Biodiv Sci ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 22427. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022427
• Reviews • Previous Articles Next Articles
Yixin Jiang1, Yingying Shi1, Shuo Gao2, Supen Wang1,*()
Supen Wang
Yixin Jiang, Yingying Shi, Shuo Gao, Supen Wang. The impact of anthropogenic noise, artificial light at night and road kills on amphibians[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2023, 31(3): 22427.
物种 Species | 鸣叫频次 Call rate | 鸣叫主频 Dominant frequency | 鸣叫时长 Call duration | 参考文献 Reference |
粗皮姬蛙 Microphly butleri | 减少 Decrease | Sun & Narins, | ||
黑带蛙 Rana nigrovittata | 减少 Decrease | Sun & Narins, | ||
花狭口蛙 Kaloula pulchra | 减少 Decrease | Sun & Narins, | ||
台北蛙 Rana taipehensis | 增加 Increase | Sun & Narins, | ||
雨蛙 Hyla arborea | 减少 Decrease | Lengagne, | ||
蜂黄雨蛙 Dendropsophus triangulum | 增加 Increase | Kaiser & Hammers, | ||
豹蛙 Rana pipiens | 减少 Decrease | 增加 Increase | Cunnington & Fahrig, | |
变色灰雨蛙 Hyla versicolor | 减少 Decrease | 不变 No change | Cunnington & Fahrig, | |
美洲蟾蜍 Bufo americanus | 不变 No change | 不变 No change | Cunnington & Fahrig, | |
绿池蛙 Rana clamitans | 减少 Decrease | 增加 Increase | Cunnington & Fahrig, | |
牛蛙 Lithobates catesbeianus | 减少 Decrease | Vargas-Salinas et al, | ||
赞氏树蛙 Kurixalus chaseni | 不变 No change | 不变 No change | Yi & Sheridan, | |
太平洋岸雨蛙 Pseudacris regilla | 不变 No change | 不变 No change | Nelson et al, | |
银瞬红眼蛙 Agalychnis moreletii | 不变 No change | Kaiser et al, | ||
斑雨蛙 Tlalocohyla picta | 不变 No change | Kaiser et al, | ||
浜岸蟾蜍 Incilius valliceps | 不变 No change | Kaiser et al, | ||
丽红眼蛙 Agalychnis callidryas | 增加 Increase | Kaiser et al, | ||
红后股雨蛙 Tlalocohyla loquax | 增加 Increase | Kaiser et al, | ||
小头雨蛙 Dendropsophus microcephalus | 增加 Increase | Kaiser et al, |
Table 1 Changes of vocal characteristic parameters of male Anura in the face of anthropogenic noise
物种 Species | 鸣叫频次 Call rate | 鸣叫主频 Dominant frequency | 鸣叫时长 Call duration | 参考文献 Reference |
粗皮姬蛙 Microphly butleri | 减少 Decrease | Sun & Narins, | ||
黑带蛙 Rana nigrovittata | 减少 Decrease | Sun & Narins, | ||
花狭口蛙 Kaloula pulchra | 减少 Decrease | Sun & Narins, | ||
台北蛙 Rana taipehensis | 增加 Increase | Sun & Narins, | ||
雨蛙 Hyla arborea | 减少 Decrease | Lengagne, | ||
蜂黄雨蛙 Dendropsophus triangulum | 增加 Increase | Kaiser & Hammers, | ||
豹蛙 Rana pipiens | 减少 Decrease | 增加 Increase | Cunnington & Fahrig, | |
变色灰雨蛙 Hyla versicolor | 减少 Decrease | 不变 No change | Cunnington & Fahrig, | |
美洲蟾蜍 Bufo americanus | 不变 No change | 不变 No change | Cunnington & Fahrig, | |
绿池蛙 Rana clamitans | 减少 Decrease | 增加 Increase | Cunnington & Fahrig, | |
牛蛙 Lithobates catesbeianus | 减少 Decrease | Vargas-Salinas et al, | ||
赞氏树蛙 Kurixalus chaseni | 不变 No change | 不变 No change | Yi & Sheridan, | |
太平洋岸雨蛙 Pseudacris regilla | 不变 No change | 不变 No change | Nelson et al, | |
银瞬红眼蛙 Agalychnis moreletii | 不变 No change | Kaiser et al, | ||
斑雨蛙 Tlalocohyla picta | 不变 No change | Kaiser et al, | ||
浜岸蟾蜍 Incilius valliceps | 不变 No change | Kaiser et al, | ||
丽红眼蛙 Agalychnis callidryas | 增加 Increase | Kaiser et al, | ||
红后股雨蛙 Tlalocohyla loquax | 增加 Increase | Kaiser et al, | ||
小头雨蛙 Dendropsophus microcephalus | 增加 Increase | Kaiser et al, |
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