No | ||
5637 | 13 | 集群 Cluster | 31 | 87.90 | 50.24 | 1,019 | 房屋、道路、农田、蚁害 House, road, farmland and ant harm | 未产种 No | |
5641 | 14 | 集群 Cluster | 27 | 57.32 | 44.16 | 1,067 | 水沟 Ditch | 未产种 No | |
5685 | 14 | 集群 Cluster | 36 | 78.66 | 113.04 | 1,073 | 河流 River | 440.40 g | |
5702 | 14 | 集群 Cluster | 31 | 52.87 | 23.75 | 1,040 | 道路、河流、农田 Road, river and farmland | 未产种 No | |
5705 | 13 | 集群 Cluster | 29 | 42.04 | 15.90 | 1,043 | 道路、河流、农田 Road, river and farmland | 728.64 g | |
5716 | 12 | 集群 Cluster | 29 | 49.04 | 19.63 | 1,061 | 水沟 Ditch | 未产种 No | |
5741 | 15 | 集群 Cluster | 32 | 72.61 | 50.24 | 1,213 | 河流 River | 1,213.28 g |
表1 40株水杉原生母树个体性状特征及产种情况
Table 1 Characteristics of individual traits and seed production of 40 Metasequoia glyptostroboides original mother trees
原始编号 Mother tree no. | 包含等位 基因个数 Number of alleles* | 分布特点 Distribution characteristics | 树高 Tree height (m) | 胸径 Diameter at breast height (cm) | 冠幅 Crown diameter (m2) | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 30 m范围内环境因素 Environmental factors within 30 m | 2017年产种量 Yield in 2017 | 备注 Remarks |
0628 | 11 | 集群 Cluster | 26 | 85.67 | 56.72 | 1,110 | 道路、水沟 Road and ditch | 未产种 No | |
0691 | 12 | 散生 Scattered | 31 | 59.55 | 56.72 | 1,160 | 荒土 Wasteland | 未产种 No | 断梢 Shoot break |
0713 | 9 | 散生 Scattered | 25 | 54.14 | 19.63 | 1,100 | 道路、河沟 Road and river ditch | 未产种 No | |
0723 | 12 | 散生 Scattered | 37 | 78.03 | 63.59 | 1,120 | 黄连 Coptis chinensis | 15.21 g | |
0732 | 11 | 散生 Scattered | 20 | 31.53 | 12.56 | 1,120 | 道路、河沟 Road and river ditch | 未产种 No | |
0735 | 10 | 散生 Scattered | 19 | 27.07 | 9.62 | 1,120 | 道路、河沟 Road and river ditch | 未产种 No | |
0744 | 14 | 集群 Cluster | 39 | 45.86 | 78.50 | 1,170 | 黄连 Coptis chinensis | 未产种 No | |
0745 | 11 | 集群 Cluster | 32 | 55.10 | 94.99 | 1,160 | 山坡、河沟 Hillside and river ditch | 未产种 No | |
0791 | 10 | 散生 Scattered | 24 | 63.69 | 113.04 | 1,190 | 水沟、油竹林 Ditch and Bambusa surrecta forest | 未产种 No | |
0815 | 10 | 集群 Cluster | 43 | 92.36 | 63.59 | 1,100 | 道路 Road | 未产种 No | |
0859 | 13 | 散生 Scattered | 28 | 61.78 | 28.26 | 1,140 | 苗圃地、房屋 Nursery and house | 未产种 No | |
0861 | 12 | 散生 Scattered | 26 | 46.50 | 23.75 | 1,140 | 竹林 Bamboo forest | 未产种 No | |
0950 | 13 | 集群 Cluster | 38 | 78.03 | 44.16 | 1,170 | 山林路边、荒地 Mountain roadside and wasteland | 未产种 No | |
0956 | 10 | 散生 Scattered | 32 | 54.14 | 38.47 | 1,190 | 水沟 Ditch | 未产种 No | |
0975 | 10 | 散生 Scattered | 24 | 64.01 | 33.17 | 1,140 | 苗圃地 Nursery | 未产种 No | 断梢 Shoot break |
