Biodiv Sci ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 12-23. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2012.12139
Special Issue: 生物入侵
• Original Papers • Previous Articles Next Articles
Bo Li
Ruiting Ju, Bo Li. A risk analysis system for alien species in urban green spaces and application to the 2010 Expo, Shanghai[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2012, 20(1): 12-23.
极低风险 Very low | 低风险 Low | 中风险 Moderate | 高风险 High | 极高风险 Very high | |
R值 Value of R | 0-0.20 | 0.20-0.40 | 0.40-0.60 | 0.60-0.80 | 0.80-1.00 |
Table 3 Risk levels and their values
极低风险 Very low | 低风险 Low | 中风险 Moderate | 高风险 High | 极高风险 Very high | |
R值 Value of R | 0-0.20 | 0.20-0.40 | 0.40-0.60 | 0.60-0.80 | 0.80-1.00 |
物种名称 Species | 风险识别结果 Results of risk identification |
星天牛(Anoplophora chinensis)、茶细蛾(Caloptilia theivora)、角蜡蚧(Ceroplastes ceriferus)、龟蜡蚧(C. Floridensis)、日本龟蜡蚧(C. japonicus)、网籽草叶圆蚧(Chrysomphalus dictyospermi)、柑橘粉虱(Dialeurodes citri)、茶黄毒蛾(Euproctis pseudoconspersa) | 上海已广泛分布, 危害后果已知, 风险分析终止 The species distributed widely in Shanghai, their effects known clearly, and the risk analysis terminated. |
温室蓟马(Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis)、青杨天牛(Saperda populnea)、松瘤锈病菌(Cronartium quercuum) | 上海局部地区分布, 危害后果已知, 风险分析终止 The species distributed sparsely in Shanghai, their effects known clearly, and the risk analysis terminated. |
兰毛呆蓟马(Chaetanaphothrips orchidii)、罗汉松蛀皮天牛(Hirticlytus comosus)、枫蚜(Periphyllus californiensis)、 五月金龟子属昆虫一种(未鉴定到种)(Phyllophaga sp.)、栎长小蠹(Platypus quercivorus)、日本金龟子(Popillia japonica)、梨豹蠹蛾(Zeuzera pyrina)、口蘑科真菌一种(暂无中文名)(Anastrophella podocarpicola)、假蜜环菌(Armillaria tabescens)、山茶花花腐病菌(Ciborinia camelliae)、草莓炭疽果腐病菌(Colletotrichum acutatum)、棒囊菌科真菌一种(暂无中文名)(Corynelia nipponensis)、栎枯菌(Raffaelea quercivora) | 未传入, 但上海可能是其适生地, 以前没有进行过风险分析, 需要评估 The species unfound in Shanghai, likely to get established; the risk analysis not conducted previously, and needed this time. |
根结线虫属线虫一种(未鉴定到种)(Meloidogyne sp.)、肾形线虫(Rotylenchulus reniformis) | 上海传入情况未知, 以前没有进行过风险分析, 需评估 The species unknown to local managers; the risk analysis not conducted previously, and needed this time. |
胼胝拟毛刺线虫(Paratrichodorus porosus)、穿刺短体线虫(Pratylenchus penetrans)、美洲剑线虫(Xiphinema americanum) | 上海局部地区分布, 危害后果未知, 需要进行风险评估 The species distributed sparsely in Shanghai, but their effects unknown clearly; the risk analysis needed. |
美国白蛾(Hyphantria cunea) | 曾传入上海, 但已于1999年根除;上海可能是其适生地, 以前没有进行过风险分析, 需要评估 The species found previously in Shanghai, and eradicated in 1999. Those likely to get established; the risk analysis not conducted previously, and needed this time |
Table 4 Risk identification of alien species carried by seedlings imported from Japan to China for the 2010 Expo, Shanghai
物种名称 Species | 风险识别结果 Results of risk identification |
星天牛(Anoplophora chinensis)、茶细蛾(Caloptilia theivora)、角蜡蚧(Ceroplastes ceriferus)、龟蜡蚧(C. Floridensis)、日本龟蜡蚧(C. japonicus)、网籽草叶圆蚧(Chrysomphalus dictyospermi)、柑橘粉虱(Dialeurodes citri)、茶黄毒蛾(Euproctis pseudoconspersa) | 上海已广泛分布, 危害后果已知, 风险分析终止 The species distributed widely in Shanghai, their effects known clearly, and the risk analysis terminated. |
温室蓟马(Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis)、青杨天牛(Saperda populnea)、松瘤锈病菌(Cronartium quercuum) | 上海局部地区分布, 危害后果已知, 风险分析终止 The species distributed sparsely in Shanghai, their effects known clearly, and the risk analysis terminated. |
