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2024,32 (2)

2024,32 (1)

2023,31 (12)

2023,31 (11)

2024,32 (2) 
Guizhou snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus brelichi), only found in Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve in Guizhou Province, is among the top 25 most endangered primates in the world. In this issue, Huang et al (23402) explored its ecological role and conservation by constructing a spatial network of terrestrial birds and animals in the community. The cover illustrates the spatial association network of Guizhou snub-nosed monkey. The yellow lines represent the positive spatial associations with the Guizhou snub-nosed monkey; the white lines show the spatial positive associations between other species. The unidirectional and bidirectional arrows indicate unidirectional and bidirectional asymmetric associations, respectively. (Photo provider: Bingshun Meng)

2024,32 (1) 
Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) are recognized as one of the most vulnerable groups among marine fishes. All seahorse species in China (only wild populations) were listed as Category II of the National Protected Wild Animals in 2021. In this issue, Liu et al (23282) summarized the species diversity and ecological characteristics of seahorses in the China’s waters, and made recommendations for their conservation. The image depicts hand-drawn morphological features and the relative sizes of the 16 seahorse species in China’s waters. (Image provider: Yuqiang Li from Qingdao Marine Conservation Society)

2023,31 (12) 
China Biodiversity Observation and Research Network (Sino BON), launched in 2013, is organized for monitoring dynamics of species and ecosystems and multiple trophic interaction. In this issue, the main monitoring results of Sino BON were systematically summarized in the past 10 years. The picture presents installations comprising an integrated space-air-ground, long-term automatic monitoring system, such as UAVs, thermal dissipation probe, forest tower cranes, infrared cameras, radio full-frequency tracking locators, and growth rings. (Photo providers: Tianyu Hu, Yun Deng, Wenhong Xiao, Cheng Li, Hu Du, Luyao Xiao, and Qidi Fu)

2023,31 (11) 
Semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest is a zonal vegetation type in the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in western China. In this issue, a special collection of eight papers provides the characteristics and status of plant diversity of this zonal vegetation. The pictures show a typical landscape of a mature canopy forest and typical species in the semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest (left to right, top to bottom, the central): the fruit ears of Cyclobalanopsis delavayi, the canopy of Castanopsis orthacantha forest, the fruit ears of Lithocarpus mairei, Rhododendron scabrifolium, the sprouts of Pinus yunanensis, Goodyera schlechtendaliana, and a backpack radar scanned image of the structure of the semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest. (Photo providers: Tao Yang and Zehao Shen)

2023,31 (10) 

The pictures show some representative new species/new record described in 2022 (left to right, top to bottom): Diploderma xinlongense, Impatiens chenmoui, Raveniola jundaiTarsiger albocoeruleus, Microhyla dabieshanensis, Athyrium aberrans, Ethmia afracta, Systenus jinxiuensis, Gobiobotia lii, Oxycetonia jucunda, Budorcas taxicolor, Cortinarius pseudocamphoratus. (Photograph credit: Meihua Zhang, Xiaochen Li, Kun Yu, Guoming Zhang, Baowei Zhang, Liang Zhang, Xiaoju Zhu, Chen Lin, Xiao Chen, Zhehao Tian, Zhixin Wen, Mengle Xie)

2023,31 (增刊) 
The picture shows the status of China’s species diversity. Data from the Catalogue of Life China 2023. There are 38,844 higher plants, including 3,130 bryophytes, 2,416 pteridophytes, 291 gymnosperms and 33,007 angiosperms in China. The country also has 8,472 vertebrate species in China, including 694 mammals, 1,445 birds, 629 amphibians, 626 reptiles and 5,078 fishes. Additionally, China has 463 bacteria and 24,571 fungi. (Phtotograph credit: Yahui Zhao, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xin Dai, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Cheng Gao, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; etc.)

2023,31 (9) 
In September 2023, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration and other four departments jointly issued the National Botanical Garden System Layout Plan, which determined that based on the two national botanical gardens already established, 14 candidate national botanical gardens were selected to be included in this plan, and gradually build a national botanical garden system with Chinese characteristics, world-class and harmonious all things. The national botanical gardens will strengthen the coordination with the national parks to form a new pattern of biodiversity conservation. This collection mainly focuses on the related aspects of the construction of the national botanical garden system, and the five functions of the national botanical garden are illustrated on the cover. (Photo: Team of National Botanical Garden System Layout Plan)

2023,31 (8) 
Plant endophytic bacteria play a crucial role in the environmental adaptation of plants, while less attention has been paid to the potential functions of foliar bacterial endophyte. In this issue, Wu et al (23146) found that Lauraceae plants had a higher relative abundance of carbon and nitrogen metabolizing bacterial functional groups than Fabaceae plants from the tropical mountain rainforest in Jianfengling. This may be an adaptive mechanism of plants to survive in soil environments with low available nutrients. The cover illustration shows the relationship between Lauraceae and Fabaceae plants with various types of metabolic functional groups of bacteria. The thickness of the lines indicates the relative abundance of the specific metabolic functional groups in the two types of plants. (Photo providers: Qiong Ding and Chunling Wu)