0981 | 15 | 集群 Cluster | 37 | 81.85 | 56.72 | 1,130 | 黄连、水沟 Coptis chinensis and ditch | 未产种 No | |
0996 | 11 | 散生 Scattered | 37 | 69.11 | 50.24 | 1,140 | 水沟 Ditch | 未产种 No | 断梢 Shoot break |
1005 | 13 | 散生 Scattered | 30 | 62.74 | 38.47 | 1,130 | 金银花、土坎 Lonicera japonica and ridge | 未产种 No | |
1009 | 11 | 散生 Scattered | - | - | - | - | - | - | 已死亡 Dead |
1011 | 10 | 散生 Scattered | 39 | 76.11 | 56.72 | 1,170 | 水沟、道路 Ditch and road | 0.36 g | |
2415 | 10 | 散生 Scattered | 42 | 78.66 | 113.04 | 1,090 | 房屋、竹林 House and bamboo forest | 未产种 No | |
2416 | 12 | 散生 Scattered | 33 | 78.34 | 63.59 | 1,090 | 道路、牛圈 Road and bought | 未产种 No | |
2421 | 12 | 散生 Scattered | 29 | 84.39 | 188.60 | 1,120 | 道路、柳杉 Road and Cryptomeria fortunei | 未产种 No | |
4534 | 8 | 集群 Cluster | 30 | 76.43 | 44.16 | 1,103 | 307.45 g | ||
4541 | 12 | 集群 Cluster | 30 | 105.73 | 50.24 | 1,153 | 221.12 g | ||
4546 | 13 | 散生 Scattered | 30 | 123.25 | 153.86 | 1,036 | 道路、河流、农田、蚁害 Road, river, farmland and ant harm | 未产种 No | 10 m处分岔为两株, 根部外露 Two branches at 10 m, with exposed roots |
4562 | 14 | 集群 Cluster | 31 | 74.84 | 38.47 | 1,363 | 河流 River | 未产种 No | |
4566 | 14 | 集群 Cluster | 32 | 71.97 | 30.66 | 1,323 | 河流 River | 未产种 No | |
5235 | 14 | 集群 Cluster | 32 | 56.37 | 33.17 | 998 | 水沟 Ditch | 未产种 No | |
5581 | 12 | 集群 Cluster | 31 | 35.67 | 33.17 | 1,018 | 水沟、农田 Ditch and farmland | 未产种 No | |
5590 | 13 | 集群 Cluster | 32 | 62.10 | 56.72 | 1,006 | 房屋、道路、农田 House, road, farmland | 未产种 No | |
5614 | 15 | 集群 Cluster | 30 | 41.72 | 23.75 | 1,039 | 未产种 No | ||
5618 | 16 | 集群 Cluster | 33 | 48.41 | 33.17 | 1,040 | 未产种 No | ||
5637 | 13 | 集群 Cluster | 31 | 87.90 | 50.24 | 1,019 | 房屋、道路、农田、蚁害 House, road, farmland and ant harm | 未产种 No | |
5641 | 14 | 集群 Cluster | 27 | 57.32 | 44.16 | 1,067 | 水沟 Ditch | 未产种 No | |
5685 | 14 | 集群 Cluster | 36 | 78.66 | 113.04 | 1,073 | 河流 River | 440.40 g | |
5702 | 14 | 集群 Cluster | 31 | 52.87 | 23.75 | 1,040 | 道路、河流、农田 Road, river and farmland | 未产种 No | |
5705 | 13 | 集群 Cluster | 29 | 42.04 | 15.90 | 1,043 | 道路、河流、农田 Road, river and farmland | 728.64 g | |
5716 | 12 | 集群 Cluster | 29 | 49.04 | 19.63 | 1,061 | 水沟 Ditch | 未产种 No | |
5741 | 15 | 集群 Cluster | 32 | 72.61 | 50.24 | 1,213 | 河流 River | 1,213.28 g |
性状 Traits | 均值 ± 标准差 Mean ± SD | 最大值 Max. | 最小值 Min. | 变异系数 Coefficient of variation (CV, %) | F |
年龄 Age (yr) | 107.14 ± 35.57 | 160.00 | 75.00 | 33.19 | - |
