生物多样性 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 23384. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023384 cstr: 32101.14.biods.2023384
*E-mail: wylongceltics@163.com
Zhang Xuan, Xu Ying, Yang Yanci, Zhao Yanling, Men Zhonghua, Wang Yonglong*()
*E-mail: wylongceltics@163.com
叶际微生物在维持植物健康生长方面具有重要的作用, 然而, 目前我们对珍稀孑遗植物半日花(Helianthemum songaricum)叶际真菌的多样性和群落结构等知之甚少。因此, 本研究利用Illumina高通量测序技术检测西鄂尔多斯自然保护区半日花叶片表生和内生真菌的多样性, 探究其网络结构特征以及群落构建的机制。结果显示: 棋盘井地区的叶际表生真菌丰富度指数(156.38 ± 8.42)显著高于内生真菌(111.13 ± 5.57), 棋盘井叶际表生真菌丰富度指数显著高于拉僧庙(125.57 ± 7.20)和千里山(114.75 ± 10.35), 而拉僧庙的内生真菌丰富度指数(155.71 ± 15.40)显著高于棋盘井。叶际真菌以子囊菌门、毛霉菌门和担子菌门为优势门, 叶际表生真菌和内生真菌分别在3个不同地点具有显著的指示类群, 叶片部位(即叶表和叶内)和地点显著影响叶片真菌的群落组成。共存网络分析表明, 叶际表生和内生真菌主要是协同作用, 拮抗作用较小。半日花叶际表生和内生真菌群落的构建主要由随机性过程驱动。综上所述, 半日花叶际表生和内生真菌的多样性和群落组成受到叶片部位(叶表和叶内)和地点的显著影响, 随机性过程主导叶际表生和内生真菌的群落构建。研究结果可为珍稀濒危植物的保护和合理利用提供一定的科学基础和实践指导。
张旋, 徐颖, 杨颜慈, 赵艳玲, 门中华, 王永龙 (2024) 孑遗植物半日花叶际真菌群落的多样性与构建机制. 生物多样性, 32, 23384. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023384.
Zhang Xuan, Xu Ying, Yang Yanci, Zhao Yanling, Men Zhonghua, Wang Yonglong (2024) The diversity and assembly mechanism of phyllosphere fungal communities in the relict plant Helianthemum songaricum. Biodiversity Science, 32, 23384. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023384.
图1 半日花叶际真菌多样性。(a)物种累积曲线; (b)叶际表生和内生真菌的丰富度指数; (c)叶际表生和内生真菌不同采样地点丰富度指数。LSM: 拉僧庙; QLS: 千里山; QPJ: 棋盘井。误差线表示标准误差。
Fig. 1 Diversity of phyllosphere fungi in Helianthemum songaricum. (a) Species accumulation curves; (b) Richness index of phyllosphere epiphytic and endophytic fungi; (c) Richness indices for different sampling locations of phyllosphere epiphytic and endophytic fungi. LSM, Lasengmiao; QLS, Qianlishan; QPJ, Qipanjing. * P < 0.05; *** P < 0.001.
图2 基于Bray-Curtis距离的半日花叶际真菌群落非度量多维尺度排序(NMDS)分析。(a)叶际表生和内生真菌总体; (b)叶际表生真菌; (c)叶际内生真菌。LSM: 拉僧庙; QLS: 千里山; QPJ: 棋盘井。
Fig. 2 Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis of phyllosphere fungal communities in Helianthemum songaricum based on Bray-Curtis distance. (a) Overall phyllosphere epiphytic and endophytic fungi; (b) Phyllosphere epiphytic fungi; (c) Phyllosphere endophytic fungi. LSM, Lasengmiao; QLS, Qianlishan; QPJ, Qipanjing.
图3 半日花叶际真菌OTUs分布Venn图。(a)叶际表生和内生真菌总体; (b)叶际表生真菌; (c)叶际内生真菌。LSM: 拉僧庙; QLS: 千里山; QPJ: 棋盘井。
Fig. 3 Venn diagram depicting the distribution of phyllosphere fungal OTUs in Helianthemum songaricum. (a) Overall phyllosphere epiphytic and endophytic fungi; (b) Phyllosphere epiphytic fungi; (c) Phyllosphere endophytic fungi. LSM, Lasengmiao; QLS, Qianlishan; QPJ, Qipanjing.