2023,31 (7) 
Podophylloideae (Berberidaceae) comprises 10 genera and about 89 speceis, distributed over the north temperate region with a disjunctive pattern between East Asia and North America in Diphylleia, Achlys, Sinopodophyllum-Podophyllum, and Plagiorhegma-Jeffersonia. Flower morphology and species number significantly vary among each genus. In this issue, Chen et al (23100) find that the presence of nectar spur and subtropical Asia distribution are the driving forces of species diversity uneveness in the subfamily. This cover image illustrates the geographical distribution and flower morphology of each genus. (Photo provider: Walter Siegmund, Krzysztof Ziarnek, Chih-Chieh Yu, Cathy DeWitt, Ori Fragman-Sapir, Wasrts)

2023,31 (6) 
Botanical gardens in Guangdong Province holds rich plant diversity of ex-situ living collections. Many species have a long history of introduction and cultivation, and play an important role in social and economic development of agriculture, forestry and herbal medicine. In this issue, Shiyu Li et al (22647) evaluated the current situation of ex-situ conservation of plant diversity in Guangdong Province based on the living collections data. The cover image shows the phylogeny at the genera level of native vascular plants in the living collections of Guangdong Province, with the red tip indicating the gap in the botanical garden network, and the outer edge marking representative vacant taxa. (Photo provider: Shiyu Li)

2023,31 (5) 
Tri-spine horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus), a most ancient marine invertebrate organism, once widely distributed in the coastal waters south of the Yangtze Estuary in China. However, it has experienced dramatic range reduction and population decline since the 1980s. Therefore, the protection of horseshoe crab resources and its habitat is urgent. In this issue, Bao et al (22407) conducted a preliminary survey of the distribution of horseshoe crabs in the northern South China Sea, and determined the potential habitat of the Tri-spine horseshoe crab in the Beibu Gulf. (Photo provider: Lifeng Zhuang from Guangdong Horseshoe Crabs Conservation Research Team)

2023,31 (4) 
Species list is a crucial foundation for biodiversity conservation. However, because bryophytes are tiny in size and difficult to notice in appearance, it can be challenging to obtain an accurate and thorough inventory of the species present in a given area. In this issue, Chen et al (22649) investigated bryophytes in Tianmushan National Nature Reserve of Zhejiang Province by combining the floristic habitat sampling method and the plot sampling method and updated the species list of the reserve, which provided a scientific foundation for the future conservation of bryophyte diversity. The cover photos show sporophyte and gametophyte characteristics of four moss species distributed at different elevations in Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Zhejiang Province. (Photo provider: Research group of Jian Wang, School of Life Sciences, East China Normal University)

2023,31 (3) 
Bombax caiba has extensive resource usage methods as well as profound cultural connotations. In this issue, Xiang et al (22524) summarized the traditional biodiversity knowledge in the global B. ceiba cultures, investigated the species diversity of the “Fengshui forest” with B. ceiba as the dominant species in Hainan Island, and elaborated the resource recycling ideas and biodiversity conservation in the kapok-rice agroforestry system. The picture presents the kapok-rice agroforestry system in Changjiang, Hainan. (Photographed by Gengfu Zhang from Jilin Province Photographers Association)

2023,31 (2) 

Water body in Karst region of southwest China is an important distribution and diversity center for the genus Ottelia, harboring extremely high cryptic diversity. In this issue, Li et al (22394) identified the cryptic Ottelia species in China using molecular data and proposed conservation suggestions. The picture shows flowers of Ottelia acuminata in full bloom at Erhai Lake in Dali, Yunnan Province. (Photo provider: Wang Jicheng, The Association of Dali’s New Media)

2023,31 (1) 
There are more and more bioacoustic researches conducted in China as a result of advancement in passive acoustic monitoring technology. This issue reviews the progress in bioacoustics monitoring and research of wild vertebrates. The upper part of the background is the waveform of acoustic signal, the lower part of the background is the animal's habitats; the center shows the acoustic monitoring device, surrounded by groups that rely on acoustic communication. (Design: Zhishu Xiao)

2022,30 (12) 
Diverse soil animals. The pictures presented from left to right, from the upper to the lower panels are: Vertagopus laricis, Gastrothrips acutulus, Semicerura draconis, Cyphogenia chinensis, Macroposthonia sp., Pterocoma loczyi, Messor desertus, Allosuctobelba grandis, Amynthas corticis. (Photoed by Xiaofang Du, Jibao Jiang, Dong Liu, Jiliang Liu, Jun Wang, and Zhijing Xie) (Designed by Xin Sun and Donghui Wu)