树高 Tree height (m) | 33.29 ± 3.99 | 39.00 | 29.00 | 11.99 | - |
胸径 Diameter at breast height (cm) | 63.30 ± 19.97 | 123.25 | 27.07 | 29.96 | - |
冠幅 Crown diameter (m2) | 52.60 ± 39.18 | 188.60 | 9.62 | 69.38 | - |
鲜果千粒重 Cone thousand-grain weight (g) | 2,592.58 ± 617.62 | 3,798.85 | 1,957.90 | 23.82 | - |
种子千粒重 Seed thousand-grain weight (g) | 2.01 ± 0.41 | 2.56 | 1.47 | 20.40 | 22.402*** |
发芽率 Sprouting percentage (%) | 19.73 ± 5.12 | 26.67 | 10.56 | 25.95 | 19.144*** |
存活率 Survival rate (%) | 73.42 ± 19.30 | 100.00 | 44.11 | 26.29 | 4.539* |
基径 Base diameter (mm) | 1.51 ± 0.27 | 1.88 | 1.16 | 17.88 | 10.333*** |
苗高 Seedling height (mm) | 130.27 ± 18.80 | 168.60 | 112.43 | 14.13 | 2.645 |
表2 7株水杉原生母树个体性状特征及繁殖特性
Table 2 Individual traits and reproductive characteristics of seven Metasequoia glyptostroboides original mother trees
性状 Traits | 均值 ± 标准差 Mean ± SD | 最大值 Max. | 最小值 Min. | 变异系数 Coefficient of variation (CV, %) | F |
年龄 Age (yr) | 107.14 ± 35.57 | 160.00 | 75.00 | 33.19 | - |
树高 Tree height (m) | 33.29 ± 3.99 | 39.00 | 29.00 | 11.99 | - |
胸径 Diameter at breast height (cm) | 63.30 ± 19.97 | 123.25 | 27.07 | 29.96 | - |
冠幅 Crown diameter (m2) | 52.60 ± 39.18 | 188.60 | 9.62 | 69.38 | - |
鲜果千粒重 Cone thousand-grain weight (g) | 2,592.58 ± 617.62 | 3,798.85 | 1,957.90 | 23.82 | - |
种子千粒重 Seed thousand-grain weight (g) | 2.01 ± 0.41 | 2.56 | 1.47 | 20.40 | 22.402*** |
发芽率 Sprouting percentage (%) | 19.73 ± 5.12 | 26.67 | 10.56 | 25.95 | 19.144*** |
存活率 Survival rate (%) | 73.42 ± 19.30 | 100.00 | 44.11 | 26.29 | 4.539* |
基径 Base diameter (mm) | 1.51 ± 0.27 | 1.88 | 1.16 | 17.88 | 10.333*** |
苗高 Seedling height (mm) | 130.27 ± 18.80 | 168.60 | 112.43 | 14.13 | 2.645 |
年龄 Age | 树高 Tree height | 胸径 Diameter at breast height | 冠幅 Crown diameter | 鲜果千粒重 Cone thousand- grain weight | 种子千粒重 Seed thousand- grain weight | 发芽率 Sprouting percentage | 存活率 Survival rate | 基径 Base diameter | 苗高 Seedling height | |
年龄 Age | 1 | |||||||||
树高 Tree height | 0.494 | 1 | ||||||||
胸径 Diameter at breast height | 0.047 | 0.149 | 1 | |||||||
冠幅 Crown diameter | 0.120 | 0.643 | 0.534 | 1 | ||||||
鲜果千粒重 Cone thousand-grain weight | -0.245 | 0.150 | -0.221 | 0.543 | 1 | |||||
种子千粒重 Seed thousand-grain weight | -0.159 | 0.225 | -0.732 | 0.001 | 0.677 | 1 | ||||
发芽率 Sprouting percentage | -0.468 | -0.533 | -0.843* | -0.607 | 0.305 | 0.659 | 1 | |||
存活率 Survival rate | 0.403 | 0.852* | 0.541 | 0.588 | -0.213 | -0.230 | -0.786* | 1 | ||
