生物多样性 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 23484. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023484 cstr: 32101.14.biods.2023484
* E-mail: liqiaoxia8024@nwnu.edu.cn基金资助:
Qiaoxia Li*(), Youlong Li, Jigang Li, Chenlong Chen, Kun Sun
* E-mail: liqiaoxia8024@nwnu.edu.cn摘要:
两型闭花受精现象是指在植物个体发育的不同时期或不同部位会形成两种形态完全不同的花, 即异花传粉的开放花(chasmogamous flower, CH)与自花传粉的闭锁花(cleistogamous flower, CL)。维西堇菜(Viola monbeigii)与裂叶堇菜(V. dissecta)在早春时期为CH花, 夏季为CL花, 光周期可能调控着两种花型的发育。本研究对维西堇菜和裂叶堇菜不同光周期下的花型进行了形态观察与统计, 以探究光周期对两种花型发育的调控作用, 并阐明两种花型不同发育阶段的主要形态差异。结果表明: 维西堇菜和裂叶堇菜的CH和CL花的差异主要体现在花瓣与雄蕊的大小与数量、蜜腺体的有无、花丝长短、柱头有无弯曲等方面。CH花5个花瓣, 下花瓣有一长距, 5枚雄蕊, 花丝很短, 2枚雄蕊背部的蜜腺体伸入下花瓣形成的距中, 雌蕊花柱直立并高于雄蕊; CL花雄蕊2枚, 花丝较长, 无蜜腺体, 其余雄蕊与5个花瓣均为原基状, 雌蕊的柱头通常弯向2枚发育最好的雄蕊。另外存在着花瓣与雄蕊数量介于CH与CL花之间的过渡闭锁花(intermediate cleistogamous flower, inCL), 其花部特征与闭锁花一样, 花萼一直包裹着其他3轮花器官。中短日照(12 h及以下光照)下诱导的花芽大部分为CH花, 长日照(16 h光照)下诱导的大部分花芽为完全CL花。两个物种的CH花与CL花在4轮花器官原基形成后出现明显的形态差异, 并随着花芽发育的成熟, 形态差异更加明显。本研究揭示了光周期对维西堇菜与裂叶堇菜CH和CL花发育的调控作用, 阐明了CH与CL花出现明显差异的时期与具体形态差异, 为堇菜属两型闭花受精适应性进化研究提供了理论依据。
李巧峡, 李有龙, 李纪纲, 陈晨龙, 孙坤 (2024) 光周期调控维西堇菜与裂叶堇菜开放花和闭锁花的发育. 生物多样性, 32, 23484. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023484.
Qiaoxia Li, Youlong Li, Jigang Li, Chenlong Chen, Kun Sun (2024) Effects of photoperiods on the development of chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers in Viola monbeigii and V. dissecta. Biodiversity Science, 32, 23484. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023484.
图1 维西堇菜与裂叶堇菜开放花(CH)和闭锁花(CL)的表型变异。A‒G: 维西堇菜; A: CH花; B: CH花雄蕊; C: CH花雌蕊; D: inCL花; E: CL花; F: CL花雄蕊; G: CL花雌蕊。H‒N: 裂叶堇菜; H: CH花; I: CH花雄蕊; J: CH花雌蕊; K: inCL花; L: CL花; M: CL花雄蕊; N: CL花雌蕊。an: 花药; ca: 心皮; fi: 花丝; pe: 花瓣; se: 花萼; st: 雄蕊; sg: 柱头; ng: 蜜腺体; sc: 雄蕊帽; sp: 距。比例尺为500 μm。
Fig. 1 The phenotype variation of chasmogamous (CH) and cleistogamous (CL) flowers in Viola monbeigii and V. dissecta. A‒G, V. monbeigii; A, CH flower; B, The stamens of CH flower; C, The pistil of CH flower; D, inCL flower; E, Completely CL flower; F, The stamens of CL flower; G, The pistil of CL flower. H‒N, V. dissecta; H, CH flower; I, The stamens of CH flower; J, The pistil of CH flower; K, inCL flower; L, CL flower; M, The stamens of CL flower; N, The pistil of CL flower. an, Anther; ca, Carpel; fi, Filament; pe, Petal; se, Sepal; st, Stamen; sg, Stigma; ng, Nectar gland; sc, Stamen cap; sp, Spur. Bar = 500 μm.