图4 半日花叶际真菌群落门和属水平的相对多度。(a)门水平; (b)属水平。LSM: 拉僧庙; QLS: 千里山; QPJ: 棋盘井。叶际表生和内生真菌总序列数相对多度< 5.00%的属及未鉴定属归于“其他”。
Fig. 4 Relative abundance of phyllosphere fungal communities at the phylum and genus levels in Helianthemum songaricum. (a) Phylum level; (b) Genus level. LSM, Lasengmiao; QLS, Qianlishan; QPJ, Qipanjing. Genera with a relative abundance of < 5.00% of the total number of sequences of phyllosphere epiphytic and endophytic fungi and unidentified genera were assigned to “Others”.
图5 半日花叶际真菌指示种分析。(a)叶际表生真菌; (b)叶际内生真菌。LSM: 拉僧庙; QLS: 千里山; QPJ: 棋盘井。
Fig. 5 Indicator species analysis of phyllosphere fungi in Helianthemum songaricum. (a) Phyllosphere epiphytic fungi; (b) Phyllosphere endophytic fungi. LSM, Lasengmiao; QLS, Qianlishan; QPJ, Qipanjing.
图6 半日花叶际真菌的共存网络分析。(a)表生真菌; (b)内生真菌; (c)表生真菌-内生真菌; (d)、(e)和(f)分别表示表生真菌、内生真菌、表生真菌-内生真菌的模块内连通性(Zi)和模块间连通性(Pi)。
Fig. 6 Co-occurrence network analysis of phyllosphere fungi in Helianthemum songaricum. (a) Epiphytic fungi; (b) Endophytic fungi; (c) Epiphytic fungi-endophytic fungi. (d), (e), and (f) represent within-module connectivity (Zi) and among-module connectivity (Pi) for epiphytic fungi, endophytic fungi, and epiphytic fungi-endophytic fungi, respectively.
表生真菌 Epiphytic fungi | 内生真菌Endophytic fungi | 表生真菌-内生真菌 Epiphytic fungi-endophytic fungi | |
总节点 Total nodes | 153 | 214 | 357 |
总边 Total edges | 282 | 481 | 695 |
平均度 Average degree | 3.686 | 4.495 | 3.894 |
平均路径长度 Average path length | 5.966 | 4.936 | 7.149 |
平均聚集系数 Average clustering coefficient | 0.419 | 0.381 | 0.430 |
连接性 Connectance | 0.024 | 0.021 | 0.011 |
负相关边比例 Negative edges percentage (%) | 21.99 | 4.78 | 12.52 |
模块化指数 Modularity | 0.677 | 0.66 | 0.799 |
表1 半日花叶际真菌网络拓扑参数
Table 1 Topological parameters of the phyllosphere fungal network of Helianthemum songaricum
表生真菌 Epiphytic fungi | 内生真菌Endophytic fungi | 表生真菌-内生真菌 Epiphytic fungi-endophytic fungi | |
总节点 Total nodes | 153 | 214 | 357 |
总边 Total edges | 282 | 481 | 695 |
平均度 Average degree | 3.686 | 4.495 | 3.894 |
平均路径长度 Average path length | 5.966 | 4.936 | 7.149 |
平均聚集系数 Average clustering coefficient | 0.419 | 0.381 | 0.430 |
连接性 Connectance | 0.024 | 0.021 | 0.011 |
负相关边比例 Negative edges percentage (%) | 21.99 | 4.78 | 12.52 |
模块化指数 Modularity | 0.677 | 0.66 | 0.799 |
图7 半日花叶际真菌群落的生态构建机制。(a)、(b)和(c)分别表示叶际总真菌、表生真菌以及内生真菌群落的中性群落模型分析; (d)叶际表生和内生真菌标准化随机率(NST)分析、(e)表生真菌NST分析; (f)内生真菌NST分析。LSM: 拉僧庙; QLS: 千里山; QPJ: 棋盘井。
Fig. 7 Ecological assembly mechanisms of phyllosphere fungal communities in Helianthemum songaricum. (a), (b) and (c) represent neutral community model analyses for all ecological niches, phyllosphere epiphytic fungi, and phyllosphere endophytic fungi, respectively. (d) Normalized stochastic rate (NST) analyses for phyllosphere epiphytic and endophytic fungi. (e) NST analyses for phyllosphere epiphytic fungi. (f) NST analyses for endophytic fungi. LSM, Lasengmiao; QLS, Qianlishan; QPJ, Qipanjing.
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