兰毛呆蓟马(Chaetanaphothrips orchidii)、罗汉松蛀皮天牛(Hirticlytus comosus)、枫蚜(Periphyllus californiensis)、 五月金龟子属昆虫一种(未鉴定到种)(Phyllophaga sp.)、栎长小蠹(Platypus quercivorus)、日本金龟子(Popillia japonica)、梨豹蠹蛾(Zeuzera pyrina)、口蘑科真菌一种(暂无中文名)(Anastrophella podocarpicola)、假蜜环菌(Armillaria tabescens)、山茶花花腐病菌(Ciborinia camelliae)、草莓炭疽果腐病菌(Colletotrichum acutatum)、棒囊菌科真菌一种(暂无中文名)(Corynelia nipponensis)、栎枯菌(Raffaelea quercivora) | 未传入, 但上海可能是其适生地, 以前没有进行过风险分析, 需要评估 The species unfound in Shanghai, likely to get established; the risk analysis not conducted previously, and needed this time. |
根结线虫属线虫一种(未鉴定到种)(Meloidogyne sp.)、肾形线虫(Rotylenchulus reniformis) | 上海传入情况未知, 以前没有进行过风险分析, 需评估 The species unknown to local managers; the risk analysis not conducted previously, and needed this time. |
胼胝拟毛刺线虫(Paratrichodorus porosus)、穿刺短体线虫(Pratylenchus penetrans)、美洲剑线虫(Xiphinema americanum) | 上海局部地区分布, 危害后果未知, 需要进行风险评估 The species distributed sparsely in Shanghai, but their effects unknown clearly; the risk analysis needed. |
美国白蛾(Hyphantria cunea) | 曾传入上海, 但已于1999年根除;上海可能是其适生地, 以前没有进行过风险分析, 需要评估 The species found previously in Shanghai, and eradicated in 1999. Those likely to get established; the risk analysis not conducted previously, and needed this time |
物种名称 Species | 综合风险值 Integrated risk value (R) | 综合风险等级 Risk level | |||
日本金龟子 Popillia japonica | 0.78 | 高 High | |||
栎长小蠹 Platypus quercivorus | 0.77 | 高 High | |||
栎枯菌 Raffaelea quercivora | 0.77 | 高 High | |||
美国白蛾 Hyphantria cunea | 0.76 | 高 High | |||
山茶花花腐病菌 Ciborinia camelliae | 0.72 | 高 High | |||
穿刺短体线虫 Pratylenchus penetrans | 0.72 | 高 High | |||
梨豹蠹蛾 Zeuzera pyrina | 0.70 | 高 High | |||
草莓炭疽果腐病菌 Colletotrichum acutatum | 0.58 | 中 Moderate | |||
美洲剑线虫 Xiphinema americanum | 0.58 | 中 Moderate | |||
根结线虫属线虫一种(未鉴定到种) Meloidogynesp. | 0.58 | 中 Moderate | |||
胼胝拟毛刺线虫 Paratrichodorus porosus | 0.58 | 中 Moderate | |||
罗汉松蛀皮天牛 Hirticlytus comosus | 0.59 | 中 Moderate | |||
口蘑科真菌一种(暂无中文名) Anastrophella podocarpicola | 0.59 | 中 Moderate | |||
假蜜环菌 Armillaria tabescens | 0.59 | 中 Moderate | |||
棒囊菌科真菌一种(暂无中文名) Corynelia nipponensis | 0.59 | 中 Moderate | |||
五月金龟子属昆虫一种(未鉴定到种) Phyllophaga sp. | 0.53 | 中 Moderate | |||
兰毛呆蓟马 Chaetanaphothrips orchidii | 0.52 | 中 Moderate | |||
肾形线虫 Rotylenchulus reniformis | 0.30 | 低 Low | |||
枫蚜 Periphyllus californiensis | 0 | 极低 Very low |
Table 5 Integrated risk levels and their values of alien species carried by seedlings imported from Japan to China for the 2010 Expo, Shanghai
物种名称 Species | 综合风险值 Integrated risk value (R) | 综合风险等级 Risk level | |||
日本金龟子 Popillia japonica | 0.78 | 高 High | |||
栎长小蠹 Platypus quercivorus | 0.77 | 高 High | |||
栎枯菌 Raffaelea quercivora | 0.77 | 高 High | |||
美国白蛾 Hyphantria cunea | 0.76 | 高 High | |||
山茶花花腐病菌 Ciborinia camelliae | 0.72 | 高 High | |||
穿刺短体线虫 Pratylenchus penetrans | 0.72 | 高 High | |||
梨豹蠹蛾 Zeuzera pyrina | 0.70 | 高 High | |||
草莓炭疽果腐病菌 Colletotrichum acutatum | 0.58 | 中 Moderate | |||
美洲剑线虫 Xiphinema americanum | 0.58 | 中 Moderate | |||
根结线虫属线虫一种(未鉴定到种) Meloidogynesp. | 0.58 | 中 Moderate | |||
胼胝拟毛刺线虫 Paratrichodorus porosus | 0.58 | 中 Moderate | |||
罗汉松蛀皮天牛 Hirticlytus comosus | 0.59 | 中 Moderate | |||
口蘑科真菌一种(暂无中文名) Anastrophella podocarpicola | 0.59 | 中 Moderate | |||
假蜜环菌 Armillaria tabescens | 0.59 | 中 Moderate | |||
棒囊菌科真菌一种(暂无中文名) Corynelia nipponensis | 0.59 | 中 Moderate | |||
五月金龟子属昆虫一种(未鉴定到种) Phyllophaga sp. | 0.53 | 中 Moderate | |||
兰毛呆蓟马 Chaetanaphothrips orchidii | 0.52 | 中 Moderate | |||
肾形线虫 Rotylenchulus reniformis | 0.30 | 低 Low | |||
枫蚜 Periphyllus californiensis | 0 | 极低 Very low |
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