基径 Base diameter | 0.449 | 0.878** | 0.146 | 0.308 | -0.186 | 0.148 | -0.459 | 0.866* | 1 | |
苗高 Seedling height | 0.236 | 0.718 | 0.012 | 0.232 | 0.041 | 0.396 | -0.238 | 0.562 | 0.818* | 1 |
表3 7株水杉原生母树性状与繁殖特性之间的相关性
Table 3 Correlation between maternal traits and reproductive characteristics of seven Metasequoia glyptostroboides original mother trees
年龄 Age | 树高 Tree height | 胸径 Diameter at breast height | 冠幅 Crown diameter | 鲜果千粒重 Cone thousand- grain weight | 种子千粒重 Seed thousand- grain weight | 发芽率 Sprouting percentage | 存活率 Survival rate | 基径 Base diameter | 苗高 Seedling height | |
年龄 Age | 1 | |||||||||
树高 Tree height | 0.494 | 1 | ||||||||
胸径 Diameter at breast height | 0.047 | 0.149 | 1 | |||||||
冠幅 Crown diameter | 0.120 | 0.643 | 0.534 | 1 | ||||||
鲜果千粒重 Cone thousand-grain weight | -0.245 | 0.150 | -0.221 | 0.543 | 1 | |||||
种子千粒重 Seed thousand-grain weight | -0.159 | 0.225 | -0.732 | 0.001 | 0.677 | 1 | ||||
发芽率 Sprouting percentage | -0.468 | -0.533 | -0.843* | -0.607 | 0.305 | 0.659 | 1 | |||
存活率 Survival rate | 0.403 | 0.852* | 0.541 | 0.588 | -0.213 | -0.230 | -0.786* | 1 | ||
基径 Base diameter | 0.449 | 0.878** | 0.146 | 0.308 | -0.186 | 0.148 | -0.459 | 0.866* | 1 | |
苗高 Seedling height | 0.236 | 0.718 | 0.012 | 0.232 | 0.041 | 0.396 | -0.238 | 0.562 | 0.818* | 1 |
年龄 Age | 树高 Tree height | 胸径 Diameter at breast height | 冠幅 Crown diameter | |||||||||
回归系数 Regression coefficient | 决定系数 Determination coefficient | P | 回归系数 Regression coefficient | 决定系数 Determination coefficient | P | 回归系数 Regression coefficient | 决定系数 Determination coefficient | P | 回归系数 Regression coefficient | 决定系数 Determination coefficient | P | |
发芽率 Sprouting percentage | -0.14 | 0.06 | > 0.05 | -0.82 | -1.41 | > 0.05 | -0.48 | 0.65 | < 0.05 | -2.89 | 0.24 | > 0.05 |
存活率 Survival rate | 0.31 | 0.20 | > 0.05 | 3.94 | 0.60 | < 0.05 | 0.61 | 0.21 | > 0.05 | 5.00 | 0.19 | > 0.05 |
基径 Base diameter | 0.002 | -0.15 | > 0.05 | 0.05 | 0.50 | < 0.05 | 0.003 | -0.15 | > 0.05 | 0.03 | -0.11 | > 0.05 |
苗高 Seedling height | 0.02 | -0.20 | > 0.05 | 1.41 | -0.09 | > 0.05 | -0.37 | -0.05 | > 0.05 | -1.45 | -0.16 | > 0.05 |
表4 水杉原生母树性状对种子发芽和幼苗生长的影响
Table 4 Effects of mother tree traits on seed germination and seedling growth of Metasequoia glyptostroboides original mother trees
年龄 Age | 树高 Tree height | 胸径 Diameter at breast height | 冠幅 Crown diameter | |||||||||
