Fig. 1 SCI paper no. of Biodiversity publications written by Taiwan’s researchers (2000-2011).A, B, C, D stand for SCI paper no. classed by year, ecosystem, organism and field, respectively.
Fig. 1 SCI paper no. of Biodiversity publications written by Taiwan’s researchers (2000-2011).A, B, C, D stand for SCI paper no. classed by year, ecosystem, organism and field, respectively.
Biodiversity Promotion Plan (2001) Biodiversity Promotion Plan (生物多样性推动方案), A pdf file.生物多样性推动方案.pdf. (in Chinese)
Jan RQ, Shao YT, Lin FP, Fan TY, Tu YY, Tsai HS, Shao KT (2007) An underwater camera system for real-time coral reef fish monitoring. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. 14, 273-279.
Lin HC, Dai XX, Shao KT, Su HM, Lo WT, Hsieh H, Fang LS, Hung JJ (2006) Trophic structure and functioning in a eutrophic and poorly-flushed lagoon in southern Taiwan. Marine Environmental Research, 62, 61-82. DOIURLPMID
Liu PJ, Shao KT, Jan RQ, Fan TY, Wong SL, Hwang JS, Chen JP, Chen CC, Lin HJ (2009) A trophic model of fringing coral reefs in Nanwan Bay, southern Taiwan suggests overfishing. Marine Environmental Research, 68, 106-117. DOIURL
Shao KT (邵广昭) (2009) DIVERSITAS related studies in Taiwan. In: Global Research in Taiwan, National Report 2009 (eds Wang JT, Chen CT), pp. 138-196. Academia Sinica, NSC, NTU, NCU, NSYSU, NTOU and IGBP Committee (China-Taipei).
Shao KT (邵广昭), Lai KC (赖昆祺), Lin YC (林永昌), Ko CH (柯智仁), Lee H (李瀚), Hung LY (洪铃雅), Chen YH (陈岳智), Chen LS (陈丽西) (2010a) Experience and strategy of biodiversity data integration in Taiwan. Biodiversity Science (生物多样性), 18, 444-453. (in Chinese with English abstract), DOIURL
Shao KT (邵广昭), Peng CI (彭镜毅), Wu WJ (吴文哲) (2010b) 台湾物种名录。 中研院生物多样性中心及农委会林务局。840页. (in Chinese)