图2 光周期对维西堇菜与裂叶堇菜花发育的影响。光周期对维西堇菜(A)和裂叶堇菜(B)开花时间的影响; 光周期对维西堇菜(C)和裂叶堇菜(D)花芽诱导及CH花(开放花)和CL花(闭锁花)发育的影响。不同小写字母表示有显著性差异(P < 0.05)。
Fig. 2 Effects of photoperiods on flower development in Viola monbeigii and V. dissecta. Effects of photoperiods on flowering time of V. monbeigii (A) and V. dissecta (B); Effects of photoperiods on flower bud induction and CH-CL flower development of V. monbeigii (C) and V. dissecta (D). CH, Chasmogamous flower; CL, Cleistogamous flower; inCL, Intermediate cleistogamous flower. Different lower-case letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05).
图3 维西堇菜与裂叶堇菜在不同光周期下的生长情况。10 h和12 h光照下的维西堇菜(A)和裂叶堇菜(B); 16 h光照下的维西堇菜(C)和裂叶堇菜(D)。红色箭头表示CL花。
Fig. 3 The growth of Viola monbeigii and V. dissecta under different photoperiods. The growth of V. monbeigii (A) and V. dissecta (B) under 10 h and 12 h daylight. The growth of V. monbeigii (C) and V. dissecta (D) under 16 h daylight (D). Red arrows indicate CL flowers.
图4 维西堇菜CH花(A‒J)和CL花(K‒T)发育的5个阶段。A、C、E、G、I为CH花5个发育阶段的外部形态, B、D、F、H、J为CH花5个发育阶段的解剖结构; K、M、O、Q、S为CL花5个发育阶段的外部形态, L、N、P、R、T为CL花5个发育阶段的解剖结构。se: 花萼; pe: 花瓣; sp: 距; st: 雄蕊; fi: 花丝; ng: 蜜腺体; ca: 心皮。比例尺为500 μm。
Fig. 4 Five development stages of CH-CL flower in Viola monbeigii. A‒J, Five development stages of CH flower; A, C, E, G, I, External morphology of 5 development stages of CH flower; B, D, F, H, J, Anatomical structure of 5 development stages of CH flower. K‒T, Five development stages of CL flower; K, M, O, Q, S, External morphology of five development stages of CL flower; L, N, P, R, T, Anatomical structure of 5 development stages of CL flower. se, Sepal; pe, Petal; sp, Spur; st, Stamen; fi, Filament; ng, Nectar gland; ca, Carpel. Bar = 500 μm.
图5 裂叶堇菜CH花(A‒J)和CL花(K‒T)发育的5个阶段。A、C、E、G、I为CH花5个发育阶段的外部形态, B、D、F、H、J为CH花5个发育阶段的解剖结构; K、M、O、Q、S为CL花5个发育阶段的外部形态, L、N、P、R、T为CL花5个发育阶段的解剖结构。Ba: 苞片; se: 花萼; pe: 花瓣; sp: 距; st: 雄蕊; fi: 花丝; ng: 蜜腺体; ca: 心皮。比例尺为500 μm。
Fig. 5 Five development stages of CH and CL flowers in Viola dissecta. A‒J, Five development stages of CH flower; A, C, E, G, I, External morphology of 5 development stages of CH flower; B, D, F, H, J, Anatomical structure of 5 development stages of CH flower. K‒T, Five development stages of CL flower; K, M, O, Q, S, External morphology of five development stages of CL flower; L, N, P, R, T, Anatomical structure of 5 development stages of CL flower. Ba, Bract; se, Sepal; pe, Petal; sp, Spur; st, Stamen; fi, Filament; ng, Nectar gland; ca, Carpel. Bar = 500 μm.
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