回归系数 Regression coefficient | 决定系数 Determination coefficient | P | 回归系数 Regression coefficient | 决定系数 Determination coefficient | P | 回归系数 Regression coefficient | 决定系数 Determination coefficient | P | 回归系数 Regression coefficient | 决定系数 Determination coefficient | P | |
发芽率 Sprouting percentage | -0.14 | 0.06 | > 0.05 | -0.82 | -1.41 | > 0.05 | -0.48 | 0.65 | < 0.05 | -2.89 | 0.24 | > 0.05 |
存活率 Survival rate | 0.31 | 0.20 | > 0.05 | 3.94 | 0.60 | < 0.05 | 0.61 | 0.21 | > 0.05 | 5.00 | 0.19 | > 0.05 |
基径 Base diameter | 0.002 | -0.15 | > 0.05 | 0.05 | 0.50 | < 0.05 | 0.003 | -0.15 | > 0.05 | 0.03 | -0.11 | > 0.05 |
苗高 Seedling height | 0.02 | -0.20 | > 0.05 | 1.41 | -0.09 | > 0.05 | -0.37 | -0.05 | > 0.05 | -1.45 | -0.16 | > 0.05 |
母树编号 Mother tree no. | 拟合方程参数 Logistic equation parameters | |||||
生长极限 Growth limitation (k) | 待定系数 Undetermined coefficient (a) | 待定系数 Undetermined coefficient (b) | 决定系数 Determination coefficient (R2) | 检验值 Levene (F) | P | |
0723 | 481.375 | 4.633 | 0.037 | 0.991 | 1,283.823 | 0.001 |
1011 | 394.882 | 4.922 | 0.038 | 0.981 | 570.855 | 0.001 |
4534 | 251.838 | 4.352 | 0.041 | 0.928 | 142.671 | 0.001 |
4541 | 321.098 | 5.137 | 0.043 | 0.976 | 456.289 | 0.001 |
5685 | 333.246 | 4.585 | 0.038 | 0.953 | 222.561 | 0.001 |
5705 | 351.429 | 4.404 | 0.037 | 0.993 | 1,640.055 | 0.001 |
5741 | 318.744 | 4.126 | 0.036 | 0.937 | 165.176 | 0.001 |
表5 不同水杉母树幼苗苗高生长曲线方程的拟合参数
Table 5 Parameters of height-logistic-equation of different Metasequoia glyptostroboides mother trees
母树编号 Mother tree no. | 拟合方程参数 Logistic equation parameters | |||||
生长极限 Growth limitation (k) | 待定系数 Undetermined coefficient (a) | 待定系数 Undetermined coefficient (b) | 决定系数 Determination coefficient (R2) | 检验值 Levene (F) | P | |
0723 | 481.375 | 4.633 | 0.037 | 0.991 | 1,283.823 | 0.001 |
1011 | 394.882 | 4.922 | 0.038 | 0.981 | 570.855 | 0.001 |
4534 | 251.838 | 4.352 | 0.041 | 0.928 | 142.671 | 0.001 |
4541 | 321.098 | 5.137 | 0.043 | 0.976 | 456.289 | 0.001 |
5685 | 333.246 | 4.585 | 0.038 | 0.953 | 222.561 | 0.001 |
5705 | 351.429 | 4.404 | 0.037 | 0.993 | 1,640.055 | 0.001 |
5741 | 318.744 | 4.126 | 0.036 | 0.937 | 165.176 | 0.001 |
母树编号 Mother tree no. | 物候期参数 Phenophase parameters | 生长参数 Growth parameters | |||||
线性生长始期 Early stage of linear growth (d) | 线性生长末期 Final stage of linear growth (d) | 线性生长期 Stage of linear growth (d) | 最大线性生长速率 The maximum linear growth rate (mm/d) | 平均线性生长速率 Average linear growth rate (mm/d) | 线性生长量 Quantity of linear growth (mm) | 线性生长量占总 生长量的百分率 Linear growth as a percentage of total growth (%) | |
0723 | 89.622 | 160.811 | 71.189 | 4.453 | 3.958 | 277.922 | 59.13 |
1011 | 94.868 | 164.184 | 69.316 | 3.751 | 3.335 | 227.985 | 59.37 |
4534 | 74.024 | 138.268 | 64.244 | 2.581 | 2.295 | 145.399 | 57.62 |
4541 | 88.837 | 150.093 | 61.256 | 3.452 | 3.068 | 185.386 | 58.42 |
5685 | 86.000 | 155.316 | 69.316 | 3.166 | 2.814 | 192.400 | 60.06 |
5705 | 83.432 | 154.622 | 71.189 | 3.251 | 2.890 | 202.898 | 59.29 |
5741 | 78.028 | 151.194 | 73.167 | 2.869 | 2.550 | 184.027 | 55.71 |
表6 不同水杉母树苗高的物候期参数和生长参数
Table 6 Phenophase and growth parameters of different Metasequoia glyptostroboides mother trees
母树编号 Mother tree no. | 物候期参数 Phenophase parameters | 生长参数 Growth parameters | |||||
线性生长始期 Early stage of linear growth (d) | 线性生长末期 Final stage of linear growth (d) | 线性生长期 Stage of linear growth (d) | 最大线性生长速率 The maximum linear growth rate (mm/d) | 平均线性生长速率 Average linear growth rate (mm/d) | 线性生长量 Quantity of linear growth (mm) | 线性生长量占总 生长量的百分率 Linear growth as a percentage of total growth (%) | |
0723 | 89.622 | 160.811 | 71.189 | 4.453 | 3.958 | 277.922 | 59.13 |
1011 | 94.868 | 164.184 | 69.316 | 3.751 | 3.335 | 227.985 | 59.37 |
4534 | 74.024 | 138.268 | 64.244 | 2.581 | 2.295 | 145.399 | 57.62 |
4541 | 88.837 | 150.093 | 61.256 | 3.452 | 3.068 | 185.386 | 58.42 |
5685 | 86.000 | 155.316 | 69.316 | 3.166 | 2.814 | 192.400 | 60.06 |
5705 | 83.432 | 154.622 | 71.189 | 3.251 | 2.890 | 202.898 | 59.29 |
5741 | 78.028 | 151.194 | 73.167 | 2.869 | 2.550 | 184.027 | 55.71 |
母树编号 Mother tree no. | 拟合方程参数 Logistic equation parameters | |||||
生长极限 Growth limitation (k) | 待定系数 Undetermined coefficient (a) | 待定系数 Undetermined coefficient (b) | 决定系数 Determination coefficient (R2) | 检验值 Levene (F) | 显著水平 Significant level (P) | |
0723 | 8.454 | 4.277 | 0.028 | 0.983 | 634.530 | 0.001 |
1011 | 8.097 | 5.496 | 0.038 | 0.993 | 1,491.536 | 0.001 |
4534 | 5.286 | 3.280 | 0.019 | 0.981 | 581.010 | 0.001 |
4541 | 5.318 | 4.152 | 0.030 | 0.987 | 832.258 | 0.001 |
5685 | 4.356 | 4.672 | 0.037 | 0.985 | 716.288 | 0.001 |
5705 | 3.769 | 3.739 | 0.029 | 0.992 | 1,343.069 | 0.001 |
5741 | 3.702 | 3.565 | 0.029 | 0.988 | 915.982 | 0.001 |
表7 不同水杉母树幼苗基径生长曲线方程的拟合参数
Table 7 Parameters of base diameter-logistic-equation of different Metasequoia glyptostroboides mother trees
母树编号 Mother tree no. | 拟合方程参数 Logistic equation parameters | |||||
生长极限 Growth limitation (k) | 待定系数 Undetermined coefficient (a) | 待定系数 Undetermined coefficient (b) | 决定系数 Determination coefficient (R2) | 检验值 Levene (F) | 显著水平 Significant level (P) | |
0723 | 8.454 | 4.277 | 0.028 | 0.983 | 634.530 | 0.001 |
1011 | 8.097 | 5.496 | 0.038 | 0.993 | 1,491.536 | 0.001 |
4534 | 5.286 | 3.280 | 0.019 | 0.981 | 581.010 | 0.001 |
4541 | 5.318 | 4.152 | 0.030 | 0.987 | 832.258 | 0.001 |
5685 | 4.356 | 4.672 | 0.037 | 0.985 | 716.288 | 0.001 |
5705 | 3.769 | 3.739 | 0.029 | 0.992 | 1,343.069 | 0.001 |
5741 | 3.702 | 3.565 | 0.029 | 0.988 | 915.982 | 0.001 |
母树编号 Mother tree no. | 物候期参数 Phenophase parameters | 生长参数 Growth parameters | |||||
线性生长始期 Early stage of linear growth (d) | 线性生长末期 Final stage of linear growth (d) | 线性生长期 Stage of linear growth (d) | 最大线性生长速率 The maximum linear growth rate (mm/d) | 平均线性生长速率 Average linear growth rate (mm/d) | 线性生长量 Quantity of linear growth (mm) | 线性生长量占总 生长量的百分率 Linear growth as a percentage of total growth (%) | |
0723 | 105.714 | 199.786 | 94.071 | 0.059 | 0.053 | 4.881 | 63.23 |
1011 | 109.974 | 179.289 | 69.316 | 0.077 | 0.068 | 4.675 | 60.95 |
4534 | 103.316 | 241.947 | 138.632 | 0.025 | 0.022 | 3.052 | 79.07 |
4541 | 94.500 | 182.300 | 87.800 | 0.040 | 0.035 | 3.070 | 60.79 |
5685 | 90.676 | 161.865 | 71.189 | 0.040 | 0.036 | 2.515 | 58.90 |
5705 | 83.517 | 174.345 | 90.828 | 0.027 | 0.024 | 2.176 | 62.17 |
5741 | 77.517 | 168.345 | 90.828 | 0.027 | 0.024 | 2.137 | 60.88 |
表8 不同水杉母树基径的物候期参数和生长参数
Table 8 Phenophase and base diameter parameters of different Metasequoia glyptostroboides mother trees
母树编号 Mother tree no. | 物候期参数 Phenophase parameters | 生长参数 Growth parameters | |||||
线性生长始期 Early stage of linear growth (d) | 线性生长末期 Final stage of linear growth (d) | 线性生长期 Stage of linear growth (d) | 最大线性生长速率 The maximum linear growth rate (mm/d) | 平均线性生长速率 Average linear growth rate (mm/d) | 线性生长量 Quantity of linear growth (mm) | 线性生长量占总 生长量的百分率 Linear growth as a percentage of total growth (%) | |
0723 | 105.714 | 199.786 | 94.071 | 0.059 | 0.053 | 4.881 | 63.23 |
1011 | 109.974 | 179.289 | 69.316 | 0.077 | 0.068 | 4.675 | 60.95 |
4534 | 103.316 | 241.947 | 138.632 | 0.025 | 0.022 | 3.052 | 79.07 |
4541 | 94.500 | 182.300 | 87.800 | 0.040 | 0.035 | 3.070 | 60.79 |
5685 | 90.676 | 161.865 | 71.189 | 0.040 | 0.036 | 2.515 | 58.90 |
5705 | 83.517 | 174.345 | 90.828 | 0.027 | 0.024 | 2.176 | 62.17 |
5741 | 77.517 | 168.345 | 90.828 | 0.027 | 0.024 | 2.137 | 60.88 |
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